I'm Melting!

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She wanted to be famous. She got her wish.
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With thanks to Photoscribe for a story that had me think about the possibility of a new way to pay back a woman who "done me wrong."

This story doesn't just belong here. It belongs in "cheaters" or "Betrayal", but since those aren't available, I put it here because what happens was without her consent.


"Will you?" Laurel asked.

She was sitting across from me at a sidewalk café on the boardwalk of Venice Beach. The cropped top she wore showed lots of freckled skin, over half of her more than ample breasts and her dazzling smile. A blue-eyed red-head with a body that caused whiplash when she walked by, Laurel was incredible.

She had just asked if I'd take her to a fancy garden party given by a producer. She believed being at the party would get her noticed and getting noticed is, she believed, the key to getting a good role in his next movie. I'd never been in a movie. I got paid to stand-in for a guy I resembled. I'm the same height, weight and coloring. So I walk through lots of scenes so the guys I resemble don't need to bother. My name gets in the credits but no one has seen me on the big screen.

"Ok, I'll take you. Do you have a great dress to wear?"

"No, but by the party I'll beg, borrow or steal one!"

"I think I can get you one from wardrobe. Over at Metro they're shooting a fancy garden party scene. Must have seventy-five women in the scene. I'll see what I can do."

"I'm a four."

"No, Sweetheart, you wear a four. You're a ten."

She smiled. I knew she needed an ego stroke about twice an hour or she started to go sour. Our ordered meals arrived and I watched her imitate a rabbit. When I was a boy my Dad had me pull weeds from my Mom's grassy front lawn. Her salad looked like all the weeds I pulled and threw in the compost pile. I had a salmon sandwich.

After lunch we went back to my place and Laurel wanted to go up on the roof and work on her tan. Calling what she did "work" was a stretch. What she did was strip and spread her self on a towel. She asked me to spread some stuff on her skin. I did a very good job. It might as well have been baby oil for all the protection it gave her.

She set a timer for one hour and when it dinged she rolled over, reset it and waited for the next ding.

I went inside and spent the first hour working on chapter four of my novel. When Laurel rolled over I was there to watch. She spent the first hour face down. When she rolled over she spread her legs and her arms for maximum exposure. I asked if she wanted some hydration. She said, "Yes, Please."

Laurel was a snob in some ways. She wanted water, but not tap water and not just any brand of bottled water. I bought three bottles of the brand she liked about a month after we became an item. I paid three bucks a bottle. After she drank the first one I refilled it with filtered water. Filtered water that came through the filter in my refrigerator. My refrigerator got it's water from L.A. city. She couldn't tell the difference.

She drank half a bottle, gave me what was left and leaned back. Her legs spread and I noticed her lower lips part, just a little. I touched her slit with my index finger and said, "So tempting."

"Give me an hour of sunshine and you can visit my playground... if you want."

I went back to work for fifty-one minutes. When her timer dinged I was standing beside her towel, naked and hard. She sucked me, stroked me and opened her pussy to a deep exploration, just as she had promised. How she kept her puss so tight with the amount of use we were giving it was a source of amazement to me. She used my rooftop three days a week, one hour top and one hour bottom. On each of those days I got use of her playground. I knew married men who didn't get laid that often and they were paying all the bills. Our agreement was that she and I were a couple. She promised not to fuck anyone unless she came and told me immediately afterwards. We both knew Hollywood was lubricated with pussy juice. If a juicy opportunity presented itself, she'd jump it's bones and then we'd do the medical thing for our protection. And, her purse always had three condoms in it. I knew because I checked.

Laurel loved having her nipples twisted while we fucked. I was always careful not to leave marks, especially where they might show on camera. Since she would do nude scenes if asked, that meant I was careful all the time.

In the five months we'd been together she hadn't once said she'd needed to screw some exec. About once a week I asked. Her answer was, "I'm glad your cock is fat and you're so good with it. Otherwise, I'd be out looking for some on the side."

We'd laugh and play some more.

