X-change: Lockdown Pt. 02

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Things get more complicated for "Deb" and Joey.
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Note: Hello again. I recently came across some files that I believed were lost. This was one of them. It wasn't complete, but I thought why not add some more to it? This story does not represent any real people or groups. It is a fantasy. Any errors or omissions are my own. X-change does result in a seemingly magical transformation. I didn't create X-change or the concept of it. I'm a big of the original Gifs on-line. Google them. Also, there are plenty of great X-change stories here on the site. Check those out and give those writers some love. Also, I use the time of the lockdowns for dramatic story purposes. I've no intention of diminishing what people have gone through and I'm not giving medical advice. Just because a character expresses a view doesn't mean that's what I believe. However, I was an "essential worker" and can say that I never want to be called such a thing again. Please check the story tags. If you don't like those things then you should move on. Enjoy.

2020 needed to be canceled. The lockdown had been a nightmare until Deb and I found a sweet way to pass the time. Even as I was lamenting what happened, I was happily pushing my rigid cock into Deb's plump ass. Deb made little mewling sounds that she knew I loved. The rocking of our bodies made her own rigid cock bob up and down. She stroked her sex for a time, but eased back whenever she got close to climax. This was her normal routine whenever we fucked.

Eventually, my limit was reached. I clenched up as my orgasm hit me—my cock pumping jets of cum into Deb's tight ass. She stroked herself off a moment later—sending a torrent of hot cum onto the towel we'd placed on the bed. I pulled out of Deb and we stood up. She turned and kissed me tenderly. This was the completion of out first daily session. It was around eight o'clock in the morning. The start of a good day.

Deb was busy in the kitchen making us breakfast. Her thick black hair tied back in a pony tail. The sizzle and smell of fried eggs and hashbrowns filled the house. The only thing that could compete with that was the stronger smell of bacon being cooked in the microwave. I basked in that wonderful miasma—drinking my coffee and waiting for the glorious meal that Deb was making.

It had been two weeks since the advent of "Deb" due to the miraculous pill called "X-change." We hadn't looked back since. I chilled on the couch and watched her work in the kitchen. She liked what she was doing and I liked it too. Deb made sure to bend over whenever I was looking. Showing off her plump ass in the Ticktock pants that she'd bought on-line. I had just been inside of her ass and I couldn't wait to get back inside.

My roommate "Dale" was barely himself anymore. After we had that first wonderful time together, he ordered a grip of the pills on-line and that was how we intended to spend our time during lockdown: with him as "Deb". Neither of us ended up being sick after all.

"Breakfast is almost ready," she said. "What do you want to do today?"

"Not much to do is there...unless you're talking about..."

"We can't do that all the time, Joey. We should try to have normal lives."

I could only stare at her. Did Dale even exist anymore within the buxom and bubby 'Deb'?

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You've changed, Dale."

"I'm 'Deb' when I'm like this," she said. "I haven't changed, but look at the world in 2020, dude. We should all want to do something different after all of this shit."

My phone began blowing up with text messages. I retrieved it, and then had to sit down once I learned what happened.

"They looted and burned down our store," I said. "Mike sent pictures. It's gone."

Deb only considered the implications for second—her bright green eyes in thought. She said, "2020 man. Not our store anymore. It's their fault that we're here anyway."

Technically our status of being under quarantine observation had faded away. We were still checked in on, but the urgency was gone. On a couple of occasions, Deb had to retreat to Dale's bedroom, and I told the visitors that he was asleep. When Dale returned to himself later, he would call a number that they gave us and assure them that he was still fine. I could only imagine what they would've thought if they'd uncovered what we were up to. Would the media run rampant with stories that the virus turned young men into women and those best bros now became sexual partners? That would've been a great headline to click on. After so many other dubious symptoms to our modern plague, what was one more?

"So, what were we doing today?" she asked again.

It wasn't like I could claim that I had to be somewhere. As much as I technically used to hate on work it had provided me with a plethora of opportunities to escape problems at home or with friends.

"Let's just start with breakfast."

Breakfast turned out to be excellent, but then it was hard to go wrong with fried potatoes, sausage, and bacon. Troubled times or not. It always reminded me of growing up: when my father would cook early on Sunday morning. Those were good times, even in the awkward years of growing up. Shit, I was still plenty awkward when I thought about it. What would my folks think if I brought Deb home? They were often asking about my love life...

