All Comments on 'After The Fact'

by S-Des

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AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Keep going!

Good story so far. Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

You have to continue with this

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Excellent story!

Very well done... I'm impressed.

It's very sad, but then sometimes life is like that!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good story but imcomplete

I would have given it a 100' But you really left it hanging. While I don't mind the author posting storys in parts you give no clue if you plan to finish.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
deserves another chapter

why not talk to her ..maybe she will let him fuck megan every day for a year and put her face on th computer with him fucking her she will have to look at that from now on.. that seems fair ... and t osue the stripper for sa yalienation of affection.. tell him what an inadequate jerk he is...i also think he needs to have a kid by megan and maybe tell jen if she will do tha t and then help him yaise it that that would be a good payback... megan has t ogiv up all rights to the kd though..this could go a long way ...make his revenge good very good

patricia51patricia51over 18 years ago
Very Good!

Sexy plus crushing emotions. Obviously there's more to this than meets the eye. I look forward to the other chapters eagerly.

JoesephusJoesephusover 18 years ago
This story is REAL even if it's fiction

It isn't the story of everyman but of one man. A man who like all of us isn't superman and isn't a deamon. A man who loves deeply and who has ethics and values that he tries to live his life by. Such a man facs challenges that those with situaltional ethics don't. We make mistakes, and we have to correct those.

This is a fine story that has kept me involved from start to finish. I also appreciate that the story was finished before the first section was posted. This is the work of a master storyteller.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Fresh Talent In An Intriguing Theme

Very strong work with a great supporting staff.

Author - you are appreciated for your talent and imagination in the theme of Marital Consequence. I am looking forward to the balance - with High Regard

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago

That is one of the saddest stories I have ever read. It is heartbreaking for him and his daughter. The inclusion of the child was done tastefully and flawlessly. The reaction of the husband was written perfectly. Everything about this story rings true. This is a very powerful story that leaves all sorts of questions unanswered however.

This is so well written that I am sitting here worrying about this little girl who only exists on paper. I think that this is the highest compliment I can pay you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
unfninshed??? hope so!

Hope you complete this story....

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Loved It

This is so well done! I look forward to the conclusion. My hope is that you have not telegraphed the ending.

Keep up the good work.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 18 years ago
Good start

I think he is breaking the unwritten law, "Always communicate with your spouse'. She may have been doped by Megan. In fact, Megan isn't in her life in the six months and she said they fought. They may have gotten one picture of her and used it to force her to do the stuff on the tape. Whatever, he didn't let her explain what happened to her.

He'll have to forgive her. Their life is too complete together to throw away and danielle says he has to forgive Jenny as long as she says she is sorry!

I am hoping for a good enough explanation that he can forgice her.

Risq_001Risq_001over 18 years ago
So far I really liked the story!

I mean I really, really, liked the story so far. Nice writing on the part of how the husband does everything for the love of his daughter

But I'll have to wait to see if I love the whole three part story or not =)

I say that because often a story that starts off well talking about how much the husband loves his wife, will often change into what I like to call "The desperate husband stories". I say that because often these stories start where the wife has no shortage of guys willing to get in her pants, but the husband doesn't appear to have the same type of ability. Like no woman wants him because after he's married he loses all sex appeal. To me that makes him appear desperate because he'll forgive anything the wife does so that he doen't have to be alone or go out in the world again and look for a new love. Desperate or lazy. I understand that the husband loves his wife, but why is it that the husband can manage to keep it in his pants because of love, but the wife can't? And sometimes that gives the appearance that the husband, through loneliness, is willing to quickly forgive.

The other reason I say that is that, I'm normally not against good stories that have a good working ending. And I have no problem with reconcilation stories that don't make the husband seem like he's nothing but desperate. I know some folks want to say that long as the husband loves the wife it will ok no matter what she does. That is something that doesn't make sense to me. I guess thats why I like Longhorn_07's stories. He seems to have a good balance between respect for the husband/wife and strength of character for the husband in a cheating wife story that doesn't make the husband appear as desperate.

But somehow I believe that parts 2 and 3 are going to be a reconcilation story. But I'm intrested in how your going to put them back together, since I've not read parts 2 and 3 yet, after having the wife having about 2-3 days worth of very "willing" sex while away from her newlywed husband (If I remember correctly the first two years they are still considered newlywed) while not making him appear desperate to please his daughter and not live life alone.

