Come Together Ch. 06


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"Who else?" Emily asked, Charlotte simply looking at her as Emily thought about other possibilities before her eyes widened and jaw dropped. "Grandma?" she whispered.

"I just call her Mary nowadays considering I've seen her naked and being intimate with our father."

Emily giggled. She couldn't help it. The giggles only lasted a few seconds before she said, "I guess Grandma has been single for a long time now. Still... Daddy does love his family, doesn't he?"

"It doesn't shock or... disgust you?"

"I figured out what was going on between you and Daddy long enough ago that anything else doesn't bother me. I know about Nathan, Alyssa and Natalie..."

"You do?"

"They're not always particularly quiet when having fun, Charlotte. And Alyssa looks at Nathan like you look at Daddy. Alyssa is so in love with him. So is Natalie. They both love him as much as you love Daddy."

"Alyssa is... I think she's always been in love with him, but that's not to say that Nathan has never loved her just as much. They're perfect for each other. It's sad that their love would never be accepted outside of the family. Maybe with Natalie, something could happen in the future..."

They finished getting ready before Charlotte suggested she be the last to join the family in the living room, being the birthday girl and all. She finished fixing her make-up, looking at herself in the mirror more than once. Only just eighteen, still just a girl in many ways. Even her heels barely added more than a couple of inches of height. Her dress gave her cleavage she didn't really deserve.

Hearing Charlotte call out, she took a deep breath, grabbed her purse and a light jacket for the evening, and walked out to join the family. The exclamations started immediately, Emily feeling her cheeks start to hurt from smiling within a few seconds. Her father was the last to approach her. He looked on the verge of crying as his eyes glistened.

"My little girl is so beautiful," he said softly, Emily sighing happily as he gently pulled her close and hugged her, closing her eyes and savouring the feeling of being in his arms as always, "You're now a little lady, Emily. The dress is gorgeous."

"Charlotte helped pick it out, Daddy."

"Your sister does have good taste in clothes."

Dinner was at one of her favourite restaurants, trying her best not to stuff herself as her father insisted that she buy anything on the menu she wanted, eventually sharing a starter with her cousin, a main meal before she shared a dessert with her big sister. Unsure as to what sort of alcohol she liked, her sister suggested something sweet yet not too heavy on the booze, eventually choosing a cocktail that sounded quite nice to try.

The meal was fantastic, with everyone smiling constantly. Emily didn't particularly like being the centre of attention, but she was rarely quiet for too long. Sitting between her father and her big sister, they both kept her talking throughout the meal. After finishing their meal, Charlotte suggested they head to a pub nearby to sit back, relax, and enjoy a drink or two but keep things in moderation.

"If you ever want to go to a nightclub or anything," Charlotte suggested once they were relaxing back with a drink.

"The music in most of those places probably wouldn't interest me," Emily admitted, "And aren't clubs just pick-up joints? Full of disgusting men who would treat me like a piece of shit?"

"Some of them are," Charlotte replied, "Some are clubs to just enjoy the music and the vibe, but don't feel pressured into going to them. I've only been a few times as while I like to go for a drink and a dance, I can't stand the guys that fill these places. Some think they're God's gift to women, others don't know what the word 'No' means, or if you say no, you need to give an essay as to why you're not interested in them. I don't need a reason, you dumb fuck. The word 'No' is a complete sentence."

"Tell us what you really think," Caroline stated, laughing to herself, "Though it's why women go out with the idea of safety in numbers. The stories I heard when I was your age. So many young women would end up roofied, and you can just imagine what happened afterwards."

"As long as you're safe," her father added, "But just remember that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, sweetie." Emily looked at her father when calling her that name. "You're no longer a munchkin. You are now my little sweetie, Emily."

"I love it, Daddy," she said, leaning over to cuddle him, "I'll always be your little girl."

They didn't stay out too long. Emily had no desire to get drunk. She had a cocktail with dinner, and another two cocktails while at the pub, and that was enough. In addition to what Caroline said, she just had no real interest in going out and getting drunk. Maybe enough to get a slight buzz. She knew plenty of her friends at high school were already drinking constantly. She'd never really seen the thrill behind it. Getting drunk just led to stupid decisions and poor results.

