Warrior One - Fleet Action Pt. 01


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"Thirty seconds."

This would be Sean's first time too; he hoped she didn't spew all over the console.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, prepare for jump, five, four, three, two, one," Sean counted down for the entire ship. "Jump."

Connor pressed the button on two; the ship didn't jump until Sean said one. It took less than a second for the hyperdrive engines to spin up, but once they did, the jump was instantaneous. Turning to Sean, Connor saw that she was looking a little green. Then the sounds of several of the engine room crew retching filled the big room.

"Grimes, Larson, Becker," Connor shouted, "clean up duty. You know the drill."

Groans were heard around the room as the three men called on, moved to lockers that held the mops and buckets. Connor leaned forward and pressed a series of buttons, the speed of the fans in the air handlers increased and the room filled with a pleasant scent of roses. Turning to Sean, Connor smiled at his assistant. She smiled back, still a bit queasy, but her stomach was settling quickly.

"How about we go have a spot of tea?" Connor asked Sean.

"Yes, that sounds nice. It would help my stomach settle, I believe."

"Aye, it would lass. Shall we?" Connor offered his arm to his assistant and they left engineering for the closest mess hall.

In the mess hall, they found an empty table, punched for their tea and sat back to enjoy the delicate flavor.

"Sir," Sean started.

"Call me Connor or Con when we are in an informal setting such as this, Sean."

"Yes sir... er... Con."

"That's better."

"How long have you been in the service?"

"I joined during the Edinburgh riots of '27. At the time I was a young disillusioned kid, just out of college, having earned my doctorate in engineering."

"Doctorate! That would make you more than just a kid, s... Con."

"I was twenty-two. Legally an adult, but you show me a twenty-two year old and I'll prove they are nothing but a big kid, still looking for mommy to kiss their booboos."

"So you served during the Class wars?"

"Aye lass, I was, there for the end. It was horrific. I didn't much care for shooting our own people, but I was in service and orders are orders. Those anarchist never had a chance."

"They are and they didn't."

"You weren't even born yet lass."

"No, but my fa was there. He was in government house in Dublin when the mobs swept through killing all government officials and employees. He survived as did my ma, they met in the basement under government house and have been married ever since they made it out."

"If it hadn't been for the Gar, I think we would have torn our world apart and no one would have survived."

"Aye, Con, that we would have, I believe."

"You're a smart lass, Sean. Someday you will be Chief Engineer here."

"No sir, I don't want to replace you!"

"Now, lass, it won't be for a long time yet. But when you are ready, I will be happy to step aside for you."

"Now you have me blushing like a virgin bride."

Connor laughed. Sean then laughed when she realized what she had said. They both finished their tea and returned to engineering.

Chapter 7

The routine of the ship settled into a predictable sequence. Half the crew was placed back into hibernation. While the ship had enough air, food, and water to support the entire crew for a five-year voyage, Ezra thought that half the crew could handle the ship. Plus those in hibernation wouldn't be placing a strain on the ships resources or their crewmates. The ship's androids could have handled the operation of the ship while it was in hyperspace, but Ezra wanted human eyes and hands at the controls just in case.

Sixteen days later, Warrior One dropped out of hyperspace. Arrayed before them was Fleet One. The ships out there were half the size or smaller than Warrior One. Their firepower was only a fourth of Warrior's.

"Mister Steel, hail the Fleet, let them know it's us."

"Aye, aye Captain."

Candle turned to the communication unit on his console.

"Fleet One, Warrior One arriving." Plain and simple. The encoded signals within the beam would announce them to the communications section of Fleet One.

"Fleet One, welcome Warrior One. Please tell Captain Nichols a meeting of all captains will commence at oh-four-hundred this morning."

"Aye, aye, Fleet One, he has received the message."

"Fleet One clear."

"Warrior One clear."

"Well, something must be brewing for them to call a meeting only two hours after we arrive," Ezra muttered.

"Indeed sir," Candle answered not knowing what else to say.

"Well, I guess I better get something to eat and a shower. Commander Beckett, you have the conn," Ezra called out as he let the bridge.

"Aye, aye sir," Commander Beckett called out, moving to the chair.

<~~~ WO ~~~>

Ezra sat around a large oval table in the Fleet Command Ship Mauthe Doog. Ezra was early. He had been shown to the empty conference room immediately upon his arrival. The Mauthe Doog was three-quarter the size of Warrior One, but it was twice as fast in normal space. Ezra sat, looking out the port, listening to the hum of the air circulators.

