Love Around the World 06: France


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She remained on top and in control, my hands eventually on her arse as I did thrust ever so gently. Considering how tight she felt, it was little wonder that I didn't last too long. She loved feeling me cum inside her though we did head off to the shower rather quickly after that.

Waking up with her the next morning, she was already awake and had obviously been watching me sleep. The next kiss she laid on my lips near enough caused my heart to stop. There was feeling in it that couldn't be missed, her fingers caressing my cheek.

"We need to get up and your next stop is Orléans," she whispered, "I'm going to give you my number. I want you to stay in touch with me. Promise me you'll do that."

"I promise."

Veronique was sad to see me go despite the fact I'd barely been there. She gave me a big hug before leaving, telling me that I'd be welcome back should I ever visit France again. The drive to Orléans didn't take too long, finding my hotel easily and it was a relaxing couple of days. After that, I enjoyed time ticking off places I wanted to visit. Chambord. Blois. Tours. Poitiers. The ghost town of Oradour-sur-Glane. And then Bordeaux. I met some people on the way though it lacked the connection I'd made previously. Tours was another town full of students, but while I made a friend or two, there were no bedroom antics.

Bordeaux was different. It was another homestay with a French couple though I was there with two other guests. One was a businessman whom I only saw upon arriving in the afternoon of the first night I booked, and after that, I didn't see him again. The other guest was a French woman, arriving at almost the same time as me. Thankfully, she spoke excellent English as the friendly hosts spoke very broken English that made basic communication difficult, and my French certainly wasn't going to help.

Over breakfast the next morning, provided by our hosts, I enjoyed a conversation with my fellow guest. Her name was Elise. She was enjoying time doing long weekend trips away from her home in Paris, taking in parts of her own country that she'd never found time to visit before. She was divorced with two adult children. When asking her age, aware it wasn't something done, there was a twinkle in her eye when she replied, "Old enough to be your mother, Mark, but that doesn't mean anything when we're both adults, oui?"

I actually felt myself blush at the insinuation. She was definitely in her fifties. The tight t-shirt did nothing to hide her assets. I'll put it bluntly. She had a great set of tits, the shorts she was wearing showed off her great legs, and she definitely had a lovely little butt.

"So how old are your kids?" I wondered.

"Twenty-five and twenty-two."

"I'm twenty-one."

"Definitely old enough to be your mother then. What are your plans while you're here?"

"Just a couple of days to walk about, take in the sights."

"Any plans on visiting Biarritz or Bayonne?"

"Probably not. Always planned Bordeaux as my final stop of this first part of my trip before finally heading into Spain. Would like to get to Bilbao soon as I've heard plenty of great things about the city."

"Would you like some company for the next couple of days? I usually end up walking about alone..."

"Sure. I'd love some company."

I had no real expectations when arriving in Bordeaux. I arrived assuming it would be another beautiful city, untouched by the two world wars unlike parts of eastern France and all of Germany and further east. Elise had done her research too and suggested we split the city into two parts and spread our sightseeing over two days, keeping north of Place des Quinconces on day one and then south on day two.

We stuck to the north on day one, catching the tram from close to where we were staying to the centre of the city. There was the now standard beautiful cathedral built nearly a thousand years ago that was restored after the Revolution. Elise wanted to visit the Museum of Fine Arts. I had no real interest in art, but I already liked spending time with Elise so followed her around as she marvelled at all the works on display. A light lunch was followed by more sightseeing, and when she reached out to take my hand, I couldn't help glancing at her, seeing a smile on her face.

"Toy boy for two days," she whispered.

"Oh really?" I teased.

"Are you single?"


"Divorced for three years... I haven't had sex in..." She laughed to herself. "God, it's actually embarrassing how long it's been."

"If you don't mind... You're how old?"

"I'm forty-eight, Mark. Were you thinking I was fifty or past it?"

"No idea, to be honest. Wouldn't be bothered if you were. In fact, part of me would think it was hot. You're older than my mother anyway."

"So we could get properly kinky if I took you to bed?"

I stopped walking, snorted and burst into laughter. "I know exactly what you're referring to... I've done it before."

"Oh, do tell."

