Ambiramus Ch. 11


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We made love the next morning in bed before she got up to make breakfast. We made love again after as I watched her make breakfast, wearing nothing more than an incredibly small pair of shorts and a sports bra. She had to turned everything off as I bent her over the table, her cries of delight echoing around our apartment and I'm fairly sure neighbours would have heard us too.

We both left the apartment grinning like fools later that morning.

It was Natalie's birthday on the Saturday and it was time that the three families would come together for the first time. Megan had been messaging me all week, clearly nervous about seeing my parents for the first time since our divorce. While I'd forgiven her and our relationship was what even I would consider fantastic, I knew my parents still carried resentment, as did my siblings. I'd told them Megan and I were getting on far better, but they retained bitterness at what she'd done. Cindy's mother and sister were eager to see my family again, and enjoyed the idea of a party for my daughter. My parents had a pool at their house, so at least half a dozen of my daughters' friends would also be visiting.

Arriving at the old house on Saturday morning, Megan and Caroline were waiting for us. I knew Caroline had spent the night and that she was coming with Megan, to be introduced as her new partner. They'd been going out only a couple of weeks, but Megan was letting me know how much she already liked her, Caroline doing the same with Cindy. Natalie was excited about her party, even Greg was in a good mood about being dragged along.

Megan's would meet us at my parents' place, as they remembered where they lived. Megan and Caroline took the former's car with the kids, following us as we needed to pick up Laura and Stephanie first. Both were delighted to see us, Laura giving me what I could only call a 'mother cuddle' before we got into the car.

Gathering outside my parents' house, I took Megan's hand in my left, Cindy's in my right, and led us to the side gate that led into the backyard. I wasn't surprised at the silence that greeted us when we appeared, Megan shuffling closer to me. She was obviously nervous, letting go of her hand and cuddling into me. Mum and Dad walked towards me, glancing to see Megan's parents watching with interest.

When Dad embraced Megan, the tears were immediate. "I'm sorry," she whispered, taking a deep shuddering breath to calm herself down.

Dad shushed her. "Hush, child. If my son can find it in his heart to forgive you, then you're welcome here as you're the mother of our grandchildren."

Cindy cuddled into my side as Megan was embraced by my family once again. Natalie had already headed inside as she wanted to change in time for the arrival of her friends. Greg made a beeline for cousins of similar age, leaving the adults to gather around. Everyone knew about Cindy and I, so the questions were aimed in the direction of Megan and Caroline. Considering Caroline had all the appearances of a woman, everyone was respectful but intrigued as to this new relationship.

Natalie's friends arrived over the next hour, and the quiet was soon broken by the sounds of squeals, shrieking and giggling, while the presents all of us had bought were slowly brought out. Megan and I ventured out to our cars to grab more presents, though she stopped before our cars and hugged me tightly, simply whispering, "Thank you." I kissed the top of her head, assured her everything was now okay. "I'm thanking you for more than today, Mark," she added.

"I know."

She looked up and noticed my smirk. That earned a giggle, a sound I remembered from the many good years of our marriage. When I smiled, the sound stopped as she knew why. Then we hugged tightly as the emotion hit her immediately. "Too many reminders," she said, her voice muffled by my chest.

"At least we're remembering the good times nowadays."

"There were more good than bad, right?"

"Definitely. And the sex was usually good."

"Still miss you in bed next to me, but having Caroline is helping my heart finally mend. I'll need to thank Cindy for introducing her to me. She's delightful."

I could see my family was being polite but still a little standoffish. I didn't blame them in all honesty. The break up and divorce hadn't been pleasant, and I'd been around their house more times than I could count, half the time drunk out of my mind, and I hadn't exactly been pleasant, rather forthright in my opinion of my soon to be ex-wife. Seeing her with me now, both of us exchanging smiles and laughing, would have been simply impossible six months earlier.

Another reason to love Cindy even more. And I noticed they were friendly and affectionate with her. Not to make a point with Megan, I just knew they adored her already. They could see how much I loved her, and how much she loved me in return. Then there was Laura and Stephanie. My mother and Laura were already being friendly, but I was pleased to see Megan's mother made it a triumvirate. I almost dreaded what they were plotting at times. As for my father, he'd always been friendly with her father, so the two sharing a beer by the barbecue wasn't a surprise.

