The Path Less Traveled

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Booty call camping trip upended by lil sis.
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It didn't matter a jot that my sister, Carla, was now nineteen. She was still a whiney, needy, pudgy little pain in the ass as far as I was concerned. Obviously, I wasn't the only one who thought so, as I'd never seen any boys knocking about with her. So, I was delighted when my main crush, Becky, invited me along with some friends on a camping trip. Becky was twenty-two like me but had her own place. I'd been sniffing around her for months and although she'd always seemed receptive, I couldn't seal the deal. To be honest, we hadn't even kissed, bar a peck hello or goodbye. She was my dream girl. Athletic, tanned, a few inches shorter than my six feet, and glowed with an inner self-confidence that was intoxicating. It didn't do her any harm that she bore a striking resemblance to Carter Cruise to boot. I couldn't believe my luck when I took her call out of the blue.

"How do you fancy a weekend camping out on the old trail past the woods?" She asked.

"Who's going?"

"You, me and a couple more."

"Sure." I played it cool, nearly snapping her hand off.

I was still trying to figure out how to tell my folks -- who are a bit old fashioned that way, even at my age, when mom shocked me by preempting my request with a yes. I never saw the 'but' coming.

"I think a weekend camping trip would do you the world of good. Get your head out of those books for one thing."

"What? Really? How on earth did you hear about it? I've only just found out myself." I was thrilling with expectation. Already planning on an afternoon's tester on my laptop streaming Carter. That's when the bombshell landed.

"Carla asked me earlier. Said you were going to volunteer to chaperone. That's so big of you."


"It'd be nice to see you two spending a little more time together. Sometimes it feels like we've two different families under the one roof --"

I'd zoned out at this stage.


What was her role in all this? I decided that it didn't matter. Carla had inadvertently created the perfect set of circumstances for me to seal the deal with Becky. I'd just have to find a way to ditch little sis along the way.

Friday duly arrived, and Carla and I set off together in silence to the other side of town, with backpacks full of provisions and a tent. We met with Becky (another peck for me and, I noticed with some chagrin, a similar one for Carla), Tom and Sue, Bill and Mary. The perfect couples' retreat plus one, I grumbled to myself.

Heading out of town, we took the highway for a mile or so, then cut off to follow a lazy river across some fields to the woods that lay at the foot of a decent enough hill. Our goal was on the far side, a campsite to ourselves by a lake. If we made good time on the hike, we'd be there before teatime. Plenty of time to put up the tents, gather wood and water and get some food on.

Try as I might, I couldn't shake Carla. I'd fallen into step with Becky only to discover so had Carla. Becky didn't seem to mind but I had to fight myself to avoid my frustration showing. 'Just play it cool', I thought to myself.

Truth be told, it was a good hike. The three of us chatted and we made good time. Turns out Carla had similar interests to Becky. They both wanted to write and both loved art. I kind of phased out for a bit after that because I'm not especially into either. Football is my life and my passion. Apart from Becky, that is.

As the morning wore on into afternoon, the sun began to feel really hot, and we stopped to lose a layer or two before resuming our walk. The woods were looming up ahead and we were all looking forward to the cool shadows that awaited. I'd sort of dropped into a mental rhythm beside the two girls, my own thoughts happily spinning about in my head as they prattled along beside me. Lost in thought, I barely noticed the trees overtake us. Soon, we were threading our way through the woods, slower but cooler.

The others, in their pairs, presumably drawn by the thoughts of some alone time together, had marched on ahead a fair bit. When I realized, I urged a quickening of the pace. The girls dutifully upped the speed, but Carla soon lost her footing on a rotted log and twisted her ankle. Less haste, more speed, I admonished myself.

To be honest, it didn't look like anything that wouldn't heal with a little rest, so I suggested we halt for a few minutes. Carla said it wasn't fair on the others for us to fall so far behind. That they'd be worried. Becky agreed and suggested she go on ahead with Carla's pack, to catch them up and let them know to expect us when we got there. Needless to say, this did not go down well with me. I came up with twenty reasons why it wasn't a good idea. But neither girl was having any of it. And soon, there I was, in the last position I wanted to be this weekend. On my own minding my little sister.