I didn't explain until we'd taken a seat at one of the pubs we'd walked by earlier, taken by surprise that it had a slightly English feel to it. When asking one of the bartenders, we were told that some cities did have pubs that would look and feel like those back in London and seen across the United Kingdom. Once we both had a drink in hand, slightly surprised that she also wanted a beer, I explained the time I'd been hit up by what could only be described as an English cougar. She was a single mother to three young children and was out on the town to pick up a young man to simply fuck her. I was the lucky target, and when we ended up back at her house, she told me in no uncertain terms that I was to call her 'Mummy' while I was fucking her.

I obliged her and the orgasms she had boggled my mind. She then cooked me breakfast in the morning, and kissed me on the cheek when I was leaving, and we never communicated again as I didn't even get her number. Barely remembered her name, in all honesty.

"And how did all that leave you feeling?"

"I don't want to fuck my mother," I joked, "I'm aware some girls will call their lover 'Daddy'. I didn't realise there was a 'Mummy' fetish as well." Taking her hand, I had to ask, "How long has it been?"

"Too long," she whispered, "My husband pretty much ignored me once I hit forty, and that's when my libido went through the roof. I've read stories about women hitting forty and turning into insatiable beasts. I was bouncing off the walls, I was so horny, masturbating constantly because... Well, he was too busy banging his twenty-year-old mistress. I didn't learn about it for way too long. My oldest child eventually had to clue me in as he walked in on them at his office."

"Jesus," I muttered.

"He no longer talks to his father. My daughter... She understands everything, but she loves her father. I hold no ill will against her. She hasn't chosen sides. She supported me through the divorce. And I won't prevent her from having a relationship with him. But I said that when they start having kids of their own, I'll do what I can to prevent things being awkward but the idea of just being in the same room as him..." She groaned and shuddered, chuckling to herself. "At least his mistress dumped him before his side of our bed was even cold."

"What's he doing now?"

"Living an even lonelier life than I am as all our friends became my friends."

We found a restaurant to enjoy dinner and another pub to share another couple of drinks, the conversation flowing easily. I still hadn't let anyone I met know about my lottery winnings as I didn't think it was particularly important, just letting them know that I was now a qualified electrician and would return to that job when I eventually flew home to Australia.

Though it wasn't late, Elise asked if I wanted to go home when the time was still reasonable, a look in her eyes suggesting she didn't want to go back to sleep straight away. Trams ran late into the night, so we were able to hop onto one that took us back, walking hand in hand to the house we were staying. Our hosts were still up watching some late-night television. They took one look at us, his wife said something to Elise in French that made the three of them chuckle, before we wished each other goodnight.

I'd booked a single bedroom as I figured I'd rarely be there except to sleep. Elise had booked a double room as she liked a big bed. Walking past my bedroom, refusing to let go of my hand, she closed the door behind her as I turned to face her.

"I'm so nervous right now," she admitted, "You're so much younger than me and I do worry what you'll think about me. Physically, that is."

"Well, if your body is like your face..." Her eyes met mine and I knew she was waiting for something. "Elise, you're beautiful."

Instant smile, and she crashed into my body as that first kiss was something else. I understand the near desperation as she was ever so eager to get us both naked. When I freed those magnificent breasts of hers, I couldn't help groaning as I took them in both hands, making her moan as her nipples were hard and begging for some treatment. She worked on getting our shorts and underwear off, kicking off shoes and socks.

Feeling her body press into mine, I lowered a hand and felt quite a thick tuft of hair between her legs. "I wasn't expecting... It would normally be neater..."

"Don't care."

"You don't?"

"Nope. Shaved. Trimmed. Hairy. Pussy is pussy at the end of the day. I'm going to enjoy it."

"You're an unusual young man, Mark. Many young men I know of would freak out at the idea of a hairy pussy."

"They're either incels or virgins. I'm not saying a lot of women don't shave. Most of the young women I've fooled around with were either completely smooth or kept only a small patch of pubic hair. I've learned that older women usually keep things neat but are past keeping things silky smooth."

