A Safe Space Ch. 02


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Alex gave Gloria her most confident smile.

"It's me; Alexis. You can call me Miss Alex if you like," Alex smile waned and was replaced by her resting bitch face.

"Yes of course... Miss Alex," Gloria replied, obviously a little perturbed but honestly not surprised.

Gloria had guessed that something was going on with Alex. She was well aware of the large drawer in his walk-in wardrobe full of bras, panties, pantyhose and satin full-slips. It was none of her business so she had said nothing but seeing Alex presenting as a girl explained everything.

"Is Miss Monika expected home today? I cleaned her room and I have some items of hers to take to the dry-cleaners," Gloria explained as if it was perfectly natural for Alexander to suddenly present himself as a young woman and declare herself female.

"No Gloria. Monika is travelling and won't be back for quite some time," Alex shook Weet-Bix into a bowl and poured on low-fat milk.

"So you have the house to yourself until Miss Susan returns," Gloria said, secretly thanking the gods that the house would be easy to maintain with only one occupant.

Despite being a forty-something divorcée, the twins mother, Susan Dupree, insisted on being called Miss Susan by the staff.

"That's right Gloria," Alex poured orange juice into a glass.

"Do you have any dry-cleaning... Miss Alex?" Gloria had to think about the correct title to use for a second.

Alex thought about the cum-spattered evening gown crumpled in the corner of her room.

"No Gloria. In fact please don't service my bedroom today, I'm still sorting out a few things but I'll get you to do so tomorrow," Alex replied.

"Certainly Miss Alex. I'll put the vacuum away and take the dry-cleaning down to Lawrence. Carlos needs to get some pool salt from Bunnings and I need to get some groceries; is there anything I can get you while I'm out?" Gloria decided to behave as if things were perfectly normal.

"No thank you Gloria. Just make a fresh pot of coffee before you leave please," Alex picked up her breakfast bowl and orange juice and made her way over to the divan facing the large screen TV, her heels click-clacking on the marble floor actually felt comforting.

Whilst Gloria busied herself making coffee Alex relived what had happened to her last night on the very divan on which she was now sitting. She was terrified about what Brad might be saying about her but she thought that Brad would likely keep their tryst a secret. But as she recalled what they did on the divan in intimate detail she started to become tumescent and she tried to concentrate more closely on the news channel she was watching.

Alex heard the front door close and guessed correctly that Gloria was off to drop off the dry-cleaning and do her shopping with Carlos.

Gloria sat in the passenger seat of Carlos' F-150 and slapped away his wandering hand. Both married, but not to each other, Gloria and Carlos had been carrying on a sexual relationship for the three years that Carlos had been working for the Duprees. Gloria was close to fifty but still an attractive woman with big tits and nice legs and Carlos, a thirty-something Lothario, was handsome, tanned and muscled from the yard work.

Carlos maintained the property, the grounds and the pool and also conducted any household repairs within his remit. The Ford utility was leased for him in addition to his salary and he was expected to drive Gloria whenever and wherever needed. Their affair had started as a fling. The house was theirs alone in the daytime during week when the lady of the house away and the kids were at school.

The affair started when Gloria had found Carlos swimming in the pool one day and stood on the edge of the pool and berated him, telling him he would be sacked if he was caught. They had been flirting with each other for weeks and Carlos told her that she would be also be sacked for swimming in their employer's pool and pulled her into the pool with him.

They had ended up fucking in the pool and it soon became regular thing. Carlos had a toolshed and small workshop at the bottom of the tiered gardens, hidden from view by bougainvillea and arborea. He set up a cot which was where they usually conducted their trysts although when feeling particularly adventurous Carlos would sneak up on Gloria and fuck her in the house. He liked fucking her in her housemaid's uniform and he noticed that the hem of her dress had become shortened and her top button was often left undone ever since they had started their affair.

Gloria had already told Carlos about Alex's cache of women's intimates and her suspicions about his sexuality. She told Carlos that Alexander was now presenting as Alexis and that she was not really surprised. Carlos nodded sagely. He didn't think much of Alexander but he took the opportunity to spy on Monika whenever he got the chance. Monika knew that Carlos was hot for her and sometimes deliberately teased Carlos, taking pleasure at his salacious peeping. What Monika didn't know was that when she got Carlos particularly worked up he would take Gloria down to his toolshed and take out his frustrations on her.

