A Safe Space Ch. 02


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As abruptly as Brad had started to kiss her, he stopped.

"Where is Monika?" Brad hissed; his face inches from hers.

"I don't know," Alex whispered.

She had been practicing her femme voice all weekend but she didn't need to force the inflection. She was so scared that her answer came out as a squeak.

"Don't lie to me Alex," Brad slipped his hand inside her dress and squeezed her thigh.

Alex gasped and wriggled like a hooked fish but Brad pressed his body into hers and she could feel that he was becoming concupiscent, his package pressed against her stomach.

"She's in Singapore by now, on the first leg of her holiday," Alex stopped struggling and couldn't help but feel a little schadenfreude at the look of disappointment on Bradley Brody's face.

"I was supposed to go with her," Brad sighed, his anger temporarily forgotten.

"I know. She's ghosting everyone. She has issues that she wants to deal with alone," Alex replied telling a half-truth and wondering why she was even bothering to explain anything to this dolt.

Brad suppressed his rage as it began to roil again. There was nothing he could do to Monika now that she had escaped his clutches but he had Alex to play with.

"So what's your story Alex? Why are you dressed like this? I always took you for a faggot but I would never have guessed that you were a crossdresser," Brad made no effort to climb off her.

"Let me up and I'll tell you," Alex smiled up at Brad, hoping to charm him a little.

"I don't think so. I quite like it here. You don't have all of Monika's bumps and humps but you feel kinda nice and you're prettier than she is," Brad grinned down at Alex; the compliment clothed in menace.

"I'm trying to find the real me if you must know. I don't know if I'll transition; it's too early to say, but I feel more comfortable presenting as a woman; presenting myself as Alexis Dupree and leaving Alexander Dupree behind. This is all new to me," Alex blurted out and immediately regretted it.

Why tell a man she hated her most intimate secrets?

"Well you certainly look the part. I thought you were Monika right up until I was kissing you," Brad chuckled but there was no mirth in it.

Alex blushed.

"Can I get up now please?" Alex whispered.

Brad lowered his face and placed his lips against Alexis' and softly kissed her. Alex froze, not knowing how to respond.

"Kiss me back and I'll think about letting you up," Brad broke the kiss and smiled at her, his deep brown eyes actually showing some affection.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet," Alex demurred.

"Come on. One little kiss and I won't tell everyone that you are a homo, skirt-wearing faggot who takes it up the arse," Brad smirked.

Alex was appalled. She didn't really have any friends but she had acquaintances and Brad had met some of the Dupree family including their parents Susan and Francis Dupree at one of their rare family get-togethers. There was the family name to consider. Alex had thought about coming out openly eventually but only after she had come out to her mother and father first. Brad was vindictive and was likely to embellish the story, making Alexis out to be some sort of sexual deviant.

"Why Brad? You know who I am and you have always hated me," Alex relied defiantly.

"I don't like Alexander Dupree but I kinda think Alexis Dupree is hot," Brad winked at her salaciously.

He lowered his mouth to hers again and this time Alex responded; tentatively at first. Brad kissed her sensuously and when his tongue began to explore her mouth she slid her tongue into his. This was so different to kissing Monika. Monika's kisses were soft and feminine even when they were engaged in full-blown lust. Brad's kisses were manly and a little insistent but not overly so. She could smell his aftershave and his muscled body pressing on hers. She could feel the bulge of his cock through her gown.

It both terrified and excited her. She wanted him stop but she also wanted him to continue.

Brad was also feeling perplexed. He'd fucked plenty of young women and even a few matrons; he had an eclectic taste when it came to women and he had once won the dirtiest deed competition by fucking one of Monika's girlfriends and then the very next evening fucking the same girlfriend's mother. He'd been tempted once by a transgender woman he met at the Stonewall Hotel on Oxford Street but had chickened out.

He would easily win the bet for dirtiest deed of the week if he fucked Alexis Dupree but it could backfire on him. Alexis was not out as a transgender woman and his friends might accuse Brad of being a fag for fucking 'a boy in a dress'. There was also his plan to finally fuck Monika in the ass and slut-shame her on their socials after they broke up but that opportunity had been taken from him. Was Alexis a suitable substitute?

