Sisters at Play


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"You are cute!" I said honestly and she laughed, shading redder.

"I wish they were bigger like yours," she said shyly.

"You're only 22, they will get a little bigger. And small boobs stay perkier longer. Those things are defying gravity," I gushed. I sounded like I was just trying to make her comfortable, but I meant every word. I marveled at the sleek beauty of her body. I wondered what her delicate body would feel like in my hands, what her nipples would feel like in my mouth. Why was I thinking this!? I tried to control myself, but I allowed myself to believe that I was just trying to think in character, to come to terms with the fact that I was going to PRETEND to be aroused by Dana, not that I was actually aroused by her.

Finally, turned her head to the side, letting her long straight hair cascade over her shoulder. She was looking at the window, making sure no one could see her. I wanted to remind her that a whole theater would be seeing her soon, but I couldn't talk anymore, I didn't know what to say that wouldn't sound...wrong. So I waited and then she quickly bent over and pulled off her panties. My eyes instantly moved down between her legs. Her thin thighs were pressed together, but I could still make out the top of her dark red pussy. Her clit was a tiny little nub at the top, barely visible. She had no public hair, it looked like she'd gotten electrolysis or something. There was my little sister, standing naked and beautiful in front of me.

For a moment she just stood in front of me, then she started to walk towards the couch. She moved with a kind of embarrassed elegance, an awkward sensuality that I found incredibly enticing. I watched all of the muscles in her body move as she walked and then sat down on the couch next to me. I could feel the heat from her body and I could smell her perfume and her sweat. She was still breathing heavily and I watched as she breasts rose and fell on top of her ribs.

Now I reached my hand forward, pressing it into the soft skin of her belly. Her skin felt cool and smooth and my fingers sank into her flesh. I could feel the blood pulsing and the organs process as my hand sat on her belly. Then I slowly slid my hand up. My fingers touched her sternum and then moved up farther, in the valley between her small breasts. The sides of my hand gently grazed the silky, supple skin of her breasts. I felt excitement run through my body but my hand kept moving, over her chest and then coming to rest, my fingers pressed against her throat. I could feel her pulse pounding and I looked into her piercing eyes and didn't even know if I could think anymore. I looked at her thick, pink lips and wanted to press my mouth against hers.

"Woah, I can't believe we did this," Dana said and then she sort of laughed, "Good thing we did, I don't think I could have done this in front of people right now, this would take some getting used to." And then the spell was broken. Some of the strange feelings I had subsided, somewhat. We were talking about acting again. Yes, that was the reason for this. For all of this. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I think we did a good job, and it will get more comfortable with time," I said knowingly.

"You are so good at this stuff," Dana said, "Thank you for teaching me how to be a professional actress." She said. Then, somewhat impulsively I think, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me. It was a pretty basic, sisterly hug. Just our bodies pressed together, her cheek against mine. She held me close. It was only made something more because we were naked. I felt her breast press against mine, I wondered if she could feel my hard nipples in her skin. I could feel hers. I could smell the delicate and feminine smells of her body. I could sense the sexual energy inside of her. I could feel the direct heat of her body, it made me light-headed. And when she pulled away, our hot, wet skin stuck together, pulling apart only with a slight pinching feeling. I looked at her and I realized that whatever I was feeling, she was not. She was just acting and her hug had just been a heart-felt expression of her thanks. I told myself I was doing the same thing, and willed myself to ignore the voice in my head that said that my excitement was real. She smiled at me like a sister as I stifled my confusion.

"I am starving," she said suddenly, and got up and walked to the kitchen. My eyes followed her, my attention focused on her tight little ass as she walked around. Just acting, I lied to myself, just acting.

* * * * *

The next few weeks of rehearsals was an exhausting but exciting blur. At the theater, we slowly and painstakingly began to finalize our performance. Little touches were added and Pete really hit his stride. It was actually very gratifying to see the inexperienced cast and crew come together and gel. After three weeks we no longer looked like amateurs, after four we sharp, at the start of the fifth week we were our characters. I am always amazed at the transformation that occurs during a play, but it felt more pronounced now. And my sister was the most impressive person in the entire production. Everyone who saw her knew that she was destined for bigger things. I was proud (and a bit jealous) when I realized that by the time she was 32, she would be wondering about where to buy a second house rather than whether to press the re-start button on her career.