I know that you did a fantastic job of relaying the emotions about him, his daughter, and his new wife, but the reason I say that is that you wrote about a "Willful" cheating wife. Often writers write about a wife that spends alot of time giving the husband a lot of "Sex" to show how sorry she is, but I'd like to think us guys are a little "less" shallow than that.

I've heard that love is blind, but after a 3 day romp I'd like to think that its not deaf and dumb as well. >=)

So I'm curious how you are going to continue the story, as a reconcilation I mean, that won't leave me wondering if folks really see some of us guys as that shallow. I'd like to believe that "Desperation" isn't often confused with "Love". But I fear some guys really do confuse the two.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 18 years ago
Saddest blinking story on the site...

I'm usually one of those guys whose immediate reaction is "throw the whore out" and then at least live well as revenge, if not extract a clever revenge (which of course many stories detail).

However, in this case, I don't think that works - too much at stake given the trauma that the daughter has already been through. They need to talk it out and forgive. Who among us hasn't screwed something up at some point in our lives?

Good story, though, well written. Sad sad sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
2/3 excellant story.

The first 2/3 of your story is very well done,but the last third is kind of an abrupt change of pace. In one paragraph, she goes from loving wife to porno star and next paragraph she is thrown out forever. It would be nice to get some explanation about what happened on her weekend trip and why it happened . Suggest you not drop a 180 degree turn of character with no explanation. --much too abrupt. 60 year old George

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 18 years ago
Fantastic story and writing

I felt every emotion your words portrayed. I was totally engrossed in your story.

I have great compassion for their relationship as it seemed so darn perfect. This is going to be tough to put them back together and somehow repair his ego and self-esteem.

This will take a miracle to resurrect from the dead any trust. Communication is their only option, but can he really listen with so much pain attacking his soul.

The Pain for both men and women who have been cheated on is the same. Most men by their nature find it so much harder to forgive then most women.

Arguably, many women take this betrayal deep inside themselves but seem to try and find a way to continue. That doesn’t mean it hurts them less its just how many woman are able to cope with pain and use their gray matter to control their emotions.

Many men find there ego will not let them get the betrayal out of their thoughts. Is it societies macho expectations of men that won’t let them get past the thought of her with another? Is it his manhood being challenged that leaves little room for him to even get to communication and eventually some trust?

This is of course a generality.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

The NavigatorThe Navigatorover 18 years ago
Great beginning

..but it soon became very trite. A pity such a talented author would screw up a great story. The wife's actions are not believeable. I hope he lets the story stop there. Nothing he can write will make up for the awful turn it has taken. Hope the other story he is working on turns out more sensible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
really good story so far

It's well-written and very sad, as others have said. Putting Dani right in the middle of things is a great reminder that marital break-ups are not only about the pain of the cheated-upon spouse.

I look forward to the rest of the story--and to more of your work. So far this is really good!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very Powerful Story!

The characters were real and the dynamic interplay between kept me reading until the end. This story begs for a second part and a POV from Jenny would be appropriate.

Commenters have suggested drugs as the reason for Jenny's seduction but fucking Megan et al Thursday night through Sunday morning due to drugs is not credible.

For those who felt that John acted too quickly just remember he had to protect his daughter who had already lost her mother. He had to act quickly to get Jenny out the house otherwise the inevitable poison between John and Jenny would have affected Dani.

There is the open question who sent the video link? Why? What is the relationship between Megan and Jenny? It was just sad to read a little girl losing her mother twice.

Whether this story stands alone or is part of two or three parts it was superb. I thank you and I look forward to future submissions.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Please Finish

Please finsih the story, it's too good to leave the reader's hanging!

Blue88Blue88over 18 years ago
Well Done

The talent displayed impressed me. The author certainly has the ability to create realistic scenarios along with believable characters. I enjoyed this, a tip of my hat to S-Des. I trust that this tale will continue.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

congrats a very good story I enjoyed it

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good luck on pulling it off!!!

So a few weeks before their second anniversary she goes off with meagan and gets the fucking of her life….why did she go…it was a few weeks before their anniversary.

Dan’s feelings when she left….”After she left I was surprised at how empty the bed felt for the first time in two years”.

But Jenny's bed was never empty. She left Thursday Night…got fucked Friday night all the way through to again saturday night and all the way through to Sunday afternoon whereby she went to the afternoon wedding and then took an earlier flight home all messed up and thoroughly fucked….I beleive that's the storyline. All we need now are contrived excuses or reasons to bring them back together.