Asking Cindy if she wanted a swim, she happily headed inside with me as we changed. Sliding on a pair of small swimming shorts, she stopped and just stared at me. I met her eyes and had to ask, "What?"

"You're so fucking fit, Mark."

I looked down to see I did have a flat stomach and some more definition than I had six months ago. I managed a shy smile. "Thanks. I do go the gym at least five days a week."

"And it shows, handsome."

Cindy changed into her bikini, which left little to the imagination, noticing she tucked herself before walking towards me. "I'd have no problem showing off my bulge, but not with your kids and her friends about."

Heading outside, the conversation did grow quiet as a few eyes did turn in our direction. "Fucking hell, Mark, been working out?" my sister asked.

"It's all the sex," Cindy replied with a playful dig into my ribs. Thankfully everyone laughed at that.

"Want to swim, Megan?" Caroline asked.

"I'd love to but what about... um..."

"I'll tuck it like Cindy." Now, obviously Caroline hadn't let anyone know just yet about her secret. So that led to plenty of glances between Cindy, Megan and Caroline. The latter simply sculled her drink before she said, "Yes, I'm the same as Cindy. I'm a woman but... you know..."

Megan's parents didn't know Cindy was trans, so I could see the confusion on their faces, looking at me and Cindy before returning their eyes to their daughter. "Megan, what does that mean?" her father finally asked. Thankfully, there was only curiosity in his voice. Her parents were a little older than my own so perhaps not as exposed to how things had changed.

"Caroline is a woman, Dad, but when she was born, she was considered a boy."

"Oh... So... um..."

"Do you really want to know, Dad?"

"Well, it's not about wanting to know. Call it curiosity."

"I've not been through the surgery and have no plans to at the moment," Caroline stated confidently, "But what I do know is that I already adore your daughter, Alan. And I know she likes me just as much in return." Caroline took her hand, kissing the back of it. "All I know is that I'm happy with her."

"And I've found happiness with Caroline, Dad."

Her parents smiled. "All we want to know is that our daughter is happy."

Cindy and I joined my daughter and her friends in the pool, no surprise Greg and some cousins were also present. I was aware my son nursed a little crush on his cousin, Emily, noticing they spent a lot of time together whenever the families met up. And I figured they probably messaged each other a lot on their phones. I was left wondering if I'd need to sit down and chat with him. It wasn't illegal in our country but, socially, it could be a problem. Then again, if they wanted to date when they were older, they just don't or wouldn't let on they're cousins.

Cindy spent most of her time cuddling me, though Natalie would swim across for some attention before returning to her friends. Megan and Caroline also joined us, and seeing Megan in a bikini stirred some dormant feelings. She'd always looked good in swimwear. Caroline was, to put it simply, fucking gorgeous too. And definitely tucked her nine inches very well.

"Like what you see, Mark?" Megan teased.

"I'm a man. I'm going to look. Not leer, as that's creepy, but I'm going to look. Ex-wife or not." I paused before adding, "And you're still beautiful, Megan."

The comment made her blush before she leapt on me to hug me tightly.

"I'd look too," Cindy added, "Cracking body, Megan. Though I guess I've seen it before."

"Bet the family is weirded out how well you two get on together," Caroline suggested.

"Definitely, as I wasn't particularly complimentary after everything that happened," I admitted.

Getting out of the pool to eat, Natalie was then given the opportunity to open her presents. It was all the stuff wanted by an eleven-year-old girl. Cindy bought her something special that earned a long hug between the pair. I glanced around to see everyone smiling. Everyone already knew how much Cindy loved our daughter. She was practically her step-mother without the marriage, and Natalie loved her just as much in return.

After cake and dessert, the girls headed inside to play games, hearing plenty of shouting and laughing within a couple of minutes. Most of the cousins joined in as well, nice to see all the kids getting along, though I noticed Greg and Emily had returned to the pool alone, looking rather friendly with each other, laughing away as they splashed about the pool. Gaining Megan's attention, I nodded in their direction. "Think we need to chat with him soon?" I wondered.

"Might be worth chatting to them together. They're old enough to date and won't do anything stupid."