He pondered all these things but what he couldn't suppress was that he actually found Alexis attractive and alluring. There was something about her. Not just her beauty and femininity. She was demure and reticent, unsure of herself and vulnerable.

When Alex began to return Brad's kisses, Brad did not think of Monika's brother whatsoever; he thought only of the lovely creature beneath him who had a striking resemblance to his ex-girlfriend but who was uniquely beautiful and feminine in her own way.

Her mouth was sweet and her satin gown slithered on her lithe frame whenever he moved above her. He would like to feel the cool silkiness of that gown against his naked flesh. His hand strayed to the split in her dress and rested just above Alexis' knee. He gently caressed her nylon-sheathed limb, the slinky diaphanousness of her pantyhose felt delicious and inviting. His cock began to uncoil like a snake awakened from its slumber.

Brad's kisses were exciting and instinctively Alex draped her arms around him. She stroked the hard muscles of his biceps through his muslin shirt with her fingertips. This too was an instinctive reaction; a response to her bourgeoning femininity and her ingrained need to feel wanted.

When Brad's fingers began to caress her leg at first she froze but his kisses were becoming fervent and his fingers circled her thighs just above her knee where they illicited wonderful little sparks of delight.

Was this as wrong as fucking her sister? Not anywhere near it but Alex still couldn't shake off the fear that she was committing a sin. Brad was technically still Monika's boyfriend as neither of them had formally broken off the relationship and there was also the fact that Alexis was still wrangling with her gender issues. There was no doubt that at this moment in time that she wanted to be a young woman but what if that sentiment changed? There was also the issue of being sexually active with a man. Did she really want to do this so early in her transformation?

Brad answered that question for her when his fingers began their journey up her thighs, exploring her pantyhosed limbs and stirring feelings of delight as he softly caressed her slinky nylons. She felt herself becoming tumescent; uncomfortably so. She gasped into Brad's mouth when he reached the top of her thigh and his fingers caressed the crease where her legs joined her torso.

Brad decided to throw caution to the wind. He was sexually charged, having intended to fuck Monika and the MDMA had increased his libido. He was alone with this lovely young trans woman who was presenting exactly the way he wanted his girlfriend to do but wouldn't. Why not take advantage? There would be no witnesses and Alexis was such a novice that she would hardly know what to do or what to say to whom if he pressed his needs on her.

Stroking her pantyhosed legs and feeling her satin gowned body against his was charging Brad's sex drive and he kicked off his loafers and broke their kiss momentarily to take off his shirt. Alex was disappointed when he stopped kissing her and she had to admit that she was probably more disappointed that he had stopped playing with her legs.

The removal of shirt and shoes did not take long however and the two timid lovers, if that's what they were, took up where they had left off. Alexis opened her arms and invited Brad to kiss her and when he did she wrapped her arms around him. While Brad was taking off his shirt Alex had surreptitiously snaked her hand inside her pantyhose and untucked her penis and allowed her testes to descend back into her scrotum. She was no longer uncomfortable with her penis flat against her stomach held there by her pantyhose and panties.

Brad was so hard that it hurt; his penis was confined by his trousers and he needed to release it but once he did that he was committed. He was no longer just teasing this pretty tranny; he was fully culpable of engaging sexually with her.

"You better not tell Monika! You better not tell anyone!" Brad hissed as he struggled with his trousers.

"Tell anyone about what? We haven't done anything wrong," Alex bleated; annoyed that Brad would think her a gossipmonger.

"Don't tell anyone about this," Brad smiled down at her salaciously and placed his penis on her thigh.

"Oh my!" Alex was just able to exclaim before Brad closed his mouth over hers.

He kissed her hard as she struggled beneath him. Alex had liked it when Brad was stroking her legs and kissing her but the audacity of putting his organ against her flesh was a step further than she wanted to go. She could feel the girth of it, the heat of it, the pulsing realness of it on her thigh and she struggled to move it away.

This is what Brad had begged Monika to let him do to her. To make love to her while she was clothed in her sleek satin blouse and skirt whilst still wearing her pantyhose and high heels and full makeup but Monika had refused, calling him a creep and a deviate. She acquiesced to wearing thigh-high stockings occasionally but that was all and even then she wore them begrudgingly.

