The Price of Love

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A rich man must stoop low to end his divorce.
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* This is my entry into the April Day 2019 Contest. Thanks to all that read and rate! *


"Are you sure?" Davis asked. "If you do this, and Susanne is not cheating on you, you will ruin your marriage. Possibly your chance for children, as well."

Greg nodded and sipped his gin and tonic. He was sure. Why else would he be here, huddled in the back of some low rate chain restaurant, he thought, and across from this man most of all.

Davis McCarl, perhaps the sleaziest divorce lawyer in town so he's been told. Just his name grossed Greg out but he needed him. Young and disreputable, Davis was considered the best. Not in the 'best of the best' way, rather in the 'does what needs to be done' kind of way.

"I would hope it could go without saying but I need to be sure I will have your full confidence in this." After Davis uttered an agreement Greg continued, "I was very generous to Suzy in our prenuptials, this is the only way out for me."

"You have my assurance, Mr. Watkins. I would normally have the paperwork drawn up at this point to protect us both, but we cannot leave a paper trail if the plan is to work. Everything will need to be done unofficially until the right time," Davis replied.

"Of course," Greg said. "She must not have any means to prove anything."

Davis leaned over the table, "There is a young man I know. Good looking, doesn't ask many questions. And I trust him. He will come to you looking to work for your estate. You put him to work; he and I will handle the rest."

"Very well. But I must have proof, Davis. Suzy will take everything, even though she has given me nothing. She knew what was expected of her, that I need children. Two years with excuse after excuse - the bitch hasn't even put out in the last year! I need an heir, Davis, and I need her gone so I can get one."

Greg got up, threw money down for the drinks and slipped an envelope to Davis. After he peeked at the pile of cash inside, Davis shook Greg's hand and flashed a sly smile. "I guarantee you, Mr. Watkins, I will get Susanne out of the way."


Dinner had always been a formal affair, unless Greg Watkins was out of town. Unfortunately for Susanne he had just returned home after a two week business trip and had a larger than usual number of dinner guests.

She selected a long red dress with a slit running high up the back. Matching red heels and a diamond necklace Greg had gifted her on their first date completed her ensemble. She looked stunning, but then that was her role: arm candy for the old oil tycoon.

After an evening of playing a perfect hostess, Susanne said goodbye to the last business associate of Greg's and headed outside toward the pool. Swimming was her respite, especially after dark and in the nude.

Greg watched his wife from an upstairs bathroom window. She slipped off her shoes and carried them to a chair, where she unzipped her dress and let it fall to the ground. He was not shocked to see she had worn no undergarments.

Even though he had grown to hate her, he still admired her body. He grew hard as he watched her tie her long hair on top of her head. He stroked himself as she walked over and dove into the water. She was as graceful as she was beautiful, he thought, as she swam lap after lap under the faint lights with the water rippling over her body.

Greg longed for those nights he used to fuck her out there. In the water, on the tiled deck, across the chaise chairs; wherever she wanted it. He had been hesitant at first, and forbade her from swimming unclothed. "What if the staff photograph you, sell it to the press?"

"Then the world will see what a beautiful wife Mr. Watkins has," Suzy answered with a laugh. So Greg allowed it. Then she began to encourage him, resorted to bribery even. "What good is all your money if you can't be free under the moonlight," she told him one night before lowering his swim trunks and taking him in her mouth. After that he was hooked.

Susanne was still swimming, and Greg rubbing himself, when Carl carried a towel to the chair where her things were at. He lingered, pretending to be busy but glancing in her direction. She continued on unfazed, just as Greg knew she had been doing in the weeks prior. He kept a watchful eye on the security cameras from his laptop while he was out of town. Carl seemed to be trying, but Suzy wasn't interested.

Greg knew he would have to talk to Davis but he didn't want to bother thinking about that then. He wanted to release himself. It had been too long and he was getting desperate. He thought about meeting up with another woman during his trip, though he couldn't risk it. It would give Susanne grounds for divorce and to half or more of his estate.

So he resigned to taking care of himself best he could, even if it meant hiding in a dark bathroom spying on his own wife. But that night he wouldn't have the chance; Carl returned to the pool house and Susanne exited the pool. She wrapped herself in the towel and retreated to her room for the evening. He muttered some curse words and went to bed.


The next morning at breakfast Susanne had questioned Greg about the new guy. "Carl, his name is I think," Greg answered.

"He seems a bit strange," she said, "and works odd hours."

"Yes, dear," was his response before he returned to the newspaper he had been pretending to read. In actuality he was trying to formulate a plan to get in touch with Davis. Calling from his cell or work phone would be too easy to trace, he thought, and he couldn't remember the last time he saw a pay phone anywhere.

