All Comments on 'Poly at the Poly Pt. 09'

by Spector_Dugan

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shadrachtshadrachtover 1 year ago

Lots of twists and turns, but it just doesn't feel like it's really ended. Nothing feels resolved. Left more than a little empty here.

KrosisKrosisover 1 year ago

Wish I could write half a well as you. Amazing!

lovemesomephillylovemesomephillyover 1 year ago

Damn good story you have here. I hope decide to continue it, I need to see how they turn out.

MacigulaMacigulaover 1 year ago

"Sometimes, even when we know we have to drop things, we hold on. Not because of feelings or logic or anything like that. Just because we've gotten so used to gripping that we can't let go."


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please write more on this. This is an amazing write up. And so much more to explore.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Disney March 2020, eh? That clearly doesn't happen for these couples.

jazzharpjazzharpover 1 year ago

As with life, nothing is ever concluded. But this is a STORY! You were supposed to conclude it, and you didn't. After 9 long chapters, you tell us "The End. For now..."

God damn the pusher man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Who falls asleep in the middle of an Orgy, or right after an experience like that? I've seen this before in stories, it's a trick always used to seperate a couple, one falls asleep, so he doesn't know what his partner did while he was sleeping. But it's far from realistic when you're full of adrenaline.

It's been a great ride, thanks for the story. The ending felt a bit sloppy and rushed though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

True - Emily is done with Jack, but she never mentioned Mike. They are lovers now and Paul knows it.

Paul and Emily are not completely open about what happened and how they feel. In cases like this, it's the beginning of the end. Communication was very bad from the start.

If we get a sequel or epilogue, it won't end well for the current relationships. Cassie could end up wit Paul, and Mike with Emily. Allison has seen enough, she's a strong independant woman, she'll survive.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Mike/Emily thing was already going on before the trip.

Great story! The whole "falling asleep to keep things mysterious" felt a bit lame though.

DevonadrianDevonadrianover 1 year ago

Wht didn't he just ask Alison if she was in the room with Mike? The only thing i didn't like about thixs series is how wordy all of Paul's thoughts were and yet he couldn't even construct a sentence because of, his accent?

ForgottenCodeForgottenCodeover 1 year ago

Damn it. I was hoping for more of a conclusion but ultimately you’ve sucked me into your characters so much here that I’d read about what comes next, sex or no sex. It’s just a little sad there’ll be nothing more in 2 weeks.

Well done. Another fantastic series.

TracklTracklover 1 year ago

Yeah, poor stupid Emily is fooling herself. She thinks once she tried everything, she'll get off the hook, like a one-time experience. But that is exactly what all the addicts say to themselves in the beginning.

Five stars for sure, hope it wont take too long for continuation of the story.

EmilymcpluggerEmilymcpluggerover 1 year ago

Well, like Emily’s backside, I’m pretty torn on this one.

On the one hand I really enjoyed the characters and the idea of further adventures and more people even (brought in by Jack and Cassie, and maybe even Mike and Allison) does make me feel warm and fuzzy about the prospect of more Disney-themed erotic adventures.

BUT, leaving it on such a cliff-hanger. Oh, man. That’s just too cruel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I do feel like this kinda left things unanswered. Emily's avoidance and rebuttal about the last time, and her avoiding the question about what she did with Mike before everything started, and then Cassie's prediction about Emily's words coming true doesn't really bode well.

I'll be honest I was rooting for Paul & Emily, but now I'm not so sure about what will happen. I guess because we can "hear" Paul's thoughts but not Emily's, we can't really say whether Emily meant what she said about being done.

I don't like Mike though. He's the boundary pusher. The one who will wheedle for more. That hand on Emily's thigh was ample evidence of that. After everything was agreed as done, dude still wanted to do something.

This was a wonderful, complex series, even if it raised more questions than it answered. Looking forward to seeing what you write in the new year. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season

18rabbit18rabbitover 1 year ago

Something tells me March 2020 may not come off without a hitch...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well written story.

Looking forward to the sequel.

lmj7450lmj7450over 1 year ago

This whole series has been fantastic

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Mightily crafted again...well-done!! So many possibilities here, within the storyline and for branches and sequels in the characters and their respective perspectives on the events. Great job, Spector...really, really enjoyed your characters and evolutionary development from word one. Honestly, I am going to miss the anticipation of each of these nine episodes, but I look forward to watching for your next foray into debauched storytelling!

mightyquinn71mightyquinn71over 1 year ago

Bravo! Great series Spec

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Congratulations on writing a Modern Shakespearian Fucking Tragedy. Normally, the "Fucking" is only for emphasis, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow. The ending was nuanced and felt very real. I imagine that’s how real people would react after that kind of weekend.

