Sleepwalking Mom Ch. 11


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I moved to the door and turned the knob, which disengaged the lock. I opened the door and peered out. There wasn't a soul around. The only sound was the music played by the DJ. I chuckled to myself. The DJ must be the most bored person around. Everyone else was otherwise engaged.

I left the bathroom and walked out in the yard to get a drink. The bartender was sitting in a chair reading a book. The DJ was gyrating his hips to the music. I was wrong. The bartender was the most bored person around. He snapped to attention when I walked up and ordered a beer. He smiled as he looked past me to watch Sylvia walking over. He mumbled, "Jesus. What a fox." I turned to look where he was looking and I grinned and nodded at him. Sylvia came in close and wrapped her arm around my waist and ordered her drink. He was turning to get my beer and he muttered, "Sorry man. My apologies. I didn't realize." He set my beer on the bar and made Sylvia's drink.

Fatima returned to her post by the grill and took up a bored pose. I went over and asked if she would like a drink. She smiled and declined, saying that she was working. Sylvia and I both grinned at her and then headed for the pool.

I held one of the big swans by the stairs and Sylvia crawled up on its back leaning against the spread wings. I smiled. She looked like Cleopatra riding in to Rome in the movie. She saw my smile and she cocked her head at me and said, "What are you grinning at?" I just shook my head. I crawled on too and leaned back against the bent neck. She placed her spread legs on top of mine and took a sip from her red solo cup. Then she wanted to know the deal with the three girls that had beat her into the bathroom. I was truthful and explained our relationships, leaving out the business about the fake sleepwalking at my sister's graduation party. If she didn't already figure me for some kind of pervert, I didn't need to encourage that thought.

We talked and laughed. She confessed that what had happened here today was on the far end of the probability spectrum. She really liked my mother and my sisters seemed really nice. She looked around and said, "Where are your sisters anyway? I saw them go out the front door and I haven't seen them since."

I told her about Sarah's Dad's van parked in the driveway and without specifics, indicated that June, Julie, Sarah, Amber and Jaz were probably inside. Sylvia was confused by all the names and said, "Sarah is the big boobed pretty blonde that thought you owed her a fuck?" I chuckled and nodded. Sylvia grinned at how she had phrased her question.

By ones and twos, everyone began appearing in the backyard. It had been more than an hour since everyone had disappeared after lunch. The bartender was suddenly very busy. The girls were attacking the chocolate fountain. Jaz was blasted as she staggered over to the bar and ordered another drink. I felt bad for him. He was looking around for someone to take him off the hook. It was clear that he didn't want to serve her but she started to make a big scene and he made her the drink. I smiled to myself when I saw that he didn't put any alcohol in it. It didn't matter anyway because she turned away from the bar with drink in hand and immediately stumbled on the edge of the lawn and pool-deck and went down in a heap, spilling her drink.

The bartender helped her to her feet and she grabbed his crotch as she was half-way up. He quickly scanned the yard to see if anyone saw. Jaz was persistent and while he fended off her hands, she yelled out, "I need a fucking cock." That brought the party to a screeching halt. It was like a still shot of the moment, like time suddenly came to a halt.

Julie pushed past several girls, who had their hands to their mouths. They were trying to hide their shock at Jaz' outburst but they were mostly hiding their grins. Everyone loved to watch a train-wreck in progress. Julie wrapped up Jaz in her arms and pulled her away from the bartender. He just stood there watching the train-wreck too.

Jaz was trying to extricate herself from Julie's clutches and yelled out again in a slur, "Everyone here is getting fucked and I want mine too." Julie tried to squelch Jaz' outburst with her hand over Jaz' mouth but she easily sidestepped Julie's attempt. The shock had worn off and all of the girls were laughing.

Dad interceded to help Julie. That was a mistake. As soon as Dad was in range, Jaz yanked his bathing suit down and grabbed his dick before he could fend her hands away. Dad immediately pulled back away from her and pulled his bathing suit back up. Jaz was on her hands and knees trying to get to Dad. He backed away further. His face was beet red with embarrassment.

Mom, who had been in the kitchen when the ruckus started pushed through the ring of bystanders and pulled Jaz to her feet and forcefully guided her toward the sun-room. Julie joined Mom to help. As they were passing the table that Sylvia and I were sitting at, Jaz broke loose again and flopped down on her back on the table top right in front of us. She yanked her bikini bottom down to her thighs, spread her pussy lips with her two hands and looked right up at me and slurred out, "Fuck me Dex. Like before. My Mama says..."

