Sisters of the Fallen


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When she still but a girl, Bela went into her parent's room without knocking and found her mother and father naked on their bed. Mama sat atop Papa as he laid in bed and rode him like a horse while Papa kneaded Mama's breasts and slapped her hard on the bottom. Mama still looked pretty and slim even after birthing seven children and burying three. Papa sat up straight and pulled Mama into his lap where their pelvises grinded slowly against each other and they moaned loudly as Papa bit Mama on the neck. Bela could see her mother's cunny as she lifted herself off father's hairy thing and then heaved herself back down upon it. They both made such funny noises as they tumbled together that Bela couldn't help giggling.

Mama and Papa both screamed and desisted from their activity immediately when they looked over and noticed Bela standing there staring at them with her hand covering her mouth. Since the whipping both her mother and father inflicted upon her as punishment for interrupting them, Bela had avoided their room and refused to go in under any circumstances. But something about the strangeness of that evening seemed vivid in Bela's memory and the unexplainable noises Bela heard from Mama and Papa's room made Bela's curiosity get the better of her.

Bela opened the door to her parent's chamber as silently as possible and peeked inside. She found her mother lying in bed beneath a man who was not Bela's father. This man had a strong looking back and muscled calves whereas her father had grown soft and flabby since his accident. This stranger was dressed in finery though his boots had been pulled off and his trousers were bunched up in a pile on the floor. The front of Mama's shift had been ripped open to reveal her bountiful chest which bounced up and down as the man moved against her. The bottom of Mama's shift had been hiked up above her waist to access her thighs and cunny while the man thrust himself violently against her. The man's face was obscured with his mouth pressed to Mama's throat. Bela's mother moaned loudly in ecstasy with every sharp thrust of the man's pelvis and made odd gurgling sounds in her throat as the stranger ravaged her half-naked body.

Bela gasped when she noticed her father looking at her. Not her father's personage, but rather his head lying on the floor in a pool of blood. His decapitated body was draped over a blood-splattered chair in the far corner of the room. The man penetrating Bela's mother slowed his thrusting and looked over when he heard Bela cry out. His face was gorgeous, though it was hard to tell with Mama's blood smeared all over the lower portion of it. Bela's mother laid deathly still, staring at nothing and making short, rasping breaths that sounded horrid to hear. Bela saw now that the entire side of Mama's throat had been torn open and blood was pouring out of her neck onto the mattress of the bed. The man who had been feeding upon Bela's mother grinned wolfishly with his sharp teeth and advanced toward her. Bela's eyes bulged when she looked down at his enormously erect penis standing straight up and slightly curving like a sabre. The man's cock glistened wet with her mother's juices in the dim light. Bela backed away from him slowly as he approached her until she ran into someone behind her. She felt two soft hands grabbing her shoulders from behind.

That was the last thing Bela remembered clearly. Everything following that night was a blur that all seemed to run together in a senseless mess. Had it been a day since then? A month? Years? She had somehow ended up in this castle, this dark abode that haunted her dreams. Bela continued down the corridors of this nightmare place but stopped short when she felt a presence near her. Goosepimples prickled the flesh of her arms and legs as a chill came over her. She thought she heard whispering down the hallway but when she spun around there was no one to be seen. The whispering then came from the opposite direction but when Bela turned back around the corridor was empty again. Bela heard footsteps approaching her from behind. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply as she tried to keep the alarm she felt from making her hysterical. A hand clasped Bela's shoulder.

"Who's there?" Bela asked.


Mirela stumbled forward as her foot lifted from the bottom stair and touched the floor at the bottom of the long descent. The steps seemed to have gone on forever down into the darkness. How deep was this place? Mirela followed the light that strengthened the closer Mirela approached to guide her path. She walked through an antechamber that had niches along the walls but curiously no skeletons filling them. Mirela continued down the corridor until she entered a large oval-shaped room filled with coffins. The light she saw from the top of the stair had come from candelabras sitting in every corner of the room and candles hanging upon the walls. Despite the fact that someone had obviously been down here, the room was as quiet as a grave. Why would someone have locked the crypt if there were candles still lit down here?