"Ezra," Admiral Cook said as he entered the conference room.

"Sir," Ezra said jumping up to stand at attention.

"At ease Ezra, at ease," Milford Cook told Ezra. "Sit," he tells him as he too takes a seat at the head of the table. "How's Warrior performing?"

"Splendidly," Ezra said. "On our run at Pryocon III, we had a ninety-eight percent hit rate."

"Good, good," the admiral said. "But how does she handle?"

"Like a dream. She answers the helm smartly. Although she isn't as fast as the Mauthe Doog, she can accelerate smartly too. We did take an Ion canon hit over Pryocon, but she shook it off with ease."

"No damage?"

"Just a reactor scram."

"Good. The rest of them should be along shortly. I left the bridge when they were all in flight. Would you like some coffee?"

"No thank you, sir, I'm fine. How has the Mauthe Doog been doing?"

"We haven't seen any action as yet. The Caoineag and Wulver hit Nageba II in Gemini. And the Selich and Seonaidh hit Gomeisa III in Canis Minor. Both reported an eighty percent hit rate. None were damaged."

"That's good to hear. I'm just wondering when the Gar will show up... "

"The others are coming," the Admiral said turning toward the door. "Hold your thoughts until the briefing is finished."

"Aye, aye sir," Ezra replied.

Voices could be heard approaching. They grew louder by the second. Then they were in the room and fell silent at the sight of the Admiral. The nine Captains took seats around the table. Once seated the Admiral nodded to each.

"Gentlemen," he paused looking around the table. "Two scout ships from Fleet Two are currently tracking six Gar ships in hyperspace. They are on a course for Aldebaran V. Estimated time of arrival is twenty-two days from now. We can be there in fifteen. As you know Aldebaran is one of our largest outposts and the council feels it should be protected at all costs. Fleet Two is following the Gar ships and will arrive hours behind them. If we plan correctly, we can have the Gar ships between the two fleets. Any questions?"

The captains sat stunned by the news the Admiral had just told them.

"No. Good. We will meet them on the outskirts of the system... "

"What if they drop out in system?" Captain Dugan of the Pech asked.

"Well Fina, they will run smack dab into Warrior One," Admiral Cook said.

"Ah, then I withdraw my question," she laughed.

"Good. Warrior One will also have half your fighters to help."

"Aye, aye sir," Fina replied.

"Now the rest of you will deploy in a conical formation with the Aldebaran system as its focal point. The Caoineag will be at the heart of the formation. I hope to funnel the Gar fleet into the formation as they come in system. Once we have them, Warrior and the fighters can move up and destroy them. Clear?"

"Aye, aye sir," Captain Kavanagh said for all of them.

"Very good. We depart in three hours. Ready your ships. Ezra, please stay?"

Ezra nodded as he sat back down. The rest of the Captains left to ready their ships. When the room was empty, Admiral Cook sat down next to Ezra.

"Ezra," he began, "if they do drop out inside the system, you will be our only hope until we get your signal and can get turned around."

"I know sir," Ezra stammered, "I will do my best to protect the people on Aldebaran."

"I know you will my boy," Milford Cook said looking into Ezra's eyes. "You have always been there for us all. You are... "

"I know sir, I know. Please don't rub my nose in it... "



"Very well. You have your orders. Ready your ship, sir."

"Aye, aye, sir!" Ezra snapped to attention saluting the Admiral.

Milford Cook, Admiral, Fleet One stood and returned the Captains saluted.

"Dismissed. Carry out your orders."

"Aye, Aye," Ezra stepped around the Admiral and left the room.

There was an enlisted rating waiting for him as he stepped into the hallway.

"This way sir," the young lady said leading the way to his shuttle.

There was much to do as he fell in behind her.

Chapter 8

"Sir, I have a flight of twenty-six fighters requesting instruction for landing," Candle said with astonishment.

"Open a channel," Captain Nichols told him.

"Channel open sir."

"Warrior One to fighter flight," Ezra said firmly.

"Flight two-two-one, request landing instructions."

"Aye, aye two-two-one. I'm sending out a shuttle to guide you."

"Affirmative Warrior One. Flight two-two-one, standing by."

"Captain to operations. I need a shuttle out to guide in our fighter escort to bay five alpha."

"Operations aye, Captain. Flight two-two-one, operations shuttle will be with you shortly."

"Two-two-one standing by."

"Mister Steel, keep track of their progress if you will?"