"So we have to call the spoilt introverted brat Miss now?" Carlos huffed and shook his head.

"Her pronouns are she and her now; it's not that difficult. It must be hard for her coming out like that. She must have supressed those feelings for quite some time," Gloria had been the Dupree's housekeeper for fifteen years and had seen the twins grow up.

She had always suspected that there was something different about Alex and to her it made sense now that Alex was out as Alexis. But who else had Alex told? She guessed that Monika knew; the twins shared everything and had no secrets. But Carlos was less forgiving.

"I don't understand the world today. Boys can be girls and girls can be boys and some of them can a girl one day and a boy the next. Don't even get me started on sexuality, what with the homos, lessies and bisexuals," Carlos huffed again.

"The ones who can't decide their gender are called non-binary which is someone who does not identify as exclusively a man or a woman," Gloria explained.

"How do you know all this shit cariño?" Carlos asked.

"My daughter is a psychiatrist and she tells me all this stuff. You don't think I spent the last fifteen years cleaning up after two spoilt brats and their psycho mother for any other reason than to see that my own kid got a good education do you? Besides you don't have to worry about it, I know what your preferences are and so long as you keep putting that big polla of yours in my chichi we will both be happy," Gloria reached over and squeezed Carlos' cock through his work shorts.

Carlos shook his head and grinned as he turned into Bunnings. He figured he might tempt Gloria to come visit him in his workshop later that afternoon.


As the days passed Alex thought of herself as the ingénue living her own fantasy TV show set in an isolated mansion where the only other actors were Gloria and Carlos who in her mind had only minor supporting roles. The only other people who knew about Alexis were Monika and Brad Brody. Monika had flow from Singapore to London a few days ago and was settled into the family apartment in Earls Court and kept Alex appraised of how things were going but she never mentioned their sexual encounter and that suited them both.

Monika was up on her socials posting pictures of herself visiting the night zoo in Singapore and shots of her hitting the hot spots in London with a series of seriously handsome young men. She had also announced that she and Brad Brody were no longer together and Brad had responded with vitriol, accusing Monika of being a spoiled little girl and used the hashtag #Bitchbimbo to describe her. Brad's friends had piled on and Monika's friends had leapt to her defence.

Now that Monika was no longer his girlfriend Brad spoke brazenly about their sex life with his friends and slut-shamed her on their socials which ended up with them blocking each other and their friends forming two camps. Alex stayed well out of the online spat and things eventually quieted down. Alex was just glad that she hadn't been outed by Brad but she figured that Brad was still ashamed of himself for having had sex with her.

But for Brad Brody the fight with Monika was just a distraction to keep his mind occupied so that he wouldn't think of Alex. He just couldn't stop remembering laying on top of her, kissing her and feeling her up while she wore that sexy satin evening gown. Her heavily painted face drifted constantly into his thoughts. Recollecting rubbing his cock on her pantyhosed thighs and pubis drove him to distraction and he had become addicted to crossdresser porn on the internet.

Alex too kept recalling that night. The fear that Brad would out her began to fade as time passed and she became more comfortable within herself but the fear was replaced by a yearning. Happy to stay at home in her safe space until she was ready to face the world she ventured out only occasionally. She had replaced the satin evening gown that was ruined during her tryst with Brad and had purchased some daywear and her own bathing suit. She kept recalling the feeling of Brad Brody lying on top of her, kissing her and caressing her. His manhood pressed on her belly, then her thighs, then her pubis. She recalled the feel of his hard throbbing manhood ejaculating on her, the heat of his spend as it soaked into her pantyhose, the musky smell of it.

During one of her infrequent sojourns to the outside world she ventured into an adult store and purchased a vibrator which she used on herself, pressing it against her cock through her pantyhose and panties. She loved the feel of the vibrations on her silken-shrouded penis. She'd lock the door to her room and watch porn dressed only in panties and pantyhose, pressing the vibrator on her genitals and pull it away just before she came. She would edge herself for hours this way, dreaming of Brad pressing his cock on hers and them both ejaculating together. She would never admit it but she also imagined herself doing other things with Brad.

Maybe it was because he was a bad boy and she despised him so much that she found him sexually attractive. Maybe it was because he had been her twin sister's boyfriend? Who the fuck knew and Alex didn't try to psychoanalyse herself about it.