Arriving home, it was a weeknight, so most people gave her a kiss and cuddle before heading off to bed. She didn't miss that Charlotte made sure her father was sitting in the living room, a tumbler of bourbon for him, telling him to sit back and relax while she looked after Caroline. Charlotte took Emily by the hand, leading her to her bedroom. She was smiling when Caroline was waiting for her there.

"You'll need to give him time, just like with Charlotte," Caroline stated, her hand caressing Emily's cheek before kissing her other one, "But he'll soon see that you're his little girl but also a young woman coming into her own, and just like he can be intimate with his oldest daughter, he can be intimate with his youngest. Don't be upset that nothing will probably happen tonight. If you get a kiss..."

"Just kissing Daddy will be enough," she whispered.

Taking off her dress in front of her aunt and big sister didn't bother her as she had a feeling that her big sister would see her naked soon enough. The idea of being intimate with Charlotte thrilled her. She loved Crystal and wanted to be with her permanently, but if Charlotte was interested in having some fun, Emily wasn't going to say no.

"You're beautiful," Caroline whispered once Emily stood somewhat awkwardly in front of her in just her lingerie, stockings and heels, "Your father is going to be stunned at how beautiful you are."

"Go downstairs and surprise him, sweetie," Charlotte added, "Caroline will sleep in my bedroom tonight. If you're lucky, Daddy will take you to his bedroom to at least snuggle together."

The idea of just snuggling with him like that was almost too much, and she felt a couple of tears fall down her cheeks. Her aunt and big sister immediately hugged her tightly, helping her to calm down, another kiss on each cheek, before Caroline encouraged her to head downstairs and stake her claim as well.

She wasn't used to wearing heels so was careful when walking downstairs. Walking into the living room, her father was watching the evening news, his shirt undone, shoes now off his feet, sipping at a glass of bourbon. Everyone in the house knew that their father liked to have one drink after a long day at work. It helped him relax and unwind, working so hard for his family.

"Daddy," she whispered.

Her father turned his head in her direction. She just about managed to smile, not knowing what to do with her arms and hands, eventually fidgeting slightly as she noticed the smile form on his face. "Hello, sweetie," he said, "I remember something similar a few years ago."


Watching him stand up, he walked over and stood before her, lifting her eyes towards his as one of his hands moved to stroke her cheek. Feeling his arms wrap around her, she sighed as she rested her head against his chest, his fingers stroking the skin of her back.

"You're so beautiful, sweetie," he said, feeling his voice rumble in his chest, "I'll be honest and admit there was a part of me that expected this. And I'm guessing you do know about things. We've done our best to... I hate saying keep it hidden and a secret..."

"It's okay, Daddy. I understand."

"Want to sit and snuggle with Daddy for a little while?"

"Can I get a drink?"

"What would you like?"

"Something sweet and tasty. I don't think I'd like your bourbon."

"Alyssa likes Bailey's Irish Cream. That's very nice over a little ice. Want to try that?"

"Okay, Daddy."

Her father led her to the couch, making sure she was sitting down before he disappeared into the kitchen. He returned rather quickly with a glass filled with ice and what looked like a milky liquid. He was also without a shirt, Emily felt herself blush as her father was still incredibly fit, and the fact his chest had a fine coating of dark hair didn't surprise her. Sitting down next to her, she snuggled into his side as she sipped at her drink.

"Oh, I like this, Daddy," she said, "Just a hint of alcohol."

Sipping at their drinks, they remained silent for a few minutes, his arm wrapped around her as she cuddled as close as possible. She cuddled with him all the time but never dressed in such a manner.


"I know, sweetie. Just like with Charlotte, I'll need a little time to get my head around it. Caroline has warned me for around the last three months that I should expect this though."

"I still like girls too."

"We've had this discussion more than once, sweetie. As I always say, love is love, and whoever you want to love is fine with me."

"Can I snuggle with you in bed tonight, Daddy?"

He sipped at his drink before she felt him nod. "You can snuggle, but nothing else, sweetie. I have a feeling you're not going to be like your sister."

"I just want cuddles, Daddy. To sleep in your arms." She paused and sipped at her drink before she added, "Crystal might want it on her eighteenth too. She loves you so much."

