Wilderness Trail

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Sequel to 'A Relatively Fun Weekend'.
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It had been over 6 months since Donny and I, Rudy and Debbie had our winter skiing getaway in the mountains (see ‘A Relatively Fun Weekend’). Things had cooled between the four of us, mostly due to our various schedules, kids, etc. Actually, I believe none of us was prepared to take the ‘open marriage’ thing to the next level. I looked back on that experience more as a singular circumstance of chance, fascinating indeed, but not life changing. The whole spouse-swapping lifestyle just simply wasn’t worth pursuing.

Nothing was said by any of us, but it became kind of an unwritten law that we wouldn’t pair off with each other’s spouse, if at all possible. Our greater need was to preserve the lasting relationship between us and our families. We still saw each other on the rare occasion throughout the past 6 months, but always in the context of family outings and holidays.

We planned an upcoming dual family outing for July. Donny and I and our 19-year-old daughter, Meg were to join Rudy, Debbie and their two younger kids for a weekend of nature hiking and swimming. My brother’s kids and our daughter always got along famously, so having Meg join us would be like having a built-in babysitter for the weekend. All the arrangements and lodgings were finalized for the upcoming weekend, as the seven of us looked forward to a break in our summer routine. That was until we got a Tuesday night phone call.

“Well Babe, I’m afraid this weekend might be off,” said Donny, hanging up the phone.

“What do you mean?” I worried.

“Just talked to Rudy; Debbie’s Great Uncle passed away today in Boston. Even though she wasn’t very close to him, her family expects her to fly in for the funeral,” he said sadly.

“Dam, that’s a shame! We were so looking forward to… oh well –stuff happens,” I shrugged. “What did you mean, MIGHT be off?” I wondered.

“Rudy mentioned that Debbie said we should just go ahead with our plans without her,” Donny said.

“That’s nice of her. I mean we DO have reservations and all. What do you think?” I asked.

“I guess, if Rudy and the kids are OK with it…hell yes, we might as well go ahead,” Donny figured.

“Fine then; I’ll call him back and tell him we’re still ON!” I said, with renewed excitement.

Rudy and the kids were elated at our decision to go ahead with the trip.

“So glad you guys decided to go. I think we would have felt guilty about leaving without Debbie, thanks Sis,” Rudy said.

“As long as we have her blessing, we can’t see any harm in going,” I added.

Working as a private contractor for a computer consulting company, my husband’s free time was at a premium lately. After two solid months working with his current client, he was finally ready to get them up and running.

“I’m so ready to put this Hazelton thing to bed and get away this weekend!” Exclaimed Donny.

“So, it’s finally a done-deal? I know, you’ve spent a lot of extra time with them,” I added.

“Yeah, there were a couple of tough nuts to crack in Accounting, but everything should be ready by Friday,” he said, with a sigh of relief.

Meg and I packed for warm weather, considering the recent heat wave. A sophomore in college, Meg hardly needed my attention or advice regarding just about anything. So I was taken back, when she started discussing her latest boyfriend, Steve.

“He really likes me in this one,” she said winking; holding up a tiny white string bikini.

“Oh, I’m SURE he does, Meg –doesn’t leave much for the imagination, does it?” I laughed.

“Come on Mom, I’m sure you wore stuff like this, when you were my age,” she suggested.

“Nothing quite THAT revealing!” I stated, trying to imagine her tight petite frame in the skimpy suit.

Steve is Meg’s latest, greatest summer suitor, whom her father and I have yet to meet. Since the two of them have been pretty much stuck like glue lately, I was somewhat surprised she found time to spend this weekend with us. I found out later, the young stud had previous plans for the weekend.

“Here’s a black bikini, Mom. It’s too big for me, but I bet it would fit you,” she said, handing me what looked like the remnants of a handkerchief.

“Meg, you can’t be serious. I’ve got worn out dish rags bigger than that!” I snickered.

“Oh come on Mom. Take it along. Dad would love to see you in that,” she spouted.

“Yeah… right!” I said, shaking my head and tucking it in my suitcase to appease her.

We finished the rest of our packing without incident. As was our ritual, we sprawled out on our king-size bed to relax and discuss the latest the latest gossip, etc. I was privileged to hear, yet one more time, what a great lover Steve was and the latest nonsense her sorority sisters were up to. Call it female bonding, whatever. We both cherished these stolen moments; just being together and hanging out.

“Seeing how we’ve got to be up with the birds, we’d better get some sleep, Baby,” I yawned and began to undress for bed.