But this lovely young lady struggling under him was his ideal woman dressed in her cool smooth silky dress, slinky nylons, high heels and full makeup. The more she struggled the more Brad liked it. Her satin gown on his bare flesh was both exotic and erotic. Her nylon-sheathed thighs scissored in an effort to dislodge him but all Alexis was achieving was rubbing her legs on his cock which drove Brad wild with lust.

His hands were everywhere inside her dress, stroking her legs, fondling her panties, pushing her hips into the divan to hold her down. She was so diminutive and Brad was so strong that she didn't stand a chance.

There was also the fact that Alex was secretly enjoying having this brutish young man ravish her. His hard body pressed on her belly, rubbing her satin gown against her microfiber panties and the silken gusset of her pantyhose. Her penis was throbbing and leaking pre-ejaculate. Brad's kisses had become fervent and his lips were crushing hers and his tongue waggled in her mouth. But she had changed her mind about his cock.

The feel of his hard manhood against her legs was still menacing but it was also exciting. The ephemeral being that she imagined she was dancing with earlier had taken form and that form was Bradley Brody. She still despised him and detested his arrogance but he was handsome and a good kisser and he was lying on top of her rubbing his cock on her, he wanted her and that's all that mattered... he wanted her and Alexis wanted to be wanted.

Alex stopped fighting and wrapped her legs around Brad's body and raked her fingernails down his back. She returned his kisses. Brad delighted in the feel of Alexis' long pantyhose-shrouded limbs caressing his skin and the sting of her nails on his back. He suppressed a grin and continued to work his tongue into her mouth and grind his cock on her thigh.

She had surrendered. This gorgeous little satin-wrapped creature was his to do with as he might. The sense of power and carnality was heady. His cock was throbbing and he was not far from release.

Alex too was close to climax. Brad's body pressing on her belly, rubbing the gossamer fabrics against her cock was having the effect she desired. But Brad was now a little perplexed. He'd intended to come here and fuck Monika in the arse but found Alexis instead but the concept of putting his cock in Alexis' behind was going just a little too far. It would spoil the illusion that she was really a young girl. Besides he guessed that Alex would fight him tooth and nail to prevent it.

He pressed his cock harder against her thigh and it slid through the leg hole of her panties.

Brad and Alex both froze.

Brad's cock was inside Alexis' panties, pressing on her lower belly. The feel of her pantyhose on the bottom of his penis was heavenly and the feel of the fabric of her panties on the top of it was wonderful. His cock was shrouded in gossamer delight but he could feel the girth of Alexis' penis trapped in her pantyhose. Their cocks were just touching.

Alex sensed Brad's hesitation and she thought she knew why. The illusion that she was girl had been broken when his cock lay next to hers. But she was so close to extremis and she could feel Brad's yearning and knew that he was close too.

Alex raked her high-heels on Brad's flanks, scratched his back with her fingernails and pushed her body against his as she drove her tongue into his mouth.

Brad gasped at her audacity and then he began to drive his cock against Alexis' pubis, relishing the feel of her pantyhose and panties caressing his manhood eliciting delicious sparks of pleasure as his orgasm began to broil. Alex synched her movements with his, lifting her groin and pressing it against his. Their cocks touched and rubbed together through Alexis' pantyhose. Neither could deny that the feeling was delightfully naughty: two hard throbbing cocks trapped in slinky, silky nylons and panties pressing together, rubbing and grinding, pulsing and throbbing.

Brad moaned as he released. Scalding hot semen erupted from his penis and Alex ejaculated as soon as she felt Brad's warm load on her cock through her pantyhose. Her cock juddered as she spent her steaming load which comingled with Brad's cum. The two cocks pressed and rubbed against each other with only a scintilla of gossamer nylon separating them.

Alex drummed her heels on Brad's flanks and rose up off the divan to grind her cock against Brad's. Brad pushed down on her, his engorged member throbbing, spurting his issue inside Alexis' panties.

Their kisses were fervent, they were both lost in the carnality of the act. Their bellies and crotches soaked with hot sticky cum. Alexis' satin gown and nyloned legs were a cocoon of silken delight and Brad moaned as his cock erupted inside her panties. The pleasure radiated through his body and Alex felt likewise. The intensity of her orgasm was overwhelming.

The clung to each other, writhing, grinding, kissing, scratching, caressing and tonguing until they were both spent.

