Tempus Frangit Ch. 04


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I followed Simul into an enclosed saloon at the rear of the boat that had darkened windows, obviously where she had been hiding away from her subjects gaze.

"From what Chaise tells me, you and Sylvia are... well."

"You are correct, Simul. History as you know it, does appear to be going as you would wish it too."

"George, I really am sorry. But, Chaise tells me that she fears there's going to be a problem. Oh, no she doesn't know what is predicted, she was just spilling out her troubles to her mentor this morning."


"Chaise is besotted with you, George. She says that you're like no one she's ever met before."

"Oh, so quickly?"

"Yes, and Chaise understands your anger and disappointment with Sylvia's behaviour, more than you think."

"That surprises me."

"I thought it might. But the reason she does understand is because... well she feels great affection for Ciera, as Ciera does for Chaise. The two women have more than an emotional bond to each other. However Chaise seems to think that that bond might be an obstacle to you forming a relationship with either of them. Mind you, she hasn't voiced those concerns to me specifically."

"Oh, so that's what she was talking about last night. Chaise was asking some probing questions, I'm afraid I was being a little dense and maybe I didn't interpret them as I should have done. Yes, there is a certain taboo and always has been about same-sex relationships in my time. Up until this moment the idea of being with a female who is... emotionally involved with another female, has never crossed my mind.

"Anyway, I know that you told me that both of them will return with me but... Well, I assumed that Ciera would be... Oh god, what would you call it? The first..."

"Ah now, George. I'd say that 'if' your relationship with both of them is going to work, then you have to understand that there can be no first or second in your mind. Sorry no, in your heart; it's your heart that your people say guides you emotionally, isn't it?"

"You are so right, Kay. But I thought, that I'd fall for Ciera first, but last night..."

"You found yourself become emotionally attached... maybe even falling in love with Chaise."

"Well yes, I believe I did."

Simul stood and said nothing for some moments, obviously thinking. Well I thought she was.

Then suddenly she said, "He'll have to know!"

"Who will?" I asked.

"You will, George," she smiled at me. "George, Ciera and Chaise are a little different to the vast majority of people. They have... well, a gift we call it. They aren't really so much emotionally involved, as mentally."


"Yes, this is going to be a hard one for you to accept, George. But we think it's the reason both of them go back with you to your time and not just one of them. Let us try to put it this way, if Ciera falls in love with you, Chaise will do so at the same time. You see they sense each others emotions and they can... well sense, or rather feel each others thoughts."

The realisation of what she was saying sprang into my mind.

"They're telepaths; they can read my mind?"

"No, George, they can't read yours or anyone else's mind. Although they can sense your emotions when you are in their presence. Your alarm, or concern that people might have been looking at them in a state of undress just now, for instance... they felt that quickly enough; as I did!

"However they can sense each other's mind much more acutely, and very often they can interpret each other's thoughts. And any other... telepath who lets them as well. Our experts believe that it is a sense that every human once had, but one that, for some reason, lies dormant in most people. In fifteen percent of people here, it's no longer dormant and from those few, prospective Simuls are selected at an early age."

"Ah, I think I'm beginning to understand. There isn't just one Simul is there?"

"No, there are ten of us at present."

"And you are all strong telepaths, and you are in communication with each other all the time."

"No stronger than Ciera, George; but we are nurtured and trained to enhance the sense by other Simuls from a young age. When you speak to me, you are effectively speaking to all of us at the same time. But not actually in words George, the other Simul's are aware of the electrical impulses in my brain, my reactions to what you do and say. Thought patterns are a little complicated to explain.

"Ciera and Chaise, when they are close to each other, are aware of each other's minds as well. When one feels alarm the other does at the same instant. She might not know why, but she senses her friend's concern."


"And George, in Ciera and Chaise's case, when one of them feels attraction to another human, the other does as well. Those two are remarkably well matched, mentally. Mind you, they have grown up together, they shared the same brood group."

"Brood group?" I asked.