DominicNicoleDominicNicoleover 1 year ago

Oof. Great story, great series but I am desperately seeking more resolution.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


I'm looking forward to the next book during the new Years by the Poly group at Disney land.

Unexpectedly Cassie & Paul stole the spotlight late last night with our swinging couples with recent new swapping changes last time. especially when Cassie fell for Paul by breaking one of her own Cardinal rules (an making an devoted dirty talk new one it seems to Paul.

While the sporty blonde Allsion (the bestie) will always be my favorite blonde of the duo, Besides the popular Cassie fracking Summers.

But as Dream Cassie pointed out v to Paul, it wasn't all over by long shot Cassie (cause the genies out the bottle) and wife Emily will be tempted to try it again in due. And Mike making for a December schedule reunion.

Disney World will never be same again by Poly at Poly group.

Kudos to Specter Dugan. " A Swinging Masterpiece on Lit


Continue on

'Catch Ya later


jschmosucksjschmosucksover 1 year ago

Fantastic series! I thoroughly enjoyed it! I hope we’ll get to follow along on the aftermath of this trip. It feels like there’s a lot more left to tell!

amritaloveramritaloverover 1 year ago

Excellent series. Lots of action. Good sentiment. Thanks for your many thousands of keystrokes.

KnahKnahover 1 year ago

Hope there is more!!!

pcman1950pcman1950over 1 year ago

Please let the "End... for now" be the moment you pressed 'submit.' 5 stars & a fave, but I'm going to die here on these tenterhooks if this saga doesn't continue. Cassandra in Greek mythology was a Trojan priestess dedicated to the god Apollo and fated by him to utter true prophecies but never to be believed. I'd say Cassie is cast in the same role as her mythical forebear.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Planning a trip for March 2020… what could go wrong?! What a cool bit of foreshadowing. Great series. Maybe my favorite one of yours and that’s saying a lot because of how much I’ve loved some of those too. Thank you!

stoopinghawkstoopinghawkover 1 year ago

The end for now, to be sure. I hope eventually we see how all of these characters continue their stories.

This was excellently written the whole way through. The people felt real, the emotions felt raw, and the sex was consistently scorching hot.

mybikecruisesmybikecruisesover 1 year ago

Emily will go to a Friday night out at a club after work, the first week she is back to work, saying she has been asked to join a party (birthday or anniversary) from her section old college friend, then troll bars for older men to spend half the night with.

Allison will be cold, to everyone, leave work, Mike and the town for work elsewhere.

Cassie will show up pregnant, divorced and Paul will wake up to the truth about the type female friends he has known through the first years of his marriage, now that they have tasted a different life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent Story with a great what does the future hold ending. I hope you will be able to do a follow up!

Sparks722Sparks722over 1 year ago

Oh man, there's a LOT to unpack in this one. And obviously I know we're all going to be waiting as sweaty quivering puddles of anticipation unable to breathe as we wait for the follow-on series, coming to save us like a breath of fresh air.

Obviously Emily is much more adept at and comfortable with lying than I think anybody has realized at this point, though it's starting to sound like Paul is wising up. It's going to be interesting to hear about what happens over the next few months, and who makes the trip, and who doesn't- I'm thinking if Florida happens, it's going to look different- at least eventually.

Great way to end the series, with just the right beginnings of the dark clouds starting to form over the castle, and the thorns starting to creep into the bushes and lawns. We know what dragon is coming, it'll be great (eventually) to see the havoc it wreaks.

BundledandboundBundledandboundover 1 year ago

It's a Christmas miracle! Yah!

snarbozsnarbozover 1 year ago

Great story, well told

IJS0904IJS0904over 1 year ago

A very well-done series. The sex was awesome, but so were the characters. All were less than perfect human beings, but all the more wonderful for it. Paul was a great protagonist. I loved his quiet stoicism and genuine love, and concern, for his wife. I would love to know what happens next in their lives. Thanks for sharing.

davp6255davp6255over 1 year ago

Do Allison and Mike survive. Is Emily really finished with swinging? Can Paul stop thinking of a life with Cassie and what ever happens with Cassie and Jack. Is there a very different future for the 6.