"Guess the idea of a transgirl is off the table," Cindy added, "Though maybe he'll just nurse a little crush on his parents' girlfriends."

"Nothing more than that!" Megan exclaimed, giggling to herself, "This is not Alabama."

"Roll tide!" I shouted, to the amusement of everyone.

Greg and Emily looked our way and I gestured for them to come join us. Both of them were blushing by the time they grabbed their towels and sat next to his mother. I think we surprised them when we said, if they wanted to date, to just be careful, but as long as her parents didn't mind, we were not going to stop them. They were still young anyway, so would simply be 'boyfriend and girlfriend', doing things like holding hands, maybe some kissing, but it would all be innocent. Megan and I insisted it would remain that too until they were eighteen. But it was obvious the pair liked each other, Emily immediately taking his hand in hers.

"Thank you, Uncle Mark, Auntie Megan," she said softly, "And we'll be good. We need to finish school and everything, but we really like each other."

"Greg?" I wondered. He simply nodded his head, I think a little shy, if not embarrassed. "Okay, we've had our little speech, but might be worth talking to your mother and father, Emily. Just give them a heads up that you'd like to date. You're not doing anything wrong, but just be careful who you tell."

Natalie's friends were all picked up first before we departed. James and Rebecca had a quiet word in my ear, thanking me for talking to our kids about any possible relationship. I was relieved that they had no problem with it either, just warning the kids, like we'd done, that it could prove a little problematic, but if they did really like each other, they'd have all our support.

Megan and Caroline took the kids home as I needed to drive Laura and Stephanie back to their place, promising Natalie and Greg that Cindy and I would be around in the morning. There were hugs all around before we left, her parents thanking me for inviting them and her, and my parents hugging Megan and Caroline, wishing them the best and asking that I invite them for another gathering soon. After all the bitterness, it was nice to see it was now being left in the past.

"Want to come in for a drink?" Stephanie asked when arriving at their place.

"I could do with a glass or two of wine before bed," Laura added.

I stuck to diet soda as the three women opened a bottle of wine, Cindy snuggling into me as I listened to them chat. What was immediate to me is how much they loved Natalie already, and while they'd only met Greg once or twice, they considered him a chip of the old block, which I could only take as a compliment. Laura only had a glass before she was dozing off, so she headed off to bed, leaving Stephanie to join Cindy and I on the lounge.

Opening a second bottle, both were starting to get a little drunk, giggling away as they shared stories from before I met Cindy. The love and affection between the siblings was beautiful to see, though. Stephanie was her biggest supporter, helping her from an early age through all her issues. Cindy simply adored her older sister in return. The deep love shared between the siblings was obvious.

"You know, I should be jealous, Cindy. You've got a wonderful man on your arm, who is on the verge of proposing. You have a soon to be step-daughter who clearly loves you, and a step-son who, let's be honest, more than likely thinks you're hot."

"Well, he's not wrong," I said.

Stephanie sighed. "It just reminds me that I'm thirty years old. Divorced, with very few decent prospects. The last few dates I've had have been god awful. I'm just about ready to give up. Problem is, doing that means..." Cindy took her hand. "I'm only thirty, Cindy. I can still have children but... you know... I need a man for that."

"You'll find someone, Steph. You're a great catch."

"Since I'm feeling drunk, can I admit something, Cindy?"


"Know how I told you I watched your show once?"


"I used to watch you all the time."

My head turned so quickly, I'm surprised it didn't snap off my neck and roll away. "Say what now?" I asked.

Stephanie blushed brightly. "You've always been the bravest of anyone I know, Cindy. And you've always been my beautiful little sister. When you told us what you intended to do, I'll admit, I only watched the first time out of pure curiosity. Curiosity turned to... Your show was fucking hot, Cindy. Watching you masturbate was far more of a thrill than I thought it would be. That first time I, um, got so wet. I mean wetter than I had in my life. Best orgasm until then too."

"And you watched me again?" Cindy asked softly.

"At least once a week, Cindy. I couldn't help it. You were beautiful and oh so naughty at the same time."

"What sort of show did you like best?"