She enjoyed living a life of solitude and luxury while she explored her femininity. She spent her days lazing by the pool, evenings watching Netflix drinking cocktails and then a long drawn out masturbatory session with her vibrator before retiring. What more could a young woman want? She had a gap year before she went to university, Monika and her mother were both away and things could not be better.

Carlos began to notice Alex when she came outside to use the pool. At first he thought her repulsive because he knew that underneath that makeup and shoulder-length ash blonde hair she was really boy but he had to admit that she was very attractive and bore a striking resemblance to Monika whom he had lusted over.

The brilliant-white lycra swimsuit, cut low on the back and high on the thighs clung to her lithe frame. He guessed the little titties were probably false and he was fascinated with how she presented with a female pubis and he had to admit that she looked good in the bathing suit. She had a great ass and legs and was very pretty. She pranced around the poolside patio like a sweet little girl and Carlos' repulsion slowly turned to lust.

Alex became aware that Carlos was looking at her and she teased him a little just like her sister had. Monika had had a schoolgirl crush on Carlos when he first came to work for the Duprees but he was far below her social standing and she had no interest in taking on a bit of rough trade as she called it. Besides, she had been raised not to fraternise with the help.

Alex would bend and stretch before she dove into the pool when she knew that Carlos was watching her. She would lie provocatively on the sunbed while he tended to the gardens around the poolside patio. She would bring out her nailpolish and paint her fingernails and toenails on the lilo, knowing that Carlos was watching her even though it made more sense to do her nails inside in the air conditioned comfort of the house.

When she wasn't in her bathing suit she would wear little skirts and crop-tops, pantyhose and heels and ensure that Carlos got an eyeful whenever he was near. She would preen and 'accidentally' drop something so she had to bend over, showing off her panties.

Teasing Carlos took her mind off Brad and she considered it harmless fun that validated her femininity and beauty.

But teasing a grown man was dangerous even when you were in your own residence. Alex being home most of the time had ruined Gloria and Carlos' sex life. Gloria was reticent to sneak down to Carlos' toolshed for sex while Alex was at home. This caused Carlos to become frustrated. Every day at work he was hemmed in by two very attractive women; one a ditzy, sexy little girl who dressed in short skirts and tight swimsuits, the other a sophisticated matron with big breasts and great legs dressed in her housemaid's uniform.

Carlos was constantly ducking down to his toolshed workshop to relieve himself. Alexis began to notice that Carlos would prowl around the grounds ogling her at every opportunity and she teased him whenever the mood struck. Carlos would spy on her and then he would disappear down the path into the bougainvillea and arborea covered workshop for a while before he later emerged to go about his chores.

One morning Alex followed him, taking off her high heeled sandals so as not to alert him as she padded down the sandstone path. As she approached the workshop she became nervous; a little scared even, but this was her house and Carlos was just a hireling; she could do whatever she wanted and go wherever she fancied.

Alex crept up to the four-paned window set into the side of the colorbond shed and brushed away the bougainvillea branches with their colourful bracts covering the window. It was hard to see inside at first because the window panes were grimy. She carefully wiped away the smut from one of the panes and peered inside.

Carlos had a magazine open on the workbench. Alex couldn't see what it was but she guessed it was porn because Carlos had dropped his King Gee khaki work shorts and underpants and was staring at the magazine whilst he stroked his enormous cock. It stood out proud, pink and angry looking, contrasting with his bronzed muscled body. Carlos often worked shirtless and was heavily tanned. His phallus was thick and about seven inches long. Carlos was slowly stroking it whilst he stared at the porn mag.

Alex smothered a gasp when she saw what he was doing but she remained rooted to the spot, fascinated by Carlos' long thick penis, his scarred meaty hands stroking it almost delicately. A dewy drop of glistening precum seeped from the eye of his penis and Carlos scooped it up with the pad of his forefinger and rubbed it into his fraenulum. The look of gratification on his face signalled how good that felt.

Alex found herself becoming aroused and she freed her penis from her swimsuit and began to stroke it whilst watching Carlos. Her eyes roamed from his deep blue eyes, transfixed by the magazine, down his tanned muscled body to the protuberance of his penis and back up again as she stroked her own cock. It became fully tumescent and she had to force herself to slow down and match Carlos stroke for stroke. She wanted to come with him.

