Redemption's Kiss


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In fact, our tongues together in my mouth seemed to be just the most obvious place where our bodies had fused together. But in nearly every way we were connected. I could feel my toes pressing against hers, our thighs rubbed together and our hips were locked as one. I could feel her bellybutton ring pressing into my stomach. Our breasts were pushed tightly together and I could my nipples, growing hard from the intensity of the sensation, rubbing against hers. The sensation from that grew more and more intense the longer that we kissed.

For a long while, I was simply too overcome by the force, the enormity, of what I was feeling to do anything but simply fall into it and accept it. I felt my body tightening against Beth's, making every gap between our bodies shrink as my arms wrapped more tightly around her neck and her arms pulled me tighter. I felt my breasts ache and my body tremble as I felt the friction of Beth's hard nipples against my own. The smell of Beth's body and the taste of her saliva overwhelmed my senses. And upholding the whole edifice of my pleasure was Beth's lovely, warm tongue as it continued to gently, but forcefully, lap inside of my mouth, tasting me and sometimes nearly lovingly choking me with its insistence. Our heads rocked side to side, both of us trying to gain a better angle so that we could feel more of the incredible sensation. The room was filled with the slurping sounds of our tongues and the high pitched gasps of our moans.

I could have stayed that way forever. I would have happily wasted away from thirst or hunger to simply continue feeling the beauty of that kiss. In many ways it was like my first kiss, that electrical feeling that people remember wistfully for the rest of their lives. I had no experience within which to compare it. But, as suddenly as she had started, I suddenly felt Beth's tongue slip from my mouth, pulling between my teeth and lips. I felt her face pull away from mine and my eyes fluttered open. I could see Beth's beautiful face smiling beatifically at me. Her lips, like mine, glistened with saliva. I felt her begin to pull back slightly. For a moment, I tried to hold her close to me, to feel her heart beat against my chest for a moment longer.

But then, as her body began to move away from mine and the taste of tongue began to cool in my mouth, it felt a little bit like a spell had been broken. Not entirely, of course, I was still feeling the after-effects of Beth's overwhelming sexual energy. My knees felt weak and I was nearly panting, like I had not breathed in a long while. My nipples were straining against my dress and I could tell there was a certain slickness between my legs that was impossible to fake. I looked at her a bit in wonder as she pulled away from me. But the sensation was already fading and the question foremost in my mind was not "what did she do to me," but instead? "how did she do it?"

I dropped my hands (which were still sort of up in the air awkwardly) down to my sides. As they fell against my hips, I felt the short sleeves of my dress slip down slightly on my shoulders. I looked down at my dress and saw that it looked baggy and strange. It was only then that I realized that, while we had kissed, Beth had used her hands to unzip me. The long zipper was undone, all the way down to the top of my ass. I had been completely absorbed by the feel of Beth's body, but apparently she had the wherewithal to keep up with the act.

For a moment, I shook my head a bit, trying to control myself. The sensation of Beth's kiss faded deeper into the past and I remembered who I was and what I was doing. I decided to get back to business and earn my money. I looked back at Beth in her streetwalker clothes and I regretted not untying the knot that held her halter-top together in the back. There was no time to worry about that now. I reached my right hand up to my left shoulder and seductively rolled my sleeve down below my elbow, slipping my hand out of it. Without skipping a beat that freed left hand reached to my right should and I repeated my action. The top of my dress now flopped forward off of me, exposing my breasts to the warm air of the living room.

I never, ever wore a bra when I was on a job. I considered it a point of pride that my breasts, despite their above-average size and my advancing age (for a callgirl), sat up high on my chest. They were two of my favorite features, the kind of thing that kept customers coming back. I looked down at them now and saw the milky white, sloping curved tops ramping up to my large, pink areola and long nipples. I knew that the underside of my breast was a perfectly round shape and that each breast had a perfect teardrop silhouette. Women paid a lot of money to get fake breasts that looked exactly like mine.

The dress was so loose now from being unzipped that it sort of slipped off my wide hips and down around my knees. I took a step and just walked right out of the dress. Now I was wearing nothing but my panties. I had worn ones that Daniel had once bought me as a gift, a pair of tight black bikini cuts with frilly white lace (I knew he liked them). Beth looked at me hungrily and bit her lower lip. She reached out her index finger and hooked it towards her in the universal symbol of "get over here now."

