All Comments on 'Frankly My Dear'

by coaster2

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PAPATOADPAPATOADalmost 16 years ago
Thanks for a good read

I liked the story. It worked well and was fun to read. Keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Sara is a lucky girl--Alone she is better off than

being around that concieted jackass who has no interest in anyone other than himself and how well they conform to HIS desires.

kelchakelchaalmost 16 years ago
Too Short

Really liked the story, but I felt it was too short. Tom knew about the affair when he saw her after three months. Was he willing to reconcile with her? That would be an indication of a much greater love than portrayed by the story. For Sarah, the love was gone and her behavior was truly despicable. Sure there is fault on both sides, but she could have acted in a more honourable manner. Are concepts such as honour dead in our modern world? ***** As I said, I liked the story but it left me with too many questions. Was this your intent?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
i like the true the husband bought to the story

the wife was a lying cheating whore who ran anybody close to her away.hubby was truthful with the selfish cheating whore and she got what she needed to be by herself.when you do wrong,everybody is wrong but you.thats' the wife excuse to cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
I'm a little disappointed.

It appears that they were both less than honorable characters and did not deserve to get away "clean". If he were so arrogant and unfeeling toward his family he deserved a worse fate than he got. However, your storytelling skills continue to grow and you are one of the better authors here and one of my favorites. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Ho hum...

I think I felt more for the absent kids than for either of the main characters. Though I did feel a bit sorry for the wife. She was either sad, lonely or both. I'd probably cheat on Tom too, he comes off as an unemotional ass. It seemed like he didn't care one way or another if his marriage worked or not. He wasn't happy about his marital life so he takes off golfing for three months to try and fix it? Who does shit like that? To me he was just looking for a way to finally leave. Yeah, the wife cheated and got dumped but in all honesty she seems better off without him. And he can live the life he wants to, reveling in his money and fucking as many women that he can with no emotional ties, especially since he's seemed to have lost that aspect of his character a long time ago.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Changes ?

Wealth and power do change characters but why didn't she speak to him lang ago when she noted these traits were appearing? I suppose she changed as well and got to live in her own world so to speak. He may not have been unfaithful, but taking off for 3 months all by himself isn't really the best way to work on a relationship. Their marriage apparently died some time before the confrontation. As for the "kids", they were old enough to be on their own having themselves chosen a path for their future. So their opinion shouldn't matter that much any more if it comes to his or her feelings. She made her choice and lost. What is it that's being said about consequences ? She made her mistake long ago by not telling him about her real feelings. G.Belgium

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Too real?

maybe. but its written well and although the plot is not your usual revenge story, it is quite the norm in the real world.

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 16 years ago
A very good LW story of real acting people

This was a wonderful story of two people seeing the flaws that developed in the other’s personality. As years and their experiences in their environment changed their behavior.<P>

They both were young and in love and grew together. As we all do we change with our viewpoint on how to go about achieving our sought after success. Some times it changes our outlook on what it takes to reach our goal or remain happy. If doing things with a different tack works we persist and sharpen this attitude till it becomes our new outlook on how to succeed. <P>

Her dialogue leads us to believe he put his business success not just first but paramount, and he put all he had into it. As in so many cases the wife is subjugated to being the perfect mom and wife. She had the kids then they were gone. She now had all the freedom and nowhere to shower her love. We see a woman who no longer felt as a companion but just a maid and his dutiful wife. <P>

She saw a man so domineering with a hard edge not only in business but carried into his outlook on life. She seems to have felt any confrontation of his demeanor would just be taken by him as an attach on his character. She didn’t want to go through what she surmised would be a useless effort of confrontation. She kept her feelings in, slowly killing the love they once treasured. In all likelihood she had little self-esteem and nothing of her own to build that self-assurance. She decided to have something where she felt loved and adored by another human being.<P>

He appears to not understand why his efforts to discuss the loss of affection and love are rebuffed by his wife. He sees a woman who has everything and no reason to have changed from their younger days. He is adamant in his outlook that he has done all that is required to provide her with the perfect life.<P>

Neither has a clue to what the other feels or how they perceive the life they had and now have. Often it is with years that the realization comes of what really transpired and a placid meeting lets the truth be revealed as time has dulled the outrage and diminished the pain. Sadly in this case no real truths were ever shared between them and the adultery is a lasting affront to the self-esteem. I cannot see these two ever confronting the truths in their lives as she holds all inside and will not confront, and he will never accept anything he did was contributory to her unhappiness or infidelity.<P>Some will not like these characters as they are too real with real reactions in life. Neither is a hero or heroine as they are just everyday people going through life with all the frailties of being human with individual personalities.<P>Well done story with a lot of feelings to show we all have personalities and don’t very often really see ourselves as others see us. <P> I think this was one of your very best efforts.<P>PT

jack_strawjack_strawalmost 16 years ago
good show

Very good work, as usual. It takes some skill to make a compelling story out of two disagreeable characters as these two. He was completely self-centered and arrogant to a fault, and she was uncommunicative and devious, also to a fault. Communication might have helped, but it's hard to see either of these two compromising enough to breathe any life into their dead marriage. I'd say both of them got what they deserved, although in the long run I think Sarah will make out better. She's rid of an arrogant twit, and she'll eventually find someone she can truly love. I can't say the same about Tom.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
A Real Read

The story reads as a lack of communication between two people wrapped up into themselves. I found it a real look at what happens to couples. Thanks for the story.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
almost everyone so far Blames the Husband WHY?

Lets see ...we have 11 comments and so far Jack Straw PeggyTwitty and some Anonymoous Poster from NV seems to have blamed the Husband.


The Blame is clearly <b>ALL</b> on her. <b>What did TOM do WRONG for 20 + years? </b> Work too hard to provide for his family? for her? OK Guilty. A little too work focused and not family or wife focused? OK I agree.