"Her father was a piece of shit. I'm glad she's been here for the past few years, so she's at least had a positive male role model and father figure in her life."

Finishing their drinks, her father turned off the television, and made sure the house was locked up before he took Emily by the hand and led her towards his bedroom. Sitting her on the edge of the bed, she giggled as he tickled her when helping off her heels first, tickling her little feet before she gasped as his fingers stroked her thighs when helping roll off her stockings.

"Daddy... I'm a little excited right now..." she whispered.

"That's okay, sweetie. I'm guessing my hands did get close to somewhere very special."

Despite the excitement she was feeling when spooning back against her father in bed, she slept like an absolute log, waking up in the morning still in the same position gasping when she felt something hard poking her in the back. It made her giggle, knowing exactly what it was, her father's arms wrapping her a little tighter.

"Are you okay, sweetie? Sleep alright?"

"Best night of sleep I can remember, Daddy. And, um..."

"Want me to move a little bit?"

"No. It's just a little weird the first time." She paused and asked, "I know it's natural. We learn all about it in sex education, but is it because of me too?"

"Yes, sweetie. You looked so beautiful last night, but when you came downstairs last night, looking how you did, that's when I saw you as a young woman who is coming into her own sexual being. I'm your father, and knew that you would one day start dating and having sex..."

"You'll be my only man, Daddy," she whispered, "When I told you about liking girls, it was because I only ever wanted you. But I know I'd prefer girls otherwise. Most boys at school now think I'm a lesbian anyway."

Explaining the story made her father chuckle as she rolled around to meet his eyes. "Well, hopefully, they'll just leave you alone going forward. But if you want to have fun and experiment with some pretty girls, sweetie, then that's what you should do. Live the life you want to lead. Only live for yourself. Don't do anything you don't want to."

"How long until we can..." Trailing off, she smiled when her father kissed her forehead.

"Not too long, sweetie. Caroline has helped me prepare my mind for this possibility. Your sister also reckoned that you would approach me. Though we tried to avoid you finding out, I guess it would have been difficult keeping it a secret from you for this long."

"I'm not jealous, Daddy. I love Caroline like a mother, and I've never been blind to how much Charlotte loves you too."

"I'm a very lucky man to find myself loved by so many people."

"Daddy... About... About Mum... Christine..."

"What about her, sweetie?"

"I hate what she did to me, but the therapy you made sure I had has helped me deal with everything. I don't know how anyone else feels, but I find that I don't hate her anymore. It wasn't my fault what happened. It was her and... Well, my therapist reckoned it was her insecurities. Her narcissism. Her completely selfish nature. And it was also about the failure of her marriage to you. Her flagrant infidelity. And your close relationship with your children and even her family compared to her relationships with everyone."

Her father remained silent before he asked, "You asking anything specific here, sweetie?"

"Not at the moment... But does Grandma still have contact with her?"

"Yes. Mary couldn't bring herself to cut off her daughter completely. Although she knows I don't really care, she does keep me in the loop with what's going on."

"How is she doing, Daddy?"

Her father kissed her forehead again. "The fact it sounds like you care speaks volumes about your heart, sweetie. As for how she's doing, Mary suggests that she's been living with a whole lot of regret for a long time now. She left us to go be with her lover. What happened is that they ended up cheating on each other. He didn't mind when she was cheating on me with him, but when he received the same treatment, he didn't particularly like it. From what Mary told me, he was allowed to sleep around but expected her fidelity. More fool him."

"God... So what's she doing now?"

"Living alone and feeling very alone because of it. Mary will talk to her on the phone but refuses to meet with her. Caroline has completely cut her off."

"And Jessica?"

"She's always been kind of heart. She misses having her sister. She's tried talking to Caroline about it. I'm not sure Caroline will ever soften her stance. I think she and Charlotte will never forgive her. Nathan and Alyssa are fairly ambivalent about your mother. As everyone gets older and the anger and pain fades, it's possible minds might change."

"And you, Daddy?"

"I don't hate her. I don't really think about her all that much anymore. I've moved on. To be honest, I'm not sure what I'd do if I saw her again."