I did have a fleeting chance to admire Becky's retreating ass as she bounced gazelle-like from fallen tree to fallen tree, soon disappearing into the gloom.

I decided to shake of my fug for now and encourage Carla. Not altruism on my part, the sooner we caught up, the more time I'd have to seduce Becky.

So, after ten minutes of gently massaging Carla's ankle, I suggested she try to put some weight on it. She agreed, and said it felt sore but not as bad. Taking some of her weight with an arm under her shoulder, I started us off again in the rough direction of the hill, following the gradient more than any map in my head.

Soon, we we're hopelessly lost.

"Sorry, sis. We seem to have strayed off the path."

"So much for David Bowie!" She smiled.

"That's Jim Bowie." I laughed.

"Listen, if we keep going upward, we'll eventually clear the tree line, then just skirt the shoulder of the hill, and find the others on the lakeshore beyond."

"Sound like a plan." She agreed. And we set off arm in arm.

Turns out mom had been right all along. I was actually, despite myself, enjoying my sister's company. She was, it turns out, very funny and genial company. We even sang a few songs together to keep our spirits up.

By two o'clock, we passed beyond the trees, and I pointed at a rocky premonitory to the right.

"I think I remember those rocks, there. If we swing by them, there's a spot where the river forms a rockpool where we can rest and drink some water. It's fast flowing so we don't have to rely on our canteens."

With renewed vigor, we took off, stumbling upwards over grass tuffets and holes left by the last thaw. With the sun now directly overhead, we were both hot and sweaty by the time we made the rocks. I helped Carly to settle on the bank of the pool and filled a billycan full of water from the pool for us to share.

Thirsts quenched, Carla complained about the heat.

"There's nothing I can do about it." I said. "Unless you want to take a dip in the pool. That'll cool you off fast enough."

"My swimsuit's in my bag." She moaned.

'Just skinny dip, it's not like anyone's going to see you out here. We're miles from the nearest yokel.

"You'll see me." She said.

"Like I'm going to look. Tell you what, why don't I go in first and when you see my back turned, you can pop in after me and be under the water before I see anything. Ok?"

She looked a little dubious, but it really was sweltering, and soon she assented.

Don't ask me what possessed me, I'd intended to jump in in my shorts, but at the last second, whipped them off and jumped in. I think I wanted to let Carla know we were both in this together so she wouldn't feel so self-conscious.

I waded into the deep, extremely cold pool so it came up to my shoulders, then shouted to Carla, without turning.

"It's safe to come in."

I could feel the icy water shrinking my cock and balls as I waited for her, I could hear the sounds of disrobing behind me, and stood firmly resolute in my position, back to her.

Then, a splash. A slight shriek at the cold. And a laugh. My heart skipped a beat at the laugh, and I smiled.

"Cold enough for you?"

"Don't turn around!"

"I won't"

"It's freezing. Wait till I'm out of the shallows."

"Just tell me when you feel comfortable."

"I'm not sure that's possible in this cold. My nipples are like bullets."

Now, as you've probably gathered by now, I've never thought of my sister as anything other than an annoying little so and so. But for some reason, her mentioning her nipples with her standing a few yards away naked flipped a switch in my head and I became suddenly very conscious of my own nakedness and the sounds of her splashing growing closer.

"Um, eh, I might get out soon." I stuttered.

"Oh, come on. I'm only just in. Look, water's up to my shoulders now."

I turned and looked. Carla was six feet away, half threading water. It was up to her shoulders, but with my added height and the crystal clarity of the water, I could clearly see her body beneath the surface. I couldn't take my eyes away. I took in the roundness of her breasts, the paleness of her skin, the dark patch beneath the small rolls of fat at her belly, and her legs floating and bouncing as she jumped from rock to rock.

Despite the cold, my cock grew.

What the hell was that? I wondered. This was Carla.