But isnt that how Men are Judged in western societies?


Given all that How is the wife's actions/ behavior/. attitude Right or justifed in shutting down without a single word of communication from her? In cheating? In engaging in this horrible Plot and Manipulation?


Most of PT analysis is correct... but what PT misses is that when the self absorbed Husband finally wakes up and she that something is seriously wrong... <b>No matter How unhappy & lonely the wife is he does deserved some sort of communication after all the those years of marriage with her.</b>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Perfect story in all respects

This is a really well written, perfectly balanced and also believable short story. I liked the several twists in the story, which to me were unexpected. coaster2 had me fooled, though I have not previously read any of his other stories and learned his written style.

I also liked the inclusion of the information related to womens health. Though I don't think that Coaster2 indented this information to be of benefit to the readers in terms of Women's Health, it is, and I feel represents a nice addition to his perfect tale. In conclusion, I would guess that probably the husband got the better out of the divorce. But..... then ..... is Coaster2 going to continue the story? RAG

GToastGToastalmost 16 years ago
Good story, but there were some problems

First, the writing, while technically well above average, was a tad clinical for my taste. Almost more like reading a newspaper account than a real first-person narrative.<p>Second, Tom apparently knew things he did not share with the reader in his first narrative. Okay, maybe that's a style thing.<p>Finally, there was a major loose thread, to my way of thinking. Did Michael leave under duress, was he paid off, was he a plant from the beginning, or did he just coincidentally leave at the same time Tom left?<p>Nonetheless, a good, well-written tale that wisely realizes there are two sides to every marital struggle.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
also one thing at the end; Plot Hole

Throughout the story we read about his scty Renne

...that he has very close to and that she looked after TOM as sort of wise old Matriarchal figure.


At the end of the story TOM says this


<i>Oh yes, I knew about Michael. Renee learned of Sarah's affair when my wife confessed to her SHORTLY after I had moved out. I was surprised that Renee and Sarah had been keeping in touch.</i>


HUH? how the fuck is that possible?


When Tom is travelling abroad he talks to Renee several times. Renee says she has NO info on Sarah the wife. Yet we are told at the end that Renee DIDd know about Sarach cheating... and did tell TOM at point.


when did that happened ? and why didnt we read about it?


You see? It makes NO sense!!!??


<b>If Tom knew then why did he come back? </b> The 3 month seperation/travel was to give Sarah time to think about what was wrong and IF she still wanted her husband and the marriage.


Once he founded out WHY she had turned so cold and bitter and learned the truth from Renee why come home? why seek a second chance?


still consdedring the way Most of this authors stories go this plot hole while BIG does not ruin the stoty.

cageyteecageyteealmost 16 years ago
I know I'm getting older and probably at least a

little senile but I have only just recently discovered that I have been reading and enjoying your stories for quite a while now without taking the time to comment. I like your plot twists and I have enjoyed the antics of some of the characters you've created. Thanks for sharing your time, talent and energy. I'm looking forward to more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
As many have pointed out already...

This story is too real!. Thanks for the wonderful work. I will be looking forward to more of your stories.

JakeRiversJakeRiversalmost 16 years ago
Properly named Mack's Progress ...

because it certainly wasn't Sarah's progress. Some days you get the bear and some days the bear gets you. In this case the bear jumped up and bit Sarah in the ass!

Good show (as Denham Forrest would say).

Regards, Jack

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969almost 16 years ago
I agree with Harry!

Every one has said what needs saying including Harry, which for one of the first times I agree with him. The husband should not have taken all the blame ,the wife was just as much at fault as he was she even admitted that perhaps he didn't deserve what she did to him. Anyway I do hope thay both find someone to love. who knows if this was in the romance section they could get back together again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Good story - makes up for the bonnietaylor dogshit

Thank you author for your efforts - definitely a good read and balances out that garbage that bonnietaylor & her side kick [www].

celticreigncelticreignalmost 16 years ago
That Was Terrific...

Frankly My Dear had it all. From beginning to end I was captivated.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
KUDO's Author - A Recommended Read

It appears that some or many [including myself initially] readers misunderstood the time frame of his statement that he had know of Michael since he moved out. He is referring to his last move out never to return after the divorce papers were served.<P>

Only then did she confide in his secretary of her affair.<P>

In this story the Authors task was to state without interpretation the characters viewpoint & feelings without challenging them or clarifying them.<P>

That illustrated some of the realty of normal life in very lifelike manner. Some would say scarily so as we each assume or know without real foundation the real story of our life and marriage partner. <P>

We [the third party] can only see what each felt and the contradictions leading to their failure. The Authors conveyance of this background appeared to be done clinically - just as he intended and should have.<P>

You are appreciated Author and looked forward to.<P>

With Very High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
This was one of the best LW stories this year.

The story was well-written, had good coherence, and flowed nicely from one point of view to the other. I think the communication breakdown was noted by Tom but he foolishly did nothing about it while the marriage slowly died. Sarah failed to communicate why she was feeling unloved (and thus, did not provide love in return). They were both intelligent and should have acted much sooner. Either could have asked for counseling much earlier in the process. Marital counseling does not always work but it works better than not trying. I think Tom really loved Sarah deep down; he just lost sight of how to maintain the romance in the marriage and not only failed to show her how he loved her, he took her for granted (something women really hate). She forgot the well-known adage about the way to a man's heart is below the belt. Men give love to get sex; women give sex to get love. By withholding intimacy from Tom, Sarah made him feel unloved. By failing to demonstrate sensitivity and affection, Tom made Sarah feel unloved. As I already said, this would have been easier to straighten out (like a mid-course correction for a Mars mission) if done early in the game. At the final hour, it was too late. Sadly, Sarah's affair was with a man who in lots of ways was like Tom early in their marriage (excepting of course his sudden abandonment of Sarah without explanation at the end). Tom might one day pick someone like Sarah! It's said people often remarry individuals similar to their former partners. The story rings true, as a good story should.