Mirela heard chittering noises and recoiled in horror as she saw dozens of rats feasting on a corpse lying in one the jail cells. The disgusting rodents scurried away as Mirela approached, revealing a ruined half-eaten corpse. The sight was bad enough, but when the smell hit Mirela's nostrils she doubled over and vomited the meager contents of her stomach onto the stone floor. So much for her first meal in days. Mirela wished she had a stronger stomach or was made of tougher stuff like Bianca. She didn't want to approach any closer but she had to know. Mirela stepped with trepidation but then felt an overwhelming sense of relief calming her senses when she confirmed that the corpse wore men's clothing rather than a woman's. She wondered who this person had been and how they met this awful fate. The rats had chewed away the man's lips, ears, nose, and eyeballs, making it near impossible to identify him.

Mirela noticed there was another body lying face down in a nearby cell. Upon closer inspection Mirela found it was the corpse of Jeph, the guard who had been stationed at the gate. He was lying facedown in a pool of his own blood with multiple stab wounds puncturing his back. Stains and splatters on the floor made it apparent that he had been attacked outside the cell and then dragged within. Mirela hadn't seen bloodstains in any other area of the crypt so he must have been lured down here and then murdered. So much for any rescue. Mirela hadn't known Jeph well, but he seemed kind and she mourned his death. Mirela was about to leave this awful place when she heard a whimpering voice from outside the cells.

"Help me..." the voice called pathetically. Mirela spun around and tried to detect the source of the plea but found no one in the main chamber though the voice clearly originated from that direction. "Please help...." the voice pleaded again. It was an obviously female voice though it sounded quite weak.

"Who's there?" Mirela demanded. "Show yourself!"

"Mirela?" said the unknown voice. "Is that you?"

Mirela covered her mouth as she gasped. Could it really be? Mirela followed the source of the voice to the newest looking coffin set near the center of the room. The voice called Mirela's name again and Mirela realized it was coming from within the coffin. Mirela replaced the long knife back inside its holster and laid both her hands on top of the stone tomb. Mirela pushed with all her strength until the stone lid of the coffin slowly gave way till Mirela could throw it over the side of the coffin to clatter loudly against the floor.

Mirela looked inside the coffin and found Loredana lying there with her arms crossed against her chest. At some point she had changed into a tight, clinging black dress similar to what the Countess Turenau wore to dinner a couple nights before. The tight fabric had a sloping neckline that only covered the outside portion of her breasts and left the redhead's nipples precariously covered. Loredana's face was a deathly pale white and the skin around her eyes looked dark and sickly. Her eyes snapped open and her face slowly broke into a grin as she regarded her oldest sister.

"I knew you would come back for me," said Loredana with a fierce gaze. Mirela nearly shied away from the intensity of Loredana's green eyes.

"Is everything alright?" Mirela asked hesitantly. "What in God's name are you doing trapped down here inside a coffin?"

"Everything is fine," Loredana answered before yawning lazily and stretching out her arms like a feline would. "In fact, I don't think I've ever felt better."

"Hurry and come with me," Mirela urged as she tugged on Loredana's arm. Good Lord, her body is freezing, thought Mirela. "We need to find Bianca and get out of here as quick as possible."

"What's the rush?" Loredana asked with a shrug. "Why don't you come in here so I can embrace my dearest sister."

Mirela backed away from the coffin slowly and asked, "What is wrong with you, Loredana? You seem... different."

Loredana rose out of the coffin to her feet without bending her knees, almost as if she were being pulled into the air by some invisible force. The bottom of her dress flowed long and billowy and she lifted the hem up above her knees daintily as she stepped down from the coffin onto the floor. Loredana's heaving bosom threatened to spill out of the upward slash in the middle of her dress as her breasts bounced along with her every step.

"It's still me, sister," Loredana insisted. Mirela didn't believe her and she also didn't like the way Loredana looked at her. Like a predator sizing up its prey. "Am I not still beautiful?" she asked.

Loredana certainly was so, despite her haggard look. The dark around her eyes made her seem sickly but also provided her with a desperate, lustful cast. Loredana's body language and appearance exuded an even stronger sexual energy than what she'd possessed before, which was no small feat. Mirela's eyes became drawn to Loredana's cleavage rising and falling as she breathed and Mirela quickly changed the subject.

"Where have you been the last two days?" Mirela demanded. "We were worried sick over you."

Loredana shrugged and said, "I've been spending most of my time with Viscount Şarpe and the Countess Vivianna. I made love to both of them several times. They are even more insatiable than I am, if you can believe it. Knowing that I've slept with Eduard and Vivianna at the same time doesn't bother you, does it? I'm still trying to decide whether his cock or her cunt tastes better on my tongue."