I had sufficiently mastered my emotions that I knew what I was doing again, and what I was trying to do. I started to strut across the room towards Beth. I pretended like I wasn't' thinking of Daniel (though I really hadn't been while we were kissing). I essentially marched, my feet landing forcefully on the floor, causing my breasts to jiggle proudly when I walked. Beth kept her eyes on me as I moved closer to her. I could see the glistening skin on her lips now and I felt my heart ratchet up a few beats per minute. I knew that if I kissed her again, I might slip back into whatever trance I had been in, so I resolved not to do that. I needed to keep the show going.

I marched the remaining distance between us, stopping when I was just three feet or so from Beth. Her hands were on her hips and her head was tilted to the side. Her long, messy blonde hair hung down over her shoulder and covered the top of one of her breasts. I admitted to myself then that there were definitely worse people that I could have been forced to do this with. She might have seemed like a non-entity at first, but she was beautiful and she clearly had some sort of sexual gift. This kiss alone had shown that.

Beth closed her eyes and it was clear she believed I was going in for another kiss. I desperately wanted to do something, anything else. I let my eyes wander over Beth's body, taking in her curves and the smooth softness of her skin. After a brief moment I smiled to myself and realized I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

I took another half step forward and started to bend forward. If Beth's eyes had been open she definitely would have believed I was going in for a kiss. But, at the last moment, I dropped my head farther, tilting it towards the side. I had notice, in allowing my eyes to flit over Beth's taut breasts, that her shirt (if it could really be called that) was incredibly short and incredibly tight. I could still see her nipples poking through the sheer fabric and it was clear that she wasn't wearing a bra. Like me (and most 18-year-olds I suppose), Beth's tits defied gravity. They sat up high and perky on her chest, her nipples pointing slightly upward and slightly outward. I knew that they were holding her shirt up. I also knew that the shirt was far too short to actually wrap all the way under her breasts (she'd been out in the cold in this?). As I dropped my head down, I saw exactly what I had expected to see; the soft round curves of the undersides of Beth's breasts. Her shirt just sort of wrapped around the front of her breasts, the underside was exposed.

Now that my guess was confirmed, I jumped into action. I leaned forward slightly, opened my mouth, and raised my head. My left hand quickly found its way around Beth's back, my fingers tickling at her bare spine below the bottom hem of her shirt. At the same instant, my open mouth pressed firmly against the delicious curve on the underside of Beth's right breast. I felt heat of her body and could once again smell her alluring fragrance. My nose sank into her soft flesh and her breast sort of dropped into my mouth. My tongue moved around the bare flesh and I could feel the velvety sensation of her skin and taste her salty-sweet flavor. At that same instant, my right hand had raised up and come down gently onto Beth's left breast. My hand wrapped around the fabric of her thin shirt but I could feel the satisfying, surprising weight of her natural breasts against my fingers and I could feel her hardened nipple pressing into my palm.

Beth let out a surprised groan and I looked up, trying to see around Beth's ample breasts. I felt her body bend slightly and knew she was looking down at me. I smiled at the fact that I had apparently gotten the jump on her and I decided to keep going. I began to suck in gently, pulling more and more of Beth's breast into my mouth. Her skin felt hot and I could feel the blood pumping rapidly beneath it. She felt so smooth under my tongue. I began to move my lips around on the underside of her breast, trying to taste more and more of her salty skin. Meanwhile, my right hand stayed close on Beth's breast and I began to knead it just slightly, letting my fingers dance across her. At the same time, I rotated my palm ever so slightly, not applying too much pressure. The very tip of Beth's nipple circled on my palm, giving her just the barest hint of contact. I could feel Beth's body squirming slightly and she let out a slight moan.