SleeplessinMDSleeplessinMDalmost 16 years ago
What is the Truth?

Was Tom this arrogant conceited bastard? Was Sarah this "silver spoon in her mouth" bitch? As most things in life the truth is probably present on both sides. Tom had started from nothing but with the support of Sarah he had built this successful business and together they raised 2 kids. Given this success why would he not be "full of himself" or very confident. One sign that Sarah is off base about Tom is Renee. Renee as a widowed working grandmother seem to have a level head nature. Renee would have called Tom on his arrogance. Now Sarah who had worked just as hard as Tom no longer had her kids around so she was left with a husband she clearly did not understand anymore. Rather than talking her problems over with Tom she has an affair. Micheal sensing Sarah's weakness moved in and charmed her out of her panties. He left when he realized that she would want him to keep his promises. Now both Tom (he would realize how shallow his existance would be) and Sarah would get what they deserve for the lack of communicaton in the marriage. Wow! This story is so real. Thanks!

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusalmost 16 years ago
Very nice

The emotions seem genuine and consistent. Very nicely laid out. The huge plot problem, Renee knows nothing and then suddenly has been keeping Tom informed, is irritating. But everything else is so well done the story survives.

oldhornywriteroldhornywriteralmost 16 years ago
Outstanding. Thanks for a great read.

Your bio says "I still have a lot to learn about construction, vocabulary and even (shudder) punctuation." Maybe then, but this is now, and I'd say you've learned it. An excellent story that made me want to find out how it was going to end. For my taste, what is going on in people's heads is much more satisfying than what is going on in their groins. So, this proved to be quite tasty. One of the few I've read that I want to read a couple of more times, in particular for what what it has to teach me about writing.

ralphcralphcalmost 16 years ago
wtf coaster- yea, harry in va

good syory but was renee a bad sec. in not letting tom know about the affair. i really can't imagine the wife telling renee. it would have been nice had u revealed tom's concerns abt learning of michael. left a black in the story coaster.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Accessory for husband, but not for some gigolo??

These "sensitive wife" commentators are so laughtable. If the wife is sooo sensitive to the supposed changes in personality and demeanor of her husband of more than 20 years that she feels like an accessory or a servant, how come she's not sensitive enough to realize she's being USED LIKE AN ACCESSORY CUM REPOSITORY by SERVING HER BODY to some pussy hound only interested in using her and casting her aside once her marriage is a shambles. The empty pledge of some strange sailor wanting to fuck a married woman is more reliable than the toilings of over 20 years by some "evil meany" who provided a very good life for her and her kids for those 20+ years??? LOL. No, she's a diabolical bitch with a death wish taking a walk on the wild side, who REPEATEDLY does exactly what she knows will hurt her husband to intentionally drive him further away so she can chase some swashbuckler, adventurous type guy she gets a hormonal midlife crush on who tells her what she wants to hear, gives her some cheap thrills, uses her and then dumps her. Then she sits there whining cause she's alone acting like she doesn't know what happened when she knew all along exactly what she was doing and the chances she was taking. BY THE WAY, DID ANYONE CATCH WHAT MICHAEL DID FOR A LIVING BESIDES TAKING MARRIED WOMEN FOR A RIDE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER??

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Accessory for husband, but not for some gigolo??

These "sensitive wife" commentators are so laughtable. If the wife is sooo sensitive to the supposed changes in personality and demeanor of her husband of more than 20 years that she feels like an accessory or a servant, how come she's not sensitive enough to realize she's being USED LIKE AN ACCESSORY CUM REPOSITORY by SERVING HER BODY to some pussy hound only interested in using her and casting her aside once her marriage is a shambles. The empty pledge of some strange sailor wanting to fuck a married woman is more reliable than the toilings of over 20 years by some "evil meany" who provided a very good life for her and her kids for those 20+ years??? LOL. No, she's a diabolical bitch with a death wish taking a walk on the wild side, who REPEATEDLY does exactly what she knows will hurt her husband to intentionally drive him further away so she can chase some swashbuckler, adventurous type guy she gets a hormonal midlife crush on who tells her what she wants to hear, gives her some cheap thrills, uses her and then dumps her. Then she sits there whining cause she's alone acting like she doesn't know what happened when she knew all along exactly what she was doing and the chances she was taking. BY THE WAY, DID ANYONE CATCH WHAT MICHAEL DID FOR A LIVING BESIDES TAKING MARRIED WOMEN FOR A RIDE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER??

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
There is more truth in this story than you eccpt.

Tom did not set out to comit infidility nor did he. He was just a man wanting the affection of a loving wife that had bore him children and were now out of the house. HE JUST WANTED TO BE LOVED, is that a crime? His so called loving wife set out to get a divorce from Tom at Tom's expense since she had been fucking the Doctor. This was her doing and not his. She deserves a special place in hell for her actions. I hope Tom has some evidience of her infidility and passes it along to her children since they think the sun rises and sets on her head. Also, I was hoping Tom would not pay her anything and leave her with her lover if that is really what she wanted, and it seems it was. Besides, if he has any filth on her, let it accidentally get out to all of her friends and relatives. If there are photos and/or movies, post it on the internet under a different name. This is one time that she dug her own grace, now she will just have to be buried in it. I wonder how Tom's executive secretary fits into all of this. She steered the so called loving live down the path of infidility and she is the one that found out about her and the Doc's affair, yet she did not try to stop any of it when Tom was out of the country. INTERESTING ! ! ! ! Sounds like she might have alteritive motives in all of this. I think Doc. Michael did the right thing in leaving. You know if she cheated on her husband, she would cheat on him, it would only be a matter of time. ONCE A CHEATER, ALWAYS A CHEATER.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
One of the Wife's problems