It was the first time I'd ever seen it, but for an instant, Kay looked unsure of herself. But then she recovered her apparent calm and collected demeanour, pretty quickly. Or rather she attempt to recover the situation.

"Like a group of nursery school children in your time... they have been friends since they were very young."

I somehow got the idea that that wasn't the full story, or the whole truth, and I'm sure that Simul -- all of them -- sensed that I wasn't convinced. Although, I was battling to hide those thoughts away in my mind. Kay went on to talk about their children being raised and educated in a Kibbutz or communal type environment. Explaining that there were none of our traditional two parent families as there is in our time, to bring stability to a child's life.

The thought's that crept into my mind was, that with all the virtual free love, that Adona had implied when we'd first met him. Well, that must surely lead to many -- probably unwanted -- pregnancies. Yet, I could not recall seeing one child since I'd arrived in their time. When I thought on the subject, I could not recall seeing anyone much below the age of about twenty, come to that.

I'm not sure what happened then, but I suspect the why. Our talk had not gone in the direction Simul had intended, and she had wanted to bring the interview to an end.

Very suddenly both Ciera and Chaise rushed into the saloon and -- looking confused -- asked if everything was all right.

"Everything is fine, girls," Kay replied, "George and I were just discussing the differences between his time and ours. Now why don't you take him below and find him something to wear while he enjoys the sun with you. Don't forget the sunscreen though; it wasn't as strong back in George's time. There is slightly less atmosphere to protect us now, George. That's why we spend most of our time under the shield of the domes."

"Neatly done," I thought. I figured that Kay had somehow called the girls into the saloon using her mental powers. She had known that I hadn't been convinced... or sidetracked I suppose you'd call it, by her talk of a Kibbutz type environment for the children. I figured that she sensed my thoughts and set about diverting my attention from the subject. There was something she... they, weren't telling me, and I wondered what?

However, Ciera and Chaise's arrival in the saloon, did exactly what Kay had intended it to do. Hey look, my suspicions aside, they were two very fine ladies. And still... well, they had been sunbathing hadn't they? Hey no, no more than you'd see on numerous beaches in the south of France in our time. And, on certain West Country beaches, if you know where to go.

Somewhat to my embarrassment – and I have to admit, enjoyment -- Ciera and Chaise made sure that every square inch of my skin -- that would be exposed to the suns rays -- was well protected. Mind you, luckily they used a spray applicator, or things might have become even more embarrassing for me. They giggled and smiled appreciatively when I was donning the pair of exceedingly brief briefs they referred to as sun shorts.

Back on deck, Kay, attired in just as little as Ciera and Chaise had been, was apparently sleeping on one of the sun-loungers. I say apparently, because I'm convinced that she wasn't asleep. I'm damned sure that Simul -- all of them -- were avoiding getting back into conversation with me. I can't explain it, but I felt that I was aware of her mental presence, or a mental presence anyway. And I'm sure that it wasn't Ciera and Chaise that I was sensing; I'd been with both girls together before, without experiencing the same phenomenon.

Ah, you say, but you'd been in Simul's presence before without commenting on the sensation. No I didn't, because it hadn't been so pronounced. But remember previously I'd met Simul inside the dome, I was thinking that perhaps the energy field -- or whatever it was -- from the dome, lessened the influence of the other nine Simuls; that I then knew were out there somewhere.

While Simul pretended to sleep, the two girls and I laughed, messed about and joked with each other. Thinking back, I was behaving like a teenager. And I'll admit that it felt good.

But as we talked, I noted that once I'd been told about it, the mental connection between the two of them was far greater than I could have possibly imagined.

I became acutely aware that the two women did appear to react to anything I said to either of them as one; well at the same instant anyhow. Sometimes it was just like talking to one person instead of two.

A strange phenomenon to try to explain, but imagine if you will, one brain... No that's wrong, 'one will', split between two people. I might be speaking to one of them, but either girl might answer me. Not in an organised way either, it seemed to be completely random which of them spoke, and when. And just to confuse matters even more -- and kind-a proving that they were actually two different people -- they spoke to each other as well.

