X-Change: Homecoming Pt. 02

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Tommy is offered a new opportunity that changes things.
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Note: Sorry for taking longer than I thought to get this installment up. Life happens. All the characters are over the age of 18. This is a fantasy and doesn't reflect any real groups or people. Any errors or omissions are my own. I didn't create the X-change concept. I'm just a big fan of the gifs on-line. There are also some great stories on this site that involve X-change. Please look them up and give those writers some love too. This story does involve transformation. Read the story tags. If you're not cool with those then why are you here? Since this is part two you really should know what kind of things will be happening within. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for your interest. Enjoy.


The next morning, I was re-packing my things into the car. I'd slept fitfully. There were dreams about Ben and our father taking X-change and becoming sex-crazed sluts. Not good dreams by a long shot, but the kind that left me feeling numb. The dreams always ended with them offering me the pill. I tried to put them out of my mind and focused on the packing. Moving is a great opportunity to get rid of things and I offloaded what I could spare into the trash.

As I finished up I considered my options. There was my mom. If I went there I could only imagine her wanting to rail against what she'd uncovered about dad and the pills. She'd take me in, but I was setting myself up for her abject horror when she learned what Ben and I had been doing. Dad would get blamed for that as well. I wouldn't be spared her ire though. What would I tell her? That I felt something special for the girl that my younger brother transformed into? That was sure to go well.

There was some luck. Word of my being back in town had reached some friends of mine and they called. When I told them that I needed a place to crash they seemed warm to the idea. It was at least something to roll with for the time being. Going back to school and just making do with what I had was becoming a real prospect.

I closed the trunk on my old Toyota and stood there a moment looking at the house where everything had happened. Bethany and I had become a thing, and now it was over. Neither she nor our father came out to say "good bye". Bethany had likely reverted to Ben by then. I could imagine that his supply of X-change was now cut off. There would be no more Bethany. She was gone from the world.

I started the car and set out.

True to their word my friends put me up for a couple of days. The novelty of my being back in town was enough to get me shelter, but it was very clear from the onset that I was just visiting. I kept my things in the car and only removed clothing when necessary. They recommended that I get a storage unit once I found a job. I couldn't live at the storage facility, but I'd have access to my stuff. I was still numb so I didn't care.

I did manage to apply for some jobs and scored one interview. My intention was to stay in the city and at some point, maybe I'd reconnect with my family. Not wanting to give up I soldiered on. They were worth that much. On what was to be my last night at my friend's house they decided to treat me to a night out. San Diego has an amazing number of breweries and craft beer bars. I still had my fake ID from college and it passed the test with gusto. Yeah, it still felt good to be getting away with a little bit of wrong-doing. I was still at that age where it was expected. We turned the event into a crawl, which was risky for me but I chanced it, and we ended up at Moustache Ride in El Cajon.

I was sitting at the old-school wooden bar when a small hand grabbed my shoulder. I expected my friend Krista to tell me that we needed to leave, but when I turned around I was looking right at Bethany. Her golden locks and bright blue eyes were still everything that I wanted. She was there; her tight blue dress holding in her beautiful plumpness.

"Bethany...Why are you here? How are you here?"

She hugged me. "Don't say anything," she said. "I get drinks off some of the guys here."

The enforcement at some of the breweries was a little lax. People brought their children there for weekend outings. There was even a stack of board games in the corner.

"It's good to see you," I told her. "I was worried."

"I was worried about you. I can't believe what he did."

I was going to be responsible. It was time to "adult".

"He's right," I said. "What we were doing was wrong. We're brothers...well, most of the time."

I watched her mull that over for a while. "Whatever. Look, I talked to dad. Turns out that 'Bethany' has him wrapped around her little finger. He'll let you back, but there are conditions."

"With our dad? Of course, there are."

She put her hand on mine.

"Please," she said. "I want you back. He can't know about our private thing, but if you'll agree to his terms everything should be good. Please, Tommy. Don't leave me again."

I looked at her. Damn, she was adorable. Despite all the complicating matters Bethany was still a woman that wanted me. How was I ever going to resist that?

"Okay," I said. "I'm trusting you."

