Sisters at Play


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The play started and it felt right. All of our hard work was evident by the fact that it was not evident. The crew was amazing. Everything I, or one of the other actors, did onstage was enhanced a hundred times by how well everything ran backstage. And there was a lot to work with in terms of acting talent. Everyone brought their A-game that night. Even the woman who played a business rival of mine in the play, who I'd always felt had lent a sort of unnecessary priggish quality to her character, seemed more authentic that night.

And Dana was wonderful. She absolutely stole the show. If she were anyone other than my sister, I would be a little jealous of her. But I wasn't, I just wanted her to succeed. Moreover, her performance had this sort of youthful vigor that was contagious. She gave so much to the performance that I was able to just sort of feed off this liveliness. It became part of my performance as well. Dana gave the edge that I needed to make a really powerful performance. The scene where they first kiss, in the bathroom, was potent, she could feel the oxygen go out of the room.

After that scene, the stage went dark. Dana and I ran back to our dressing rooms. I could hear the crew rearranging the set so that the party and bathroom scenery was transformed into a set showing my character's house. I moved quickly, tearing off my clothes and leaving them in a pile in the dressing room. In another moment, I was out of the stage. It was so dark that I knew none of the people in the audience could see my body. But they would soon. I felt incredibly nervous. But then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I glance over and saw my sister looking beautiful.

"Better sit down," she said and I nodded and flopped onto the couch. She climbed into my lap like she had two days before in my actual apartment. She had her legs draped over my lap and her ass pressed against my thigh. Her arms were draped around my neck and my hand was on her back. And we closed our eyes and pressed our lips together. And then the lights came on. And everyone in the audience saw two sister, naked, kissing. Bu they didn't know they saw that.

Just like before, I pulled my sister in with my hand and rubbed her leg. And the same flood of emotions poured over me. Again, I could not control myself, I had to grab my sister's tight little breast and I had to suck hard on her tongue. I moaned when I heard her gasping for air and all of this was made more intense because people were watching us. People were uncomfortable enough, seeing two women naked and making love on stage, but if they knew that we were sister, it would be a thousand times worse. And that, for some reason, turned me on, pushed me harder and harder into the role. My sister's hands moved over my body, touching my breasts and my face. The entire theater filled with our sexual tension. Finally, our kiss broke. And... I said my line. It was perfect. You could feel the energy in the room, but Dana and I continued to work through the scene professionally, speaking casually to one another in the nude.

Finally, the scene ended. The lights went out on the stage. Dana and I were still nude on the sofa. She leaned forward and kissed me gently on the cheek, "We are really doing it!" she whispered.

"We haven't done anything yet," I explained. Still feeling the kiss on my cheek. But I didn't have time to think. We rushed off the stage and got dressed for our next scenes. After another scene, the first Act ended. The second, and final, Act was going to be much more intense, both in the acting requirements of the performance, and the sexual actions.

Because we were between Acts, the curtain was down and the lights were on. The first scene of Act two would open in my character's bedroom. I was standing near the bed, wearing nothing but a robe. Dana was standing across from me, wearing the same thing. Pete was standing next to me talking.

"We are looking good out there, don't you think?" he asked and I just nodded, "You and Dana were... wow...that was hot." He said. He was clearly very excited and I think that the play was really coming out the way he'd seen it in his mind. He looked at his watch.

"Come on guys," he whispered loudly to the crew, "We want to get the curtain up in five." The crew swore at Pete but moved a little faster. The bed was in the middle of the stage now. In a few minutes they were done. I took off my robe, handed it to Pete, and then climbed up onto the bed. The mattress was a big California King number. It was covered in big pillows and billowy comforters. There was a spot in the middle of the bed, obscured from the audience by all of the blankets, where a large foam cone was placed. It was underneath the sheets and looked like a big white bump. I slid into the middle of the bed, sitting so that the foam lump was between my legs.