Greg first heard about Davis through Suzy's mother. She told him the details of her divorce, how Davis destroyed her ex-husband in court and how he did similar work for other people she knew. Greg, paranoid as he was, sent him a letter in the mail hoping he could help with Suzy. Davis called him from a burner phone after receiving it and set up the first meeting. But it wouldn't do to send a letter again, Greg thought.

Then he remembered Carl. Just as Davis said, Carl showed up the day after their meeting, down on his luck and looking for work. Greg brought him on the maintenance team knowing he would work the pool in the evening hours. Just when Suzy loved to take her topless or fully nude swims. But over three months had passed since then and Greg grew more impatient by the day.

After dinner. Before his guests left and Susanne went for her swim. That's when Greg decided he would seek out Carl and ask him to get a message to Davis. He was sure it would work.

So Greg slipped away while Suzy chatted up a prospective client and his wife. He found Carl watering plants near the guest house. "Carl, may I have a word?"

Carl rushed over, "Yes, Mr. Watkins, how can I help you?"

"I believe we have a mutual friend, yes?"

Carl glanced around, "Mm-hmm, I know of a guy."

"Wonderful. If you would let him know I need to speak with him," Greg said.

"Yes, sir."

Greg nodded and returned to his guests. Carl appeared quite edgy but Greg felt relieved. He finished entertaining and called it a night.

When he awoke in the morning he found an envelope had been slipped under his door. "Noon," was all it said. Inside was a key card to a hotel across town, room 104.

He spent the morning uncertain how he felt about this meeting. A hotel room seemed unnecessary. Plus there would be security cameras and that made him nervous. All he wanted was Carl to seduce his wife so he could divorce her without handing over millions. He didn't feel it should be this difficult.

Before leaving the office Greg told his secretary to clear his day, he wasn't feeling well and would be returning home for rest. He probably could have made it back afterward without arising suspicion but this all was getting to him and rest would serve him well.

He tried to be casual as he walked into the hotel and followed the signs to the room. Sweat formed at his brow and his hands began to shake as he swiped the card. He was pleased when it opened and he could escape inside.

With the door shut behind him, he took a moment to catch his breath before moving further into the darkened room.

"Hello Greg," a female voice called out.

Greg spotted her sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. Confusion and panic swept over him once again. "Who are you?" he asked. "Where is Davis?"

The woman flipped on the light next to her chair and Greg could tell she was wearing a black silky nightgown. "I'm Vanessa. Davis sent me."

She motioned him to sit across from her. "He knows about the delay with Carl. I'm to assure you they are working on it. Progress is being made."

Greg ran a nearly billion dollar company, he was used to being in charge. Waiting on other people to accomplish something left him very impatient, and somehow Davis McCarl thought sending this scarcely dressed woman would solve his problems.

Well she is young and very attractive, he thought. Likely about Suzy's age, almost 40 years younger than Greg himself. "What does Davis suggest I do in the meantime?"

Vanessa smiled. "He wants you to find some happiness. He asked that I remind you there are plenty of other women." She walked over and stood in front of him. "And many of us would enjoy pleasing you."

His mind told him to get up and walk away. Some part of him knew there was too much to lose. It wouldn't be long, he repeated in his head. Davis would come through. He was sure.

Then Vanessa dropped her nightgown and all reason was lost.

Greg pushed her onto the bed as she fumbled at his pants. As they kissed his hands found her breasts. They were small but firm and perky. He pawed at them, lost in the thought of how he missed the feel of a woman underneath him.

He moved his hand down her stomach, across her thigh and to her pussy. She moaned as he rubbed her, "Fuck me, Greg," she begged. "Fuck me now!"

He shoved his pants down around his ankles and pushed himself into her. "Oh Greg," Vanessa uttered. She squealed in delight - feigned delight Greg thought - as he thrust within her harder with each squeal until finally he exploded with a rush of exhilaration.

"Damn," he said before he redressed. "Thank Davis for me. But do let him know I grow annoyed with this delay." And with that Greg left the hotel, drove home, and assured himself Davis would not have arranged the encounter unless it was safe to do so. He slept better than ever that night.


At the office the next afternoon, Greg received a call from one of his housekeepers. "Mrs. Watkins just left with a suitcase, sir," Maria stated nervously. "I was not aware of any travel plans, so I thought to let you know."

Greg checked their schedule on his phone calendar. There was nothing. "Thanks, Maria," he replied before hanging up and dialing Davis McCarl.

"It appears she may have left me, Davis."

"Yes, I am aware. And we have what we need, Mr. Watkins. I can have the paperwork drawn up soon."