3Sara is a lucky girl--Alone she is better off than <p>

07/19/08 by Anonymous<p>

being around that concieted jackass who has no interest in anyone other than himself and how well they conform to HIS desires. <p>

++++++++++++++++++++++ <p>

One of the wife's problems, from now on, is that she will have to carry the label of being a cheater, an adulterous person, for some time. <p>

Fact of the matter is, in life, if you're over 40 ot 45, and have grown children and go out to sleep with someone else, to lose (in your head) a bad/unresponsive spouse, you are the untrustworthy person. <p>

Oh, sure, once you get to know someone deep and caring, you can tell them all about all the years you spent suffering with your ex; but few people are willing to invest quality time with a person, man or woman, who cheats on their former spouse and bitches about it, putting all the problems on the ex. <p>

Not sure about others; but I just don't like to hear such person. Even if, deep down, she's actually some Mother Teresa, capable of suffering deeply and long. But, then, again, Mother Teresa won't be sleeping around, either. <p>

Women have much more to lose: I see guys in their 40's, 50's, and 60's starting new families all the time, with younger women in their twenties to thirties. Women don't have the same luxuries, fair or not. They had better better be willing to invest more effort and time and everything else in a marriage --- a good marriage --- once they have decided to be bonded to a man they think will be able to bring home good pounds of bacon. <p>

But if a woman should think all her mate is concerned about is the amount of bacon he brings home every week, and totally neglects her emotional and physical needs, what-not, it behooves her to make her thoughts known when she's still young or younger, so she could separate from such a mate and still has time to establish, if needed, another mate who's more well-rounded. But to CHEAT your way out of a 20+ years of marriage, as the cheater, in the public eye,,,, it's NOT the way to go... <p>

...As this woman character found out! LOL

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Good but unforunate

that the story happened the way it did. I am glad it didn't focus on sex because that is all too common. If the wife had done what the husband did, come out and express her unhappiness then they might not have wound up divorced.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
How can anyone like anything about this wife??/

Many commentators so full of themselves: Poor 'perfect wife and mother'. Goes from 'maid and dutiful wife' to jilted cheating whore in 4 months. And husband thought all he had to do was the right thing and get the right thing from her in return. Too bad when he actually began seeking to amend the relationship she had already breached his trust by seeking out and dating another. Too bad when he then finally gave his ultimatum, wife had already broken her vows with another. Wife portrayed as being bored with 24 carat regular guy who does all the required stuff, but doesn't give her the fantasy adventure and romance she craves of regaing her youth with a guy like her husband but more dashing and virile ('angular' in the story). The sailor predicably drops her when she becomes more than just an easy lay for him. The supposed great wife is actually such a loser she drops her great hubbie for such a complete 0, she doesn't even know of his whereabouts once he dumps her. She couldn't even begin to look for him; he might as easily have been some drug dealer living out of an abandoned car. If she actually were a 'perfect wife and mother' like some commentators suggest, she would have considered her husband and family before she went looking for strange. She claims she minds being used as a 'maid and dutiful wife' by the guy who goes to work each day to pay her bills, but she seems not to mind being USED by the sailor as his cheap (since she gave it away) whore. Some complain hubbie leaves for a lifetime of shallow relationships, but those couldn't be much more shallow than the one he came from, spending a lifetime trying to please someone who after 24 years leaves you cause you're no longer cool, you try too hard, you're too arrogant for my taste, for the first sailor when the fleet comes into port. She is a completely self centered, manipulative, lying, cheap tramp. And she's lazy as hell, hubbie even made her NOT work. Oh the horror and abuse of it all, she ran out of books to read and all she could find to do to fill up the time was fuck some strange sailor. How could anyone find anything to like about her character. If hubbie's arrogant, at least he's earned it. She's just a spoiled pig.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I generally like your stories. However, this one did'nt cut it. He never had a thought about menopause or her cheating. He's curious what she is doing, but doesn't hire a detective agency.

He was supposed to be bright but he missed it all ... I don't think so.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Interesting character study, each blames the other

It was an interesting technique to let the readers gradually discover their character flaws. It kept me going and by the end I didn't like either; I did like the writing! Unfortunately their faults force them apart. <p>

He is controlling, but not as arrogant as she states. She has grown comfortable with her role as martyr and is unwilling to make the changes needed. He views her concerns as inconsequential, while she is content to drive him away. Thus the title applies to both. <p>

He has a problem with his marriage so he goes on a three month golfing Holiday and congratulates himself for doing something about their marriage?! Not likely to lead to reconciliation! He has alienated their children, and his comment about his daughter's art history degree was a great way to illustrate the problem. He needs to develop some empathy or he will only have superficial relationships.<p>

Meanwhile she thinks that none of the problem is hers. She has trouble getting friends to have lunch with her and blames her husband. Yet his arrogance would not make them avoid having lunch with her, more likely her whining. She is so wrapped up in herself that she can't see that Michael has no interest in a long term relationship. It didn't sound like she tried that hard to have outside interests -- she says that he didn't want her doing volunteer work, but surely she could have something that was unobjectionable. If she volunteered as a docent at an art museum she might have been able to get him to see the value in his daughter's vocation. Instead she take pleasure in the children not liking him. She admits to wanting to drive her husband away.<p>

So neither is willing to do the work required for reconciliation. The 10 am appointment for his return is doomed since neither sees any validity to the others viewpoint. <p>

NB I don't think there was a plot hole. If we assume they live in a no-fault divorce state, and she wasn't trying to contest the settlement, she might well have confided to the secretary that she had found another. The husband is, at that point, resigned to divorce and happy to seize on something else that says the problem is hers.

sanman52sanman52almost 16 years ago
Why didn't she try harder

As I read this story the thought that kept coming back to me is why didn't she ever express her unhappiness to her husband. Nowhere in the story does it say that she told her husband how unhappy she was about how she thought he was changing and was treating her and the children. Instead, she seems to have curled up in an emotional ball and decided that she had to take whatever he dished out. Maybe if she had confronted her husband about his attitude earlier he would have responded. She'll never know because she never tried. It's said that people treat us the way we allow them to treat us. If the wife had demanded to be treated better then maybe she would have been. At least she would have tried and wouldn't have had to plot and deceive and give up her principles.