The garden party was two weeks away when I got a call from Metro. I had a three-day gig. The phone call told me to head over to the lot and get a medical clearance before the first shooting day. I told Laurel I was working at Metro and getting her a dress was a sure thing.

To celebrate we went out to dinner in the Marina and Laurel paid. She also let me know she was bare under her dress. I fingered her through dinner and she blew me on our way back to my place.

Three days later I was in the medical clinic at Metro. The next day I showed up for the shoot and a nurse found me. She took me off to the side and said, "Fortunately, you can still work, but we did find a problem. You have an STD. When the shoot is over today come to the clinic and I'll give you a shot. No sex for two weeks and I'll need the names of all your partners in the last two months."

"Two months?"

"Yes. Last time we tested you was two months ago. You didn't have it then." At that moment my name was called. I promised I'd come see her and ran.

Laurel was fucking someone and brought home a disease! Brought home a disease and gave it to me! The more I thought about it the madder I got. Thoughts of revenge, murder, humiliation and ruin went through my thoughts. I crossed off murder. At the end of the day I went and got my shot. It needed to be given in my ass. I dropped my jeans to my knees and my nurse said, "Nice ass. Come see me in three weeks. We'll test to make sure you're cured."

"I'm embarrassed." I said.

"Someone gave it to you. Now, be a good guy and don't share."

I promised I wouldn't share. As I walked towards my car I passed wardrobe and my friend. I said hello and he asked why I was looking sad. I thought about not telling him. Then I told him.

"What are you going to do?" Tommy asked.

"I don't know. The betrayal is the worst. I didn't ask her for exclusivity, just tell me if you screw and use a rubber."

"Are you going to that big garden party next weekend at Hoopelstan's?"

"I've got an invitation. Laurel wants to go."

"She wants to be seen?" Tommy said. I nodded. He thought and asked, "Does she have dress to wear?"

"No. I volunteered to ask you to loan her a great dress."

His face brightened. "I have a great idea. Come back tomorrow and bring me a dress of hers that fits perfectly. I'll make a dress for her that'll have her be remembered for years! You'll love it!"

"How's a great dress going to help me pay her for her betrayal?"

"She'll be totally embarrassed and humiliated in front of all the studio execs and actors. The dress will look and feel great when she puts it on, but about half an hour later her body heat and the sunshine will melt all the seams and the dress will fall off her!"

"Oh my God, Tommy! That's perfect!"

We shook hands and I went home. I said I wasn't feeling too good and after a light dinner I went to bed. I had Laurel get a dress for me to take to wardrobe. I said they wanted to alter a dress so it fit her perfectly. I think she tried on twenty dresses before she settled on one.

The next morning I left the dress with Tommy. He spoke with Laurel on the phone and they talked colors. I went to work and spent four hours sitting on a horse. I spoke with the star I stand-in for and he allowed me to stay in his trailer that night. I called Laurel and told her I'd be on location and sleeping out in the dirt, near the horses.

She said she'd miss me. I wondered how long.

The next morning my nurse found me as I climbed on a horse. She said, "I found out something juicy."

"Great! Gossip!" I said.

"No, fact. I had another case just like yours come into my office. Married director who's casting a movie with six women in it. One of the women up for the role is your Laurel."

"He gave it to her?"

She nodded. My name was called so my horse and I went to work. I wondered most of the day how to include the director in the pay back.

While I thought about him I knew Tommy was making a dress for Laurel.

'Wait a minute! Cheri, the nurse, had said the director was married. That gave me more to think about. How do I make sure his wife was at the party?"

At one in the afternoon I was told I was free for the rest of the day. I wandered over to the medical unit and found Cheri. We ate lunch together and I got the name of the director from her. She wasn't going to give it to me at first, but she had tested two other women who got the same STD and listed Mr. Clarke as on their list of sexual partners. She gave me his name.

After lunch I went to the office of Mr. Hoopelstan, the man throwing the garden party. I found out from Karen, a good friend who used to give me privileges, that they were looking to invite a few more people to the party. I suggested they invite wives and girl-friends. She checked and they were careful not to invite wives of men who were obviously screwing others in the business. Mrs. Clarke got an invitation.

