
2024-05-31: "Witch Spawn" -- a 1-shot Fantasy/NonHuman piece, that's listed as "Incest/Taboo" because of the sex, will arrive on 6/2.

Favorites and comments send others to my stories. If you like my stuff, that's the most effective way to help me out -- which I deeply appreciate! If you don't like my stuff, anonymous cash donations are the best way to get me to spend more time shopping online and less time writing.


2024-05-30: "Son's Ex-Wife" is coming tomorrow. It's a one-shot Mature piece.

My beta-reader wants another "Dude" episode but I've got a mini-series that needs finished first -- and I keep getting side-tracked with one-offs that refuse to wait patiently. Life intrudes as well. Suffice it to say that more is on its way.


2024-05-23: Late notice (sorry): a 3-part incest piece launches tomorrow and continues the next two days. "Safe from the Storm" starts as a brother-sister story.


2024-05-12: "Love or Money" (a one-shot Mature piece) comes out tomorrow; thanks for all the love for "Diss Functional" so far!


2024-05-10: "Diss Functional" (4 part niece/uncle incest story) starts tomorrow -- one chapter/day.


2024-05-09: The "Rustle 3" repairs finally posted (Merrit/Emmit and soiled pants). The "Rosa" fix is still pending. We're wrapping up edits on a 4-part Incest/Mature piece and then I'll get that posted. Meanwhile, I've had so many new ideas for stories that I can't figure out what to work on next!


2024-04-23: Dude fans -- your patience has been rewarded. #6 is queued to show up 4/25, #7 on 4/26, and cross your fingers that #8 is right behind.

BTW, things are heating up with Sam/Emily/Lena, so I've moved the series from Mature to Incest/Taboo. The cheating is also a little more prominent now so -- if that bothers you -- I'm sorry. We all knew Sam would eventually run into some moms who were still legally-attached.

I'm going to try to wrap up some miscellany and then see if I can get "Vampires" tied up ...?


2024-04-12: Tomorrow starts a 3-part Fantasy piece called "Rustle". As usual, they'll be released back-to-back.

I'm going to side-line my in-progress pieces and get another chapter of "Dude" out. I'll start on it tonight. Pinky-swear.

Thanks for reading my stuff and giving me feedback. I usually don't respond to comments. I reply to emails that supply a return address.


2024-04-07: If you're like me, you probably avoid "Fetish" most of the time. The problem is, the story I wrote is edgy enough that we decided to play it safe and throw it in that category. If you generally like my stuff, could I beg you to give "Death's Little Darling" a try and see what you think? Favorites and comments send other readers my way and you'd be doing me a big favor. Thanks for considering the idea!


2024-04-06: The stories that were waiting for review will be popping tonight:
* "Death's Little Darling" is my first Fetish story.
* "Sweet Peppers" is a Romance piece.

I need to get a couple other small things finished and then I promise I'm making my way back to "Dude".


2024-03-30: "Couples Yoga" pops tonight.

I've got several pans in the fire. Hoping to have a few more courses for you to sample over the next several days.


2024-03-28: About two years ago, I submitted my first story to Literotica: "Big Brother Changes Hats". Everything since then has been a wild and crazy ride!

I appreciate all of the encouragement, I cherish the constructive criticism, and I giggle at some of the misguided missives. I worry, a little, about a few of you. Thankfully, I have enough data to know that some of those "helpful" comments are just wrong. I'm thankful for a beta-reader who has -- again, based on the data -- a firm grasp of what "sells". That makes this so much easier!

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I'm super thankful for my devoted beta-reader, Monagamous_Now.

If my stuff is any good, it's because it passes through him first. He's generous with his time when I show up with my hat in my hand and I really appreciate it.

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As I've mentioned, often, I read every comment -- and respond to emails that provide an return address. Generally, I don't respond to comments unless it's to resolve clerical issues. Even if my writing is not your style -- or to your liking -- I appreciate constructive criticism.

Thanks for reading -- and especially for the feedback!


Central US

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