My hands launched for her mouth before she could say anything more, but Sylvia was faster and her hand clamped over Jaz' lips and in the same motion, came out of her seat and pushed her face to within inches of Jaz' face and angrily growled in a demonic voice meant only for Jaz, "That will be enough of that. Get your shit together girly." Jaz' eyes went wide.

Mom took Jaz by her hands and pulled her off the table and Sylvia pulled back her hand and sat down. She was just as cool, calm and relaxed as before the scene started. I wasn't though. Now I had another thing to explain.

Inside, we could hear Jaz wailing, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." They must have taken Jaz to the twin's room. Mom came back but Julie didn't for quite a while. Mom went to the bar and ordered a drink. The DJ recognized the lull in the festivities and he played an old rock n' roll song to get things going again. It was a Jerry Lee Lewis song, I think. Before my time, but it was jumping.

Aunt Mary and her daughters were consoling Dad, who was distraught with the events. I smiled to myself as I thought, 'There's probably no one at that table that hasn't already seen his dick today.' I thought about the camera in the ceiling fan and my dick moved off my left hip as it hardened.

June decided that we should all play a game of pool volleyball to get our minds off the Jaz incident. She ran over to me and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek from behind. She pleaded with me to come play. She always wanted me on her team because I was by far, taller than everyone else. I never liked to play this game in our pool because one half was shallow so players could stand and the other half was too deep to stand and players had to tread water. The shallow water players always won.

June was excited to play and I gave in. I looked at Sylvia, who was clearly not crazy about the idea but she smiled and nodded. June leaned over my back to kiss me again and she stopped suddenly. I turned my head to look at her. She was staring down past my chest and she said, "I'll go get the net set up while you take care of that. You don't want to scare everyone." She giggled and threw a quick peck of a kiss on my cheek and was gone.

Sylvia looked down where June had been looking and then looked up at my face. She grinned and softly said, "Does that thing ever go down? Jesus Dex. We'll have to start calling you 'Erection Man'. I chuckled and lifted my hands to see for myself. I knew it was hard, but fuck, it was hard. I had no idea how I was going to get up and stand up straight. Fuck, this was going to be embarrassing. Sylvia recognized my dilemma and said, "Just stand up and go. I suspect that there aren't many people here who haven't seen your junk already either, and that includes all the tables." That was a dig and we'd have to discuss it later. For now, I chuckled because I knew that all the women at the party had already seen my hard cock up close and personal.

My mind flashed through other possibilities. One was for Sylvia to discreetly jerk me off under the table. I doubted it would take long, as hard as it was. Sylvia must have been reading my mind as she leaned over to me and said, "Don't even think about it Dex. There's no way that's happening. Just get up and go upstairs and take care of it. I'll be in the pool." She glanced down at my lap again and giggled and whispered, "Jesus, that's hard." She stood and headed for the pool.

I whispered to myself, "What the fuck," and I stood up as straight as I could with my erection catching on the bathing suit. As nonchalantly as possible, I made my way through the crowd. Jennifer and Jillian were the first to make eye contact with me as they pulled a hand to their mouths. They just giggled to each other as I passed by. Sarah was being Sarah as she reached out and gripped the top of the tent for a moment and giggled. Mom noticed the group disturbance and she saw why, she instinctively moved to follow me inside. June grabbed her arm to stop her and Mom didn't resist.

I didn't encounter anyone else inside and I hurried up the stairs as fast as I could. I had a hard time getting my hard cock out of my bathing suit. I finally pulled the suit up giving myself a wedgie so I could push my cock to my stomach and then pull the suit down. I didn't need any additional stimulation but I couldn't take my mind off the video recording in Mom and Dad's room. It was right there two feet away. I loaded the App and started the recording as I sat in my desk chair. It started with Dad climbing up on the bed on his back and then Mom climbed up on top of him. I was jacking on my cock as I watched.

I put the video on fast-forward just to see if what I suspected would happen, actually happened. The computer screen displayed Mom rapidly jerking up and down on Dad's crotch and then Aunt Mary appeared and quickly tried to position herself on his face but he pushed her away. She popped to her feet and pushed her crotch to Mom's face and Mom gripped Aunt Mary's hips and Aunt Mary gripped Mom's head.