Could Emily accept Cassie as a sister wife and even be OK with Paul hooking up with Allison from time to time.

I sure hope theses questions will be answered as this saga must continue. PLEASE Spector PRETTY PLEASE

CriosCriosover 1 year ago

Awesome (and edgy) ending!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, I think Emilymcplugger should take the baton here and do the justice once done for another Spector series---which was fantastic in the original and second life iteration by Emilymcplugger. I feel that's where sweet justice can be achieved that seems to be the wont of so many. Just sayin'.

HooHaa77HooHaa77over 1 year ago

That's it? Okay, I get that there could be a sequel (right on! will read!) but...that's it? Man...that ending is honestly kind of a let down. The story just...ends... Nothing concretely resolved or finalized and the issues were not fully addressed. I honestly didn't expect a(nother) mass orgy to happen but I expected happen.

I still don't like Jack. He couldn't "own" Emily so he took her anal cherry as revenge. There is also still the issue of Emily breaking the "rules" in the earlier parts, her guilting Paul into not digging deepercand Mike's deeper connection with Emily. Finally, what was Emily really doing after the anal sex?

Overall though, the series was/is amazing. Thanks for that, Spectre Dugan. You're a great writer and your stories are amazing. I look forward to your future works.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Was hoping there would be more Cassie x Allison. Them exploring with each other is something I think about a lot lol.

Really looking forward to the next part of this with them obviously being stuck in quarantine right when the pandemic starts at Disney. Should be awesome! I didn’t think there’d be a series I would look forward to more than the Trip pt 3, but this is definitely your best. Please continue soon.

Lastly I’m sad the multi week madness of 2022 is ending. I hope you will post frequently next year and relay that to us ahead of time, whether here or on Twitter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More! More!! More!! After the trip saga ending back again at Disney for a reunion!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Oh ffs. Finish the damn story. You take too damn long to write this stuff and then to leave it hanging without a conclusion? Come on. Look at the other series you haven't finished. You seem to get bored with the characters and never given them a proper ending, just like here. The end. For now... Any other author would get roasted, do you pay for the good reviews?

groaningbumpgroaningbumpover 1 year ago

So I was completely Team Emily...and then the final chapter. Damn, she broke my heart just like she is about to with Paul's. And when Cassie said "I can make babies too...", the love and adoration she has for him shone through. It started about sex but has become much more. And they both deserve each other, in the best way.

So, the story is a solid 4.5-5. Great, rich characters. Attention to detail. A real emotional and sexual buildup amidst the backdrop of the "Happiest Place on Earth". My wife and I have had the enjoyment of doing both FL and CA parks by ourselves as adults and it's a whole different animal than when you bring the kids. And although we never did anything like this, it did charge us up. There may have been sex on a balcony watching the fireworks one night. Lol.

The ending, however, is a 3 at best and maybe a 2. We hung in for months with all of the chapters. We waited patiently for the payoff. Chapter 8 finished with "next chapter, last chapter". And then...more cliffhangers. Even though it is heavily implied what happens next, it's still open ended. It's a cheat, and I feel a little hollow when I really thought I would be happy with whatever ending you decided upon.

Don't make us wait for a sequel and don't try to recreate this. It was a truly great story. If you want to revisit from one or more of the other character's perspectives, fine. But give the readers who waited patiently a real ending, an epilogue, something. Finish it out so at least we know and don't make us wait a year, please. I feel like I got worked over by Cassie and Allison but never got that final release. Just got my balls squeezed again. You're a very talented writer. Give us a real ending, please, and Merry Christmas.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

First off, great story, but it could've been so much more realistic and believable if the couples actually communicated. Paul and Emily start a swinging adventure but hardly talk about it at all. It's all very shallow. Both Jack and Mike try to "claim" Emily, and stuff seemed to be going on even before the trip. Paul sees and thinks a lot but says nothing. Emily lies and decoys. It's a shipwreck of a marriage.

Same goes for Mike and Allison. Mike is all over Emily and Cassie, they hardly show interest in each other. I don't think Jack and his trophy wife Cassie ever shared a word.

No normal couple would survive these dynamics. And falling asleep immediatly after swapping partners without a word said or rebonding? Completely non-existent. Paul and Emily show no affection or lust towards each other at all. All in all it was an exiting but pretty awkward read.

Great set-up, very original with the Disney theme, but it went way overboard.