Perhaps the key to reconciliation is when Dan said…”Jenny didn't call me all weekend, which seemed unusual for her. I wasn't too worried about it since I knew there was a lot going on with the rehearsal dinner, bachelorette party, then the wedding Sunday afternoon.” The fact she didn't call is an "out" I think....but we know she didn't call because she was still getting fucked all weekend and would feel even more guilty if she did call...then why did she look a mess on arrival....Hmmmm.

So lets retrace her steps….she leaves late Thursday night…which was unnecessary since if the wedding was Sunday afternoon…and she was still able to get back at 7.00 Sunday evening, albeit looking all the worst…so the wedding couldn’t have been that far. Therefore she could have left Friday afternoon in time for the rehearsal dinner…but if Jenny was Meagan’s date…then Jenny was not in the wedding party…I thought wedding rehearsals were for wedding party members only… anyways…Jenny did not have to be at the wedding rehearsal…and why would a stripper be there because according to jenny she also got fucked at the party the night before the bachelorette party…and then again the next night on Saturday which was the bachelorette party.

Conclusions: she didn’t have to leave until Saturday afternoon or maybe Sunday morning for a Sunday afternoon wedding. She didn’t call at all, and the tape doesn’t show her being drugged or forced… and when Dan picked her up, he thought “When I saw her out front waiting, I had to do a double take. She looked terrible. Her hair was a mess, she looked tired and her eyes were red and swollen like she'd been crying.”….which means one of two things…..she missed the wedding because she was at the stripper’s place still getting fucked till Sunday afternoon and not knowing where the wedding was…took a cab straight from the strippers place to the airport and caught an earlier flight home. I doubt meagan missed the wedding unless she was with Jenny…in that case they both may have gone to the wedding after leaving the stripper and flew home asap or secondly, she regretted falling back into her OLD WAYS…that she argued with meaghan and left….

The logistics in the story are quite confusing….Parts 2 and 3 may flow if the author starts to change his characters and fixes the logistics…otherwise a lot of faux pas will be noted….these could range from…Jenny being the one who sent the email…to meaghan being the sender for being pissed off or even the stripper who was jenny’s old boyfriend….but the major question….why didn’t Jenny tell him….since she looked like hell… was such an opportunity to explaiin what happened...this means they shouldn’t reconcile…and the poor kid…damned if you do ….her parents didn’t love each other so they split….and damned if you don’t…her second set of parents love each other but because jenny fucked up….they split also…Geez…the kid is gonna have a complex… Regardless they should not get back together because of the kid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Great story

The only reason i havent given it a 100 is I want to see the rest of it.I think maybe this could be salvaged .She needs to set her friend Megan up to be fucked by John for say a week . then after that week he should have her to do with as he pleases for another week. In that week he could film her being fucked for oh say 7 days straight. Think of the money he could make on gang bang films.Then after that have Jenny send films of Megan to her parents so they can see what a slut she is.At this point she also needs to do something about that stripper. I think she needs to lure him out and then put him under with say chlorform. then her and hubby can do the same with him, by putting him in a series of gay films. let him get fucked for a week also. I would also sue the company he worked for as a stripper by making sure jenny stayed away from my home long enough to where she could claim he was the cause of the breakup of her marriage. I would not quit with either Megan or that stripper till I had made at least a cpl of million dollars for the pain and suffering they caused.If jenny helped me set this up and do it i just might take her back. Then she and danielle and I john could be ready to start all over again.jenny would have to help me with all the revenge though and it would have to be set up t owhere megan and her stripped friend signed a contract that stated they wer in full agreement to d othis for the conpensation of say a thousand dollars a day, their normal whore fees.If jenny would help with all that i might see where she knew she made a mistake and was oh so very sorry. Lets see how you handle it. I have to figure some revenge is planned. Was oh so wrong otherwise

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
guy needs a 12 step program

The narrator needs to join AA, not because he is drinking too much, but since he seems to be wallowing in what the (reforming) drunks call "a pity party" - self pity, of course

Get over it -

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

I agree with some of the other comments,the daughter must come first.She has lost her birth mother and (seemingly)her 'step' mother.We must have a sequel to this excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
next chapter

I too hope it continues - loved the story but think Dan was a fool to kick out such a sexy wonderful wife. Personally in my twenties and thirties Id have been tempted to kick her out too, but now being in the 70s, Id have loved seeing my sexy wife pleasing other people so thoroughly.

