Warrior One - Fleet Action Pt. 01


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"Commander O'Connor, prepare for the jump to hyperspace."

Sean O'Connor jumped at the Captain calling her name.

"Aye, aye sir. Commander MacDonald wishes me to inform you that the sub-light engines are back online at half power. He has informed me that we will be breaking at one-quarter sub-light for the whole trip so as not to overtax the engines."

"Thank you, Commander and my regards to Commander MacDonald."

"Aye, aye sir. Hyperspace in one minute."

"Very well," Ezra answered as he walked toward his ready room.

Commander Beckett moved to the Chair as Ezra disappeared into his ready room. Soon there was a knock on Ezra's door.

"Enter," he shouted, looking up to see who it was. "Ah, Connor, how goes Warrior?"

"She's in fairly good shape, considering. The hyperdrive is the only system that wasn't damaged. The sub-light engines are... well, I'm having to nurse them along with baling wire and spit. The electrical conduits are a total write off. If it wasn't for the secondary's... well it would be pretty dark and a lot colder than it is now. The shields are a mess, but working and don't ask me why. Weapons, now there is a system that took no damage, but the targeting system is completely fried. Mister Kinsella, was aiming the plasma cannons manually. Toward the end there were crews in every cannon mount on the ship, aiming the old fashion way, by line of sight and old Kentucky windage."

Ezra smiled at the mention of his home state. Not that many knew where he was from. Connor was one of the few, as was Admiral Cook.

"This is nothing to smile at son," Connor said surprise in his voice.

"I... Connor, do you know where the phrase 'Kentucky windage' is derived?"

"Never gave it much thought, but I would assume it was an American expression sometime last century."

"No, much longer than that. Try three centuries ago, back when America was still a colony of them. The State of Kentucky wasn't even a state, just a territory. A rifle, the Kentucky long rifle, came from there and the expression was used to describe how much lead you used when shooting the rifle."

"And you were smiling at the mention of your home state in the colonies?"

"Yes. And we are no longer colonies... "

"Yes, yes, I know that, but they still don't."

"We seem to have wandered off subject, Warrior."

"Yes, sir."

"How long until we arrive at Earth?"

"One hundred and fifty-two days. Commander Nolan has computed a course that will take us past some pretty big stars and we can use the gravity wells to scrub off some of our speed so we don't go zipping on past our home world."

"I see. And this course is not kin to automation?"

"No, sir. There will have to be a few of us awake, besides the androids."


"Well there will be myself, Commander Nolan of course, Sean my assistant can take a shift, yourself, Lieutenant Vaughan and a few others. Half my section will have to take shifts in cold sleep to babysit the sub-light engines. I'll work out a schedule and inform Candle."

"Thank you, Connor."

"You're welcome, son. Well, I better get back to nursing those damn engines."

And Connor stood, turned and left the room without any fuss. Ezra leaned back in his chair and stared up at the overhead. He sat that way for a long time. Another knock at his door interrupted his thoughts.

"Enter," he yelled once again. Candle came in followed closely by the ships doctor.

"You only had to call me Doctor, I would have reported as ordered."

"We have been trying to call you, but you had your comm on do not disturb."

"Ah," Ezra grunted turning to look at his comm, "you're right. I don't remember doing that. But, I'm ready to accompany you to hibernation."

"Good," Doctor Collins replied. "Let's go."

He turned, stopped waiting for Ezra to follow him. Ezra chuckled as he stood and followed the doctor down to the hibernation level. He was in a capsule and asleep in ten minutes time.

Chapter 52

Ezra was awakened twice to oversee the course corrections and flybys of the stars Commander Nolan had picked. He was awakened one more time to stand watch during a difficult transition through a cluster of stars. Each time the ship had to drop out of hyperspace to take advantage of the gravity wells present.

"How many days until we reach Earth," Ezra asked Candle as they stood in the hibernation chamber.

"Eighteen, sir."

"Hell... "

"No sir, Doctors orders, cold sleep until we reach Earth."

"Fine." And Ezra was back in his capsule.

<~~~ WO ~~~>

"We're coming in too fast," Ezra heard Commander Nolan say as he entered the bridge.

"How's that Mister Nolan?" Ezra asked.

"Sir, we are still coming in too fast. Current projection is we will swing past Earth and continue on out into deep space not slowing for a very long time."

"How about using some of the gravity wells in our own solar system?"

"Uh... I'll get right on that," Eric said, swinging around in his couch and tapping frantically on his keyboard.

"Candle report," Ezra said as he sat on his couch.

"Course and speed are due to change. We exited hyperspace a scant two hours ago. Commander MacDonald reports the sub-light engines will hold together until we orbit Earth if there is no undue stress placed upon them."

"Very good, Mister Steel."

"Course laid in sir," Eric called from his console.