What she was doing was naughty... forbidden. The risk of being seen magnified the pleasure she was feeling as she stroked her cock in time with the handsome muscled groundsman whose face was beginning to grimace with lust as his pleasure increased and he approached extremis.

Carlos' face contorted as he furiously stroked his cock and suddenly a stream of ejaculate erupted from his penis spattering the pages of the magazine. Alex came with him. She held onto the overhanging roof of the shed as her knees buckled and she sprayed her issue into the flowerbeds. Her orgasm was powerful. Her lycra bathing suit seemed to caress her sensitive skin, her nipples hardened and she let go of the roof and squeezed a nipple as her cock radiated rings of pleasure as more of her spunk whipped and flew into the garden and then dribbled onto the path as the intensity of her orgasm receded.

Carlos was squeezing every drop of semen from his engorged manhood, his eyes glued to the magazine, a smirk of lust and debauchery on his face as his rough brown hand wrenched his essence from his throbbing phallus.

Carlos grabbed a Chux-wipe off the workbench and dabbed at his penis. Alex shook the last of her spend onto the path and shoved her cock back inside her swimsuit where it created an unsightly bulge. She looked down and tried to tuck it but her penis was still too bloated to tuck. When she looked up she and saw that Carlos was pulling up his shorts and she turned and ran back up the path.

Gloria was outside on the patio looking for her, calling her name, announcing that her lunch was ready. Aware of the bulge in the front of her swimsuit Alex kept running across the patio and dove into the swimming pool hoping that Gloria wouldn't see her subsiding erection and that the cooler water near the bottom of the pool might hasten its demise.

Alex swam and splashed around a little until her penis was flaccid then she tucked herself and climbed out of the pool. She picked up a fluffy white towel to dry herself noticing that Gloria had left her a plate sandwiches and a pitcher of ice tea on the poolside table under the shade umbrella. She threw herself onto the sun lounge and put on her sunglasses and lay back, sipping ice tea.

Carlos emerged from the path and walked around the edge of the patio at a respectful distance towards the house. He called out to Gloria in Spanish and they had a quick conversation.

"Miss Alex, I'm going with Carlos to fetch some things; do you need anything?" Gloria called out through the sliding glass doors.

Alex shook her head and sipped tea.

She listened for the sound of the automatic gate closing as Carlos F-150 drove out of the driveway onto the street and then she leapt to her feet and ran back down the path to the workshop shed. The first thing she noticed were little spatters of semen on the path drying in the sun. She opened the door and went inside the shed over to the table.

Carlos had not cleaned up. His magazine lay open at the centrefold. A girl in a bathing costume lay provocatively on a sun lounge, her legs spread and her swimsuit clinging to her pudenda. The top of her swimsuit cleaved to her full breasts. She was young and pretty, her makeup heavy, her hair blonde. It was cheesecake glamour porn. The girl in the centrefold looked a little like Alexis. She was covered in glutinous spatters of semen.

The Chux that Carlos had used to wipe his cock lay crumpled on the workbench and Alex picked it and put it to her nose and inhaled the musky scent of his essence. She tentatively stuck out her tongue and put the tip on a wet stain. Carlos' semen tasted bitter, slightly salty, and metallic. It was not unpleasant. She dropped the Chux, suddenly embarrassed and alarmed by what she had done.

Alex ran from the shed stopping briefly near the window to rub her drying issue into the warm porous sandstone with her bare foot until all traces were gone.

She realised that she was playing a dangerous game with Carlos. Maybe she should stop teasing him?

But where was the fun in that? What could Carlos do to her anyway? This was her safe space.

To be continued

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MicheleNylonsMicheleNylonsalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Something has happened and half of chapter one is missing. I have resubmitted chapter one and won't post chapter three until chapter one is fixed xxx Michele

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Thought it was great but hoped she had sucked carlos' cock, loved it though

cali_fraecali_fraealmost 2 years ago

Something missing between ch 1 & 2? Not sure if its intentional but after Monika plans to confront Alex about stealing theres no mention of their encounter or shopping trip until Alexis remembers it later. Still an enjoyable read but this gap where Alexis probably learns to accept herself more is unusual for one of your stories

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I just wanted to let you know that I read what was posted of part one yesterday and I started part 2 and got about 3 paragraph in and it started to reference things not posted in part one because part one ends in one page with Monika thinking about them going on gap year soon but nothing about party's or anything like that

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