She smiled. "Everything is going to be fine. You'll love it."

I should've been suspicious, but as a guy motivated by a hot girl I was unable to comprehend such things. That's how guys are as a rule. Bethany told me to return home the next morning and then she vanished as quickly as she had appeared. My night ended with little more than a whimper. The time with my friends was over, and I was going home. The other options, like driving back to State, were looking far less likely.

The next morning, after saying my goodbyes to my friends, I set out on my uncertain journey home. The house was the same as I had left it. When I entered I found Bethany sitting with her legs crossed in the living room. My father's car had been in the driveway so he was there somewhere, and I prepared myself for some awkward and forced reconciliation. Instead, a tall blonde woman entered the room. Though likely in her forties she filled out a dress and had a saunter like a girl half her age. Anyone else would've guessed that this was Bethany's hot MILF mother, but I happened to know what our mom looked like. This beautiful woman had been my father until he popped one of those little pink pills. I struggled not to ogle my father's curves—to not stare at her gorgeous tits barely contained within her dress.

"I'm glad you came," she said with a sultry voice that made women like her the stuff of fantasies.

"I really didn't expect this," I said.

"I told Bethany to keep the invitation vague. At least she did that. She isn't minding me in any other way."

Bethany said, "It's not your business, Susan."

"Susan?" I asked.

"Yes," said my feminized father. "When I take the pill, I become 'Susan'." She looked to Bethany. "I'm still your father. Even when I'm like this." She turned back to me. "I was very upset by you two. Yes, the pill is amazing, but we need to be careful. Tommy, I expect you to be more responsible than your brother."

I gave her a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"You're taking the pill," said Bethany smiling wickedly at me. "I can't wait to see what kind of girl you make."

"Look", I said. "What we did was enjoyable while it lasted, even if it was very wrong. I get that now."

"Don't fuck your sister-brother was complicated?"

"I'm sorry."

Our father or "Susan" held up her hand to me. "Enough. What's done is done. You won't do it again. What we do with the pills is on the down-low. The developers want to keep it that way for now. Privately though: I'm selling future interest in the distribution. I normally do this by myself, but my new clients want something special. Would you be interested in making some money?"

"Wait. First you want me to be a girl and now a hooker?"

"Not a hooker. A 'friend' for some very rich and powerful clients. You don't necessarily need to sleep with them but let me tell you that the experience is very enlightening. You might come to understand what Bethany was going through and why she made her mistake."

Bethany rolled her eyes. "Just do it," she said. "Think of the fun we'll have as sisters."

I stood there in silence. My goal in coming back was the find some semblance of normal. This whole thing was becoming surreal.

"No," I said. "I can't believe you'd suggest this."

"Lame," said Bethany.

"You want to stay here?" asked Susan. "That's fine. Agree to this and you'll have that along with two thousand dollars cash."

"Are you kidding me?"

"With potential for more," she said. "It's so simple.

I waited there—a war raging in my brain. All of this was so wrong, but it wasn't like we hadn't plunged head first into "wrong" and come out the other side.

"If I did it," I said. "I don't know how to act."

"That will happen naturally and we're going to help. Aren't we, Bethany?"

"That's right," said Bethany. "It'll be fun."

"Okay," I said. "I'll try it once."

"That's all we ask."

Susan walked over to a purse atop the kitchen counter. She came back with a small blister-pack containing the pill and gave it to me.

"You might want to take off your clothes," she said. "It's more comfortable during the transformation."

I looked at the small pink pill in its foil pack.

"No, thanks," I said. "I'm fine like this."

She shrugged. "Have it your way."

I tore open the pack and popped the pill. It had one of those sweet coatings that made it go down like candy. Honestly, I was expecting to be the one person that it didn't work on. Some new slight against my innate being. However, I began to feel something—like my blood pressure decided to change hemispheres. I shook and with every shake my frame shrunk. My shoulders narrowed. Hips broadened. My body hair disappeared and the hair on my head grew down to my shoulders. Bones cracked and body mass shifted. My nipples burned and then shortly after a pair of plump breasts grew from my chest. My eyes stared at them and my brain struggled to comprehend the alteration. I felt my ass transform and fill out behind me, and then, as if my mind hadn't taken enough, contained in my pants: I felt my cock and balls recede into me.