"I've ceased to be shocked by the lengths you will go to to achieve your satisfaction," Mirela answered gruffly. "If you've been copulating with those two fiends I must say it explains a great deal."

"Always judging, aren't you Mirela? You need to release your inhibitions, my darling one," Loredana said with amusement. "Your chastity has gained you nothing in this life."

Loredana reached for Mirela and caressed her cheek with the back of her hand. Mirela shivered and flinched away. Her sister's hands were icy cold, as if there were no warmth remaining within her. Though Loredana looked as gorgeous as ever, if a bit haggard, Mirela felt a sudden sense of revulsion at her touch. Mirela shuffled her feet slowly backward away from her sister. Loredana stared intently at Mirela as she stalked her, gaining a step for every one Mirela took.

"Have I ever told you how delectable you look?" asked Loredana. "True, your breasts are smaller than I like. But those legs and that tight little bottom of yours... I simply can't wait to taste you. And I mean that in more ways than you can possibly understand."

"Loredana, you're scaring me," Mirela said as she continued creeping backward.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, beloved," Loredana said as she stretched her arms out and lunged at her sister. "I promise this will only hurt for a second."

Mirela reacted instantly as Loredana leaped at her with talon-like fingernails extended. Mirela pulled the stolen knife out of its holster and placed it directly in the path of her attacking sibling. But the strangest thing happened as Loredana's chest made contact with the edge of the blade. The dagger should have penetrated through the center of Loredana's chest right between her breasts. But instead the knife seemed to turn away of its own accord right before the tip could puncture Loredana's chest. The flat of the blade and Mirela's wrist pressed against Loredana's right breast which elicited a lecherous smile from the redhead. Mirela only allowed the shock of the knife's failure to affect her for a second. Though Loredana was unharmed by Mirela's defense, she hesitated with surprise for just an instant at Mirela's violent resistance. Mirela used this opportunity to strike Loredana across the face with the hilt of the dagger, which didn't seem to suffer from the nullification that the rest of the blade had.

Loredana felt at her jaw where a thin bead of blood flowed from the side of her mouth. She opened her mouth and hissed loudly at her sister. Mirela gasped and felt her heart plunge to the pit of her stomach as she saw Loredana's teeth sharpened to fine points. Loredana's eyes were filmed red with an uncontrollable lust for the sanguine delights of Mirela's blood. Mirela's lovely little Loredana had been turned into a monster.

"Your blade is of the wrong metal, sister," growled Loredana. Mirela could hear seething anger in Loredana's voice and she bared her fangs at Mirela as she spoke to her. "If you try that again I swear I will tear your soft little body apart and consume your still-beating heart."

"What have you done to my sister?" Mirela said with tears in my eyes that blurred her vision. "Where is the sweet freckled girl whom I love?"

"It's still me," Loredana replied with a sharp-toothed grin as she pulled apart the slit in her dress to expose her huge, orb-like breasts. "See? It's still my body. I haven't changed at all. Now bring that sexy arse over here and give your sister a kiss."

Mirela screamed with fear and anguish. It was already too late to save her sister. Mirela turned and fled from the crypt as she wept uncontrollably. Loredana let her go. Mirela had nowhere to hide and it was only a matter of time before they took her.

As she fled, Mirela heard Loredana yelling from behind, "You're only making this more difficult for yourself, Mirela! Join with us and let your mortal suffering be at an end!"

Mirela wiped the tears from her eyes as she fled. The only place she could think of to run to was back to her room, back to Bela. Mirela would die before she let these monsters anywhere near her youngest sister. When Mirela found her way back, she threw open the door to the room and slammed it behind her before locking it shut. The room was dark without a single candle lit. Who had snuffed out the candle Mirela left alight?

"Bela?" Mirela whispered. "Are you there?"

"Hello?" a voice answered back. "Is that you, Mellie?"

Mirela put her hand over her chest and sighed with relief. Tears flowed freely from her eyes, but these were tears of joy rather than sorrow. It was Bianca's voice that answered her. Her beautiful, precious Bianca.

"Bianca, is that really you?" Mirela asked.

"It's really me, Mellie," answered Bianca. Though she couldn't see in the dark, Mirela could hear the smile in Bianca's voice.

"Oh, Bianca," cried Mirela as she rushed to the bed. "You don't know how happy it makes me to hear your voice."