Scorpio44Scorpio44almost 16 years ago
Sad really...

how some people never actually decide to love another. Tom never loved Sarah, he enjoyed her for the first years and then took his business as a lover. His ultimatum was about sex, not love, caring, affection, support or giving a damn about her. They both had little at the beginning and had lost very little at the end. Sad, really.

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago

I think you missed a few paragraphs. He loved his wife. He had no intention of having an affair. He did not want sex, as that was all she gave. She was cheating on him for months before he left her. The only unfortunate part of this whole story is the legal system. She stayed married to him because of all the things his hard work gave her. And only when she found a wealthy cuck did she contemplate divorce. She is a lying manipulative bitch. And he had to give her part of his fortune because the law is unjust. If you cheat you should get nothing. But that doesn't happen. This was a very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
reality check,she fuck up a good life

writers look at this story and think about what going on in the world today.people losing their jobs and homes,but this selfish whore talking about arrogant in her husband.writers you need a wake up call,life is hard out here and the world you and the whore live in is different.this whore got away clean with no consequences for her this world people don't lay down when people betray them.their payback and i mean hard revenge.her lover boat would blow up with him in it and she would get that a story in the real world.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great Story

Sarah never earned a dime, didn't have a clue what Tom went through or cared. She was a arrogent kept woman who wanted to be romanced and coddled without any effort on her part. Romance is a two way street, she also doesn't have a clue about people, aka Michael so she belived his bullshit and dumped her husband without giving him a chance. Tom is a strong intelligent man who understood what she and her children didn't, what it takes in life to succeed. As they are all on their own now he will suddenly become much smarter and a better father and husband as they deal with life on their own. He did what he could, now he can finally enjoy the life he worked for, too bad it wasn't with Sarah.

jackiedanielsjackiedanielsover 15 years ago

I feel he had control of the money and that was his big thing in life,some said she didn,t help him earn it well she had his children kept his home,was his wife through all the years before he had it made, once he had it made it was time to get rid of his wife and children, he didn,t care for them either because they didn,t conform to his control either, I,m glad she had an affair at least she proved to him someone did want her besides him, but he couldn,t take that so once again he ran away,All he wanted was someone to be at his beck and call when he decided he wanted sex,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Will say he stayed married to her much longer than

I would have. And the cheating she did was blatant and called for some measure of remediation, perhaps a divorce based on adultry. No one deserves to live in a loveless marriage and this kept woman, as one reviewer called her, is a useless hag. If she wants to be less lonely and more active she should start attending the yacht club or country club and become the round heeled group slut, that should make her happy and she could drink herself into oblivion each day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Wow Jackie Daniels played all the wrong cards.

He wasnt a control freak he just wanted a wife that still loved him and wanted to make love. The wife had long since turned off the love machine then turned it on outside the home. Nothing in the story indicated his being a control freak just the opposite. He knew she would look for him and would hoped she would wake up smell the roses and get the medical care she refused to take with him there. She instead attempted to manipulate the medical experts and play her game. What did surprise me in the story was that the wife and the secretary got along well enough for her to tell about her affair. Why wasnt this information passed along to him in a timely fashion so it could be dealt with at the time? I would now also fire the secretary now that the stay at home eating bonbons and watching Oprah Peg has been fired. Sorry the only controlling, vindictive, arrogant person in the story was the wife and she took the dangled bait of a real asshole. Start talking about marriage and watch him run!

shangoshangoalmost 15 years ago
Scorpio and JackieDaniels

I pray neither of you ever have or have had Jury duty. You can't see evidence right in front of your face. EVERY mega-successful person, man or woman is ARROGANT. Humility doesn't play well in the big leagues. Wifey was a selfish, manipulative Strumpet. It would have been easier for Hubby to have taken a Mistress like so many of his peers, but what did he do? He went home to wifey and THEN gave her the space to think. As for pushing his kids around, do you realize how few Artists can feed themselves? The person who delivered your paper this morning is probably an "artist". It's easy to talk smack when someone else is picking up the tab.

Better man than me.

SELSTIMSELSTIMover 14 years ago

Another well written story portraying the complexities of human behavior in a committed long term relationship. Of course, like most relationships that don't survive, lack of communication is usually the main reason for it's failure. I noticed that most people that commented wanted to assign blame to either one or the other but as they say, "It takes two to tango". Except for the fact that she expressed the desire to find a job or do volunteer work to occupy her time. She never really expressed to Tom why she was disatisfied or that it was his arrogance that caused the changes in her personality. He, in turn, assumed her negative attitude was all her fault. Didn't he provide her with everything she needed. It seemed that ever since they became well off she has become more dissatisfied, less loving and always criticizing. She was feeling useless and bored and he wouldn't allow her to find something that would alleviate that. Instead of expressing her needs more clearly she assumed he should know why she was treating him with loathing and contempt and no longer desired to make love with him. She was stuck in the role of the subserviant wife that was so prevalent in the 50's, 60's and 70's. So, she turned to the only weapon those wives had back then, passive aggressive behavior. She cut him off emotionally and physically. He just assumed that she should be happy because they were well off and of need of nothing. They needed counseling years ago. Of course, true to form, Tom probably would have refused stating that nothing was wrong. Most readers saw Michael for what he was. A middle aged man sleeping with a married woman, not believing in marriage and living on a sailboat. A sailboat being the symbol of a carefree, go where you please, nothing to tie you down lifestyle. Of course, he wasn't going to be there when she arrived. Even though she said she would accept him without marriage it was still a commitment. He was going to answer to nobody. Plus, maybe he never got married because of trust issues with women and the fact that she was cheating on her husband triggered the "time to get out of here response" whether it was a conscious decision or not. Of course, that's speculation. Excellent writing and a very well thought out plot. I felt every aspect of this story was perfect. Evident by my ramblings, sorry about that. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