I fell to the floor in shock and passed out.

Hands shook me. I heard two women speaking to each other distantly.

"Maybe this was a mistake," said one.

The other: "Not at all. This was bound to happen to someone who tried the pill. It's not like the literature doesn't mention side-effects."

"Should I be worried? I've been taking a lot of them."

"That's why I said to lay off. Try being 'Ben' once in a whole and you can appreciate 'Bethany' much more."

I slowly opened my eyes. It felt like waking up after an all-night bender at a university party.

"There we go," said Susan. "She's awake."

I was confused at first by how she referred to me. My whole life I'd been referred to as "he" and what she said didn't make any sense.

"I don't think it worked," I said. My eyes opened wide. That wasn't my voice! "What's happening?"

"Stay calm," said Susan. "Take a moment to let it all come back."

My body felt very different. I moved my hand to the awkward new weight on my chest. Even beneath a guy's shirt those large breasts stood out. It wasn't long before my hands drifted to my crotch to find something missing.

"Oh God!"

"Congratulations, Tommy," said Bethany. "You've officially joined the club. How does it feel?"

"I don't like this," I said. Wincing at my new voice. "I want to change back."

"Twelve hours," said Susan. "By the time that point arrives we'll be back here and you'll once again have a place to stay and two grand. That's not that bad, right?"

I stood up and walked with uncertain legs. I stumbled around like a baby giraffe: new and without experience.

"Easy," Bethany said. "It takes time. Weight distribution and body shape make a difference."

I walked down the hall to a coatrack in the front entryway that had a full-length mirror to behold what had been made of me. The others followed me in silence. No doubt they wondered if my mind was going to crack once I saw the new me. As it turned out when I finally saw myself I just stared in silence. A cute, young blonde woman stared back at me. Her blue eyes were bright and when I blinked so did they.

I shook my head—not believing it.

"You know," said Susan behind me. "When your mother was pregnant with you we decided to let whether you were a boy or a girl be a surprise for us. Part of me really wanted you to be a girl. Now I see that you would've been a beautiful one."

"It's really me", I said. I felt all over my body—as if trying to prove it untrue. My hands were filled by the fleshy endowments of my new breasts. They were big and really heavy.

"How do girls walk around with these?"

Bethany and Susan laughed.

Bethany said, "There's so much more you're going to have to deal with. Felt weird to walk around without your balls, huh?"


"Just wait till you're with a guy tonight. It's going to be awesome."

"No way," I said. "I can't do that."

"That's the lingering parts of your old mind talking. Give it time," said Bethany. "The first time I did it I thought I would just perv out and touch myself or take some pics or something. Then I learned that Bethany is a person with wants and needs. It's really different, Tommy."

"Speaking of that," said Susan. "You'll need to pick a girl's name. We can't be calling you 'Tommy' when you're a girl with tits that big."

I covered the new breasts out of reflex. Why did she have to mention them? And why were mine so big? I didn't have the cute chubbiness that Bethany rocked. Hers were large but proportional to her body. I'd kept my trim frame, but for some reason the pill saw fit to indulge me in the breast department. My Deadpool t-shirt had been stretched into ruin. The whole effect left Deadpool's face looking bloated and sad.

"A name? How am I supposed to decide that?"

Bethany said, "I picked something not too different from my name. It works."

"Tammy," said Susan. "That works just fine."

"I'm not sure I like it."

"Then pick a different name right now."

It was a struggle that I wasn't winning. In my brain I rationalized it. I was only going to do this the one time so it didn't really matter. It wasn't like I'd have to live with it.

"Tamara or 'Tammy'," I said. "Only people who know me call me 'Tammy' though."

Where had that come from?

"That works out fine," said Susan. "All right, Tammy. Time to receive your education."

Thus, began hours of being told what girls went through every day and how to act like one. I had no idea how detailed it would be. On occasion I would ask girlfriends to explain these things and they had tried, but when you were actually going to be doing them it was something else. There was no way that I was going to retain the information, but Susan said that it didn't matter. The pill guaranteed that I'd be accepted as a girl because physically I was one in every way. A guy wouldn't be able to find any surprises on me.