Post coital regret washed over Brad Brody almost immediately he descended from his orgasmic high.

"What the fuck have I done?" Brad announced rhetorically.

He pushed himself off Alex and looked down at his cum-smeared belly with revulsion. He snatched at Alexis' dress and wiped the semen off his body with it. He tried not looking at her but he couldn't help but snatch a glance. Her legs were open; her skirts split wide displaying her cum-soaked panties bulging with a deflating erection. He snatched his eyes away.

"Don't you tell anyone about this you fucking faggot!" Brad hissed as he shucked into his trousers and snatched up his shirt and loafers.

"Who am I going to tell?" Alex replied demurely, amazed by Brad's reversal in attitude.

She thought to herself that if she was a faggot; what did that make Brad? She knew better than to articulate the question.

"You and your fucking sister are fucking dead to me! I never want to see either of you again!" Brad ranted as he ran through the house dressed only in his trousers, holding his shirt and loafers close to his chest.

"Fuck!" Brad cried as he stubbed his toe on the hallstand as he flung open the front door.

Alex couldn't help but laugh at his misfortune and Brad slammed the front door behind him. His brain was swimming with contrary and confused thoughts.

Alex continued to chuckle at Brad's antics and then she looked down at her semen-stained dress.

"Well that's that dress is ruined," she whispered to herself and started laughing uncontrollably.


Alexis Dupree woke up late on Monday morning. After Brad had left she had drunk most of the Deep Eddy lemon vodka and was feeling the aftereffects of two days hard drinking. She could hear Gloria vacuuming downstairs and she pulled the covers back over herself and tried to go back to sleep but she couldn't. She gave up in frustration and took a long hot shower.

She came out of the ensuite and saw the evening gown, pantyhose and panties scrunched together in the corner of the room where she had thrown them. She couldn't help but lift the garments to her face and inhale the musky scent of semen and Brad's aftershave.

The nylons were ruined and the dress was irrevocably stained. Alexis was not concerned that she had ruined a two thousand dollar couture evening gown, she was just pissed that she liked the dress and could no longer wear it. In a huff she tossed it back in the corner of the room. She would simply go out and buy another one.

The dilemma now was how to present to Gloria the housekeeper and Carlos the groundsman. Alexander dressed eclectically, almost androgynously, when he was home. They were used to seeing him in leggings and flowing shirts in winter, crop-tops and tight shorts in summer, often wearing eyeliner and both Gloria and Carlos had on occasion mistaken Alexander for Monika from a distance.

But presenting as outright femme might come as a shock but fuck it! It was Alexis' home and she would present however she liked. Gloria and Carlos were the help and their social circles were a million miles from the swank Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. They no doubt gossiped about their wealthy eccentric employers and their extravagant, stylish and cosmopolitan lifestyle but who cared? Certainly not the Duprees.

Alex put on her 'day makeup' and opened her wardrobe and realised that she and Monika had made one single mistake when they had shopped on Saturday: just about everything they had purchased for Alex was evening wear or daytime couture. There was nothing that was just daywear for around the house.

The problem was solved simply enough by a visit to Monika's room. Gloria had tidied the room up and everything was back in its place making it easy for Alex to find a little denim skirt and a pink Fendi t-shirt with a rhinestone logo embossed on the front. She paired the outfit with her silver sandals and thought she looked pretty good. Her genitals were tucked and held in place by tight white nylon panties. She considered wearing pantyhose because she liked the feel of them on her legs but they would ruin the aesthetic of casual summer chic that Alex was looking for.

Alex took a deep breath and then descended the stairway acting more confident than she felt.

"Miss Monika," Gloria called out as she shut off the vacuum cleaner and made her way to the kitchen where Alex was looking for cereal.

Gloria was dressed in her neat housemaid's uniform: a pink polyester--cotton box dress styled with shoulder pads, with white border gilding on the short sleeves, collar and pockets with large white buttons up the front. She sometimes wore a white apron over the uniform if she was performing any particularly dirty chores. She also wore tan pantyhose and white sneakers and wore her makeup on the heavy side. Except for the sneakers Alex had always envied Gloria her uniform.

"Miss Monika, I put your... oh sorry," Gloria's face blushed bright red when she realised her mistake.