"Could you ever forgive her?"

Feeling her father hug her tight, he asked, "Could you forgive her?"

"My therapist thinks forgiving her would help me get over it completely. Mum has many of her own demons, or that's what my therapist thinks. Christine has paid the price for everything since the night she left. And doesn't forgiveness show that I'm the bigger person in the end, that I could forgive my own mother for how she treated me?"

"You are a wonderful human being, Emily. Don't let anyone else ever tell you any different." Those words made her cry, sobbing against his chest as his fingers stroked her back. "You've always made me so proud, sweetie. The way you've dealt with everything over the years. I felt such guilt that it was even worse than I thought."

"Never your fault, Daddy. Never your fault."

Feeling him sigh, he finally said, "We'd better get up and ready. It's not the weekend just yet."

"I love you, Daddy."

Lifting her head, she smiled when he kissed her on the lips. Not a chaste kiss, not a full-on passionate make-out session, but it was more than just a daddy-daughter peck. When he leaned back, she knew her cheeks would probably be bright red. "I love you too, sweetie," he said softly, his eyes full of the unconditional love he always had for his daughter.

The next couple of weeks passed by quickly for Emily, filled with plenty of studying, and spending whatever free time she had with friends and family. She felt even closer to Charlotte now that she was eighteen and they could freely admit their feelings for their father, while Emily couldn't stop blushing when admitting she wanted to fool around with her big sister. Charlotte's eyes lit up before whispering some incredibly dirty thoughts in her ear that had Emily masturbating like crazy in bed that same night.

Charlotte suggested that their father should be the first to see her completely naked for the first time though her big sister admitted that she'd love nothing more than to do very naughty things in the same bed as her little sister even if it meant not actually touching each other.

"I can remain somewhat dressed while we masturbate," Emily suggested.

"You'd love to do that with me?" Charlotte asked softly.

"God yes."

The first time they spent the same night in the same bed masturbating led to Emily sharing her first intimate kiss with her big sister, and it was a wonderful experience, feeling her big sister pull her in close, her tongue exploring her mouth.

Emily had the joy of being alone with her father for snuggles in bed once a week. For two other nights, there was another person. One night was with her father and Charlotte, the other night was with her father and Caroline. On both nights, she'd find herself cuddled at both sides, her father's hands exploring her body except for her most erogenous of zones, Caroline and Charlotte both whispering incredibly imaginative scenarios into her ear about what her father could do to her when they were both ready.

And one night of the week, she would get to snuggle with Caroline. Masturbating with her aunt and mother figure was a bigger thrill than she would have imagined, and watching Caroline pleasuring herself, even though they remained clothed, was a real erotic thrill. When she was spooning back against her aunt, she had to ask, "How does it all work? Are Nathan, Alyssa and Natalie involved in all this?"

That question made Caroline chuckle. "Not particularly. I guess you need to know, and Crystal will need to be told when she's eighteen. Okay... Your father is committed to me in a relationship, but we are not monogamous though only when it comes to sharing the love with family. Charlotte is committed to your father as much as I am, and I am also intimate with her. Your father has also enjoyed a lot of fun with Jessica and has also had fun with my mother from time to time. When he's ready, you will become his lover, and I'm aware of how my youngest daughter feels. I know how you feel about Crystal, sweetie, and it's absolutely okay with me and your father."

"Thank you," she whispered.

"When it comes to me, I'm with your father and I sometimes fool around with most of the women. That is very rare though. Most of the time, I'm only with your father and Charlotte. My sister does like to fool around with her sister, though that's usually only with your father and sister present nowadays."


"She'd marry your daddy if she could. She's in love with him. She loves me like crazy. And she'll lick pussy whenever it's available. Alyssia and Natalie have had a little fun with her from time to time. Nathan loves watching his twin sister and older sister fooling around. Charlotte doesn't fool around with her brother. She's like you. The only man in her life is her father."

"And you won't mind sharing?"

"I'll be honest, Emily. I know you'll love being with your daddy, but you prefer girls. Charlotte... She adores and loves you so much. She knows Crystal is going to be your girlfriend, but she wants to be your regular lover. As for me, I'll always be up for a little fun if you'd like that."