clark3001clark3001over 14 years ago
This was an interesting take

Both the husband and wife being guilty..the husband of indifference and the wife of a weak resolve causing her to be subservient to her husband's demands. How about a take two on this story with the cure for this situation ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

a very well written story. the bitch! ok.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 14 years ago
It was okay.

I guess I was looking for some Rhett Butler and Scarlet O'Hara type ending, then again, this ain't Gone With The Wind and you ain't Margaret Mitchell. Such is life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
As well he shouldn't!!!

Why give a damn about a cheating whore? One that instead of working on a marriage of many years, just decided to whore herself out to the first guy to smile at her!!!

She should have been left penniless!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
best laid plans ...

She didn't do anything effectively to even address the 'arrogance' for tom, and pushed him away, then built the proverbial castle with michael on quicksand. There was her own arrogance and indifference (to tom), and there's a price to be paid for that, by her. for her, the question is whehter she has learned form the experieince?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
seems to me

she got just what she deserved

arrogance just means you're somewhat of an asshole, cheating means you're a worthless sack of shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Wow life was too easy for that bitch

What a selfish, cold bitch see was. Hubby should have been much rougher on her. She got off easy - I think some deep mental anguish should have been laid upon her by him. The fuck boy lover leaving was just a minor problem for her really considering her selfish view on life. It is doubtful that she would be capable of any deep feeling for anyone but herself.

What a waste of a human life she is.

0649d0649dover 13 years ago
sad story for both the main characters.. and good way to point out that BOTH were as bad as each other

He, with his arrogance, not finding happiness and true love. And she, with her flawed plan, finding her ship sailing away, literally. Does it matter who was worse? Not really. They were both bad, and while you could say arrogance is worse or cheating is the deal-breaker, they were both responsible for neglecting their marriage and allowing it to fall apart. I love Coaster2's stories; I first read them a year ago... This story is particularly good because it is revealing to the readers that you should not read just one person's point of view, because from someone else's POV that person might be in the wrong him/her-self!

grogers7grogers7about 13 years ago
A couple of words make a huge difference

Read the comment by "Anonymous" on 7/19/08 -- below:

"KUDO's Author - A Recommended Read

It appears that some or many [including myself initially] readers misunderstood the time frame of his statement that he had known of Michael since he moved out. He is referring to his last move out never to return after the divorce papers were served."

Then read this in Tom's part of the epilogue:

"Oh yes, I knew about Michael. Renee learned of Sarah's affair when my wife confessed to her shortly after I had moved out. I was surprised that Renee and Sarah had been keeping in touch. I was very upset with Sarah that she had cheated on me."

I misunderstood this timing issue until "Anonymous 7/19/08" pointed it out. The first time Tom Left home he went on an extended vacation, but did not "move out". That takes care of a lot of the complaints before "Anonymous 7/19/08" and changesthe story so that the end is consistant with the first part of the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago


OldHidekiOldHidekiabout 13 years ago
Sarah's calling Tom arrogant was the pot calling the kettle black.

I believe that Sarah was a controlling bitch. When Tom had made enough money that he didn't need to cow down to her, he stopped. What I am saying is that Tom made every effort to please Sarah, and it was never enough. Sarah, on the other hand, was not making every effort to please Tom. When Tom stopped trying, Sarah tried to blame Tom as arrogant for not continuing such a lopsided relationship.

I had expected Michael to run off with Sarah's money, which would have been a more fitting end.

Wonderful story. Thank You.

roscovichroscovichabout 13 years ago
A pompous and arrogant diatribe by pompous and arrogant writer.

Not much plot nor character development. Often disconnected and difficult to follow.

It is worth 3 stars at most.

huedogghuedoggabout 13 years ago
a one star at best

If he was such an asshole that bitch would have had to get a job, because I would have left her ass broke and fuck the kids too, if they picked that cheating bitch over me then fuck them to.

FD45FD45about 13 years ago
I sort of liked it

Both of their attitudes might have beeen correct. He might have been a pricks, but she was still a whore. There are certain propriaties to observe if you want to leave your lover. (Yes, Mike is an ass too.)

There were not redeeming characters in this story....but that's real life. I particularly ike that the wife was NOT a total idiot. She wasn't thinking 'La, I'll never be caught. She didn't care!"

(Believe it or not guys, but I'm betting that far too many of us are imminently replacable...) But also she found out that that grass isn't greener!

Additionally, you faced a reality. A middle aged man who is wealthy and a middle aged woman who is well preserved at best do not face the same romantic opportunities.

It was a subtle story and I liked it. Additionally there were no glaring wrting errors

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I Don't Know

But, it sort of ended prematurely. Maybe if she were to find out that her husband knew about Michael and had a little talk with him. It then shows how poorly she chose. Also, if she was to recieve much less in the divorce it would be appropriate. If the children squak about how there mother is being treated, they should be reminded that they were always closer to thier mother and probably did know about her affair. Which is worse anyway, arrogance or a nasty affair...followed by alienation of affection.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Whatever went on with him, she did too little to reverse any feelings he channeled elsewhere. She took a lover and thought she was handling that well. A choice was made by her and she got the one for the other, BUt the other didn't work out. She created her hell now she can deal with it.