"Very good Commander Nolan, execute."

"Aye, aye sir. All hands," Commander Nolan's voice echoed over the ship-wide intercom, "prepare for course correction maneuvers."

A hard push to the right caught several people on the bridge unprepared. Two had to be taken to sickbay due to a broken arm and a sprained wrist. As Ezra looked up he was startled to see the sun centered in the wide view screen up front.

"Mister Nolan?"

"Yes, sir. We will use the biggest gravity well in the system to brake our momentum."

"I see. Very well, continue."

"Aye, aye sir." Eric turned back to his console.

"How long will all the maneuvers take?" Ezra asked.

"Four hours and twenty-six minutes, sir."

"Very well. Candle, I'll be in my ready room."

"Very good sir."

<~~~ WO ~~~>

The ship lurched twice while Ezra tackled the reports he had put off. A soft knock at his door startled him.

"Enter," he said loudly. The door opened and Candle stepped into his ready room.

"Sir, oh I see you are working on them."

"Yes, I thought I better get them done before we orbit Earth. Is that all you wanted was to check up on me," Ezra said smiling at Candle.

"No, sir. We have been in contact with Earth and they will be sending four space tugs to assist in slowing us down. They will rendezvous with us as we round Jupiter."

"How long is that?"

"Twenty minutes."

"Very well, Candle," Ezra said from his seat behind his desk.

"Yes, sir," Candle replied backing out the doorway.

For the next ten minutes, Ezra caught up on his paperwork. As the ship rounded Jupiter, Ezra was standing on the bridge next to his chair. Commander Beckett started to move out of the chair, but Ezra stopped him with a touch to the shoulder.

"You started this, you finish it."

"Yes, sir.

"Comms, four Class A tugs are matching speed off our port bow. They will be in range in ten minutes."

"Very good," Commander Beckett replied. "Commander O'Connor, do they know where to hook up so they won't pull us apart?"

"Transferring information now sir."

"Very good."

Ten minutes later the tugs had attached themselves to Warrior or what was left of Warrior. In the view screen, Earth grew by the minute.

"Mister Beckett will we slow down in time or do we need to adjust our course?" Ezra asked.

"Commander Nolan?" Beckett asked.

"Sir, tugs are slowing at maximum delta-vee, we should slow enough in order to achieve orbit before hitting the planet."

"Sir?" Beckett looked back at Ezra.

"Good enough," Ezra said smiling at Phinn.

The ship vibrated with the thrust of the tugs. Earth grew in the main screen, ever bigger by the minute. Then, a last jolt and Warrior was in orbit.

"All hands secure from maneuvering," Commander Beckett said.

"Sir, tugs have disengaged. We are in a stable orbit," Commander Nolan said.

"Very well, thank you, Commander," Beckett told him.

"Comms, we are being directed to the space dock dead ahead, sir."

"Thank you, Ensign," Ezra said. "Phinn see if you can get us in there without scratching the paint too bad." The smile on Ezra's face left no doubt he was joking.

"Aye, aye sir," Commander Beckett said laughing.

Once docked and all points secure, Ezra took over the conn.

"All hands this is the Captain. Stand down."

A great sigh went through the ship. Those who were still asleep and could be were awakened. Those who would never be able to wake were moved to the loading bay for transport to the fleet hospital planetside. Preparations were begun for all personnel to be transported to the planet for liberty. There would be a skeleton crew abroad which would cycle among the lower ratings.

It was almost a day later when Commander MacDonald knocked on Ezra's open ready room door. Looking up, Ezra smiled.

"I thought you would be in the engine room seeing to your beloved engine overhaul?"

"Aye, except they are replacing the engines. We're getting brand new sub-light engines. They are on their way from Mars, along with a new and improved shroud and shield generators. In fact, almost half the old girl will be getting new upgrades before they are finished with her."

"So, you'll be sticking around for that?"

"I'll be back for that. They won't be here for a couple of weeks. I'm headed dirt side as should you be."

"No, not me, too much to do... "

"Nonsense. You're coming with me, my boy. Clan MacDonald is looking forward to another visit from you. They have a festival planned... "

"No, no, I couldn't... "

"Doctors orders sir," Connor said waving a piece of paper between them.

"He wouldn't," Ezra growled.

"He did. Now gather your things and let's go. The shuttle is waiting."

"Crap," Ezra croaked.

The two men walked to his cabin and he packed his things. They were in the shuttle bay fifteen minutes later. As the craft dropped from Warrior, Ezra got his first look at his damaged ship. She was a mess. She looked naked without her shroud. He could see breaches in her hull. He could see space suited figures as they worked to repair her. His throat swelled with pain as he watched his beloved Warrior move away.

Chapter 53

Three months later, Ezra, sat at his station on the bridge. Work on Warrior had been completed just the day before. Ezra was taking her out for a shakedown cruise. All of the first watchstanders were aboard and at their stations.