Now, I took in her face. For the first time, I saw the woman she was. Oh, so like mom, but with a with enough of pa thrown in that it avoided the uncanny valley sensation. Instead, she looked radiant, smiling at me wide eyed as she swam towards me.

My head swam itself. My thoughts slid in fifty different directions at once.

I reminded myself over and over 'this is my sister.'

I must have completely zoned out for a second, because when I became aware again, Carla was just inches from me, threading water. The small whirlpools she was generating spun through the water and thrilled me as they exploded against my naked flesh. My mind was reeling, and my cock was at bursting point. I felt a panic attack coming on and needed to get to shallow water and out of this pool fast.

That's when Carla, tiring of threading, put her foot down and found a rock to stand on. She propped her weight on it, which took it for a second, before rolling over and sending her unceremoniously under water and into my arms. All thoughts of panic fled, as I reflexively grabbed her under the arms and pulled her coughing to the surface and towards me. I just wanted to make sure she was safe. My own feet danced about the surface of the pool desperate to find solid ground. Which they did eventually. Letting out a deep breath, I said. "I got you. It's ok."

The panic faded on her face as her breathing settled. She relaxed into my arms, her entire front pressed against mine. That's when I realized my erection was spearing through her thighs, pinned in place by her flesh. I became hyperaware of her skin pressed against mine. What little blood was left in my brain said sayonara and headed south to join its band of brothers in my swelling penis. I froze, not wanting to move, either to make her aware of my predicament (currently prodding her fundament) or to increase the sensations that were driving me wild. Then Carla fucked it all up.

She wrapped her arms around my head and her legs around my waist and kissed me on the lips. Chaste at first.

"My hero." She sighed.

Then she kissed me again. Her tongue forcing its way past my lips and teeth along with the fact that my cock with now wedged in the furrow between her vagina and ass, with the full weight of her body pressing down, made any thoughts or resisting dissipate.

I returned the kiss and the embrace.

And we stayed like that, embracing and kissing, body to body, as I hopped from stone to stone over to the shallows, and then I carried on walking, carrying her lovingly out of the pool before laying her gently down on the grass.

My mouth couldn't get enough of hers. Our tongues were like fighting serpents, our lips swam all over each other's lips. Her hands were still wrapped around my neck, and she slid them down my back. One found my ass and my cock head beyond.

I shivered with pleasure.

She squirmed beneath me, and I could feel her juices slickening my pubes as my cock remained ramrod straight along her ass crack. She was becoming aware of my penis herself; she began to make small movements with her ass, increasing the sensation of it down there along with the feeling of friction. She was literally wanking me with her ass crack. Any thought of me putting a stop to this was long gone.

My hands found her fleshy breasts and my thumbs pinched her nipple softly, then hard, then softly again as she moaned to my touch. At that, she pushed me back, and for one second, I thought she was having second thoughts. Instead, she was freeing my penis which popped up from along her ass like a tentpole. Then she lowered me again onto her and into her. I grunted like an animal as I felt the heat and wet envelop my cock. I had to force myself not to come on the spot.

We lay like that for a moment. Still, bar our tongues mashing and our hands exploring each other's body. The, she began to push against me, and then push away into the soft grass. I matched her movements, and we sound fell into sync, my penis pistoning slowly at first inside her. The rhythm picked up pace as we both followed our body's desires. Soon I raised my upper torso on my outstretches arms, hand gripping the grass, to push my full length deep inside her on every thrust. Her eyes went wide, her thighs began to shake uncontrollably, and she raked her nails across my buttocks with wild abandon. She bucked her ass up and down as fast as she could, more of a gallop than anything, and I raced to keep up. Then we were both coming and screaming our delight.

We lay there panting on the grass. My penis still hard inside her and showing no sign of softening. She stroked my back and neck and hair gently, whispering into my ear, "Oh, brother, oh, brother." Over and over again.

And we lay there still, half dozing, when a voice shook us both out of our nirvana.

"Hey, you two."