Dana took off her robe as well and climbed up onto the bed. I watched the way her muscles tensed and her body twisted as she worked her way through the thick blankets. She was grinning and her happiness was contagious. Finally she reached the middle of the bed as well. She moved so that the foam bump was between her legs as well, facing me. I felt her hot skin as she draped on leg over mine. I lifted my other leg and let her slide her's underneath of it. Now our legs were sort of draped over one another, our vaginas pushed up against the cone. We were sort of simulating a scissoring position. We scooted in closer, getting comfortable.

I moved one of my hands so that it was on my sister's thigh and then reached across my body and grabbed her hand. We held each other's arms tightly, pulling each other into the foam. I could feel her body pressing against my bare pussy through the foam. She had a wicked look on her face and I knew that it was because the curtain was about to rise. But I liked the way it looked. Finally Pete and the crew moved of the stage. The curtain started to rise.

"OHH!!" Dana moaned loudly. We began to writhe on the bed, pushing our pussies together (or as close together as they would go). The curtain was all the way up. The audience was watching us, throwing our heads back, moaning. I felt my nipples hardening and my pussy felt wet. I could feel my juices soaking into the sheets. But I didn't care. I kept my eyes on my sister. I was watching the way she moved at her waist, twisting and gyrating fluidly. Her breasts moved. And Oh God, her voice. She was screaming in a sexy, staccato fashion. She was chanting my character's name. I followed her lead, grinding and moaning and loving every minute.

And I adored the resistance that the foam gave me. I liked that I could feel my sister's body through the foam. Each thrusting of her hip, each grind, worked through the foam. The soft silk sheets pressed against my clit, sliding up and down. Each movement she made caused a chill to run up and down my spine. I bit my lip to keep from screaming in a fashion too unreserved for my character.

"Oh fuck me!" My sister yelled and I moved my hand from her thigh and grabbed my own breast, squeezing it and pinching my nipples. We started to rock our hips faster, pushing harder. Dana's hair was in her face and she was playing with her own breasts. I heard a growl escape form my throat. Soon we weren't even thrashing in a rhythm, we were just making wild, animal motions. And then... we both pretended to cum at the same time. My face almost fell as the "orgasm" subsided. Just pretending.

I think that I was probably actually pretty close to cumming, but I knew that I had to stop. I looked over at Dana, she was already slowing down, preparing to perform. I suddenly remembered where I was, and what I was doing. I said my next line. Dana said her next line and then we stood up from the bed, walking around casually. Naked, but no longer sexual.

The play kept going and my thoughts became professional once again. If anything, we became sharper in the second act. We found the right pace for everything. There were no mistakes. I could feel the perfection in my performance and I knew that Dana was bringing it out of me. I hoped that some of her strong work was the result of my influence, but I wasn't worried about it. Things were going too well.

Finally, the play started to build towards the end. We did one scene and then another. The second to last scene was the dramatic climax of the play. Two very important elements in the play came together and sort of explode. I played it calmly, but passionately. I was trying to show an intense reserve. I could tell by the way the audience sat forward in their seats, their hands over their mouths that it was working. When Dana spat out the final lines of the scenes the audience gasped, and they were supposed to. Then the stage went black.

Finally, we had arrived at the final scene. The final sexual action of the play. The last scene once again took place in my character's bedroom. The stage was still dark as I disrobed and the crew quietly moved the bed back into place. This time the foam was not in the center of the bed.

The final scene wasn't really a scene at all, it was more of an aside. I would give a monologue regarding my character's business dealings. However, the entire scene would be highly sexualized. It was just a sort of exclamation point on Pete's story. Even after getting through everything else, I was still a little bit nervous about this scene.

The crew moved off the stage and I climbed onto the bed. I sat with my back against the headboard and spread my legs wide. There weren't blankets or pillows anymore, if the lights had been on, everyone would see my bare pussy. But then Dana walked back out on the stage. She was naked again and she climbed onto the bed as well. She got on her hands and knees and crawled between my legs.