Three days before the party I came back to my place. I brought the dress with me. Laurel tried it on and it looked great. Tommy might only screw men but her knew how to make clothes that made women look fantastic!

I convinced her to try it on, let me take some pictures and then get out of the dress. I wanted her out of it so it didn't warm up, but I convinced her I wanted her out of it so we could have sex. As she got out of the dress and carefully hung it up I called Tommy who called me back immediately.

Laurel heard the phone ring and ran to see who called. I made the appropriate noises and said, "I'll be there in twenty minutes." I grabbed my boots and as I pulled them on I told Laurel, "I've got to go back. The Man needs a stand in. He hurt his back."

"But, we were gonna fuck! I haven't had sex with you in almost two weeks!"

"I know! My balls aren't blue they're purple! I'll be back as soon as I can!" I kissed her and went out the door. I spent the night in the trailer, alone. While I was there I thought about what she said, "I haven't had sex with you in almost two weeks!" With you! She told me she was having sex, just not with me.

I stayed away. I called Laurel and said I had to stay out with the horses but I'd be back in time to clean up and take her to the party. Then I drove by my place and saw a silver four-door Porsche parked in front. I got the license number. I parked on the next block and walked back to my place. I took the digital camera from my glove box with me.

I carefully moved around outside my place until I could see into my bedroom. Laurel was up on the bed on her hands and knees. Mr. Clarke was standing behind her holding her hips in his hands and positioned so I could see his cock pushing into her ass. I wasn't a hundred percent sure he was in her ass until Laurel said, "Oh Johnny, fuck me deep in my ass! Just like that!"

I made sure the flash on my camera wouldn't go off. Then I took three pictures. They changed positions, putting Laurel flat on her back with her legs up close to her chest. He reentered her ass and pumped away with gusto. I took a few more pictures. I'd seen enough to know Laurel and I were done. Not only did she break our agreement, she was doing him in my bed! She could have gone back to her apartment. She could have fucked him in a hotel, or anywhere but my bed!

I went back to the trailer. In the morning I visited Cheri. I said, "If I'm cured, can you tell now?"

"Sure. A simple blood test and by this afternoon we'll know." I bared my arm and she took some blood. I thanked her and said I'd come back in the afternoon.

Sitting on a horse with a cell phone I got lots of things done. I arranged to have all of Laurel's things taken out of my place, beginning at the starting time of the garden party. I arranged to have my locks changed at the same time. I had the memory card from my camera picked up and a hundred copies of the pictures printed. I apologized to the horse for using him as my office.

True to my word I was back at my place two hours before the garden party would begin. I changed into the period clothing Tommy had lent me and Laurel waited until just before we needed to leave before she put the dress on. I ran the air conditioning all the way to the party. We went inside the tents where the food was on display and did the meet-&-greet so Laurel got seen. The tent was air conditioned.

We were told to load our plates and sit outside in the garden. Laurel picked a great table for us. Great if you want to make sure you get seen. I excused myself for a few minutes "to use the men's room." I went to my truck, got the pictures and paid a guy twenty to put one of the bright yellow envelopes with a picture in it under each car's windshield wiper blade. One hundred pictures of Mr. Johnny Clarke fucking Laurel in the ass would be found when people left the party.

I was gone all of four minutes. Laurel hadn't missed me. She was standing talking with Mrs. Clarke and two other women. They were in partial shade. I wandered a little and found one of the four or five photographers also wandering around. The one I found had worked taking stills on a film I had finished a month before. We talked a little and I asked, "How's your memory?"

"How good does it need to be?"

"Terrible! Face away from me. If you hear someone you can't see say something, you couldn't possibly remember who said it, right?"

"I have the worst memory for voices. I once heard Mel Blanc talking and thought I heard Daffy Duck. Terrible memory!"

I said, "You know Laurel Branch? If you're close to her you'll get some really good pictures of her. They won't be posed." I walked away without waiting for him to turn back around. I went over near a fountain and got a cold drink from the bar. I was well over fifty yards from Laurel when I saw her step out of the shade and stand next to Mr. Clarke in the sunshine. My friend the photographer got in front of them and began taking pictures. Two other photographers took shots as well and Laurel was beaming.

