What If I Give You My Wife


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Emilio smiled inwardly. This guy was a fool. He would be a sitting duck when he went to the men's room at Union Station. His guys would get him there and take him somewhere quiet where they could work on him. If anything happened to Laura too bad for her.

"Ok. It's a deal," he said to the intruder who now had Laura by the wrist, his gun dug into her waist.

The intruder pushed Laura towards the door.

He got her halfway across the room and suddenly stopped.

"You're really goin' to let me walk out of here with your wife?" the intruder turned to face Emilio who sat sitting quietly in the chair.

"Not much I can do to stop you is there," Emilio replied.

"You didn't put up much of fight. You gave her up to save your ass; you even suggested that I ransom her. You didn't warn me not to touch her; not to hurt her. You didn't comfort her and that it was all going to be alright or tell her that you love her," the intruder gripped Laura's wrist and led her back to where Emilio was sitting.

"How do I know that you are even going to pay the ransom?" the intruder put the gun to Laura's head.

"She's my wife. Of course I'm going to pay the ransom," Emilio said through gritted teeth.

"Why don't I believe you?" the intruder said menacingly.

The intruder pushed Laura away from him a little and she stood still with her head bowed.

"Look at me," the intruder growled.

Laura looked up at him and stared at him defiantly.

The intruder studied her. Laura's green eyes glowered and her full red lips were parted a little showing a row of uneven but perfectly white teeth. He took a step forward and stroked her face and when she tried to recoil he held her still.

"She isn't exactly a troll. There's something about her. She's uniquely attractive and it looks like she's got a killer figure under all that satin and lace," the intruder continued to peruse her.

"So what? She's my wife. What do I care what you think of her?" Emilio spat.

"Because if you don't love her I doubt you will pay a ransom for her which means I get killed or captured in a setup or I'm stuck with her and no ransom money," the intruder replied angrily.

"Hey! Can you stop talking about me as if I'm just a commodity!" Laura shrieked.

"And she's got some spunk too," the intruder pulled Laura close to him and held her by the wrist.

He leaned into her; his face inches from hers.

Laura studied the intruder's face, refusing to look away.

The man was actually quite handsome with full lips and straight sandy hair. He was tanned and he looked lean and rangy under his tight shirt and jeans. Surprisingly he was clean shaven and his breath was sweet; it smelled of spearmint and he was wearing aftershave. He was not the shaggy unwashed ruffian one associated with crimes such as break and enter or kidnapping.

"Hey. I just realised. You two didn't get to consummate your marriage did you? Unless the doll here let you fuck her up against the wall out back of the reception or in the car on the way here," the intruder turned to face Emilio.

"Don't be so crude!" Laura struggled but the man held onto her.

Emilio's face turned red with shame and he looked away, the humiliation radiating from him.

"Jesus! You haven't even fucked her yet have you? I bet she was saving herself for her wedding night," the intruder snickered.

"So let's see what you're missing out on Mr Bigshot," the intruder shook Laura a little and then let go of her.

"I'm going to put my gun down on the desk there where I can easily grab it. If you reach for it, I'll get to it first and I'll do things to you with it that you don't even wanna think about. Understand?" the intruder shook Laura to get her to answer.

"Yes," she whispered timidly.

The intruder carefully put his revolver on the edge of the desk; well within reach.

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do for you Mr Fuccesse. I'm going to have a little taste of Mrs Fuccesse here and I'll let you know if she's any good ok?" the intruder slid his finger along the line of Laura's jaw and she shivered with revulsion.

"No! Just take her! I don't wanna see that!" Emilio begged.

"Come with me," the intruder dragged Laura over to the walk-in robe.

"Where do you keep your nylons?" he asked angrily.

Laura pointed to a large drawer where she kept her hosiery and panties.

The intruder opened the draw and rummaged around in it.

"Quite a collection you have here Mrs Fuccesse. I like a woman who wears nice underwear," the intruder extracted a pair of sheer nylon stockings.

Laura thought briefly of trying to attack the man while he was unarmed. Even though she was a big woman she realised that she would have no chance so she let the fleeting thought pass.

"Take these," the man threw the nylons at Laura and she instinctively caught them.

He led her back to where Emilio was tied to the chair.

"Ball up one of those nylons and put it in his mouth," the intruder ordered and Laura complied.

She rolled up the stocking and approached her husband. Emilio shook his head from side and the intruder slapped his face.

"Open wide," the intruder ordered and Emilio obediently complied.

The intruder nodded at Laura and she stuffed the stocking in her husband's mouth.

"Now tie it in place with the other stocking. Gag him," the intruder ordered.

Laura tied the stocking around Emilio's face tying it tightly behind his head. Emilio was effectively gagged.

"Ok. Get over here," the intruder ordered.

"Stand in front of me. Get in close," Laura did as she was told.

The intruder reached out and snatched up the gun with lightning fast reflexes and put it to Laura's head.

"See how fast I can do that?" the intruder leaned into her; his lips nearly touching hers.

Laura was shaking; she nodded meekly.

The intruder put the gun back on the desk.

"Now undress me," the intruder said dispassionately.

Laura shuddered at the prospect but knew that noncompliance was fruitless and dangerous.

The intruder took her hands and guided them to his belt buckle. Laura unbuckled his belt, her hands shaking.