Mom pulled away from Aunt Mary and she went spastic in an apparent orgasm and collapsed off Dad's cock and fell to the side. Aunt Mary took her place facing away from him. She quickly bobbed up and down and then Jillian and Jennifer suddenly appeared in frame. Jillian maneuvered Mom to her back and buried her face in Mom's pussy. Jennifer stood on the bed with her pussy to her mother's face. I had to smile when Jennifer's face appeared only inches from the camera. Her mouth was open and her eyes closed as she clung to her mother's head. This video revealed much about Dad and Mom that I didn't know.

I groaned into my orgasm as I wrapped a wad of tissues over my glans. I thought my guts would blow out through my cock too. I shut off the video and resolved to watch it live at some point. I had to take several minutes to recover and wait for my cock to deflate.

The volleyball game was underway when I walked back out in the yard. Everyone snickered and glanced at my crotch. It was embarrassing. I tried not to show it. Julie came out right behind me and grabbed my arm. She looked up at me and said, "Sorry for Jaz's outburst. I hope she didn't do too much damage. She sleeping it off in my bed. Have I missed anything?" I smiled and shook my head. She ran and plunged into the pool to join the game. None of the adults were playing. Sylvia had finagled her way onto the shallow-pool side. They were winning as the deep-pool players struggled to avoid drowning. I went to the bar and then went and sat down at the adult table.

Dad and Aunt Mary sat on one side and Mom sat on the other. I sat down beside Mom. She smiled at me and I caught her quick glance at my crotch. I quickly scanned down her body in her sexy bikini hybrid bathing suit. It had bikini pieces that were connected by artistic strips of material slashing across her back and stomach. She nonchalantly pulled the bikini bottom material to the side and ran her index finger through her outer lips. I had trouble not staring at her crotch but I forced myself to engage in a distracted conversation with Aunt Mary. I kept stealing glances at Mom as she diddled her pussy. There wasn't a hint to anyone else of what she was doing except me, which of course was her plan.

As it turned out, Aunt Mary was distracted too and she wasn't nearly as good at hiding it as Mom. She was sitting very close to Dad and the subtle motion on her arm indicated that she had her hand in Dad's crotch. It was impossible to see if she actually had his dick out or not. Dad was concentrating on the game in the pool. Mom was sending me some kind of signal but again, I didn't understand.

With the thought that Dad was getting his dick handled by Aunt Mary, whose face was flushing redder by the moment, and glancing at Mom stroking her pussy, my cock made the inevitable rise to lift the leg of my suit. Mom noticed as she looked down and then at my face as she grinned broadly.

I had to get out of there, fast. Mom's infatuation with risk taking would definitely not end well. I stood up while I still could and walked around the back side of the table and glanced down to see Dad's hard cock in Aunt Mary's hand. She was slowly stroking on it. She suddenly realized that my new position would reveal what she was doing and she leaned forward and set her big boobs on the table top, effectively blocking my view. She looked up at me with a guilty smile and pulled both hands to the table top. Dad looked at Aunt Mary as if to say, 'Hey, why are you stopping?'

Dad noticed me walking behind the table moving away. He looked down at the table too and Mom burst out laughing at the situation. She muttered across the table, "Busted." As I walked behind Dad, he lowered his head into his hands and groaned. Mom looked up at me and grinned and I grinned back as I headed for a lounge chair with my left hand pressing down my left thigh to hide my growing erection. I looked back as I cleared the tables and Mom was looking at me and jabbing her tongue in and out of her left cheek. Dad didn't see her doing that because his face was still buried in his hands.

The volleyball game wrapped up and Sylvia dropped herself into a lounge chair beside mine gasping for air. She had been in the deep end treading water and she was exhausted like the others on her team. I liked the way her breasts heaved against her bikini top when she sucked in a breath of air. Her breasts were big and round and firm and, on the inhale, they expanded past the confines of her top. The water on her skin glistened like silver beads from the sun, which was much lower in the sky. She glanced down at her chest to see what I was looking at. She giggled and said, "See anything you like?" I chuckled and nodded as her nipples hardened and pushed against the flimsy material.