GualterioGualterioabout 13 years ago
Well-written but I didn't like it

I think, basically, my problem with this story is that there was no one to like. Neither the husband nor his wife were admirable. I couldn't have sympathy or empathy for either one which is a little unusual for stories in this category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
wife a fool and whore

hubby was to good to her.

68dawg68dawgabout 13 years ago
What the hell are you trying to say?

Are you siding with all the id-driven narcissists — "kick that whore slut to the curb" — by having him take up with big-titted, big-hipped women with big appetites AND improve his golf game at the same time? Or are you saying he's the shallow, self-involved, arrogant asshole he sounds like to me and equally — or even more — at fault in the failure of the marriage? Is Sarah the victim of his arrogance and unloving nature, an equal player in the destruction of the marriage or the instigator of it?

My first reaction was that you were trying to describe a marriage that died through both their faults, though my sympathies are definitely with Sarah. Tom is, of all your protagonists, the least sympathetic. He throws down ultimatums and has no emotional connection with anyone else. His children? Hardly. Sarah? He showed her no affection or really any consideration except as his chattel. Monique? Obviously, his desire to continue to "sample the merchandise" shows he feels he doesn't need to love or have love. He doesn't even seem to recognize that the fact that his children love their mother more than him says something about his character.

Maybe you were trying for the Rashomon approach. You know, everyone puts themselves in the best light possible even though they're all at fault. If so, you needed a final observer to give us the unbiased story.

Maybe you were trying to say that Sarah's desire for love outside a loveless marriage to an arrogant — look how rich and virile I am! — asshole was an inexcusable act that should be punished. And Tom should be rewarded with his 40 virgins (or not-so-virgins) in his post-divorce heaven. If so, that's awful. But at least her loneliness shows that she has the ability to feel emotions besides hurt pride.

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 13 years ago
It's not arrogance if you really are that good.

Tom appears to be an extremely competent guy. We only get viewpoints from Tom and Sarah and it's clear that they are biased. Tom is a successful business man. He is very analytical and practical. His relationship with his kids is a common one. Parent knows the hard knocks in the world and wants their kids to be prepared. Kids are not concerned and make choices to do things that may not allow them to fully support themselves. Parent is concerned and disappointed.<br><br>

Sarah has been a housewife. OK. Sorry, but being a housewife doesn't qualify you for sainthood. Guys work and do lots of stuff around the house as well. It's just the roles we have to assume in a household. BUT Sarah has a big attitude as well. Could SHE have provided them a secure and generous income? I doubt it. But she has no respect for the fact that Tom does. She calls him arrogant but it seems more like he sees a successful path and isn't shy about pointing it out. What has Sarah done? Cheated on her husband and mocked him for his fidelity. <br><br>

Is Tom a stud? Sounds like he is a fairly attractive man. If his money increases his attractiveness, so what? Since Sarah has set him free, why shouldn't he enjoy himself? If Sarah had respected and appreciated him more none of this would have happened. It seems like Sarah is jealous that Tom is competent. What we see of HER decision making shows that she isn't. Is Tom blunt with people? Yup. Is that a desirable trait? Probably not. Too bad. We aren't required to be perfect to have our spouses love us. She was bitchy but he stuck with her. He was arrogant and she cheats on him and plans to abandon him. Tom isn't the most sympathetic character but he's far from a bad person. Sarah is pretty cold and a cheat.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I was an enjoyable read

However, there is nothing sexy about old folks so I could only give it a 2** rating instead of the 5***** rating I would have given it if the old folks has been 10 years younger making the story sexy.

She did mess up. As an old hide, she is sexually undesirable and attractive men under 40 will not even fuck her. To find a relationship, she is going to have to settle for men 10 to 20 years older.

Tom is far better off. He got rid of an old hide and being rich he can find sexy women 15 years younger.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
God, there are alot of poor readers on Lit

All of you that blame the Husband obviously didn't remember this early part of the story:

"One of the things she finds fault with is me. I am forever disappointing her in some way or another. In her view, I am stupid, thoughtless, inane, forgetful, lazy, arrogant, irresponsible ... well, I could go on. You will notice that none of these faults relates to my lack of love for Sarah. I think she is afraid to broach that topic. I, however, am not."

But the Wife calls him arrogant and many of you ignorant Bastards cheer for her?

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
I gave it 4 stars

he did right getting rid of a cheating slut and why would her lover want to have a life with an old cheating slut

roscovichroscovichover 12 years ago
Pompous and arrogant diatribe.

Often disconnected and difficult to read. Well deserved 2*.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

once your on the vine your choices are limited. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

It was more than sex, she had changed in ways she complained of Tom. Too bad she could not have been stripped of the money and more humiliation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This seems to be a completely unemotional disassociated story. Almost as would be told in a clinical evaluation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Her perceptions were stated, but a little bias for her position. No sense she even wanted to find a way to work through the matter. No sailing off into the sunset for her, and he's found a good way to deal with it all.

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
Good Read!!

Thanks for sharing.

RePhilRePhilabout 12 years ago
Proof positive!

What a total Pussy this guy is!!. Gave her a large settlement to keep her the rest of her life. WACCs one and all!! Wimp Ass Castrated Cuckolds!! Great writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
old sluts are the worst sluts

this bitch deserved nothing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Open ended story

You left the story open ended. Was this done on purpose?

There should be a sequel to this story.either by you or someone else with regarding

the future of the characters and the subsequent changes that have occurred in their

personalities post divorce. Do they reconcile or go off into the sunset of their individual lives?


karan9876karan9876over 11 years ago

The husband is a total pussy. He knows his wife is cheating and he decides to give her a large settlement? Master wimp. 1 star rating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Pompous,arrogant and inept.