That thought was scary. And as for love...I looked over at Deb who was licking egg yolk and ketchup off of her plate. She was definitely something special. We'd spend so much time together during the lockdown that it was becoming difficult to imagine my life without her.

She caught me watching her, and stopped licking her plate with that long tongue of hers. Deb smiled nervously. "What?" she said. Then, "Oh, I see: you're trying to be all charming and shit. Like you're going to take advantage of me."

I used my foot to stroke her bare leg. It was shapely and warm to the touch—smooth. Deb just stared at me as I did this. She licked her lips. Her wet tongue made my eyes widen. Those lips of hers were plump and inviting. The blood was already flowing to my cock. It was still sensitive from fucking Deb's ass earlier that morning, but despite that was already coming back to life.

"I know what I want to do today," I said.

"Yeah. I'm sure you do. Other than sex though."

I retrieved my phone and did a quick search on Google. When the government suddenly decides to become the fun police, they can do a thorough job of ruining the things that make like worth living. And some people actually wondered why other people didn't want to obey. The more that I watched the News the more that I wanted to set this motherfucker on fire and take Deb out to the country to live somewhere off the grid. Of course, I didn't know shit about living out there so that really wasn't an option.

Fortunately, one of the things that we were allowed to do was exercise. Near the house was a local ecology preserve that doubled as a place to walk or run. Deb seemed to dig on the idea. She decided to ride her old bike, and I was left to jog behind her like a simp. We started out and I was primed and confident. I'd always tried to be active mostly out of a sense vanity and pride. Probably not the most positive reason to work out but if it gets you out there to exercise then maybe it's worth it. I was bolstered by my pride as I kept jogging behind Deb. She was having a nice casual cruise on her bike. The seat was wedged up into her bubble butt, and it was a delightful sight to chase as I began to heat up. Gradually, the burn arrived. Then just flat-out pain.

I stopped. Gritted my teeth. We hadn't even made it to preserve yet. I started to walk. Old instincts from high school P.E. Even if you couldn't perform well, you at least had to try. It wasn't all that different from sex.

Deb eventually noticed that I'd fallen behind. She swung the bike around and peddled back towards me—coming to a dramatic stop just before hitting me.

She said, "Something wrong, big guy?"

"A little rusty. No big deal. You can go on ahead. I'll be fine."

"Yeah right."

Deb turned the bike around so that the rear-wheel pegs faced me. "Jump on," she said. "I don't think you weight too much, and I'll try not to go too fast."

I huffed and I hesitated for a moment. How could I not be a little embarrassed? A grown man having to ride bitch to my...girlfriend. I climbed on and Deb slowly started peddling again. I hadn't ridden on the rear-pegs of a bike for years. It was different than my brain let me remember.

I leaned forward to kiss Deb's neck and whisper in her ear.

"You're going to make me crash," she said.

"Thank you. Sometimes I forget what it is to have someone care about me."

Deb scoffed. "Don't get all mushy and shit," she said. "People are going to think we're gay or something."

"Seriously? After all that we've done?"

"Yeah," she said. "When I'm this way, I'm not a guy, but I'm not like...you know... Is that clear?"

"Sure. Sorry."

"Don't apologize. Ain't no thing."

We finally ended up at the preserve, which is a simpler thing than most people expect. It almost flows like a big rectangle. One corner of it hugs the banks of the San Diego River, and there is a trail you can walk down and fish if you have a license. The walking paths are boxed in by fences made to look like small logs or branches. There are bunch of signs that tell people not to touch anything, and then every once in a while, there was little bronze plaque or information kiosk to explain a historical moment or the local plants and animals that you might be seeing on that day. In San Diego County its mainly desert and scrub stuff. There are road runners, rabbits, coyotes, and squirrels. And a bunch of desert flora. I've always been tempted by the coyote melons, which look like a fruit that you could eat. It's possible that a person could, but they're on the other side of the fence so I didn't go for it. Besides: knowing my luck I'd eat it and spent the next three days shitting myself to death.

I got off the back of the bike, and then Deb decided to lock it up against one of the steel sign-posts near the entrance.

"It's should be fine," she said. "What kind of asshole would mess with my old bike? We won't be here that long anyway."