Following that we went to the mall, and two hours later I was wearing a little red dress along with accessories and a purse from Charming Charlie. Bethany helped me with my makeup, and then Susan took us to a friend of hers that had previously created IDs for her and Bethany. I smiled for a picture and walked out with a new fake ID.

Tammy had been created.

Then we got down to the plans for the evening.

Susan summoned a Lyft, and we were heading downtown in a Corolla driven by a guy who kept checking me out in the mirror. As we headed into the wash of city lights—closer to the Pacific, I tried to keep my cool. I'd been told what to expect and what to do by Susan. She made it sound so simple and innocuous. Pretty young women handled things like this all the time. Originally this was what attracted Susan to the pills in the first place. In his natural state my father was a fairly attractive man in his forties, his blonde hair graying only a tinge. He came off to people as knowledgeable and good at his job, but that sometimes didn't close sales. However, when an attractive blonde MILF that didn't flinch at getting friendly with clients made the sales pitch, the clients practically asked her how much product she wanted them to buy.

Susan said, "People have done worse things to make a living."

The Lyft dropped us off at the Hyatt Regency that overlooked Mission bay, the Gaslamp Quarter, and the famous convention center that hosted Comic Con every year. Fortunately, that was still months away because trying to get down to that area during the convention was an unmitigated nightmare. Comic Con was out of my mind. I wasn't even sure it meant the same thing to me now that I was Tammy. Dressing up in a cute outfit would be nice though. I knew that some guys would really love it.

The three of us entered the hotel. We could've been two cute girls and their hot MILF mom out on the town to raise some Hell and break hearts. I noticed several guys staring at us. That feeling left me so energized. Was I finally feeling what Bethany felt?

Walking in heels was a form of torture that no amount of practice earlier in the day had prepared me for. Bethany and Susan moved with natural grace that drew the eyes of every man and some of the women. For my part, I got some looks for general cuteness, but also some snickers when I almost fell over in the lobby. Fortunately, Bethany helped steady me, and the rest of our journey was uneventful.

We crossed the lobby and stopped before the elevator leading up to the loft bar. Susan filled us in.

She said, "There are some clients of mine here. Carter, Avi, and Steve. They work for a company up in Nor Cal. These are powerful guys in the business. I've been developing a good relationship with them for weeks now, so let's not mess it up."

"You're selling them X-change?" I asked.

"Not yet. The drug has been on the down-low for a while now. The people in charge don't think the public could handle it. One day it will happen, and we'll be cashing in. These guys are going to be buying some other products for now and X-change down the line. Just help me out."

I took a deep breath—feeling my little red dress stretch around me. There was no turning back. Everything felt so good. We definitely looked our parts.

"Okay," I said. "We didn't get dressed up for nothing."

"Look at you," said Bethany. "All gung-ho about being a woman now. I was worried you were going to be traumatized."

"That was before you made me walk around in high heels. Compared to that the rest of this can't be that bad."

"All right," said Susan taking control. "Just be the kind of girls that guys would like. It's not that hard. When it doubt: just smile and look cute."

We followed her into the elevator and took it up to the loft bar.

The bar was sleepy compared to the ones that I'd snuck into in the past. There was only a scattering of people inside, and they all kept to themselves. Later, I would learn that it was only one of three bars at the hotel. The largest one served the massive pool and spa area outside. We happened to catch this smaller one at a quiet moment. The bartender was well dressed but looked bored. One of those bartenders that was desperately waiting for someone to test all of their training at mixing drinks and ended up just opening bottles of beer for people.

We followed Susan as she made her way to the far corner. The view outside the large windows was stunning. The downtown of San Diego was a beautiful sea of lights with the great darkness of the actual ocean in the background. This was a rich tourist place. Expensive. Most locals wouldn't be caught dead paying $11.00 for a shot of Baileys. As it turned out we were not going to be paying. I had to admit that sometimes our dad or "Susan" could pull off something truly special.