"When you used toys on yourself. I imagined I could be using a strap on you during those times." Stephanie knocked back her glass of wine. "Fuck it, I'm drunk, but I figure what's the harm. I think my little sister is a fucking hottie and I'm glad you're happy and building a life with Mark. I really am. But it just reminds me how lonely and pathetic..." Cindy hugged her sister tightly and I hugged them both. "Sorry," Stephanie mumbled, hearing her sniffles at the same time, "I'm not suggesting anything, Cindy. Please don't think that. It was just something I did that was as naughty as what you were doing."

"I find the idea of my big sister masturbating to my show a turn on," Cindy whispered.

"Alabama," I whispered, the three of us chuckling.

"You're not freaked out?" Stephanie wondered.

"Not at all. You watched me, enjoyed the show, and we both had an orgasm. The only thing that would concern me is if you wanted, you know, real physical intimacy." She paused before adding, "I mean, if you wanted, we could have a threesome with Mark."

"What?" I asked, my voice going up an octave.

"I love my sister, Mark, and I think she needs to be loved. Not tonight, we're both drunk."

"Definitely need some dick, Cindy," Stephanie murmured, before she slumped against her sister. "I'm really drunk and going to regret all this in the morning."

"I won't. I love you so much, Stephanie. You've been by my side all my life. The fact you used to enjoy my shows fills me with pride."

Stephanie was ready to pass out. She was even smaller than Cindy, so I managed to pick her up in my arms and carry her to bed, Cindy helping pull back the sheets before I sat Stephanie down, helping her taking off shoes and everything else down to her underwear. She met my eyes and smirked. "Fuck, you're handsome," she slurred, "I'd take you to bed in a heartbeat. I know my little Cinderella would love to join in too."


"You love my sister?"

"More than anything."

"Good. I love her too. She's so precious. Wonderful. She deserves everything, and she needs a good man in her life."

Soon as her head hit the pillow, she was snoring within a few seconds. Cindy kissed her forehead, whispered that she loved her, before taking my hand, leading me back to the living room. I had to ask, "So, is that your sister admitting some unusual feelings or...?"

"She's drunk, horny and I think rather lonely, Mark," Cindy replied before I noticed her wiping her eyes. "I hate seeing her so sad," she whispered as I cuddled her, not surprised she was left a little upset. "I just want her to be as happy as I am. Even Mum is in a good place despite what happened with my father."

"I need to see one of these shows you put on."

Cindy giggled. "You don't find it weird?"

"Nah, it's not like you were being intimate with each other. Sure, I think many would find it weird, but you didn't know until now, and she never told you until now. It was fantasy."

"We'll watch one when we get home, handsome."

"Don't want to stay here and talk to her in the morning?"

"No, she's going to have a horrific hangover and probably be embarrassed to hell, if she even remembers. I'll shoot her a message in the morning for her to visit this week."

Cindy held my hand all the way home as always. Once we were inside, Cindy told me to strip off as she made us both a drink. Bringing her laptop and placing it on the glass table, she connected the laptop to the TV, going through her files and choosing one of her recorded shows. It was obviously her bedroom at her old home. She was wearing something to cover her mouth and nose, though I recognised the eyes immediately.

She hadn't had a boob job though she did have small bumps on her chest. And I recognised the cock immediately. "Can I stroke your cock, baby?" she asked me.

"Of course."

I felt her hot breath in my ear. "Enjoy the show, baby. It'll last an hour before I just explode. I'm going to lube up your cock and make you last just as long. I'll swallow every drop when you're ready."

I was aroused the entire hour. Easily aroused. Cindy was as hot then as she was now. She'd chosen a show where she ended up fucking herself something silly with quite the dildo. Her cock remained absolutely rock hard the entire time, mesmerised by how quickly she'd pump her cock and then stop, obviously stopping before she had an orgasm. Her language was utterly filthy, Cindy next to me being as suggestive as I'd ever heard her.

Think I was feeling light headed at times as Cindy kept me rock hard the entire time, lubing up my cock and alternating between stroking me slowly and quickly. Made me whimper more than once as I was soon delirious with desire to climax. But Cindy kept my orgasm at bay until she was ready to orgasm on the screen. She came just as hard then as she does with me now. And it took her all of fifteen seconds after swallowing my cock before I filled her mouth and throat with a load of my cum.

"Holy shit," I muttered, barely able to remain sitting up, my entire body like jelly.