Whatever, confused about them I might have been, I did find that I was really enjoying the two women's company immensely.

But then, a little later, while we were all snoozing quietly on those loungers, another -- not nice -- thought, passed through my brain.

Could Simul and her buddies, or even Ciera and Chaise be... well, controlling my mind somehow?

Now that was a hard one for me to get my head around. But once that doubt crept into my brain, my mind ran riot with it. I began to wonder if they'd taken control of Sylvia, Rose's and even Douglas's minds as well. I'm not sure how long I lay there and mulling over the idea to myself, before I sat up and found all three women looking back at me.

"You're suddenly very upset about something, George. We can all feel it!" Simul said.

I looked from her to Ciera and Chaise and they all had concerned expressions on their faces.

"Yes, Simul, a word with you in private, if I may?"

She got up and led the way back into the salon at the rear of the boat again.

"Simul, I'm wondering; how do I know that you and your... well that you're not messing with my mind somehow? You want me to take Ciera and Chaise back to my time with me. How do I know that you... Well, this instant affection that I feel for both of them. How do I know that you and your friends, haven't implanted that into my brain somehow?"

"I would have thought that was obvious, George. I can sense your emotions, not your thoughts," she smiled, "Seriously though, if we, or anyone here in this time could meddle with the internal workings of your mind, do you really believe that we would be here now? Would it not have been far simpler for us to transport you to this time, make you forget Sylvia instantly, and she forget you. Then make you believe that you are in love with Ciera and Chaise and then instantly send you back to your own time again. Had we that kind of power, we probably would have removed all memory of being here from your mind at the same time. Is that not the logical course of action for us to take, had we the powers you suggest?"

She was right of course; I hadn't thought the scenario through to its final conclusion.

"No, George, we can only sense your emotions. As, by the way, can Ciera and Chaise, more strongly once you began to open your mind to them. They both have the same gift that I have, Ciera much stronger than Chaise, as I told you. But once a bond begins to form between the three of you, you might find that you begin to sense their emotions as well. You appear very... comfortable in their company."

"I am. Too comfortable really, and that's the problem. I was lying there wondering how it was going to work... you know, what you've been suggesting doesn't... Well two's company, three's a crowd where I come from."

"I have no idea, George. We might not have the institution of marriage, but it is usual for people here, to pair off together; for a while at least. Some I assume, stay together for years, maybe the rest of their lives. It's not something that falls within our remit to enquire about at present. However, I'm sure that you three will sort it out somehow. Surely Thomas would have informed us if there'd been any problem in that respect.

"Anyway you can find out in the next few days. Shortly we will be arriving at my private accommodation. You, Ciera and Chaise can stay there together for a few days and see how things work out. Oh, and George.... It's situated inside a small protection dome of it's own. I will not be able to feel your emotions through it, but the two girls will be inside with you."

"And Ciera and Chaise's emotions; will you be able to sense theirs?"

"Ciera's yes, Chaise quite definitely not. Her senses aren't as strong as Ciera's."

You know, I found that I could feel the two women's curiosity about what Simul and I had been discussing when we went back out on deck. What's more, I do believe that Simul somehow knew I could sense it, as well. She was smiling at their unasked questions when I looked her way.

Eventually a dome appeared amongst the trees at the side of the great lake the Thames had become, and the barge -- it might have been Simul's private yacht, but these folks weren't into styling, it looked like a barge to me – stopped by a wooden landing stage that protruded from it, out over the water. At the end of the little jetty stood a very familiar looking door, magically attached to the dome itself.

I was quite surprised when I heard Simul explaining to Ciera and Chaise that they were going to be staying in the dome for a few days, alone and with me. There was no doubt in my mind that neither woman had been aware of Simul's plans.