Meg was plenty tired, but was slow to pull herself off to bed. She continued chatting away, as I threw off my clothes and shimmied into a nightgown. I could tell by her disjointed comments, she was past tired.

“So Mom, did your friends ever make fun of your big boobs?” She asked out of nowhere.

“God, where did THAT come from?” I asked slipping under the covers.

“It’s just that some of the girls give me a fair amount of grief about mine,” she admitted, gazing down at her 32C chest.

“Oh, those girls are just jealous, Baby,” I quickly reasoned, trying to end the conversation and get some sleep.

“You’re probably right. They’ve just been acting strange lately, you know,” she started.

“I’m sure that’s all it is, Meg. Don’t let them bother you. Now let’s get some sleep. We’ve got to be on the road by 9:00 am,” I prompted her.

As she slinked off to her bedroom, I could sense there was more she wanted to share. However, with a nice long weekend facing us, I was sure there would be plenty of time to discuss whatever it was. I slipped off to sleep and only lightly stirred when Donny slipped in next to me. Our blurry digital clock read 4:00 am.


“God Donny, what time did you get in last night?” I said, turning off the alarm.

“Geez, I don’t know –3 o’clock I think,” he mumbled and rolled over to hide his eyes from the morning light.

“How about four? What’s wrong; not that Hazelton thing?”

“Afraid so Babe. Some idiot accountant threw a wrench into everything last night. I don’t see how we’ll hit our deadline for transition, unless we work all weekend. Sorry Barb,” he answered.

My heart sank. I knew he had to be pissed. I was pissed. Laying back down in disgust, I stared up at the ceiling and tried to reason a way to make our plans still work. A tear found its way down my cheek when Donny rolled over to face me.

“Listen you guys and the kids have waited and planned this trip for so long. I think you should go ahead and have a good time,” he said softly and wiped away my tear of despair.

“What, first Debbie and now you? I think the gods are trying to tell us something; don’t you think?”

“Don’t be silly. You guys go on and have a great time. No point in destroying everybody’s weekend, right?” He reasoned.

I agreed with him. Majority rules, I suppose. My spirits were conditionally lifted, as I woke Meg and fixed breakfast. I called my brother to let him know the change in plans, but there was no answer.

“They surely have left by now for the woods,” I guessed.

“Come on Mom. Dad would want us to have a good time, right?” Asked Meg, loading the car.

“He did say exactly that, yes,” I agreed.

It wasn’t until we were on the interstate, that it finally dawned on me that Rudy and I would be alone, with the kids of course. I’ll just have to make sure not to put myself in any compromising circumstances. Meg carried on a fairly one-sided conversation in the car.

Several hours and a pit stop later we arrived at the park and recreation area. Driving down by the beach to check things out, Rudy’s kids came running up to our car. They had been there for an hour or so. They were elated to see Meg and quickly invited her to join them for a swim.

“What’s up with your Dad?” I asked, not seeing him.

“He said he would check in the hotel and then said something about taking a hike,” answered Darin.

My brother’s kids were hardly ‘kids’ anymore. Rachel is 13 and Darin 12; definitely old enough to be by themselves. I cautioned them to listen to Meg and headed for the hotel to check in. Considering the 93-degree heat, I sifted through my suitcase for something light to put on. I picked out a light white cotton blouse and jean shorts. As I laid them out I caught sight of the black string bikini Meg insisted I bring. I smiled, picked it up and started to cast it aside, when I got a strange urge to try it on.

Stripping out of my hot clothes, I wrapped the skimpy black top around me and tied it. I crammed my broad thighs into the matching thong and took stock of myself in a floor length mirror. I couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of my 50-something body scrunched into swimwear meant for a much younger and less voluptuous woman. My big boobs virtually poured out of the bra top, while the French-cut thong revealed my every bulge and age line. I was still posing for the mirror, when a knock on the door interrupted.

“You in there, Sis?” Asked my brother.

“Ah y-yeah –Rudy is that you? Just a second,” I stuttered and scrambled to cover the ill-fitting ensemble.

I quickly buttoned up a white blouse and wiggled into my jeans.

“Hey, you guys made it, great!” He exclaimed, as I opened the door to let him in.

“Yeah well, Meg and I made it.”

“What about Donny?”

“Oh, that goofy client of his pulled some lame-brain crap on him, so he’s stuck with them all weekend.”

“Dam, that’s the shits,” Rudy said, as his focus drifted from my eyes to do a quick scan of the rest of me.

“So, it’s just the two of us then…” he said and paused to consider the obvious.