"Helm, ahead one-third," Ezra said. "Let me know when we have cleared space dock."

"Helm, aye," Lieutenant Vaughan said.

Ezra looked over his right shoulder at where Candle usually stood. His place was empty. All ships androids had been sent dirt side for diagnostics and upgrades.

"We have cleared space dock, sir," Molly said.

"Very well. Straight on past the moon, second star to the right," Ezra said.

"Huh?" Molly turned to look at her Captain.

"Steady as she goes, Helm."

"Aye, aye sir. Steady as she goes.

For the next three days, the ship was put through her paces. Little was found wrong and those things that were, Connor MacDonald had fixed before their return. They flitted around the solar system. First stop Mars, then out to poor Pluto. Then for fun, Ezra had the ship move two parsecs above the plane, right over the sun. The view of the solar system was spectacular.

"Conn, Sensors, three bogies, baring one-five-six mark three. Gar, sir."

"All hands, battle stations. Shields to full. Weapon? Countermeasures? Mister Nolan, plot an intercept course. Comms, signal Earth."

"Shields full."

"Weapons ready," Teague Kinsella replied.

"Countermeasures ready," Lieutenant Byers shouted.

"Course plotted," Commander Nolan said.


"Sir, Comms, there is some interference. I am unable to contact Earth. I have alerted Mars and the two ships of the fleet in orbit around Neptune."

"The ships from Mars and Neptune will not be able to intercept the Gar ships before they reach Earth," Commander Nolen informed Ezra.

"Very well, make way to intercept, fastest possible speed."

"Aye, aye sir."

The ship lurched on its new course.

"Torpedoes to fire as we come into range. No missiles. Plasma cannon full power. I want these ships blown out of the sky."

"Aye. Torpedoes away."

"Very good."

Ezra watched the big screen up front. He could just make out the torpedoes as they ducked in and out of hyperspace on their way to the enemy.

"Gar are accelerating. Looks like they have seen us," Sensors said.

"Mister Nolan?"

"Aye, aye sir, adjusting course."

The ship lurched once again.

"Comms, are we jamming them?"

"Aye, aye sir."

"Very well."

"Time to target?"

"Fifteen minutes," Commander Nolan answered.

"Very well."

"Wulver and Ceasg are maneuvering sir."

"Very good." Ezra was missing Candle. "What of the other fleet ships around Earth?"

"Most are dark. Airne Mor is showing signs of life, but will most likely not be ready by the time the Gar ships get there. Wulver is firing. As is Ceasg."

"Very well."

"Ten minutes until contact. First torpedoes are striking home. One ship destroyed, one damaged but still maneuvering. Missiles launched from the Gar ships."

"How many?"

"Wait one... four hundred."

"Plasma cannon to concentrate on the missiles."

"Weapons aye," Teague replied.

"Conn, Sensors, all Gar ships destroyed."


"Gone sir. Just vanished into... "

"Very well. What about those missiles?"

"Sir, Wulver, and Ceasg are firing on them as well. Projections have them all destroyed before any hit Earth."

"Very well. Mister Nolan, put us in orbit around Earth soonest."

"Aye, aye Captain. Twenty minutes."

"Mister Nolan... " Ezra stopped and chuckled to himself.


"Nothing, carry on."

"Aye, aye sir."

In orbit around Earth once more, the rest of the crew was shuttled up. Warrior needed to get back out there. If for anything else, but to stop what just happened from ever happening again. For the next three days, the ship was a bustle with activity. Just before they were to depart, Ezra received a message from Admiral Cook. It was simple and to the point. "Good luck" is what it read. Smiling, Ezra turned to the main screen.


"Sir, course laid in."

"Very well, execute."

"Aye, aye sir."

Warrior moved away from Earth, past the moon and through the solar system. Once past the Oort cloud, the jump to hyperspace was made. Warrior One was back. Back to make new friends and destroy old enemies.

To Be Continued...


Author's Note: I hoped you liked the story. Yes, it a little long. I was going to include the six other parts, which are a little shorter than this one, but that would have put the word count well over 130,000 words long. If you really liked this let me know and I'll submit the other six parts. Thanks, for reading.

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arrowglassarrowglassover 1 year ago
A pleasure to read!

Looking forward to more!

dragonwelshukdragonwelshukalmost 2 years ago

Really enjoyed this tale. Hope it continues.

laughdruidlaughdruidover 3 years ago
Thank You

I love space stories and I will be reading all of the ones you write. Warrior One is the first Lit story i have read with no sex. LOL

rsmith2096rsmith2096over 3 years ago
better than good

good writing good story thanks

SirCarlSirCarlabout 5 years ago

Very well thought out, written, and presented. Keep going.

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