ActingupActingupover 1 year ago

If the last part had been written by a cleaner at Disney, I suspect the ending would have been very different.

vrieseavrieseaover 1 year ago

This was just an incredible series. Loved the way your mind works and the directions your take with the interactions of your characters. Also loved your conclusions leaving the story open as how the characters will fare in the future. You have us hooked, would be very interested in your version of the future of all characters. I can see a lot of off-shoots stories on each character as well as an over all story over the next year. Lots of possibilities. Thanks for providing this excellent 5-star story. - Vriesea

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Honestly the ending made the last 3 chapters or so pointless in terms of the story. You could have put this ending at the end of chapter 6 and we would’ve have missed anything we didn’t already know.

alexmaksialexmaksiover 1 year ago

It must be part 10 as a new year gift for sure! We want to see real black side of Emmy :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He says he can "still remember it years later"

so he spent years being further cucked by Emily, his darling wife who insisted that he comfort her, in person, as another man forcibly took her anal virginity. Lovely. Depressing as hell. Not rating, don't worry. Still ending was super anticlimactic. She gave away her last virginity and he just rolled with it. And now everything is fine. Fuck.

Bronco56Bronco56over 1 year ago

Excellent story. Wow. You left enough doubt to be able to continue Emilys story. I'm a sucker for a happy ending so I'm hoping it all goes well with Emily and Paul. 5stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I did not understand the ending. When Paul looked down at the comforter some time in the future made no sense unless it was a foreshadowing of Emily’s betrayal in the future.

As written Cassie and Paul only work if Emily betrays Paul. Maybe Spector has 5 or 9 more chapters of Paul betrayed by Emily. She would start out secretly then try to entice Paul to play along then the emotional struggle and then the break up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really enjoyed this and look forward to reading more if you continue it. If I had to pick a criticism it would be the description “poker-straight” blonde hair. I don’t know what that even means. Just straight blonde hair seems sufficient. You use that description multiple times and every time it pulled me out of the story. Other than that, I loved it.

asian_hottie_coupleasian_hottie_coupleover 1 year ago

Too much a hanging, cliffhanger ending. I understand you want to grow the story, and leave us with more possible options. The simplest way was to simply say at the end 'Here's you're coffee love', by xxx (I'm team Cassie) when they arrive in Disney X years after. All of us would have waited for the 'next season' to know what happened in the intervening years.

ArediaArediaover 1 year ago

I loved this story - five stars all the way! I really like how you left us wondering what will happen with Paul, Emily, and Cassie ... leaving the door not entirely closed, allowing for future chapters. Which, BTW, I do hope you write. Did I say I loved this story?

ThorlolThorlolover 1 year ago

IF this is the end I am disappointed. There was so much shit to unpack and it was waved away with 'Its over now'. Because he chose to ignore it. I really dont like it when that happens. Wilfully staying ignorant even when something happens directly in front of someone. Nothing resolved and no inkling what happens in the future.

StoriefanStoriefanover 1 year ago

Now that Emily,Paul ,Allison and Mike have experienced the fun of playing with others I would expect them to have the itch to play with more couples,,,,,

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Somehow, at some point, the good guy is going to lose his wife and his children. Not sure if it will be to Mike or to Jack.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

the smut is great but i love the layered emotions most in these guilty pleasure stories. that's why spector dugan is at the top of my bookmarks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well done! Looking over the cast of characters, I'd say, first, Emily will try getting back in the groove of family like, but the etch returns almost immediately, she get Mike's cell number, calls him, they lunch, make plans, and it continues with them. Allison and Emily remain friends until Allison figures Mike is up to no good again. Meanwhile Paul calls Cassie, who tells him papers have been served on Jack, after catching him with a pair of twenty year old twins, and in less than 6 months she will be all Paul's to do with as he chooses. Allison gets a PI to bug the house and Mike's cell, discovers it's Emily he is back fucking, arranges a meeting with Paul, suggesting they just swap spouses permanently, but Paul tries to explain he has affections for her, but not love. Then Allison mistaken tells Cassie what's going on in New York, and and Cassie is on the next plane out to stake her claim, because Allison is sounding to serious about moving on Paul. I think this is a whole other story, or sequel to Poly, but it's your story. Great story line. Keep writing.


Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 1 year ago

Man, oh man ... I hope we hear about the future for these characters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

ANY chance we can get another PRESSING MATTERS chapter?

deblackbusterdeblackbusterover 1 year ago

Ignore my last comment. I was just whiney because it was so open ended with conflicting emotions. It was a great story. I do wish you would write a sequel though to tie things up.

sergentskysergentskyover 1 year ago

I hope you keep this adventure going. I enjoy stories that have something other than just sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Simply one of the best stories I've read on this site. I hope we see all these characters again.

I would read about them in a story with no sex.

The author should compile this and publish it and sell it because it is worth money.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Where was Emily when Paul woke up on the floor of that living area in the bungalow, with Mike? What happens when back home? Does Jack finally eat feces and die? Afterwards, do Emily, Cassie, and Allison all move in with Paul and live a polyamorous life?

rmdoffcrmdoffcover 1 year ago

We need the Season 2 of POLY AT THE POLY!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Seriously bad trash. Awful writing

NotSomeBubbaNotSomeBubbaover 1 year ago

Paul's life and dreams are toast, but he just doesn't know it yet. He needs to get away from Emily, as in divorce, hook up with Allison and live a happy life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

>Anonymous13 days ago

>Seriously bad trash. Awful writing

I strongly disagree! AWESOME and GREAT writing! Five stars from me!

Great premise, never been to Disney World but great visualizations, build up of events, of sex was very good. The "promise" of a future meet up just before covid would shut down the world. Interesting.

Mjd46737Mjd46737about 1 year ago

Great Story from beginning to the end. I am hoping to read the rest of the story !!! Please…

DarknsDarknsabout 1 year ago

Truly loved the story. If this is the end … a little sad as I wanted Paul to end up with Cassie.

5 stars.

TheCuckSlayerTheCuckSlayerabout 1 year ago

Whoa, there are a lot of my prey here. Looks like the harvest this time will be bountiful.

TheCuckSlayerTheCuckSlayerabout 1 year ago

Please add "Cuckold" to the label of this story. We, the Cuck Slayer Guild, have no problem swinging around, as long as both parties have fun and get a fair exchange. But this has crossed the line. So please do as we are told or we will take strict action.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I once fucked a female goat, in front of her mate... I think. They seemed fine at first. The female goat also makes noises indicating that she is enjoying it. But suddenly the male goat took a swing and butt my ass. He did it so many times that I fell over. But I'm not angry or irritated. I just put on my pants, smiled, patted the male goat on the horns, and left satisfied that I had confirmed something.

HooHaa77HooHaa77about 1 year ago

So when is your next story going to be released Spector_Dugan? It's been three months and I'm getting anxious for more stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

... what happened after they got home, polyamory, or poly-marriage dissolutions? Emily dumped Paul and took up with Jack, who only loved Jack, right?

OkieDokeDudeOkieDokeDudeabout 1 year ago

Wow! I feel like Paul. Confused, angry, excited, sad, joyous, but mostly confused. So far, Cassie’s words have proven prophetic. Emily is trying too hard to convince Paul. Clearly there are storm clouds on the horizon for Mike and Allison. And, Jack and Cassie aren’t even a couple - they go their separate ways more than they are together. This series screams for at the very least an epilogue. Yes, most of us can see the writing on the wall; Emily kills Paul’s love with continuing clandestine affairs and having children with Mike (blonde babies to two dark haired parents is a tip off), ultimately Paul and Cassie together, Allison and Mike split and Mike ends up with Emily, oddly, Allison ends up with Jack - his dominance in bed conceals a need for yielding control to a tall blonde athletic competitor. Or, Allison and Jack just fade onto the sunset. Or… Well, only you know the true outcome. Please share it with us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story definitely needs an epilogue! I neeeeeeed to know what happens. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"Welcome to the abyss, Emily. Nice to meet you. Don't worry, your husband will soon jump in to catch up with you and you can be together in the dark forever. While we wait, shall I give you a tour of your new home?"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

@Spector_Dugan, love your work here. Are you planning to continue these character's story in the future? Please!

Tbird82157Tbird82157about 1 year ago

I can't recall the last time I've read a story in this category, or any category outside LW, where my chest has felt like it's going to burst. The nerves, the anxiety, the hope, and finally the confusion...I so very much wanted this to have a happy ending, and even though the writing is superb I can't help but feel let down. Incomplete. It's like I HAVE to know what happens next, even though it'll tear my heart out. I am wrung out, emotionally, from this series. I'm gonna have to go back to bubblegum stories to try and purge all this from my mind, but I don't know how successful I will be. I truly don't.

albertaboyalbertaboyabout 1 year ago

This was a terrific series, hot, emotional and it makes me want to know what happens when they get home.