Jenny should have confessed it all when they stopped on the way home from the airport. Then logically Dan could have embarked on a similar path, or better yet, they could have done it together into an open arrangement or a swinging lifestyle, and enjoyed it together.

Hate to see Dani suffer- she being so important to both their lives and them to her too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Dear Roiled Up Natives - Parts 2 & 3 On The Way

As per earlier author msg. of apology for failing to note that this was 1 of 3.

So, what the hell is going on here. Hmmm Megan moves to her old girl friends new city 1 year after Jenny's marriage - gee I wonder why? Why does Jenny allow Megan to exclude Dan from all their get togethers? Or Was it both girls wanting alone time? Why is Jenny inexplicably out of sorts with him preceeding their anniversary? His anger was like onto life given the situation and timing shock of seeing the video and her arriving within minutes.

The real question is why Jenny goes to The Big Easy at all - let alone early if she really cares or cares at all for her husband and step daughter???

This writer created dark hole may be too deep to reasonably and believably dig her out of. After all going there for 3 solid nights & days of licking, sucking and fucking plus not calling plus a full year back at home with Megan all seems a hell of a lot more than an oops 1 timer type mistake - doesn't it writer?

Sympathy doesn't equate to unconditional forgiveness in her long term infidelities with females and / or males!

Will or should the magic wand work? Will the unknown at this time special surrounding conditions seem reasonable enough to facilitate an acceptable reconciliation in most eyes? Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen!

Recognizing that this is a new author of considerable talent but without much experiance, we need to grant some leeway don't you think?

Author - a better than nice start - you are appreciated for your skill and imagination in this intriguing and emotional theme of marital consequence - with High Regard

kydreamrkydreamrover 18 years ago
Looks like Jennyh's been set up to me

Yeah, it's a rough way to find out about his wife's activities on her trip, however the husband still has time to figure out what actually happened and just who sent him this link. The email would be my starting point, even in anger a guy can still think, and my thinking would be along the lines of: 1) who would benefit from breaking us up, 2) my immeadiate suspicions would fall on Megan, 3) what reason would Megan have for aetting her "friend" up like this, 4) Just who might be behind Megan, assuming that she probably didn't set this up alone, and want Jenny's marriage dead.

Lots to think about and research that needs to be done before taking the drastic measure of tossing Jenny and their so far great relationship into the history bin.

My thoughts anyway,


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Loved it and Hated it...

I did not like the part here Katie passed away. John should have been man enough to listen to Jenny before he made he gave her such a harsh ultimatium. He and Dani are the ones that are going to suffer the most. I hope you continue with this story and they get back together. Surely John has done something in his life that he is ashamed of and has not told Jenney.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

It's sad that children have to suffer because of the foolishness of adults who are suppose to love them.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
There's GOT to more

There has got to more to this story! I loved the story so much that the sex scenes do not matter that much to me(and I love sex scenes) I hope the author realizes that the main thing to keep in mind is the needs of the daughter. People are human and human beings make mistakes, get set up and fall into traps. At least she did not come home and dump all this on him just to make her self feel better by clearing her concious.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Think First!!

This was a good story, however im giving it a very LOW rating because the little girl got hurt. The dumb ass father should have known better that to kick jenny the best thing to happen to him and his daughter out because she was set up by her friend. Anyone can figure that out. If he thinks she was unfaithful to him..try this out. He was unfaithful to her when he was going to all those pron sites. It will not matter if there is a part 2 or 3 because no matter what John will do, nothing can fix the damage he has caused to the 2 best things that have ever happened to him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Loved it!

Great story. To the guy below: rate the story, not the character. Take your moral arguments elsewhere, this is NOT the forum for them.

SalamisSalamisover 18 years ago
Well done

Kudos to you on your first story; I found it to be an enjoyable read. I was particularly taken by your handling of the first wife and the animosity that arose during the divorce. In addition, the second wife’s actions after the trip were bound to invoke questions from the reader so I am not surprised that subsequent chapters are in the pipeline.