The bartender was busy again and more of the twin's friends were falling by the wayside as they staggered around. Jennifer went down to the grass and just laid there on her back and then curled into a fetal position. Mom apparently had seen enough and she got up and spoke to Julie. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but immediately afterward, Julie announced to Sarah that she had to turn over her car keys. She and Amber would be spending the night unless they wanted to call their parents to come get them. She wouldn't be driving in her condition. Sarah and Sylvia were the only one who had driven. Jaz had walked the few blocks from her house.

My mind went immediately to 'Fuck yeah. Another sleepover party.' I guess neither Sarah nor Amber wanted to call their parents to come get them because they looked at each other and then over at me. This time it was Amber with the tongue in cheek signal. Sarah retrieved her keys and handed them to Mom and then she and Amber went inside to let their parents know, while they were sober enough to do so.

I looked at Sylvia to gauge her level of inebriation. She knew what I was doing and she grinned at me and said, "I'm fine. Besides, I couldn't possibly sleep over in my boss' house after all the problems I've had with his bosses." She turned in her seat and looked around the yard and then back at me and continued, "I wish I could though. It looks like it's going to be a rockin' time in the house tonight." I looked over at the adult's table. They were all leaning in to each other already discussing plans. I looked over at the girl's table. Jennifer, Jillian, Julie and June were facing me and they each curled their fingers around a fictious cock and jerked it up and down in front of their mouths a few times and burst out laughing. Sarah and Amber, who were sitting back to me, turned around when they saw the jerking-off signals. I looked away from them and smiled at Sylvia and nodded. Her rationale was logical and it would probably be best if she wasn't here tonight anyway.

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bocahalbocahal6 months ago

I just like all the fucking.

Jack506Jack506about 2 years ago

Mostly this story has been enjoyable and reasonably edited, until this chapter. Dex is to meet Silvia and Fatima in the bathroom; Sarah slips in to fuck him and he lets her? Ridiculous. Also, Dex and Silvia are sitting on a floating swan watching Jaz’s freak out, then she lays on the table in front of them? How did they get there? As has been mentioned by others, the sex descriptions are overly repetitive. She grabs his cock like a handshake, his glans, etc. A little judicious editing and revision would greatly improve the readability. Interested in seeing where this goes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It took me until this chapter to realize that everybody needs to be checked for STDs. Unless of course this is one of the universes where those don't exist. After getting fucked by Aunt Mary, I had to do some counting on my fingers to realize... hold up, I need to count again... Dex has fucked 13 different women. Now I can't help but think that number is only going to go up, but regardless, that is just too many sexual partners for a single lifetime let alone just the first month of summer.

ThunderWatchr269ThunderWatchr269over 2 years ago

WOW, Holy Shitttt...i really dont even know where to begin on this story. Parts of it i LOVVVVEEE! But more parts of it are driving me up the freakin wall...i am glad this is Fantasy!!!! Because otherwise this story should be in the Non Human catagory. There aint a way in Hell that this guy could have sex 6 - 8 - 12 times a day and instantly be hard again...does he have Priaprism?? Is every female character a Nymphomaniac? Polyamourous Slut? Nobody gets checked fof STDs?? Or Pregnancys??? Do you have extensive clipboards and use copy and paste execesively? Because almost all of the sex scenes seem to Duplicate. Change your wording and action and verbs and nouns!!!!! A penis can be called many many things not just a Glans!!! No one that i have ever known calls it THAT. Ans stop repeating the fatest part of it entering etc... so much of the text is Duplicated ad infinitium...the stories could be cut by 2/3 and not loose anything ans would probably be much better and allow for more character develooment. The characters and situations are Awesome!!! Thats theconly reason i have read 12 of the 25 chapters. Lovedcthings like the lady in the mall parking lot etc but give Dex some BALLS ..let him decide who to fuck ..he doesnt have to do EVERYBODY!!! And shit like his new girlfriend allowing him to screw everybody would not go...real people get jealous and have real feelings. They dont act like in this story...i am not certain if i want to give your story a 1 or a 7 but right now i am just overwhelmed. By tooo much sex between tooo many people. Concentrate on your story and plot. Good luck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Love the twist with Jarrod having an approved affair with his sister Mary and his 2 nieces Jennifer & Jillian, with his wife Maddy sometimes joining in. Will love it once everyone in the family knows who has been fucking who, with Dad getting in on the fucking of his two daughters and sanctioning Maddy & his sister Mary fucking his kids Dex, Julie and June.

Hope Silvya can get on board with all the incestuous sex given the rape by her aunt and uncle.

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