There was, however, one segment of the play that was still difficult as the waning hours of rehearsal neared. It was, of course, the sex scenes. Pete had begun to choreograph them early on, but we were just starting to really get the movements down on stage. We did not rehearse nude, Pete said that he wanted the first performances to have some raw, un-scripted sexual energy to them. I was a bit relieved by that, but still, the sex scenes were intense. I would have felt uncomfortable doing them within anyone, let alone my little sister. When we kissed or touched, there was still a little bit of the awkwardness that had occurred earlier during the production. Pete seemed to understand, but kept pushing us to get better. And we were getting better, we just weren't there yet.

The one thing that seemed to keep us going in the right direction was Dana staying at my home. We hadn't told anyone about our arrangements. We left my apartment and I took a cab while Dana took the subway. We went home the same way. And when we were in the house, we were naked. I mean the instant the door closed behind us, the clothes came off. It had been strange the first few days, but the more we did it, the more comfortable I felt. I know that the only reason I was able to perform at all was because of this regimen.

Even though we'd been doing it for weeks, I still couldn't get over how beautiful I found my sister's body. Her legs were so slim and toned, her hips so perfectly proportioned with her breasts, and when her mouth smiled it felt like her whole body smiled with it. Beyond that, I liked the way that it felt when her eyes scanned my body. I wondered if she thought I looked attractive. Sometimes these thoughts made me feel confused, but they began to feel more natural as time went on. And when I saw how increased comfort with sexuality around my sister improved my performance at work, I completely convinced myself that what was happening was no more scandalous than losing weight for a role or dying my hair.

But sometimes my body would tell me, in no uncertain terms, that there was something deeper involved. I remember a couple of incidents distinctly. I remember one night watching a movie on my couch with Dana before bed. She was a little tired and, while we were naked, she leaned over and put her head in my lap. She explained that she was trying to enact the kind of non-ostentatious physical contact that couples often develop over time. But all I could think was the way her hot breath felt against my leg, the way her cheek brushed my thigh, and the way her hair tickled me between my legs. I struggled to keep my body from trembling as I felt her weight and easy affection on my body. I didn't pay attention to the movie; all I could think of was her. I even stroked her hair gently and put my hand on her bare shoulder. I focused intently on the television without seeing it, ignoring the growing wetness between my legs.

Another time I walked into the living room while she was still asleep. She had always thrashed around a lot in her sleep and it seemed that hadn't changed when she grew up. Her head was still on her pillow but it looked like she'd been rolling in her sleep. Her hair was disheveled in a way that made it look like she'd just had sex. Her legs were spread wide open and her pussy looked red and aroused. In the cold of my living room, her nipples were hard and her breasts stood out prominently on her slender chest. For a few moments I couldn't move. All I could do was stand in the room and stare at her, not even breathing. My mind was not working; I was just consuming her body with my eyes. Finally, she stirred slightly and knocked me, confused and aroused, out of my reverie.

Still another time the power had gone out in my apartment. Usually, my alarm would wake me up, I'd get a shower and then wake Dana up. However, that morning my alarm did not go off. When I awoke, we only had an hour to get ready and get to rehearsal. I quickly ran into the living room to tell Dana to wake up and explain the situation. We were both frantically getting ready, but then we realized that we both needed showers and there was not enough time. Dana suggested that it would save time and also be beneficial to our efforts and sexual comfort if we showered together. She said it so professionally that it made sense. But once we were in the shower together, our nudity somehow became even more intimate. I was enthralled by the way the water cascaded off of her skin and how the soap bubbles looked when they pooled on her breasts or between her legs. I could barely shower, my eyes over her. My hands trembled when she asked me to clean her back. I was thankful that my apartment had a terrible water heater, because touching her and watching the way she moved in the water made me so incredibly hot. I told myself our acting lessons were going really well, even as my legs felt weak as I toweled off.