We set out on our walk. I was grateful to be out of the house and at least kind of in the midst of nature again. We may have neglected it during our sustained marathons of Netflix, video games, Grub Hub, and anal sex, but it was nice to return to a more natural setting. It was definitely hot, and one unfortunate thing about the indigenous plant life is that not much of it is useful for shade. I completely understand and applaud people that imported shade-providing trees from foreign lands.

The walk was what most walks are: fairly uneventful and you're moving about. Deb and I stopped in front of the rusting hulk of a steel dredge left over from the days when more desirable land was forged from the marsh surrounding the river. It was easy to forget that we were near a river considering how hot it was.

"Where's the women's' prison?" asked Deb.

I pointed off into the distance. It was maybe just over a mile away. The nature preserve and the prison both existed in the midst of housing developments, trailer parks, and old tracts of suburban homes.

Deb said, "Maybe if I get busted for violating quarantine, I'll surprise the court and take the permanent pill. A women's prison sounds nicer than a men's prison."

"I doubt they're ready to punish people too severely. The lawsuits will be intense."

"Never say never. Anyway, if it happens and I take the pill, would you visit me?"

She smiled gleefully—green eyes watching me, and awaited my answer.

"Well, I suppose," I said. "I mean you'd be so close so it's not like I could use the old tried and true excuse that most people use for not visiting their loved ones in prison."

"That's fucked up."

"Being in prison is fucked up. Anyway, you're not in prison and not going to be."

She beamed. "You care."

I was going to huff again and show my annoyance, but I surprised myself. I took Deb's hand. She was surprised too, and could only look at me.

I said, "Yeah, I do care. Maybe I'm dopey for doing so, but it's true."

Deb looked down at my hand holding hers. She was sizing up this situation. She smiled. "I care too," she said. "I know that I'm not exactly experienced when it comes to being a girl, but I like you, Joey. You're like my..."


She laughed. "Oh God! What the fuck happened to me? I'm like a girl now."

"Kind of, yeah."

"Shit. Okay, sure. When I'm 'Deb' you are my boyfriend. There: I said it."

"Don't strain yourself or anything."

"Don't start with me, Joe. I told you that I cared." She squeezed my hand. "A lot," she said.

"I'm glad that we're together during this bullshit."

Deb eyed me. There was mischievous grin on her face. Made cuter by her slightly crooked teeth. "Don't worry, you're going to get some sex," she said. "But I have an idea. I want you to take a pill. One of the pink ones. I want to see you as a girl."

I stood there in the hot sun with my mouth open. The San Diego River flowing in the distance.


She pouted. "You heard me: you as a girl. I want to fuck you while you're a girl. That's pretty clear, isn't it?"

I'd been trying to hide from the pill. There was no doubt that I respected it, and stood in awe at the miracles that it performed, but me...

"Deb...," I said.

"You owe you after how many times I've taken the pill to be this way."

"The pink one though...I'll lose my cock and balls."

"I know," she said. "I'll admit that I kind of cheated taking the purple one. The thought of losing my cock was a little unnerving, and that's why I've been so cool about being this way, but I've earned this. It's okay. You'll be safe with me. Be my girl. Try it once and we'll see what happens."

I could've said 'no'. Maybe I should've said that. Things had changed though, and if I was willing to consider Deb to be my girlfriend then it was only fair that I try to satisfy her wants as well. After all: it was only going to be temporary.

"Okay," I said. "I'll do it. How long until you can get the pills?"

"Oh, I already have them. We're doing this when we get home."

I stared at her. "That soon?"

She smiled. "Don't worry...boyfriend. I'll take care of you. No matter what happens. Even if you turn into a girl forever."

My stomach was threatening to leave my body and fly away with the butterflies or whatever the indigenous insects of San Diego were. There was no escape at that point. I wanted to keep the good thing that I had going on with Deb, and part of being in a successful relationship was compromise. This was going to happen.

We walked back to the bike. Deb peddled while I hung on the back atop the pegs. We moved forward slowly, but in control with Deb guiding our journey. I was trusting her to get us home. There were not even that many people driving on the road back home. We encountered a few joggers or people walking their dogs or children. There were more than a few smiles and some chuckles at the sight that Deb and I made, but we proceeded proudly and slowly home.