However, some of the comments you have engendered do surprise me. The inclusion of a small child in the story seems to guarantee controversy. I thought you used the father’s relationship to his daughter superbly and skirted some more complex problems with the characters. Even so, this is obviously a part of the storyline where you need to tread lightly.

hammer17hammer17over 18 years ago

Let's see here.... The WIFE cheats, the husband runs her off and some of you Jump Him????? Firstly SHE cheated NOT him, secondly he is protecting himself and his daughter from the cheating woman and her friends. So tell me WHY are some of you blaming him, he did what had to be done first he had to put her out letting her know that without a doubt he WILL NOT PUT UP WITH THE CHEATING, then he can listen to the reasons why she let another man have her, as she took the other woman......I do hope that you finish this story..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
sometimes i think don87654

is in a world by himself.sometimes you have to walk in another man shoes before you judge him.wait and see what causes the man to react the way he do.from comments don87654 has make and his thinking about things,make me think you are a little off,but who knows.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
A Hell of a conundrum!


You've certainly stirred up the hornet's nest by the comments generated. I'll try to stay emotionally neutral until I see where this story is headed. I am surprised by don87654's commemts. He is normally in the "boil her in oil" mode or the "knock her, her mother, grandmother, and daughter up" mode. Empathy and sympathy are normally strangers at his door. If you can generate this much discussion, you've done all a writer can do. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Real life

Most stories don't bear on real life; I don't think this one does but if I try to interpret it for myself I can't see any reason for the man to do otherwise. He needs to protect his ex-wife from his anger; he needs to protect his daughter from a step-mother who has such evil friends and who can so easily be tempted to such outrageous behavior.

The few months of less than successful relations which preceded the fuck-fest may well testify to a failing relation and go a long way explain a reversion to behavior which will probably turn out to have been habitual before her dancing career ended and with its end ended her opportunity for such 'fun'.

If we learn that she was drunk we learn what her behavior was like in uninhibited mood.

Maybe the main weakness in the story is to suggest that she might want to conceal her nature from her lover; it's even less likely that she could.

A well told story but in no way bearing on real life; no worse for that though.

SnolygosterSnolygosteralmost 18 years ago

This is one of the best descriptions of love I have ever read. It's real, it's harsh, it's soft, it's beautiful, and it's ugly.

The thing I like about the writing here is that the story isn't written around the sex- the sex happens to be in the story, and in fact, helps enhance the plot. Keep up the good work. :-)

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
a big decision to make

S-Des Jenny meant alot to danielle she was like a big sister and a mom so why dont john give Jenny another chance she did try to make up for her mistake i think it wasnt her fault i believe it was meagans fault for getting her drunk and turning the stripper on to her do another chapter showing John giving her another chance with condition that she give up her friends and never talk to meagan or any of her friends up state and in New Orleans.

Pat Murray


bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago

Lets find out who sent the video it might not be all Jenni`s fault try going after megan.

Pat .


YeatsYeatsover 16 years ago

Even grown men cry. This story had that reaction on me. But of course it was preceded by some wonderfully joyful moments.

What a gorgeous bit of writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Is this a real event? Its so intense. I can't rate it, but I'm still in shock of the story itself, and can't really make a decision. Though I knew something happened/was going to happen to Jenny because of past tense you kept applying to the story. Always love the way you write things S-Des, keep up the amazing work. Was horrible how things between John and his first wife (sorry cannot remember her name) wound up, but usually thats how things between couples who are together for the kids end up. As always keep it up.

Well apparently I have to rate, ha ha. So I rate a 50 because I can't make up my mind.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
After The fact

a real good story with developed characters. Keep on writhing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

His stop watch on Jennies departure time turned me off completely. After being a loving wife, she's got minutes to getout with no discussion. Too cold blooded.

teh Ct. Yyankee

bruce22bruce22over 15 years ago
Extremely well written and interesting

The emotions are all there for those who wish to feel them. The violent conflict between his own pain and his daughter's pain will obviously have a big effect on them both. Finally what can be going through Jennie's head and heart... As usual

there was a communcations failure before the trip which got violently compounded... On the other hand, it would be worth while to wonder who would go to the trouble to send him the e-mail and what they have to gain. Considering the video tape, we might consider that Megan and Jennie could have an older and unressolved love affair.