“And the kids!” I broke in.

“Yeah… the kids, of course. So Meg came along?” He asked taking his mind (at least temporarily) out of the gutter.

“She’s swimming with Darin and Rachel,” I said, tying the long shirttails around my middle.

“I was just headed out for a hike, if you want to join me?” He asked, fiddling with the straps on his camera case.

“Sure, let me grab my camera,” I answered and turned to dig through my suitcase.

The two of us did have one thing in common –our love of photography. I liked shooting wild flowers and foliage, while he was into landscapes and wildlife. When I couldn’t locate the camera, I figured it must have gotten packed with Meg’s stuff.

“I’ll just use the bathroom a sec, OK?” I said and made a quick exit.

I reapplied some lipstick and powder, before taking one last look at myself. That’s when I saw what had Rudy’s attention earlier; the black top of my so-called swimsuit was quite visible under my white cotton blouse.

“Rudy, why didn’t you say something? I can’t go out this way!” I yelled from the bathroom.

“What way?”

“I’ll have to change now.”

“You look fine Barb. It’s hotter than hell out there; people will just think you’re dressed for the beach. Beside, we’ll loose the light, if we don’t leave soon,” he countered from the other room.

“Well, if you think so?”

“Don’t be silly Sis, were in the middle of a resort. Everybody dresses casual –come on, let’s go!”

“Geez, what about the kids?” I said hurriedly.

“No problem. I left them a note back in our room and just finished another one for here,” he said showing me the note.

The park offered a variety of wooded trails and soon we had hiked about a mile into one called “Wilderness Trail”. The tall overgrown trees did little to shade us from the oppressive heat and humidity. We finally reached a rest area with decking and a picnic table.

“I sure could use some of that water Little Brother,” I begged, plopping down on the seat, with sweat running down in a thin stream between my tits.

“Dam straight! It’s fucking hot!” He gasped, took a long swig from the water bottle and handed it to me.

My hands were so sweaty the water bottle slipped through my grasp. Luckily, Rudy grabbed it, before it hit the ground. However, the resulting back-splash of was enough to soak the front of my blouse and jeans.

“Oops, sorry Sis.”

“It’s not your fault,” I said, flapping my blouse collar to dry it out.

“Man, you’re really drenched! Guess its good you wore that swimsuit after all,” said Rudy, pulling his own sweat-filled polo shirt off for some relief from the heat.

“It’s not really my suit. Meg made me bring it along,” I said, untying my blouse. “I just tried it on for fun; then you showed up before I could change,” I noted and took my blouse off to dry.

“I’ve missed you Barb. Seems like a year since we enjoyed that skiing trip. What an incredible body you have!” He announced, as my jugs threatened to tumble out of the tight restraints of what a teenager might refer to as a bra.

“I’ve missed seeing you guys too. But, it’s actually only been six months and I don’t think we should be discussing our bodies,” I scolded him politely, loosened my jean shorts and let them drop.

“Yeah right, we shouldn’t be discussing bodies, with you looking like THAT!” He said with extra sarcasm.

Looking down at my exposed lower half, I quickly tried to adjust the thin black thong to provide more coverage. It was impossible. I put my hands on my hips and issued a look of frustration when I heard the distinct sound of a camera click.

“HEY, cut it out!” I yelled abruptly, while my brother kept snapping away. “I never intended on being seen in something like this, never mind having my picture taken!”

“Oh come on Barb, nobody will see them but me. Besides you look so sexy,” he said, moving in a circle around me.

“What if somebody sees us?” I asked, turning slightly at an angle to offer a more traditional pose.

“Are you serious? Who would be crazy enough to go hiking in this heat?” he stated and took another shot of me.

“I suppose only crazy perverts like you,” I said, looking down the vacant wooded path.

“So, it’s perverted to want to take pictures of your sexy looking sister?” He asked from behind the camera.


“Then why are you posing like that for me? Maybe I’m not the only pervert here, hmm?” He said, snapping away.

“Maybe,” I snickered and leaned back against the wood railing. “God, but it’s hot!” I exclaimed, turned my face away, but proudly stuck out my chest.

“Hmm, let’s see… if I were a sexy pervert on such a hot day, in front of a camera, what would I do?” He said, as the bulge in his shorts became increasingly obvious.

“Oh shut up and give me some more water,” I said, not totally ignoring his implications.

The forest was incredibly quiet, except for the sounds of an occasional bird chirping, as he tossed me the water bottle. I leaned my head back for a nice long drink. Leaning back further, I let excess water tumble from my mouth, down my neck and over my barely covered chest. The camera clicked again and again. Finishing my drink, I looked Rudy directly in the eyes and tipped the bottle to completely saturate my top.