Lying her back on her bed, we continued making out as our hands explored each other. She grasped my cock and gasped as I felt as hard as titanium, watching her glance down quickly and blushing. "Oh my... It's been too long since I've seen something like that."

"We can go as fast or as slow..."

"We're making love. We're definitely making love tonight. Way too long. And I feel good about you, Mark. I know this will only be a couple of nights..."

"Better that than being alone."

She smiled and kissed me, rolling her over onto her back as I left kisses down to her breasts, making her moan as I focused my attentions there for a while before I slowly kissed down to between her legs. Her scent was intoxicating, making her squirm when my tongue touched her for the first time. She was hot to trot, and I heard the choked sob when I got to work on her.

"Thank you," she whispered, "I feel like a woman again."

That broke my heart for her, to hear that she felt less than a woman. After giving her an orgasm, I kissed back up her body and met her eyes. She could see what I was thinking as I felt her hand guiding my cock, so it slid inside her. "Far as I'm concerned, you were never not a woman," I whispered in reply, "The moment I saw you, I thought 'Wow, what a woman'."

That earned a beautiful smile as I felt our bodies move together. Took a couple of minutes to really get into sync with each other, but once we did, it was a wonderful experience. Hearing her I think begging me to cum in French would always be arousing. There are things women say in French when making love that are just so much sexier than if spoken in English.

When I came inside her, I heard another choked sob and I stopped moving as her limbs wrapped around me. Easily rolling onto my back, I held onto her in return, her body shaking occasionally. I was probably a little too young to truly understand what she was going through. All I knew was that she was a woman left heartbroken, doubting herself, probably doubting her womanhood, her femininity. What she realised a few minutes later is that my cock remained hard, and when she started to move, that next kiss was something else. A real humdinger.

By the time we finished making love later that night, we were lying on our sides, facing each other, and she simply couldn't stop smiling. I knew this would be a brief affair, but if it helped her feel better and perhaps move on to find someone who would love her, then I would feel good about it too.

She was still smiling over breakfast the next morning. Our hosts didn't say too much in French, I think just to be polite. We tried our best not to make too much noise the night before though the bed certainly creaked as we made love. Anyone hearing those noises would have known exactly what was going on.

"I'm glad I came," she said softly as we strolled along the river. It was a warm and sunny day, Elise wearing a light-coloured and rather thin top and shorts that were moulded to her arse, her toned and rather tanned legs on display, "I've always wanted to visit this city, but last night... Mark, I haven't had a night like that in what feels like ten years."

"Glad I can be of service."

"There's one thing I really want to do. We need to visit a sex shop."

"Whatever for?"

She stopped as we gazed over the river towards the other bank. "There's one thing I loved to do that my husband only rarely did for me. There was only one man I was with who loved doing it, but I wasn't going to marry him just for that."

"What's the one thing?"

She leaned closer and whispered, "I love, you know, anal. A big cock in my butt. And we're going to need lube for your big cock." I laughed out loud. I couldn't help it. "What's so funny?"

I had to be honest with her, so took her hand and led her towards a nearby café, ordering us a drink each before I finally told her the truth. I'd told her I'd had some fun on my travels, but not the whole story. "Okay, so I've had two brief affairs on this trip so far. Amélie in Bayeux was for one night, and Noémie in Le Mans was for two nights. And both women were very blunt in their offer of anal sex. And you're now the third woman."

"Do you not like it?"

"Trust me, I enjoy it very much. It's just not something a man is offered very often. I know some women are willing to do it, but it's usually at the request of the man."

"Would you like to do it with me tonight?"

"Let's finish our drinks and go find a shop. Could we not just get it at a pharmacy or something?"

She blushed and shook her head. "I'd be so embarrassed..."

"I'll be by your side. If the cashier gives you a look, I'll just wrap an arm around your waist and suggest that Mummy is going to get her arse fucked tonight."

I saw the wave of arousal cross her face. "You have to call me that when you're inside my arse tonight," she whispered, "So naughty..."

Finding a sex shop thanks to Google, she wasn't embarrassed walking in, wondering what the girl behind the counter thought when we approached as Elise handed over the lube. She did glance at me for a moment. All I could do was smile at her, caressing Elise's arse as the girl sorted everything out for us. She said something in French to Elise that made her laugh, being told outside that I was definitely her toy boy.