Great story, thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I loved this story beginning to end. Very well written. It pulled me right in. Often had a pit in my stomach because I felt jealous on Paul's behalve. I hope there is going to be another part where he dumps Emily, because Paul deserves much better than that. Same with Cassie and Allison, they both deserve better. They're better of in a throuple all 3 together than with their current partners.

Haxaw11Haxaw11about 1 year ago

"Plese continue" Fantastic !

Tigerbait36Tigerbait36about 1 year ago

I hope theres an epiloge to this sometime.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Absolutely epic. Just re-read it all for the second time and caught a number of nuances I missed earlier. This epic would definitely benefit from another Spector treatment and we, the grateful audience, will be ecstatically enthralled!!

OlsterOlster12 months ago

very interesting. the people were real, although way over-sexed

Urmet24Urmet2412 months ago

Lets continue this story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wonderful story. Paul gives his wife away because his cock thinks for him and his wife needs to experience different! That's what it boils down to..Then his wife's reluctance after one banging with a smaller and older cock no less makes her an automatic nymphomaniac for older men .. hard to imagine, hard to believe...Good writing skills though.. you need to continue this real soon and fix the marriage...The other girls are more likely to want to keep going than his wife is in a reality sort of way....after all, they were the experienced ones who drug Paul into this...

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Did all you cheating wife haters forget Emily was reluctant and happy with Paul until he felt guilty that she did not have other experiences and permitted her to indulge if not edged her on because his cock had no conscience when he saw a naked blond in the shower? They were both invited into this by two manipulative couples in as much as one person in the other couple they thought was her very good friend..Inwould like to see Paul and his wife come out of this squeaky clean with a bunch of children..but it's not my stupid story..No way would I let someone bang my wife in the anus while I looked on from below and nonway would I let my wife wander around without my knowledge of where she was when he felt uneasy with the situation..He's not a good husband and she was a dimwit for letting this happen...

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Hey, Spector----this is so good, you just HAVE to give it the finale or second edition. Your specific dates are just too enticing for us before we wither away waiting for the next arc of this wonderful tail! Throw us a bone!!!! 😀

AvgNotNormalAvgNotNormal10 months ago

I enjoyed the series as much as just about any I’ve read. I’d love to continue seeing more with these characters.

LannockLannock9 months ago

My take from this story: it's probably how most people would react to this type of situation; say that it's OK, but it's not really OK. This type of situation almost never works in real life. Emily is lying. I can guarantee you that she, Jack and Mike were having a DP 3-some while he was taking Cassie. And Cassie is right. This is not the end for Emily. She wants it again.

WoodencavWoodencav9 months ago

Just wow, an awesome conclusion ( well let’s hope it’s not the end). If I had been Paul I would have beaten Jack half to death for anally raping Emily. The last fuck with Paul and Cassie was just awesome so sexy. This has been one of the best stories I have read on Literotica, I do hope you continue it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SweboSwebo9 months ago

That was. A fucking. Masterpiece. (and yes, pun intended). It's like you took everything sexy and terrifying from "Piper Learns to Share" - a story that still haunts me years after I first read it - shook it out, found the nozzle nobody noticed before, and inflated it into the shape and form of a much bigger, more complex, and somehow simultaneously sexier AND scarier story. I wish I had more heads so I could tip more hats to you for this.

DwarfLord50DwarfLord509 months ago

That left me feeling terribly sad. For the end of Paul's marriage. For how jack tore Emily's life apart. For how sad Cassie will be, never having Paul in her life. Every contact between the two of them would be a reminder of the week that destroyed the life he built. A powerful, but sad story.

TemptationTangoTemptationTango9 months ago

Excellent descriptiveness along with applicable humor & good timing. Realistic plot and made me feel like i was there. Two thumbs up !

CZOFTWCZOFTW8 months ago

The compelling thing about your writing is the voice it's written in. It's so real.

Speechless2025Speechless20258 months ago

Fantastic series and Emily is a fucking liar! Can't wait to see what comes next with this crew.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Just checked back in to see if this one had moved on. Unfortunately - no. Maybe some time soon?

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Post as:
December 2023: Unfortunately, real life got in the way one too many times this year and I am on indefinite hiatus. While I have plans to continue Prissy Krissy and the sequels to both the Poly and the Trip series (plus a bunch of new stuff), I cannot promise when you'll see...