One of the thin straps going over her shoulder let go. Laurel didn't notice. The seam at her waist started coming apart. She noticed. She tightened the belt, hoping that would hold it together. It didn't. Mr. Clarke noticed she was coming apart and asked, "Laurel, what's wrong?"

Laurel bent to gather the skirt up a little and keep it from falling. When she bent the side seams gave way and the top part of her dress became five pieces of cloth not attached to anything. Laurel had chosen to wear thigh high nylons and the dress, without a bra or panties. She was doing her best to hold cloth over her breasts and pussy and failing to cover anything. The three photographers snapped pictures as fast as they could. Mr. Clarke started laughing. Laurel bent over to pick up pieces of the dress and pictures were taken of her bare body from every angle.

A huge crowd gathered and finally someone took a tablecloth off a table and wrapped Laurel in it. I overheard someone say it was a publicity stunt for Clarke's newest movie. I stayed out of sight for about ten more minutes. I stood near the dessert table and my friend the photographer took a picture of me there. I was eating a piece of cake.

When I spotted someone carrying a yellow envelope I knew it was time for me to go. I made my way to my truck and drove away. I had a bright yellow envelope under my windshield wiper.

All Laurel's things were gone when I got home. The locks had been changed and every item linking her to being with me was gone. Even the pictures of Laurel and I had been removed. I took the photo out of the bright yellow envelope and taped it on the inside of the window on my front door, facing out.

At six o'clock I turned on one of the Hollywood gossip shows on TV and the opening shot was of Laurel with her dress falling off. The lead line was, "A publicity stunt gone bad?" When they finished the story they showed Laurel again wrapped in the tablecloth, crying and her make up running down her face. The final lines for the story were perfect, "Pictures of Ms Branch were found attached to cars in the parking area. It appeared she was having sex with the director of the movie. Mr. Clarke had no comment."

Laurel didn't come to my place that night. She did call. I answered and she said, "What happened to you? I needed you and I couldn't find you."

"I didn't feel well. I had to leave. Something I caught made me sick."

"The dress you got for me fell apart! I was completely exposed!"

"You deserved it. You exposed me to an STD. The only one I've had sex with was you. You banged Clarke! Now both of you have an STD!"

"You did this to me! I'll never get another movie!"

"Sure you will. You'll star in "Laurel does Hollywood." You'll be famous!"

"You bastard!"

"Yup! Which is worse, being a private bastard or a public whore? I saw you on KABC just a little while ago. I'll bet your make the tabloids tomorrow and the sleaze shows on TV tomorrow. You're famous! Congratulations."

If you come over sometime I'll show you the four feature films Laurel made after the garden party. The first was called, "The Garden Party". The second was called "Branching Out." The last two were "Gang Bang in the Valley" and "Pulling a Train through the Valley."

Mr. Johnny Clarke is single again. His wife discovered he was screwing around and she took him to the cleaners. One day she showed up at my place and showed her appreciation for letting her know what an asshole he was. I tried to deny I was responsible and she begged me to let her thank me anyway. She still drops by a few times a month to say Thanks.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is a good humor type story. Nothing deep as the Chester is very shallow. I really like the story as it didn’t come off the rails.

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 4 years ago
Good enough

Good enough for a good chuckle. Thanks for the funny

jott50jott50over 7 years ago

This story would have worked in most anywhere but Hollywood. All you need to verify this is to watch footage of most any event put on by these people. See all most any runway of stars and you will see nudity in the form of see through fabrics open slits or peekaboo openings. Nudity and th e shame of it do not exist in Hollywood. Also sex among the up and coming is so normal that it isn't even mentioned in the tabloid stories. With that said i must say I loved it 5.

InnocentMissLittleInnocentMissLittleover 9 years ago

Fantastic, one of the best revenge stories I have read <3

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 12 years ago
Terse Humor and Revenge Saga-ette

Nice. BTW where can I get those dissolving dresses? There's a couple deserving women I know...do they come in little black cocktail version?

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