"Aye, aye sir," Candle said switching his comms to the operations channel. He also shifted his displays to bay five alpha and the flight of fighters waiting for their escort.

"Let me know when they are inboard."

"Aye, aye sir."

Twenty minutes later, Candle watched as the last fighter nosed its way slowly into the bay. Two minutes later he was told that all fighters were secure.

"Captain?" Candle said softly.

"Yes Mister Steel," Ezra said looking up at his android.

"All fighters inboard and secure."

"Very well Mister Steel."

Silence fell over the bridge as each crew member prepared for their departure. The silence was broken by the tapping of fingers on screens or keyboards. Every once in a while a voice spoke up to clarify a piece of data. Ten minutes to the second, the flight leader of two-two-one appeared on the bridge with a Marine escort.

"Yes," Ezra looked up at the person in front of him, "Lieutenant?"

"Lieutenant Carol Ryan reporting, sir."

"Very well Lieutenant. I hope your accommodations will be adequate?"

"They are sir, thank you."

"Very good, we depart in twenty minutes, go prepare your people."

"Aye, aye sir," Carol said snapping a salute, turning and heading out of the bridge, her Marine escort hurrying to catch up.

"Candle have Major Owens report to me in my ready room after we are in hyperspace."

"Aye, aye sir."

Silence fell once more.

<~~~ WO ~~~>

Commander MacDonald stood poised, his finger hovering over the jump button. Lieutenant Commander O'Connor was again counting down for him.

"One minute," Sean said. Connor nodded as he scanned the readouts on the board in front of him.

"Thirty seconds."

"Very well."

"Ten, nine," Sean's voice echoed throughout the ship, "eight, seven, six, five, prepare for jump, three, two, one."

Connor's finger again stabbed the button on the two-second mark. The hyperdrive spun up and the ship lurched into the place of nowhere. As Connor listened, no one on duty in his section threw up. Smiling, he stepped back, scanned his board and took the microphone from Sean.

"Hyperspace achieved," he announced.

"Very well. Thank you, Commander," came the voice of the Captain over the all ship speakers. Connor smiled as he watched the displays before him.

<~~~ WO ~~~>

Ezra was waiting in his ready room, relaxing with a cup of stout tea when came a knock at his door.

"Enter," he shouted.

The door opened and in strode Major Owens. Laff tramped up to Ezra's desk, snapped to attention and saluted.

"Major Owens reporting as ordered, sir."

"Stand easy Laff."

"Thank you, sir," Laff said relaxing.

"Laff, as you know, we have twenty-six members of Pech's fighter corps on board."

"Yes, sir."

"I want them treated as members of your force. They are to be put in your duty rotation until we reach Aldebaran."


"Use them to give your people some time off. They need to stay busy. I don't want them just laying around with nothing to do."

"Aye, aye sir."

A knock at the door interrupted them.

"Enter," Ezra shouted.

The door opened to admit Lieutenant Ryan. She walked up to Ezra's desk, snapped to attention and saluted.

"Lieutenant Ryan reporting as ordered, sir."

"Stand easy Lieutenant."

"Thank you, sir."

"Lieutenant Ryan, Major Owens, my Marine contingent commander. I am placing your command under that of the Major's until we reach Aldebaran. He will utilize your people in whatever capacity he deems fit. My reasons, to keep you and your people out of trouble and busy until our next engagement. Clear Lieutenant?"

"Aye, aye sir." Her voice was filled with uncertainty.

"Don't worry Lieutenant, the Marines don't clean latrines or polish bright-work. You will be utilized in Marine duties. Your people will be paired with an experienced Marine while on duty. While on duty, the Marine is always in charge, no matter the rank of your pilots. Is that clear?"

"Aye, aye sir." Again uncertainty filled her answer.

"Laff, why don't you take Carol down to Marine territory and show her around."

"Sir... "

"That wasn't a suggestion."

"Aye, aye sir," Laff said snapping to attention and saluting.

"Dismissed," Ezra said catching Carol unprepared.

"Aye, aye sir," she said snapping to attention and saluting.

Both she and Laff turned. Laff opened the door for her. She grunted and walked out ahead of him. Laff turned to Ezra and frowned as he closed the door.

Chapter 9

Fifteen days. The routine aboard ship settled in. Watches were done, patrols performed. Fifteen days for those who were still awake, crept by, slowly. For those in cold sleep, well they didn't know how long it was. Major Owens and Lieutenant Ryan strolled down the corridor. They were on patrol. One of the few Major Owens allowed himself. Usually, he didn't walk patrol but, five days into the trip, he became bored. Smiling he watched Carol Ryan out of the corner of his eye.