BallsOfSteelBallsOfSteelalmost 15 years ago

Was good until the cheating part. Then it just got meh. It wasn't even just a one-time drunken slip. She cheated, then cheated again and again. Seemed extremely out of character for Miss Perfect to turn into a Miss porn queen. And then suddenly she's so sorry that she has to hop on an early flight home? Tsk tsk. Jumped the shark. Very disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Needs an Aftermath

I give a 75 because is unfinished.Don´t be lazy(it´s a joke S-Des)!But how could you explain Jenny behaviour in the sex party?Megan have some secrets about Jenny?

saratusaratuabout 13 years ago

The death of the first wife then the betrayl of the second along with the ending??? to much negativity for my likes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
S-Des, the insecurity KING

Why do you depict all your lead males as insufferable, self obsessed school boys? It's shitheads like them that give stand up men a bad name.

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
wow it must be something in the water.....hummm maybe some pussy juice got mixed in it

Let me see if I follow some of your guys thinking, because she was a loving wife for the last 6 month, he shouldn't kick her cheating ass out. Humm...I smell pussy and most of the comments lead in that direction. Must be a UK thang.

DWornockDWornockover 12 years ago
I rated it 1*.

I don't like reading about an evil psychopath. His actions is beyond cruel to deliberely harm his baby daughter.

And, so what if Jenny had a one night stand? Most women do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Not True, DWornock

Most married women do not cheat, and of the 40% who do, most of them are involved in affairs, not one-night stands.

Obviously, you are rationalizing like a cheater. ("It's not so bad. Everyone does it.")

Don't you have something better to do, like maintain that other forum, you know, the one where you teach other married women how to be cheating cunts like you?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
DWmoroncok is too busy

misusing commas and misspelling words to maintain the cheater forum - probably too stupid as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
DWmoroncok is too busy

misusing commas and misspelling words to maintain the cheater forum - probably too stupid as well.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

2nd time should be easier to restart. TK U MLJ LV NV

drtsdrtsover 12 years ago

I WILL GIVE IT A FIVE, SHE CHEETED AND GOT WHAT SHE NEED.Dad did what he had to do. And to DW your right most all women are cheeting whores, and 6 ot of 10 stories have men being wimps and letting them get away with it.. Nice to she a bitch get what is right for a change

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
I See!!

This is going to be as long as a book. I hope it holes up in ch 2@3. Thanks for sharing.

count2threecount2threeover 12 years ago
Why exactly a man who doesn't suck up to his cheating wife is automatic a "insecure schoolboy" is beyond me.

Perhaps its just that 60% of the Readers of this Site are closet-cuckolds. It always dazzles me how high cuckold Stories get voted here. You people are disgusting, period.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago
An opinion

I think the immediatly happened disastrous end of the married life was not a good imprint for Dani. I think a more days prepared great scen without the presence of his daughter would have been better.

I write here non stop the at once anger or violance is not a good life practice nowdays. He should have origanize a occasion his daughter would have taken to grandmother/etc and they would have been alone together for the confrontation and he would have give her minimum 1 hour for packaging and finding a place to live.

Howver it does not matter, we people are not same and he did not do any violance only the great confrontation was emotional shock for Dani.

I read some comments and some of them were a little ridicolous for me. About looking to porn or reading erotic stories as to be cheating, as a commentor wrote!!!, I think this ententerment is nothing to the cheating and betrayal, because the much majority who read erotic stories remain at home with their mates and without STDs, bastards and etc..

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Husband was an Idiot - Drastic action without the facts!

The Husband ignored the possibility/probability that his wife was a victim of a DATE Rape Pill. That was stupid, considering that he had no evidence that she had a history of wild sexual antics. He ignored his knowledge of her love of him and Dani. Highly inconsistent with public bisexual gangbang! Afraid that this really kills the story-line. Major problem with the story. I gave it a '3'. SFEconomist

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdabout 12 years ago
There are no ACCIDENTAL three day affairs

He did the right thing.

pogo123pogo123almost 12 years ago

Some hot action, but no closure ... at least not yet. I agree with the previous comment and also hope it gets tied together somewhere down the road.

DWornockDWornockover 11 years ago

I hate men that are so cruel and evil, that they have no compassion and refuse to even listen, let alone show no concern for a young daughter. I find it impossible to relate to the psychopath.

MrVdogMrVdogover 11 years ago
I love it!

5 stars - at last a guy who stands up for himself and what's right.

Burn the Bitch, it's exactly what she deserves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
That hurt me too.