The villa. I'll call it the villa, because in essence that was what it was, a copy of a Roman Villa. Albeit single storey, but complete with pseudo-Roman mosaics on the floors, and murals on the walls. To be honest, it kind-a felt a bit like I'd gone back in time a couple of thousand years, instead of forward. Mind you, there were showers and running hot and cold water. Everything you need, but dressed up as if it was of Roman origin. Even a sweat room and a plunge pool -- all right, more reminiscent of a Swedish sauna and a cold plunge pool – tucked away inside the villa. Outside, there was a massive patio, with a large swimming pool sunk into it. Mind you, the pool was only about four feet or so deep. Just deep enough to swim and mess around in anyway; but only a fool would dive into the bugger. Then there were extensive gardens, mainly lawn but with a few trees and shrubs dotted around; sort-of reminiscent of the great park Simul's Palace sat in.

One thing that there wasn't, were any other living souls. Neither were there any entertainment systems; that I could discern anyway. It was obvious to me, that for the next few days... the three of us were going to have to get to know each other very well, or be bored out of our tiny little minds.

Not that I got the chance to be bored anyway. If we weren't swimming in, or lazing by the pool, we were talking. Er, maybe I should rephrase that, 'I was talking', and both girls seemed to have an insatiable appetite for information about the twentieth century. I'll admit that I spouted off like a historian, but often I was scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as my knowledge went. Luckily they appeared quite happy that I included details of the inner workings of an internal combustion engine and recent F1 champion drivers in my definition of history.

Sleeping arrangements were remarkably informal. The three of us slept together on a very large bed-come-sofa thing in the main living room. There were smaller versions of the same thing in several of the other rooms, which I supposed that anyone could have used, had they wanted privacy. I never thought of using any of them though, and the two girls didn't suggest it either.

I can't put my finger on when it actually happened. Sometime during those few days I found both girls were... well, snuggling up real close when we all sat together on the sofa thing and talked. You know, I can't even tell you which one I kissed first. But very soon there was a lot of kissing going on, and when I hugged and kissed one... well, it was only fair that I hugged and kissed the other.

Then I became aware that their questions about the twentieth century had changed. Well, the questions had not exactly changed, it was their comments as I spoke.

Little asides like, "You will be able to show us when we get there!" and, "Do you think we will be able to learn how to do that?"

No, I can't say which of them made that kind of comment first. But I can tell you that Ciera was first to ask me if I would be able to teach them to swim in the sea and how to surf.

I must admit that I'd accepted the inevitable by that time, and was more worried about teaching them how to cook. The only food I'd seen since it'd arrived there was the fresh fruit. Our daily supplies were delivered early every morning by a couple of guys in a craft like the one Adona and his people had used on the first day.

You know we might have been at Simul's house for four days, or it could have been five or six or even more. I have no real recollection of the individual days. All I did recall was I was still learning very little about the two girls or their lives. Yeah, I learnt that Ciera was a schoolteacher and that she specialised in teaching mathematics at a level way above my understanding. Chaise had told me she was a nurse, but I was instantly out of my depth when she started talking about her work as well, except that I got impression that she was a paediatric nurse. Neither girl said anything about their own families; overtly diverting the subject of our conversation, whenever I tried to lead it in that direction.

Very often they used the word 'later' though; so I got the impression that they were withholding that information until a later date. But at the time, I could not understand why.

It might have five, six or even seven days later, when – directly after the craft that brought our food everyday arrived -- I noticed that there was another craft hovering out over the water, waiting to dock at the jetty. Out of it stepped a very happy looking Douglas with an equally grinning Myra in tow; actually not so much in-tow, more plastered all over him.

I still don't know what Douglas has got. But in his mid thirties he'd captured the barely twenty-year-old Rose. Now, nearly five years later it was apparent that he'd done the same thing with the twenty-two year old Myra. Oh, both Ciera and Chaise were twenty-eight at that time, by the way. That piece of information I had managed to wangle out of them.

"You ready to go home, mate?" were Doug's first words.