“Umm, that feels much better,” I purred, lowered the bottle to my hips and poured a fair amount of water inside the top of my thong.

Being apart the past six months had put up an imaginary boundary between us; a wall that suddenly seemed well defined, as we watched each other in mutual states of arousal. I knew teasing him like this was wrong, but something inside me wanted to play and pay a kind of a tribute to the sweet sex we had shared last winter. Basically, I secretly loved the power I had over him.

“Ah see, now you’ve gone and got your suit wet. Guess you’ll have to hang it out to dry too?” He suggested and unzipped his fly.

“It’s a swimsuit, silly! Why would I need to take it off, just because it got wet?” I smiled, but reached behind my back and neck to untie the bra top. “So, what do you plan on doing with these pictures, anyway?” I asked, holding up the loosened bra straps.

“Well, since ‘having you’ is apparently out of the question, I’ll probably upload them to my computer and…” he blushed. I let go of the straps and jiggled my big tits for him.

“And do what, Rudy?” I asked, prying my thumbs inside the thin edge of my thong. “Would you pull out that big cock of yours and play with it, while you looked at my pictures?” He nodded and clicked off another shot, as I slowly peeled the fabric down over my broad hips.

I delighted in viewing his reaction to my little strip show. By now the huge bulge in his shorts had grown to an obscene size and ached to get out. I bent at the waist to pull down and step out of my thong.

“Too bad I can’t watch you do that sometime; I’ll bet it’s quite a sight!” I said, striking all the expected poses.

“Perhaps you’d like a preview, Sis?” He asked, grabbing the swollen outline of his monstrous tool.

“Ooh, you’re naughty,” I replied, as he unzipped his long fly and brought out his rigid beast.

His foot-long surprise seemed bigger and thicker than I remembered. Rubbing my wet slick pussy, I took added joy in watching him administer long strokes to his manhood. The sight of my brother jacking his thick rod with one hand and trying to focus the camera on me with the other would have been comical, if it weren’t for my increasing desire to feel it inside me.

“My, my you ARE naughty. That big ‘ole thing needs to be spanked, for being so naughty,” I seethed and stepped closer to him.

His mammoth cock was every bit as thick as my forearm and about as long. My need to touch it was equally tempered with guilt, as I reached out and slapped it. When he didn’t flinch, I slapped it again and again.

“Oh what a big naughty dick we have here,” I said, took a seat on the edge of the picnic table and dragged him close to me by his belt. “Maybe that’s not the correct way to reprimand such a naughty thing. Here, let’s try this,” I said, undoing his belt and pulling his pants down.

His super hard boner stuck straight out and poked me in the chest. Looking up into his lusty eyes, I lowered my boobs to rest on either side of his hardon. I swayed my round, sweaty melons side to side until they slapped hard against it. Finally putting his camera down, he stepped in close to rest his hard cock securely in my cleavage.

“You know we shouldn’t be doing this,” I said, pressing the sides of my big boobs to surround his mega cock, while he titty-fucked me.

“I need to fuck you so bad, Sis,” he said softly, as our perspiration mixed to provide plenty of lubrication.

“We can’t; you know that,” I answered sadly and felt my ready pussy start to leak.

“Come on Barb. You can’t tell me you don’t want my cock in that hot pussy of yours,” he said, edging his long fingers between my thighs.

“Oh, I want it… but,” I started, when his fingers roughly parted my lips. “Oh God!” My body tensed, while his fingers probed my saturated hole.

Knowing his next move would likely involve fucking, I opted to get him off with a blowjob instead. Backing him up a step, I gathered both hands around his pulsating pipe and leaned down to suck it. It’s just as well I could only bend over so far, as I could only manage to get the swollen purple head of his huge meat in my mouth. I knew he wanted more and he knew my pussy could take it all.

As bad as we wanted each other, I couldn’t get past the feelings of guilt that were sure to surface. This time I was sober; maybe that’s the difference. Whatever the reason, I couldn’t bring myself to betray my husband and his wife, and our families for that matter.

He tried more than a few times to gently force me to lie down, but I only sucked and stroked his cock harder. His grunts and moans were music to my ears, as I released one of my hands to massage his big balls. When his thick meat started to throb I moaned and went back to jacking him with both hands. For an instant I heard something rustle in the brush behind us, but didn’t dare stop to check it out. His thick salty cum burst into my mouth.