Her face looked nervous but innocent. Her eye lashes were so long and her face looked so pale in the low light. She looked up at me once and gave a little smile. I winked back at her, not knowing what else to do. I breathed heavily. I knew my pussy was already wet, or perhaps still wet from before. I wondered what she smelled as she carefully lowered her head between my legs. Her ass was up in the air, facing the crowd. She moved so that her nose was only an inch away from my clitoris, just barely hovering over it. But no closer. I could feel the heat of her breath against my wet pussy and my clitoris ached when her breath pressed her pressure into it. My eyes rolled back in my head, my nipples responded to her. But then the lights came on. I moaned theatrically, throwing my head back.

I moaned for a while, just letting the crowd watch as my little sister's head bobbed a little, while she pretended to eat my pussy. Then I looked at the crowd with a devilish look on my face. I started giving my monologue. Dana continued to pretend to eat my pussy, her ass wiggling bare to the crowd. Everyone could see my little sister's asshole. I wondered what my father would think.

Then, I started to speak faster, as my monologue got more aggressive. Following the actions that Pete had laid out exhaustively in rehearsal I put my head down between my legs and pressed my fingers against Dana's forehead. I shoved her once hard. She grunted and then flopped all the way over, onto her bed, like I was a superhero. Her breasts slide up towards here face as she landed on her back and then jiggled on her chest. I kept talking.

Then, after a few more words I leaned forward on my hands and knees and started to crawl forward. My sister was still lying on her back on the bed, but it was important that I ignore her. I stared out into the crowd and delivered my lines. But I crawled over top of my sister. My knee landed on her thigh, my hand on her breast. But I crawled over her slowly. I felt her body slid underneath of mine and could feel her breath on my tits, my stomach, and my pussy. Finally, I got to the edge of the bed, moving through her long beautiful hair. I kept talking.

My sister, now behind me, rolled over onto her stomach. She waited a moment (as per our rehearsed choreography) and then she popped up on her knees behind me. I kept talking, ignoring her. She grabbed my ass cheeks now, her fingers sinking into my flesh. Then she spread them wide. And still I kept belting out my lines, ostensibly ignoring her.

She then dipped her face between my ass cheeks. Only I could tell that she stopped just an inch before my little pink anus. She bobbed her head just like she had before, pretending she was eating my asshole. But I kept ignoring her. Using all my will, because I could feel her hair draped over my ass cheeks and her air against my little hole. Part of me wanted to push my ass back, to actually feel her lips on my anus. But I kept saying my lines.

Finally, I lifted one foot and placed it against Dana's stomach. I said my very last line and then I kicked her back, so that she flopped down onto the bed. And then, the curtain closed. The play was finished. It was out of my hands now. I felt that I had done everything I could. I'd helped myself, I'd helped my sister, I'd fought my own confusing thoughts. But I had acted as well as I had ever done before. I waited to see if the world agree. I closed my eyes when I heard the applause, fighting back tears. It was almost like an orgasm. Absolutely perfect.

Chapter 4: Curtain Call

Later, much later, after I'd slipped on my robe and bowed with the rest of the cast to the audience; after I'd accepted roses from Pete; after I'd kissed Dana on stage and bowed with just her; after I'd gone back stage and spoke excitedly with the cast and crew; after I went out to dinner with the whole crew and celebrated; after I went out with Dana and the rest of the cast for drinks; and after I'd caught a cab with my sister, I stumbled, a little bit drunk, into my apartment. I felt absolutely ecstatic. Every instinct I'd had about my performance had been confirmed by everyone else in the cast and crew. They all thought it was perfect. That Dana and I had nailed it. And all of the tension that I'd felt during the weeks of rehearsal had slipped from me. I was calm and happy.

Dana stumbled into the apartment after me and I giggled when she bumped into me. She was almost as happy as I was. She hadn't stopped smiling all night and had debriefed everyone about the performance, asking what she did well and what she could do better. I was so proud of her. And now we were both exhausted and content as we walked into the living room.

So many weeks of rehearsal and we no longer ever thought about what to do when we got into the living room. We instantly disrobed without even thinking and in a few minutes we were both sitting on the couch, naked. Giggling, drunk, and talking through how well the performance had gone. I saw a light out of the corner of my eyes and saw my phone light up.