Greg was confused but agreed to meet with Davis in a few hours. He spent the rest of the day in a tizzy, anxiously awaiting an explanation.

Once he arrived at the same restaurant they first met at, he spotted Davis sitting with a stack of papers. "What is going on? What do we have on her and how does she know?" he asked.

Davis pulled out a tablet, "Everything from yesterday is on here. Susanne knows and she has a copy. As her lawyer, I am presenting to you a settlement offer she has agreed to." He paused as Greg took it in. "She would like to remain out of court. Her terms include a non-disclosure she knew you would want. No press, no judge, over with quietly and quickly. You'll be free to move on."

Greg was irate. His face grew red as it became clear to him that he was played. "You are a scumbag, Davis. I will destroy you, you do realize this?"

Davis slowly pushed the papers across the table. "I suggest you read them, Mr. Watkins. Susanne is being quite generous with her offer. I assure you any other future offer will not be."

"Where is she?" Greg asked.

"Somewhere safe. As you will see in her offer, she requests no future contact. Her personal belongings have been removed from your home. Anything remaining she has no desire for."

"I will take these to a respectable lawyer. We will go from there," Greg replied.

Davis motioned toward the tablet, "This video can be made public any moment, Mr. Watkins. Think about your reputation. Consider your next marriage and how far away that could be if you were to spend years in legal battle. What is three hundred million against that?"

Greg grumbled and Davis went on, "Susanne has her whole life ahead of her. She is in no hurry. But you, Greg, well without kids what happens to your estate?"

Greg knew he was screwed. He snatched up the papers and grumbled "Call me tomorrow."


Six months later Davis left a message after the beep, "It's final. See you soon!"

After hours on the plane, he found his small suitcase and hailed a taxi. The sun was nearly blinding and he knew the jet lag would take a few days to overcome. But that was nothing compared to the past three grueling years.

He found the correct apartment building, right on the beach as she had said. Riding the elevator up he could barely wait another minute. Every little doubt, each lonely night, all the days gone by felt like it hit him all at once as the elevator ding repeated after each floor until he reached the top.

He walked to the end of the hall and knocked on the door.

"Davey, is that you?" she screamed from inside.

"Yes! Let me in," he laughed as she grappled with the lock.

Finally the door flung open. Susanne jumped into Davis' arms. He closed the door with his foot and carried her over to the sofa as they passionately kissed. Occasionally one of them would try to talk but the other would not allow it.

As the cool breeze blew in through the patio doors, they slowly but eagerly undressed one another. "I have missed you, babe," Davis said as he went down on Susanne.

With his head buried deep between her legs, she came on his face time and time again before he bent her over the sofa. He fucked her from behind until he couldn't fuck anymore and collapsed onto the sofa.

Susanne brought her mouth to his cock. Hard and covered in her juices, she took it into her mouth until he let himself go. She laid on top of him and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Susanne awoke, feeling a chill and found the sun was setting. She got Davis up to watch from the balcony with her. He never once asked her to put on clothes.

"Shower up, we have dinner plans," Susanne said after dark. They showered together, laughing and touching as if they had just met. They got dressed and hurried out.

"Walk faster, we are late," she kept saying as they hurried a few blocks down the street to a lively seafood bar and restaurant. A small band was playing and it was getting crowded but Susanne and Davis managed their way through the crowd and found their table.

Carl and Vanessa had drinks waiting for them.

After a round of hugs, Carl lifted his glass. "To the greatest lawyer who never took the bar exam!" And with a laugh, they all drank to Davis McCarl, the sleaziest lawyer that never was.

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Buster2UBuster2U5 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars for the writer. Short fun, no Stress story. Too bad M/C wasn't up to the game. Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Too obvious. And a man like that would certainly consider murder as an alternative. Not smart. Suzanne, Davis, Carl and Vanessa would all be dead.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
One major flaw

Anyone rich enough to pay 300 million is a divorce settlement has the money to

Kill all those involved

hire a surrogate

marry any gold digger off the street willing to get regnant for an easy life

jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 5 years ago
Agree in house attorneys etc made him too stupid

2 stars for your efforts to writing story

0 for story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
No man with a billion dollar company is that stupid.

And Companies that big have in-house attorneys, who know attorneys, who know PI's. The setup was blatantly obvious. Why would he go one month, let alone one year without sex since his wife knows his expectations? Two months go by and he files for a divorce and kicks her out. And for someone that's being careful, when the prostitute shows up, he leaves. Even for fiction that idea didn't fly. This wasn't really an April Fools joke or prank. This was a scam/hustle. People with a billion dollar Company hunt those types of people down and they disappear. This was poorly thought out and badly done. Both improbable and unbelievable.

1 star

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