Carol Ryan was tall for a fighter pilot, over five feet ten inches, Laff would estimate. Her red hair was contained in a bun on the back of her head. Her green eyes sparkled no matter her mood. She was pretty by anyone's standards and she knew she was. She was, of course, arrogant, as any fighter jock Laff had known. She thought she was better, faster, stronger than any normal soldier. She did muscle a space fighter around in the vacuum of space. They were patrolling officers country.

"How long?" Laff asked.

"How long what, Major?" Ryan replied.

"How long have you been a fighter jock?"

"Ah, not too long, ten years," she replied.

"Ten years? That would make you what... fifteen years old when you became a fighter jock?"

"I was fourteen. When did you become a Marine?"

"I was sixteen," Laff answered.

"And how long ago was that?"

"Too long."

"I see."

They walked on. It was close to midnight, end of shift for them. They were headed back to the platoon area. The night, so far, had been quiet.

<~~~ WO ~~~>

Candle Steel was standing watch on the bridge. Actually, Candle stood every watch on the bridge, unless he was ordered to do something else. Five days to go until they dropped out of hyperspace. Five days were an eon for Candle who could do so much more with his time. Not that he didn't. While on the bridge, he could access every control, every piece of data generated by the ship, every movement by its personnel. Candle, could even peek at the outside without becoming unhinged as the humans did.

For the last twelve hours, he had been doing just that, looking outside. He was using the strongest, most powerful telescopic lens on the outside cameras. And he had succeeded. He had found the Gar ships. They were parsecs down galaxy from them, but closing fast. The minute he found them he trained all sensors on them. It took some time but, they were now displayed on his screens. Candle looked up as the Captain entered the bridge.

"Captain," Candle greeted him.

"Mister Steel," the Captain returned.

"Captain, I have the Gar fleet on sensors... "

"How?" Ezra snapped.

"I did a visual search, then moved the rear sensors to sweep that area... "

"Never mind, put them up on the main screen," Ezra snapped not knowing whether he was happy or angry with Candle Steel. This was unprecedented. An android taking the initiative.

"Very well, sir," Candle answered flatly as he made the necessary adjustments to his controls.

On the main screen, the six Gar ships were displayed with all the information the sensors could detect. Weight, dimensions, armament, the number of personnel on board. Some were estimates, such as the number of personnel, others were known by the type of ship they had encountered in the past.

"Estimated time of arrival?" Ezra snapped.

"Seven days. They are currently four days behind us, sir, but closing fast. That closure rate puts them two days behind us at arrival at Aldebaran."

"Very well, Mister Steel. Alert Fleet. Have Commander MacDonald come to my ready room."

"Aye, aye sir."

<~~~ WO ~~~>

"Commander MacDonald reporting as ordered, sir," Connor MacDonald said as he stood at attention in front of Ezra's desk.

"At ease Connor."

"Aye sir," Connor replied relaxing.

"Connor, it would appear that the Gar have improved their hyperdrive capability. They are gaining on us. Instead of having four days to prepare for them, estimates now put them arriving only two days behind us. Is there any way to increase our speed in hyperspace? Without dropping out of hyperspace?"

Connor stood there looking at the Captain for a long moment before he even thought of answering him.

"The short answer sir is no."

"But... "

"... but, there was a paper, published by a colleague of mine in Edinburgh, postulating that if the normal drive engines were powered up during a hyperspace jump that... well, he thought that the ship could traverse the distance... quicker."

"But... ", Ezra said once again.

"... but, yes sir there is another but, he didn't know if applying thrust in the environment of hyperspace would be safe. He also postulated that it could cause the ship to implode from the pressures surrounding it inside its hyperspace bubble."

"I see. What are your thoughts on this... "

"Captain, I have read his data and have come to the same conclusions he has. The outcome is unknown."

"Okay, thank you, Connor... "

"Sir, if I might?"

"Of course Connor."

"If you are going to attempt this, might I suggest that just Warrior be involved, after all, she is the newest ship of the line and... well, her hyper-drive has design features that the other ships do not."

"And these features... could protect her from any unforeseen circumstances?"

"Yes sir, my thoughts exactly," Connor said with enthusiasm.

"Very well Connor. Thank you. You can return to your duties."