These events, and many others, swirled in my mind each time I saw my sister. In the long run, as time went by, I stopped analyzing them. I didn't want to think about whether or not I was acting. I just told myself that I was not actually hot for my sister and shut myself down. It was clear that my sister was just following my lead and that I had to stop reading too much into our interactions. I was so successful in this effort that two days before our first preview performance I actually concocted a strange plan and actually convinced myself, at first, that I was just putting the finishing touches on my preparation for performance.

"Hey Dana, I was thinking of an exercise to do tonight, just one last thing before we actually perform," I said. I was sitting on my couch, naked as usual, drinking a diet coke. Dana was in the kitchen doorway tearing off bits of a banana and popping them into her mouth. My mouth followed her lips and tongue as they maneuvered the pasty fruit to her perfect white teeth.

"What did you have in mind?" She asked, moving into the living room and sitting next to me on the couch. She sort of sprawled out languidly and comfortably and I gazed over her body for a moment before I spoke any further.

"Well, I know what Pete said about wanting the preview performance to be our first nude rehearsal together," I said and Dana covered her mouth and laughed.

"Yeah, I bet he doesn't know about this," she said brushing her hand across her nude body. I smiled back.

"Well yeah, there is this," I said, trying to sound reasonable, "But I mean beyond just being together, I don't know, I think that it might be helpful to actually go through the motions once." I felt my cheeks getting a little red and that just sort of confirmed the need for this exercise. I no longer blushed when I saw Dana naked, but I might blush when simulating sex. I didn't think that would be conducive to a quality performance. Dana tilted her head to the side and her hair cascaded across ones of her breasts. Only her nipple poked out of the thick, shiny blonde hair.

"Well..." She started.

"Unless you wouldn't be comfortable," I said, perhaps too quickly. Part of me wanted her to just say "no" to the request. But she shook her head vehemently, her breasts bouncing slightly.

"No, I just wondered where you wanted to start," she explained. I felt more nervous now, my pulse quickened and my breathing grew a bit shallower. There were three scenes of various sexual intensity in the play. I thought maybe it would be best to ease into it.

"I was thinking that we'd just start with the nude kissing scene," I explained. A scene after Dana's character met my character, we were already having sex. The scene was consisted of Dana and I on the couch, nude, and kissing passionately. So it wasn't really even a sex scene. Eventually, we stopped and talked. We'd already done the kiss before (and it was quite intense) and, of course, the lines. But nude would be a game changer. It wasn't sex yet, but it was pretty damn close.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Dana asked as we carefully got outside into position with Dana throwing her long legs over my lap, scooting in so that her butt was against my thighs.

"What do you mean?" I asked, for a second I thought she was questioning the whole premise. Part of me wanted to yell out that of course this was a bad idea. But I waited.

"I mean Pete didn't want us to," she said, taking my hand and carefully moving it so that it was around her waist, resting on the small of her back. And whatever thought I had of stopping was gone. Her body felt electric against my palms. We'd grown much more comfortable talking and touching naked, but I knew this was going to be more. And I was so curious to know what it felt like.

"What Pete doesn't know, won't hurt him," I said and Dana smiled her charming little smile.

"Well lover," she said playfully, "break a leg."

"And Go," I said and we both imagined that we were on the set and the lights were coming back on. With my hand on the small of her back, I pulled her closer, making her bend a bit at the waist. I leaned forward now as well. I felt my sister arms drape over my shoulders and could feel her fingers intertwine behind my neck. She closed her eyes and for a moment I kept mine open. I watched her relaxed, lithe body as it glided towards me and felt that same, youthful sexual energy pouring out of her body. I had to respond. I closed my eyes as well.

In a moment our lips were touching. Her kisses were more familiar now, I knew something of what to expect. But that didn't change how wonderful it felt to kiss Dana. I could kiss her a thousand time and never tire of the way her tongue pressed against my lips, the way her skin smelled, or the way her teeth nibbled on my lower lip. I moaned into her mouth as she dug her tongue deep into my mouth. She responded, squeezing her tongue tighter around my neck.