My head spun round, and I made to jump up. I couldn't see who it was. Carla was having none of it, and wrapped her arms and legs around me so I couldn't pull myself out of her and away from her.

"Hey, Bex." Carla called back.

My heart jumped. Not only had I fucked my sister, but I'd also fucked things up with Becky too. And she was going to tell everyone. We'd have to move. Our parents would kill us. Our lives were over. What had I done?

Then Carla hit me with yet another curveball.

"We started without you, Bex. Hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all. As long as you haven't worn yourselves out."

Carla giggled.

"I'm raring to go. And it feels like big bro here is still hard as a rock."

Becky ran her hand along my body from the nape of my neck to my ass crack, sending shivers through me. Carla could feel me respond inside her and shimmied her ass with a giggle.

"Oh, he likes that, Bex."

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You know my girlfriend." Carla said impishly.

"Your girlfriend?"

"Did you never wonder why I was all smiles around you but never showed any signs of wanting to put out?"

"Did it never cross you mind that your little sis wasn't hanging with boys?"


I was finding it hard to concentrate with the micromovements Carla was making under me.

"We both decided that if every we wanted to include a guy in our mix, it was going to be you."


"You're good looking, strong, physical but most of all you're kind and gentle."

I managed to turn my head towards Becky. I saw her boots first, then tracked up along her body, completely naked. She was like a Greek statue. A Marvel superhero in an X-rated version, Carter Cruise on her best day. Body fit and firm, breasts large but beautiful. The curve of her hip was intoxicating. The small tuft of hair above her vagina was like a billboard invitation to the delights below. My penis swelled more inside Carla who moaned softly as she shifted her weight.

"I've the tent set up just over the ridge there, about ten yards away. We can go fuck there, or just carry on here. But you'll have to make room for me."

My mind was still trying to grasp what was going on.

"But the others?"

"Are camping at the lake. There all so horny for each other they'll never miss us."

"We've everything we need right here." Becky punctuated that last statement with sliding her hand over my testicles from behind my ass and gently stroking the base of my penis with a finger.

"No rush." Said Carla. "We've all weekend."


With some disgruntled moans from Carla, I managed to roll off her and onto my back alongside her. She sat up and reflexively grabbed my engorged cock. "So, this is what I've been enjoying. Come on Bex. Your turn."

I felt like I'd entered a parallel universe as I watched Bex silhouetted against the sun lower herself to her knees beside me. Her head fell, hair tantalizingly brushing my abdomen. Then her mouth was on me. Hungrily, she devoured my cock. Her mouth felt amazing, wet and hot and silk-like as it slid up and down my shaft. Then, without warning, she released me and lifted a leg over my stomach. Before I could move, she sat astride me, using her hand to guide me inside her. I groaned again and lay back on the grass.

Carla got up beside me and, facing Becky, lowered her cum dripping pussy onto my mouth. I didn't need directions. I licked and lapped and stabbed my tongue in time with my hips raising and lowering under Becky. Carla was soon coming again on my mouth, and Becky and I rode a close second. The howls must have been heard to the lake and back.

The weekend passed in a similarly euphoric glow as we explored every inch of each other and every possible possibility of coupling in a tiny two-man tent. There were quite a few, it turned out. Then it was time for home.

Life returned to normal.

For a very short time.

Becky soon landed a job on a newspaper in a nearby metropolis. Turns out, they needed a cub reporter, so Carla followed soon after. Carla told my parent the city was scary -- so I was dispatched as a minder for them both. I then landed a job working backroom for a college football team. Soon, as far the world was concerned, Becky and I married and had kids. Behind closed doors, the three of use continued as a deliriously happy threesome. Living and loving with many, many happy endings.

The (happy) ending.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Could've gone on a bit longer maybe a few more pages like you got Carla pregnant etc

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Lucky Guy, great one, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago




AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

End seemed a bit rushed and story could have been a bit longer, but was a good read

Worshipper622chichiWorshipper622chichi4 months ago

Storyline is ok at best. Rush to finish makes it less so.

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