There for a minute I thought that was the very end....I was going to hunt you down like a mainaged %$%$^&&*$ DOG and pour ink all over your body....bill


cliffhanger20cliffhanger20over 11 years ago

The events described in the last page of this story are totally beyond the comprehension of my simple mind. Now I have been married to some loonytoons. But this is by far so over the line it boggles the mind! And what about that poor little girl that loves both of them. Tell me whose the loser here???????

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
depressing and it didn't need to be!

why did you need to make both women in the story so negative? What could have been a good story ended both depressing and disgusting. did some one hurt you that much?

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

Considering how great the marriage was I wouldn't even think she would pull this crap. Just a cheating whore skank slut wife. Why?

Two more chapters. We'll see...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great lead in to Chapter 2

I was pissed when I thought the story ended.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Fuck man, thats depressing.


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loving it

An amazing storyline that has me on the edge of my seat. Truly wonderful. Five stars.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago

Love the raw emotion in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Pops flew off the handle

Their lives had been filled with turmoil for years; people make mistakes and he'd supposedly been learning from it. That's life!

When they met at the airport, he gave her a chance to calm down and get herself together before they went home to prevent upsetting the daughter.

Yes; the video brings to light a major error to his attention, and it must be dealt with ASAP, but he could've / should've handled much differently! He blew up like a Atom Bomb; how did he think "that's" going to affect the daughter, what a moron. He needs to grow up. Ten minutes of rage just completely demolished 3 lives!! 8~(

Kerry312Kerry312almost 10 years ago

you fucking anomous pussy's fuck off or post your name

krosis666krosis666over 9 years ago
That's a first on Lit

An author that actually wrote a realistic response to betrayal and deceit! Who would have guessed? A betrayed spouse actually having an emotional response to infidelity! You mean that shrugging your shoulders and saying “Oh well, that's a pity, now let's have sex, because it doesn't matter, and I have no self esteem or self respect”, or turning into a mix of Chuck Norris and Jean Claude Van Damme and killing a small village worth of enemies is not the norm, as most on this site would have us believe?

Also, @ Kerry312, what exactly is an anomous?And why should they post their 'Real' names, when nobody else does? You may have guessed, but Krosis666 is not my real name! Shocking, I know! We are ALL 'anomous' here, as you say. Or did you mean ANONYMOUS?

krosis666krosis666over 9 years ago
Did I forget to mention

That I enjoyed this story? Well I did. However, I just noticed that there are more chapters...I sincerely hope that this doesn't turn out to be one of those crappy Reconciliation at Any Cost stories. I hate that crap! Send the cheating slut packing, and let him meet someone honest and loving. Please don't let it be another whinging pathetic loser that 'Can't live without her', or 'I'll stay for the sake of the kids' garbage stories that permeate this site! There IS more than one woman living out there, and 99.999% ARE faithful, so why have him stay, just to please a loud minority?

Perhaps I should stop reading here, so as not to be disappointed. End on a happy note, as they say!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Second time through

brilliant! Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
raw and powerful

Genuinely made my heart hurt

Tim413413Tim413413over 9 years ago
So glad

to see a second and third chapter. Was Jenny drugged? All three nights?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Wrong Category

This should be in gay/lesbian section.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Powerful, sexy and sad

Congrats. Great story. Five out of five. Powerful, sexy and sad. You are a great writer. I look forward to the next chapter. The countdown to get her out of the house was so intense. Jenny's last words to Danni were so sad and powerful. Who sent John the URL link? I'm guessing Megan. I think we're going to find out a lot about Jenny's New York background. Cheers Steve

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 9 years ago
Wrong category?

dont be silly. This is right where it should be. Love how well you build the drama at the end.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
another one dear annony read! Youknow we all know dear annnony

you love these stories and remember an asshole is an asshole and on here you're the head asshole. If you hate these stories so much why the hell do you read them? Answer that asshole, we're all waiting!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Simple answer

@ Bonny Because we like BTB stories and the BTB stories are only in LW-Literotica and collections. The readers hope the next story will be BTB..........

MbgdallasMbgdallasover 8 years ago
Dumb ass!!!

Well at this point he is a real dumbass. He was unreasonable and hurt his daughter terribly. She will never understand. There needs to be discussions, learning, and understanding. What happened and why. Once he knows this he can react the way he did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well written, really good storyline. Ignore the sad BTBs. 5*

There are some angry anon people out there but you write well and have crafted a good story here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What a crock

The author is full of shit. This whole series is just so much smoke up our asses. I can't express the contempt I feel for this author. The character is supposed to apologize for the way he treated the woman who betrayed him? What a pathetic excuse for a person S-Des is. If only he could have been there to clean her up, running his tongue around in that nice juicy cum, his life would be complete.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 8 years ago

As I've said recently on another story, the tour of anon who posts like that is just insecure and upset about how turned on cuckolding and cheating stories make them. It's okay anon, we won't tell anyone.