If there was any doubt about Beth's enjoyment of my actions, she quickly dispelled them. I still had my eyes open and I could see and feel Beth's hands begin to move. I kept my mouth and my hands on Beth's body and I continued to breathe in her delectable smell, but I paid attention to what she was doing. Beth reached behind her back and briefly fiddled with something a little below her shoulder blades. She sighed slightly both in pleasure and frustration and fiddled a little longer. Finally she moaned slightly in satisfaction. I felt the fabric of her shirt (really just a long strip of material) fall loosely against my face and hand. Beth didn't hesitate for a moment. Soon her hands were back out in front of her body and she pulled on the fabric. I felt it slide across my face and out from under my hand. I could feel it rubbing against Beth's left nipple as pulled it away. Finally, she tossed it to the side on the floor. Beth was now topless.

Beth's breasts were exquisite. There is really no other word to describe them. As I said, I am very proud of my breasts and more than a little vain about them. But Beth's were another half-notch above mine. I can't really say why. They were the same teardrop shaped as my breasts and they were only a small bit larger than mine. It was something else. Maybe it was her nipples. Like mine, they were pink. Hers were slightly smaller and a little brighter in color. They were a little shorter as well. They were so perfectly symmetrical. Her breasts in general were symmetrical. They just sat so perfectly on her chest. I should know, I was right there. I knew Daniel was looking at them too, I could sense his eyes on her. But he was starting to fade into the background. It was hard to explain.

As I said, I was particularly enamored with her nipples, the perfection of them. I decided to focus there. I kept my right hand against Beth's breast, now feeling the actual skin against my fingers and the hard, warm nub of her bare nipple against my palm. I kept my lips pressed hard against Beth's breast, maintaining the vacuum. But I kept moving my lips, sliding them up from the underside of Beth's breast. After a moment, I felt the slight change in texture as my lips passed over the edge of Beth's areola. I could feel the hard nub of her breast as it began to press against my top lip. I kept sucking and pulling, feeling the tension rise in Beth's skin. Suddenly, Beth's nipple popped into my mouth, essentially all in one motion. I moved my neck slightly so I was facing directly towards Beth's chest with my head up. Her nipple remained in my mouth.

I groaned as I came to terms with the fact that I was sucking on Beth's nipple. I couldn't believe how lovely it felt. I had just known that it would look good, going after her body in this way, and it would keep me from kissing her. But as I felt the hard nub of flesh slip between my teeth, any thoughts of Daniel were extremely distant. I moved my tongue up to the front of my mouth and slipped it across the inside of my teeth. As my tongue moved across the center of my mouth it flittered across Beth's hard nipple. It tasted sweeter than the rest of her breasts and the firm texture was particularly pleasant. I sucked harder, pulling more of Beth's nipple into my mouth. Now it was resting on my tongue, the skin stretching taut. I flicked my tongue against it, feeling it bounce and vibrate. Beth moaned and her back arched. This caused her breasts to thrust harder into me. I welcomed it, taking still more of Beth's tit into my mouth. At the same time, her breast pressed hard against the flat of my palm, the nipple feeling like a hard bullet in the center. I squeezed her breast more forcefully now, luxuriating in the feeling of her flesh as I explored its seemingly limitless depths.

We likely stayed in that position for quite a long time, it was hard to reckon. I just kept sucking and flicking at her nipple and kneading and massaging her breast. She moaned and her body shook against me. But despite the pleasure I felt and the distance I seemed to have from the task at hand, I guess a part of me, a deep professional part of me, knew that there was still more to do. My mind and my body was focused on the smell of Beth's body, the feel of her breast, the taste of her nipple, and the sound of her moans, but an unconscious part of me was focus somewhere else.

This part of me controlled my left hand, which was still wrapped around Beth's back. It snaked down slightly, finding the waistline of her skirt. After a moment it reached the small of Beth's back. It tickled her momentarily and then dropped down, finding the zipper on the skirt. In a moment, my hand began to zip down. The skirt was made of a gaudy latex material and the zipper went all the way to the bottom. In one quick motion, I had the zipper all the way down and unlatched. Like her shirt before it, Beth's skirt had become a ribbon of fabric. As I let go of the zipper there was nothing holding the skirt in place and it crashed down into a heap on the floor. Beth cooed in surprise and I could see her hands rise above her head to play seductively in her hair.