Mirela could see her sister shuffling around beneath the blanket as Bianca turned to look at her.

"I feel the same, my love," replied Bianca.

Mirela shuddered. My love. Bianca had no idea how it excited Mirela to hear Bianca refer to her that way.

"But where is Bela?" Mirela wondered. "I left her here on her own. She was lying on the bed right where you are now when I saw her last. Plus, you need to explain where you have been since last night."

"I don't know where Bela is," Bianca said. "Explaining where I've been... would just take too long right now. I came returned a little bit ago and found the door unlocked but no one inside. I thought you had all fled." Mirela heard Bianca sob. "I thought you left me forever. I've been crying in bed ever since."

"Never!" Mirela cried. "I would never leave you!"

Mirela climbed into the bed and pulled the covers over herself before snuggling close to Bianca. She was surprised to find her sister completely naked. Bianca's body felt warm, very much unlike Loredana's when she had touched Mirela. Bianca felt soft as well. Inviting.

"Sister, I'm so scared," Mirela said nervously. "I haven't even mentioned Loredana yet. But right now I just want you to hold me, just like the way we used to. Hold me and never let me go."

Bianca shushed Mirela and soon their arms were wrapped around each other's backs and they held each other close. It felt so nice to be held in such a way. Mirela felt the fear and despair leaving her as she was comforted in Bianca's arms. She also had to admit that Bianca's large naked breasts mashed against her still-clothed chest felt wondrous. Mirela ran her hands through the golden tresses of Bianca's hair as she left soft, lingering kisses on Bianca's firm shoulder.

"Bianca, I've been thinking..." Mirela said hesitantly as she curled Bianca's hair around her finger and kissed her sister on the neck. She thought she tasted something metallic on Bianca's throat but ignored it.

"If we make it out of this alive," Mirela started, "When we make it back home I want us to be together. Truly together. I'm tired of hiding the feelings I've had for you since... since you were eight and I was eleven to be totally honest. I don't suppose we can hold hands or kiss in public. But I want to share my bed with you. So when it's just the two of us alone like this..."

Mirela moved her hand down from Bianca's hair and traced her finger along Bianca's curvy side before resting her hand on Bianca's abdomen. Mirela used her fingertip to play with Bianca's cute little belly button as she whispered into Bianca's ear, "Maybe when we are alone I can be the wife and you can be the husband?" Mirela's fingernail traced over a scar on Bianca's belly. When did she get a scar there?

"Oh, Mellie!" said Bianca happily as she hugged Mirela tighter. "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words coming from your lovely mouth. I'll love you and be with you for ever and ever."

Mirela didn't mind at all that Bianca's hand had wandered from her back down to her leg. She had finally accepted her sister's love and accepted that she had never wanted anything more than she did this. Bianca slid her hand beneath the skirt of Mirela's dress and ran her palm up and down Mirela's thigh in a most pleasing fashion. Mirela felt desire coursing through her body as Bianca reached her hand up Mirela's leg and cupped her fingers around Mirela's buttock. Mirela's heart raced, her cheeks flushed, and the tingling sensation in Mirela's cunny reached a precipice where the excitement overflowed and seemed to seep out of her opening.

Mirela moaned softly and scooted in closer to her sister as Bianca squeezed and pinched her bottom. If Mirela hadn't been wearing her dress, her and Bianca's bare chests would be pressed tightly together. Just the thought of it made Mirela feel even more excited. Mirela worked her leg between Bianca's thighs and lifted it upward of until she made contact with Bianca's loins. Bianca sighed as their flesh combined and then she started grunting as her pelvis ground against Mirela's leg. Bianca's cunny felt burning hot and soaking wet on Mirela's thigh.

Mirela knew they had to get out of the castle immediately and leave before Loredana or one of the creatures like her found them. She should be worried for Bela, who had disappeared without a trace. But right now all Mirela could think about was how wonderful Bianca's naked body felt next to her and how badly Mirela desired her own sister. As their lips moved closer together, Mirela couldn't shake the sudden sense that something was terribly wrong. She felt more scars lining Bianca's skin as her hand caressed Bianca's torso and some of the wounds still seemed to be oozing blood. When their lips and tongues met, Mirela tasted blood inside of Bianca's mouth. Mirela realized that she felt wetness on Bianca's body that wasn't coming from the crevice between her sister's thighs.