Naked, with no barrier between us, my body responded more forcefully than it ever had before. My hand moved up and down Dana's back, pushing into her taut flesh. My free hand moved up to her hip and I rubbed it gently as well. When I did this, my arm brushed against my sister's breast. I felt a chill run through her body and she moaned. As she moaned, her mouth opened slightly. I found her tongue with my lips and began to suck on it, pulling it into my mouth and sucking her sweet saliva off of it. I felt her arms trembling on my shoulders and her nails dug into my neck.

That sharp little pain in my neck (for what else is a little sister), triggered something deeper inside of me. Suddenly all thoughts of the play and who it was that was cradled in my arms was moot. Something uncontrollably sexual took over my thoughts and actions. I sucked on Dana's tongue harder and pulled her back into me harder. I felt her ass push up against my thigh hard and heard her squeal a bit. I nibbled slightly on her tongue and then, without any apparent thought, my hand moved from her thigh and quickly grasped her bare breast. Dana's body trembled and she moaned again, a strange sound with her tongue in my mouth. I felt her soft skin and squeezed the delicate, tight flesh of her breast. I felt her hard nipple pressing into the palm of my hand. I moved my hand back, took that little nipple between my thumb and forefinger and squeezed it gently, but tightly.

"Holy fuck!" Dana screamed into my mouth, making my own nipples harden. I felt her fingers unclasp behind my neck and one of her hands moved over my shoulder slowly. Then her palm was pressing hard against my breast. Her fingers felt hot and hard as they sunk into my flesh. I groaned and let my sister's tongue slide out of my mouth as my nipple crushed under my sister's palm.

"Fuck Dana!" I said hotly under my breath. I don't think that she heard me, but it woke something up. My conscience I guess. I immediately broke off the kiss, leaned back. I'd said my sister's name. Not her character's name. Dana's eyes opened, a bit confused. Her hand was still pressed against my breast. She noticed and pulled her hand back like it had been burned.

"Wow that was really good," she said and for a moment I thought she was praising the kiss, "I mean we really nailed the kiss, why did you stop before saying your line?" I felt flustered all the sudden, I desperately wanted to cover my nakedness, I felt too exposed. I slowly eased my sister's legs out of my lap.

"No, it was very good," I said, ignoring her second question, "But it just sort of convinced me that Pete is right. We need to save it for the show." I explained. Dana furrowed her brow and looked concerned.

"Are you sure?" she asked, then noticed the way I was sort of fidgeting, "Are you okay?"

"No," I said, "I mean, No, I am okay," I responded, knowing that I was speaking gibberish.

"Okay," Dana said, still uneasy.

"No, we are just so close to the date, I get a little nervous. I don't want to lose what we have got, I want this to be a success," I said.

"Oh so do I," Dana said passionately, "I think I understand." And it seemed that she was thinking professionally again, allowing me to slink into my room, and ignore my own very unprofessional thoughts.

Chapter 3: Performance

Two days later I was standing just off stage in the theater waiting for the curtain to rise. I was in costume, the set was up. I knew that there were a dozen or so members of the press in the audience, as well as other people that Pete invited to the show. This was our first preview performance. It was not open to the public, but it was important because it would dictate what sort of reviews the show would get before opening night. And, from this actor's perspective, there was really no difference between a preview and the actual opening night. I knew that some of the reporters were old-fashioned newspaper reporters, though most were bloggers. It was important that all of them think that my performance was a turning point in my career, they needed to buy me as high powered leading lady that took chances.

But the butterflies in my stomach weren't about that. I looked back over my shoulder and saw Dana sitting on a box behind stage, talking casually to a member of the crew. I knew she was nervous, but she looked beautiful. She saw me looking at her and she smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. And then the curtain started to rise and I prepared to walk out on stage. A stage where I would soon be simulating sex with my sister in front of about a hundred people. And no one would even know what they were looking at.