We spent some time doing our household chores. Deb and I had become rather domesticated during our time together. Deb had added new curtains to the living room and other furnishings were only a mouse-click away. Once she was satisfied that our chores were done, we enjoyed some cold-cut sandwiches and beer. Fortunately, my supposed injury wasn't as bad as it felt. Some ice-packs more cans of IPA helped out a lot. After things settled down a bit, Deb brought out a bottle of Laphroaig. The scotch came in a super bright green bottle that seemed to draw the light to it.

I had to admit that the whole lockdown debacle was making me much more of a drinker. Other people were supposed to be gaining weight as well. I didn't want it to happen to me, but oddly I liked the idea of Deb getting nice and plump for me. Deb poured us generous glasses of the smokey and peaty scotch.

She said, "I know that you're nervous about this. I really appreciate it though."

We clinked glasses in a toast and drank. The whiskey burned just enough. That wonderful peaty quality hugged my mouth like a numbing medicine. You don't shoot or chug such a drink. It's meant to be enjoyed.

"Oh man."

"Right?" said Deb. "The finer things in life need to be savored." She pulled the familiar blister pack out of her back-pocket, and popped out a little pink pill. "Speaking of which." She dropped the pill into the remainder of my Scotch. "Bottoms up."

I stared at her for second. I did owe her for all of the lovely enjoyment that she'd given me. Down in my glass the little pink pill was already dissolving. I wondered if there were any side-effects when taken with alcohol. 2020, I thought. I drank it down. What the Hell else could happen this year?

"That's is," she said. "Be a good girl for me."

We didn't have to wait long. A bizarre tingling and heat overwhelmed my entire body. I felt an intense compulsion to strip. I thought that I was going to burn up. I only managed to get partially undressed and then I just started to shake in place. It was like being electrocuted while having a stroke.

Deb noticed my struggles and gripped me by the shoulders. "Don't worry," she said. "I know that it's scary, but it's fine."

Just understanding her was difficult. An intense pressure filled my ears as I began to change. The bones in my hips cracked and shifted. My frame changed and flesh was redirected around my body. My ass formed into something fleshy and desirable. A burning on my chest preceded the swelling and development of new breasts that strained against my t-shirt. My hair grew out until it fell onto my shoulders.

Deb's own transformation seemed so much easier than my own. Oh, if only...the worst was yet to come. I felt the odd movement at first. Then I pulled off my gym shorts to see the shocking truth. My cock and balls withered and retreated into my body. When I beheld the wet slit left in their place my brain couldn't take it, and I passed out.

I came to on the couch with Deb feeling at my forehead with the back of her hand. She was relieved to see me awake. Her smile meant so much to me.

"Hey there," she said. "You had me worried for a moment. How do you feel?"

"I'm fine." I sat up rigid at the sound of my voice. That couldn't have been me. No. that wasn't possible.

Deb laughed. "Oh yeah," she said. "You make my kind of girly girl."

I jumped off the couch and made a bee-line towards the bathroom. It didn't even occur to me to physically check my body first. My mind had to see it to believe it. I slammed passed the white bathroom door to behold myself in the mirror.

The girl in the mirror looked so awkward in my clothes. She was girly, but with no make-up and in a guy's clothes that tends to diminish the effect a bit. My light brown hair hung down to my shoulders. She was what I could consider to be a cute girl.

She was me.

"Holy shit."

I touched my face. Like I expected the world to dissolve into a storm of pixels and what just happened wouldn't be true. That didn't happen.

Deb called out in the distance. "Are you okay in there?"


I looked at my graphic t-shirt to see two familiar shapes straining against the thin cotton fabric. I grabbed at them and was shocked at their weight and the fact that they really were a part of me. They were so sensitive to the touch. These were not the biggest tits that I'd ever felt up, but they were mine. I shifted my body—trying to get different angles in the mirror when my brain detected a problem: I couldn't feel my balls. For better or worse guys are a slave to our balls. Not just for the impulses that they put in our brain, but the fact that they frequently need to be adjusted, soothed, or cared for. Walking, standing, or even just sitting can be very painful if they're out of alignment. I've tried to explain this to past girlfriends, but they don't seem to get it. That age-old problem was now gone. I slipped my now girlish small hand down my shorts to feel at a slightly furry mound, and probed deeper to find a warm slit that almost made me jump when I slipped my fingers into it.