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
more information please

He knew something had upset her when she came home early.

He/we cannot make final decision because we do not have enough of the details.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Blinded by anger?

The typical jackass male is not so blinded by anger that he can't see, in full living color, Jenny doing everything a wife is NOT supposed to do while away from her husband. It's not a rumor or some crazy story overheard at a bar - it's a movie and his wife validated it by looking and then starting her apologies, she obviously recognized it. As usual, the typical feminist will attack the male victim, regardless of circumstances, because women are blameless.

In this case though, the wife IS wrong - completely and absolutely - and her husband has just received a tremendous shock by seeing her have sex with others - and all this is on a porn site for everyone to see. I think his response, given practically no time to deal with it, is within the norm for all human beings. Reading ahead, you'll see he responds in a more measured manner later on, and nowhere in this story will you find his wife berating him for his "typical jackass male" response.

So what does Anony 8/8/16 figure will be accomplished by talking to him at this point? Do you think Jenny will come up with a really good reason for why she behaved the way she did? A reason so powerful that John will slap himself in the forehead and say, "Oh wow! Don't I look foolish for jumping to conclusions! Yeah, I don't blame you for doing that, I'd have done the same! Please forget everything I just said, you stay here while I go make some popcorn and then we can all watch the whole wonderful movie together! Gosh honey, thanks for letting me know why, otherwise I might have been angry, humiliated, maybe even said something that would hurt your delicate feelings."

Give him some time and maybe the caveman will be able to come up with something that might save their marriage. His sweet perfect princess of a wife hasn't done anything to help so far, so now the man of the family will have his chance.

This is a good story and I think fairly realistic as to how both men and women would respond. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Jenny shouldn't have done what she did, ....

but neither should John. As spouses, he owes her at least the courtesy of listening to her - then he could throw her out. She behaved much better with Danielle than her father did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
He'll regret his degrading, unecessary outburst

Regardless of the video evidence, a sensible man would have said, ok its done and i'm very angry. I'll get someone to look after the child and then i shall show it to my wife and ask her to explain. But this business of shouting and counting in such a venomous fashion in front of his child, aware of the psychological damage and stress that was going to cause, is inexcusable and he should be thoroughly ashamed of himself.

That aside, it is clear to me at least, that not only is what she is doing out of character, but from hers and others style of behaviour, one can easily deduce there are certain things being said and done on the video (ie - Pressure from Megan coaxing and a degree of non consent. Something isn't adding up. Therefore, he had a an obligation to satisfy these points before going off on a brutal rant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A REAL MAN!!! 5*

He kicked the lying cheating slut out in 5 minutes!!!

Must be a BTB LW Record. Good riddance.

Now he doesnt have to worry about Slut contaminating his daughter.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Stupid cheating slut?

How on earth do you reconcile your truly disgusting whores with the caring wives they are supposed to be.

They would have to be fucking deranged with personality disorders to even begin to make sense.

nancyharpman17nancyharpman17over 7 years ago
Each Day Of Our Life Is Like A Canvas

We put our lives together day by day. Each day contributes to the canvas coming to life. When a spouse betrays the other spouse, it is like taking a knife to the canvas and permanently destroying it. It is not a matter of forgiveness. On my deathbed I might can forgive the person who brought about my eminent death. But that cannot save me from dying. The same can be said for the destruction of a marriage. Please, please, please...No reconciliation!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Well that's how REAL men work - NOT!

He gets bent out of shape and never bothers to hear her side of the affair? I guess that's how men behave. You'd think for his daughter's sake he's at least hear her out. Asshole just throws her out. Stupid

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Poor Mindless, feeling less fucks

Negative Anonymous I bet you wonder why none of your relationships workout or last? I KNOW WHY!

You are dumb as a box of ROCKS!

If your reactions to every problem is "FUCK YOU DUMB BITCH" "ITS NOT MY. PROBLEM, ITS YOURS " then get angry at everything!

Sounds like you are the catch of the century to me, prefect relationship material (dumb fuck) women are just beating a path to your door.

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