What special commands can be used in Literotica Search?

When using Literotica Search, you can enter special commands or operators to customize the query and get more personalized results. The available operators for searching works (Stories, Audio, Poems, Illustrations, etc.) are listed below.

Literotica Search Operators

+ (plus sign) or AND - the word following must be present in every story returned.

- (minus sign) or NOT - the following word must not be present in any story returned.

OR - the word before or after this word must be present (opposite of AND).

“” (quotes around a phrase) - this specific phrase, as typed in quotes, must be present in every story returned.

Here are some search operator examples:

apple banana - find stories that contain both words.

apple AND banana - find stories that contain both words.

+apple +juice - find stories that contain both words.

apple OR juice - find stories that contain either of these words.

apple NOT juice - find stories that contain the first word but do not contain the second word.

+apple -juice - find stories that contain the first word but do not contain the second word.

+apple -macintosh -computer - find stories that contain the first word, but not the second or third words.

apple NOT macintosh NOT computer - find stories that contain the first word, but not the second or third words.

“some words” - find stories that contain the exact phrase “some words”, but not “some pretty words” or “some naughty words”.

The above commands work in both the Simple Search and Advanced Search.