"Oh I have two missed calls," I said looking at it, "Two voicemails from Pete and my agent! They must've thought of some new things they wanted to say about how beautiful and talented we are" Dana laughed and I put the phone on speaker and pushed to play. Pete's message came up first and his slightly slurred speech filled my living room.

"Hey, Eliza. Just wanted to say that tonight's performance was...Awesome. You really kicked ass. One of my buddies runs an off-Broadway review blog and he said that he is writing a love note. I just couldn't be happier. It turned out better than I expected. Okay, see you at work."

"Can't beat that," Dana said, smiling. Then my manager's voicemail started.

"Eliza, its Cal. Hey, I was in the audience tonight for you and I want you to know, it was really great. I mean, there was a buzz with the press and everything afterwards. I am hearing that everybody is going to be giving you rave reviews. I mean the kind of reviews that will open up doors to bigger and better things. I wasn't sold when you told me about this little plan to go off-Broadway. But I can admit when you are right and I am wrong. Oh, and since I was the bigger man there and admitted you are a genius, don't get all crazy actress-chick on me when I ask you this next thing: your co-star, I think he name was Dana Watling, who is her representation? She was fucking fantastic too. She looking for someone a little higher profile? Do me a favor and ask her to give me a call. Okay, I gotta run. Congrats again on the show."

"Uh, actually, I'd say that was the voicemail to beat," I said turning to my sister. Her eyes were wide and her hand was over her mouth.

"Oh my God Eliza, critics like our play! And someone wants to represent me," she said. I was thinking about my own success, I wondered what sorts of bigger and better things were on the horizon. But I was proud of my sister too. I leaned forward and hugged her. It was a sister hug and I felt tears running down her cheeks and landing on my shoulder. I barely noticed that our bare breasts were pressed together.

"Thank you so much Eliza," Dana said, sounding a bit choked up, "I couldn't have done this without you."

"Hey, what are sister's for if not to do all kinds of weird things on stage with," I said and we both laughed. But Dana was shaking her head.

"Not just that, I mean your whole performance. You made me look like a better actress," she explained and I felt really touched. I smiled rubbed Dana's arm.

"You brought out a great performance in me also, I think Pete was right, we had good chemistry," I said.

"You really are a great actress Eliza. I mean there were times when... never mind," she said. She was blushing all of the sudden and was looking down at her feet.

"No, what is it?" I asked. She looked very nervous for some reason.

"Well..." she said, staring at her hands while her fingers twisted together, "Well, there were just times when we would rehearse or something you know, and you would just perform so well that...I wasn't just acting, I could like feel the emotions that we were trying to create." My slightly drunk mind couldn't quite figure out what she was trying to say.

"I don't understand..." I said.

"Oh God Eliza, fine I will just come out and say it. Your passion sometimes made me feel aroused. Sometimes it felt like I wasn't acting, it was like you really wanted me and I wanted you. So I just wanted to say you are a great actress because you made me feel that way," she said all in a single breath. I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. Everything I'd felt, all my confusion and insecurity, my sister had felt them too. The realization was almost too much for me. The day had been too jammed with important things. What did anything about today mean?

"Oh Dana," I said suddenly feeling a rush of sympathy and understanding for my little sister. But she misread my comment.

"I know, I shouldn't have said anything. I feel like a pervert," she scrambled, "It was really just supposed to be a compliment about your acting. I don't really think that you are attracted to me and I don't...I don't think I am really attracted to you." And that one little work 'think' set off something in my brain. My sister was saying more than she intended.

I stared at her now. I looked at her bright pink lips, quivering slightly; I looked at her hair draped messily over her shoulders, covering her breast; I looked at her nipples and perky little breasts; I looked at her flat stomach and long legs; and I looked between her legs and saw the tight red slit between it. I realized that I hadn't just been acting, I'd been feeling something for her and I needed to stop lying to myself. What was more; this beautiful creature felt the same way about me. Part of me called out a warning, said that meant I needed to get dressed and go to my room immediately, and quit the production. That I was too close to something terrible and unforgivable. Then my sister spoke, in her sweet little voice, apparently uncomfortable by my long silence.