We didn't head straight back as we decided to enjoy dinner together and a drink or two as Bordeaux did have some very nice nightlife. It was probably only 9pm that I could sense her gazing at me and I knew what she wanted. Asking if she wanted to go back, she nodded eagerly, sculling her glass of wine before taking my hand, leading me to the nearby tram stop, probably relieved that one arrived within a couple of minutes.

Arriving back at our homestay, there was no sign of our hosts, Elise dragging me to her bedroom, shutting the door and ordering me to get naked. Tearing off my t-shirt and shorts, managing to get my shoes and socks off rather quickly as well, I helped her undress, savouring how her large breasts fell free again, making her moan softly as I immediately took one in my mouth. She murmured something in French that sounded sexy as hell. I reckon being told they were taking out the garbage would sound sexy...

As soon as she was naked, we tumbled onto the bed, feeling her fingers around my cock to guide me inside her. That had me raising my eyebrows. "I just want you inside me," she moaned softly as I carefully buried my cock, "I loved what you did last night, but tonight, I just need this. I need you like this."

"Hope the next guy you meet..."

"Well, I might have to find myself a younger lover if you're an example of what young men are like."

Having been aroused for a few hours, I knew I wasn't going to last too long making love this first time. Her face was a picture of delight though, her pussy gripping my cock ever so tightly, her legs eventually wrapping around me, our mouths rarely apart except to take a deep breath, her eyes gazing into mine as I gently thrust into her.

"Cum in me," she whispered, "Cum in me, then I'll have a shower and get ready."

"I can help..."

"I know you can, but I just want to be ready, lube you up, then have you slide inside me. I really need this tonight before I go home."

"I'll be in Paris..."

She smiled and caressed my cheek. "No... This is perfect, Mark. Just two lonely souls sharing something special for a couple of nights. Do you mind?"

"Not at all."

When I did finally cum, I groaned rather loudly as I felt her wrap her legs even tighter, her pussy clenching around my shaft as I was caught by surprise that she enjoyed an orgasm. I mean, you read about that sort of thing happening, but for it to actually happen made me smile. She murmured a couple of things in French which sounded rather nice, feeling her nuzzle into me as I relaxed on my forearms.

Pulling out, she had me lie on my back as she cuddled into me, needing a few minutes before she got up, put on her robe and disappeared out to the bathroom. She returned quicker than I thought she would, crawling up the bed towards me as I immediately had my fingers running down her back down to her arse once she was at eye level.

"I haven't done this in a long time," she whispered, "Be gentle with me."

"How should we do this?"

"Oh, definitely on my knees while you do me doggy. I love that position. I find it submissive." She sighed softly. "If only I wasn't going back to Paris..."

Her arse was spectacular, and she'd clearly already lubed herself up, kneading her cheeks a few times had her giggling before I teased her with my cock. Once I was lubed up, I pressed the head against her arsehole and was surprised that she pushed back, helping the head slowly slip inside her, Elise sitting up to lean back against my chest as I slowly sank inside her arse.

Once I was buried, she turned her head so I could kiss her as I gently started to thrust, cupping her breasts with my hands and gently squeezing her nipples. That made her gasp as one of her hands was playing with her pussy at the same time. When I started to fuck her a little harder, I loved the slapping sound of our skin together, and that's when she finally leaned forward, curving her back in that way many men likely love when fucking a lover from behind.

"Mount me," she moaned, "Lean forward and really drive into me."

"You sure?"

"It's been a while, but I never forgot how wonderful it felt, Mark. Fuck me, my young lover."

I did exactly what she wanted, and when her cries of pleasure started to echo around the bedroom, I could only hope our hosts were not home, and if they were, they didn't hear us. I knew there was a good chance the neighbours would hear her given I was really nailing her. She kept urging me to keep fucking her, noticing her shoulder moving and I knew she was playing with her pussy.

When I felt her arsehole clench my cock, she released a sweet little whimper before this guttural groan escaped her throat. "Oh fuck yes!" she cried out before she turned her head enough to meet my eyes. "Please," she whimpered.