Story and writer well below standart, even for Lit.

Well deserved "1*" !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

What a fucking wimp! Damn I'm getting tired of reading about wimps!!!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Enjoyed it

There are two sides to every story. I am a little disappointed that the husband comes out on top. If the wife is too be believed, I can't say I blame her for her actions. As much as I hate a cheat, hubby had no problem jumping into bed as soon as he decided on divorce. Was that because he had learned of her affair, or because of his arrogance? His leaving for three months on the pretext that he would be having an affair, before knowing of her affair, was simply cruel. He deserves a little comeuppance as well.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 11 years ago
cuckold till the end huh Drbeamer3333

Its amazing so many of you blame the one who suffered for her cheating ass, and he's an asshole because he quit putting up with the whore.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good little tale

I think the husband knew before he left that his wife was cheating. And her tales about her Doctors was a little too convenient. I'd like to say she got what was coming to her, but in the end, she left a husband she no longer loved, with the house and a lot of money. She's now free to find other lovers and enjoy her life. The husband is free to sleep around (he didn't waste any time) and enjoy his retirement. Seems like nobody won and nobody lost. Ah money - the great equalizer!

monkcalmmonkcalmabout 11 years ago

no ones upset no one feels hurt, no one feels shit in this story really, hes not a wimp just a cardboard man, and what the fuck is with theses pussies writers, and the kids going with mom shit, you know dads are entitled to love and respect from their fucking kids, children no matter what age take sides-- oh what pussy writer the dad beats up the mom and they still love him and call him at xmas.... please bitch you got to be fucking crazy. what I dont get it all the "male" writers seem to give the men in these story nothing but passive contempt like they hate men? Read it again and some more like this its like the male character feels like he deserves this abuse.

Tim413Tim413almost 11 years ago
Sorry c2,

this one didn't do much for me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

tragic, good story

LottatimeLottatimealmost 11 years ago
Good story.

Hearing both sides of the same story, from two different perspectives is always interesting to me. I enjoyed this because you chose to tell a story in which none of the characters are likeable or admirable and the descriptions of sex acts is of peripheral importance. It is not fantasy material, just interesting.

potsherdpotsherdover 10 years ago
I think you chickened out

This was developing into a good, fresh take on marital problems and mishaps, but you lost your nerve and gave in to the misogynist lobby. Why could they not have both ended up happier and relieved of the straitjacket of an unhappy marriage? Instead Tom remained an arsehole, and Sarah a loser.

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago
Good Story

Good to hear from both points of view. The only trouble was that while the wife may not have liked her husbands attitude, she did nothing to change it! She broke the rules and cheated. The reason why adultery is a marriage breaker is that most often it speaks of the cheaters desire to leave the relationship - whether they admit it or not! She was a lazy bitch who did not want to put any work into the relationship. Sorry to piss off the ladies, but when your husband goes out and busts his ass for the family, and the wife stays home - part of her job is to do most of the maintenance on the relationship. Yup, I know women don't like it but it's true. Making the big bucks is demanding, if you greedy ladies want your husband to bring home big money, you got to pick up the slack at home! So, yes the greedy wife is the problem in this relationship.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

Fucking cunt. I never tire of that phrase when it applies. She was manipulating her husband to do what he did and in the end it came back to bite her in the ass. Now he is happily divorced and she is alone and bitter. Good. Fuck her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I have known a lot of so called men that treat women like they own them.

they did not treat their wife like a person but as property. many here think

the wife was bad. she cheated and he was scum

sdc92078sdc92078about 10 years ago
Was Tom an arrogant ahole?

The only person in this story who expresses that view is his cheating wife. Everyone else he encounters seems to get along with him just fine.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

"Aix-en-Provence, Marseille", were you ever there? If so, you did not read the names. Zinfandel is, compared to French wines, not very nice, more a kind of light-coloured lemonade. But probably your character didn't drink any wine in France?

The sudden change of a man into an arrogant shithead is not very well explained in the story. This comes very unexpected. It is not an excuse for the story, anyway.

kdcee79kdcee79almost 10 years ago

Really didn't like it. 2 **

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
LOL, She Got What She Deserved!

Maybe not a true BTB, but she has lost her husband AND her lover, and will probably lead a sad, lonely life.

Couldn't happen to a nicer person!

sugnasugnaalmost 10 years ago

Wealth can provide security and freedom. Unfortunately some use that freedom and security as a vehicle for bad behavior. Cheating and bad behavior in general seems to be most common in the lower class, those with nothing to lose and the upper class: those with so much that they will not be affected by a divorce. Those in between, have too much to lose. Middle class cheaters usually experience a precipitous decline in their standard of living do to divorce. This in turn adversely affects their children's futures as well. Cheating is supposed to be on the rise, perhaps this is due to the shrinking middle class.

looking4itlooking4itover 9 years ago

I wonder how many cats a person can buy with a nice settlement...

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

looking for companionship in a crowded room. TK U MLJ LV NV

KarenEKarenEabout 9 years ago

Why couldn't she TALK to Tom about how he had changed?

In any case, if she was unhappy enough to cheat, she should have gotten a divorce FIRST!

If her “sexuality is heightened”, why not share that with her husband, instead of cutting him off?

impo_60impo_60about 9 years ago
Like @KarenE I think...

Like @KarenE I think this story has a lot of holes...For me the major one was: he knew about her cheating and that she played him for a fool for a long time, and still he gave her divorce settlement that will see her though for the rest of her life?!!! The only funny thing was once again the cheater think that her (or his, depending who the cheater is) lover will marry her. Who wants to marry or live with a cheater? Who wants to be cheated too? That's why he left...2*

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