I could have stayed sucking and playing with Beth's nipples for a good while longer. But I knew that I had keep the show going. Plus, if I am being honest now, I wanted to see what Beth's body looked like without her skirt on. Slowly (and reluctantly) I moved my hand from Beth's breast. At the same time, my mouth slipped off of Beth's nipple, making a loud popping sound as the suction broke. I looked at Beth's perfect pink nipple and smiled as I saw the reddened skin and glistening saliva.

I stood up straight now and took a step or so backwards. Beth was still standing with her hands at her sides, her back arched slightly. Her breasts were pointing out proudly and her stomach looked flat and toned. But my eyes were now drawn to a different location. Now with the skirt gone, Beth was essentially naked. Her fishnet stockings were thigh-highs and the tops of them had just barely been tucked under the hemline of her tiny skirt. They stopped several inches below her waist. Beth did not wear a stitch of clothing above those stockings. Despite the cold, she had not been wearing any panties.

Beth's legs were spread apart slightly and, at my close distance, her pussy was easily seen. It was a very pretty little pussy, maybe the most perfect I had ever seen. Beth was shaved completely bare (as was the style at the time for all working girls). The skin around her pussy perfectly matched the creamy white color of the rest of her skin. She seemed to be completely without blemishes of any kind. The outer lips of her pussy were quite puffy and her inner lips were a tight line of pink flesh the same color as her nipples. I could see her hard clit sitting up high on the top of her pussy and I could see all of her skin glistening with excitement. Beth was a perfect vision of feminine charm and desire.

Now that there was some distance between us (physically at least), I tried to gain my bearings. I thought (briefly) about Daniel and what he would like to see from here. But I spent a little more time talking myself into believing that I was not really feeling the things I was feeling as I looked at Beth's nude body. I wasn't really filled with desire and I didn't find her body beautiful in anything but a strictly professional sense. I told myself that nothing had been scrambled in my brain by Beth's transcendent kiss. I told myself that I was simply doing a marvelous job of acting, earning my money. I chose consciously to believe it. But part of me knew that something was rumbling under the surface, something I did not understand.

Regardless, I couldn't simply stand there staring at Beth's cute pussy all night. Whatever the real reason, I needed to keep going. But Beth evidentially felt the same way and, once again, she made the first move. She took a step towards me and the distance between us shrank. Our nipples were only a few inches apart and she was looking directly into my eyes. For a brief moment, Beth paused.

Then, in an incredibly quick and dexterous movement, she sort of pounced at me. But it wasn't some wild jump. Every action she took had a precise purpose and desired effect. I, of course, couldn't tell that at the time, but I felt all of the pieces fall into place. First she draped her right arm loosely over my shoulder while her left arm snaked between my arm and the side of my body. I felt her forearm just barely brush against the side of my breast as both of her hands emerged on the backside of my body. Her arms locked together loosely, holding me in a tight hug. I prepared for another staggering kiss, but Beth had another idea. She nuzzled her nose in against the right side of my chin. Instinctively, I titled my head to the side to make room, leaning it against Beth's thin forearm draped over my shoulder. This exposed my neck and Beth turned her head quickly, finding it. I could feel Beth's warm mouth press against the sensitive flesh of my neck. I could feel her kissing it gently, moving up and down the length of it. Sometimes, she would open her mouth, letting he tongue dart out slightly, tasting my salty skin and giving me chills. I moaned slightly at that sensation. Though it could have been other sensations as well, Beth was not solely focused on my neck.

I felt our bodies press together once again. But this time, there was no fabric to block the connection, save for my panties and Beth's stockings. I felt our breasts pressed together and I could feel my hard nipples sink into Beth's hot flesh. At the same time, I could feel her nipples against me, warm and hard, almost seeming to penetrate me. I could feel the soft skin of her belly against mine, the ring digging into my soft skin. More importantly, I could feel Beth's warm, soft pussy rubbing against my thigh. Beth's pussy lips were ever so slightly damp and the velvety, wet kiss of her puffy lips on my thigh made my leg tingle all over. For a moment, I was too overwhelmed by the feeling of Beth's pussy on me to wonder how it had gotten there. Then I felt a strange sensation. I felt a cool, smooth muscle run down the back of my right thigh and calf. I knew what it was, Beth's leg, snaking around the back of my own. I felt her foot land on the floor behind my own. She was essentially wrapped around my leg.