"Keep going, you know what to do," the intruder whispered.

Emilio couldn't help but watch as his wife unbuttoned the intruder's pants, unzipped his flies and pulled them down to his knees.

"Get down on your knees and finish. Take off my shoes and socks while you're there," the intruder said.

Laura gathered the skirts of her wedding dress and got down on her knees gingerly. She pulled the man's pants down around his ankles refusing to look at his crotch which was at eye level. She untied his shoelaces and removed his shoes and socks and pulled off his pants. The intruder leaned on the desk to balance on one leg while she did so.

Laura could almost feel the heat radiating from the man's groin and she could smell the musk issuing from his genitals. It was not unpleasant. It was a powerful masculine scent. She shook the thought form her mind.

"Now my shirt," the man whispered.

She was surprised when the man gently assisted her to her feet. He caught her when she stuttered on her heels and held her by her elbows. She was shaking with trepidation.

Laura unbuttoned the man's tight denim shirt and saw that his chest and belly were tanned, muscled and hairless. She had to lean in close to take off the shirt and she briefly thought of reaching for the gun while his hands were caught in the sleeves.

"Go on. Do it," the man dared her; reading her thoughts.

Instead she took off the man's shirt and dropped it on the floor.

"Pick it up and put it on the desk along with my pants," the man ordered.

Emilio watched his wife kneeling before the tall muscle-bound stranger gathering his clothing, her face inches from the huge bulge tenting the man's briefs. He noted that Laura refused to look at the man's groin and he felt a little self-satisfaction. The man was obviously well endowed and Emilio's penis was small; even when fully tumescent.

Laura dutifully folded the intruder's pants and shirt and laid them carefully on the desk.

"One last thing," the man grinned at her.

In her high heels she was as tall as the intruder and she met his gaze as she reached down and tugged at his underwear. His cock sprang free and brushed her wrist. She flinched at the meatiness of it. It felt warm and her flesh felt burned where his phallus had brushed against it. She knew that she was imagining it.

"Down you go doll. Take them off and put them with the rest of my clothes," he demanded.

He helped Laura back down onto her knees and she pulled the man's briefs down to his ankles and shook them off his feet. She steadfastly refused to look at his crotch. She made to get up and the man pushed on her shoulders and held her down.

"Look at it," he whispered.

Laura chocked back a sob and lifted her eyes to the man's groin.

His penis was fully distended. It was huge. The shaft was long, thick and sleek, the skin was lustrous and unblemished; deep blue veins ran along its length, distended and pulsing. The glans was pink and bulbous; a droplet of lucent pre-ejaculate had formed at the eye. It was mesmerising and Laura had to arrest the unconscious urge to reach out and touch it.

Emilio watched his new wife kneeling on the floor in her pristine white wedding gown, the intruder towering over her, her face inches from the man's engorged cock. Despite the revulsion he felt, he felt himself becoming aroused.

The intruder's scrotum was proportional to the dimensions of his phallus. The pink sac was bald, the skin delicate and mottled, the large orbs of his testes undulated synchronously with the pulsing of his penis.

Laura couldn't help but be fascinated by the virility of this stranger. The pungent aroma of his manhood was excitingly aromatic. She forced herself to look away but not before she realised that she was becoming damp. She hated herself for it.

"Let me up," she whimpered, her voice choked with emotion.

The intruder reached down and lifted Laura to her feet.

He held her at arm's length and when she refused to look at him he lifted her chin. He saw the defiance blazing in her ice-green eyes; her lips were slightly parted and she was breathing heavily.

"Kiss me," he whispered.

Laura stood stock still.

"Kiss me," he whispered again.

Laura leaned forward, keeping her body away from his and chastely placed her lips on his. She expected the man to paw at her, to drag her into his embrace but he stood still with his lips gently grazing hers. His lips were soft and full and pressed lightly on hers. To Laura this was worse than him forcing himself on her. Standing modestly apart, him naked and concupiscent, she dressed in her virginal white wedding gown, leaning forward a little with their lips feather-lightly touching. It was intimate and tender. It was affectionate and ardent; not what she'd expected and worse it was congenial.

Laura didn't want the man to treat her this way. If she was to be ravaged she wanted the man to brutalise her so that she could fight him and demonstrate to her husband that she was not being compliant.

It was almost like the intruder sensed what she was thinking and suddenly he pulled her close him and locked her in an embrace. She struggled against him, feeling his hard cock pressing into her belly. The man groaned through closed lips at the sensation of his cock rubbing on her satin gown, the feeling was exquisite.

The intruder grabbed Laura's plump buttocks and pressed her hard against him and rutted against her. She realised that the harder she fought the man, the more he was enjoying it so she stopped struggling. When he thrust his tongue into her mouth she didn't resist. The man explored her mouth with his tongue, kissing her passionately but not roughly. She hated him for it because the man was kissing her expertly, just how she liked it.

He wasn't insistent and his breath was sweet, the tip of his tongue investigated the space between her upper lips and her teeth, caressing her gums. It was as if the man knew what delighted her. Emilio was a horrible kisser who slobbered at her mouth and his breath often reeked of cigars; she usually found her husband's kisses repugnant.

The intruder relaxed his grip on her but still held her close. She involuntarily put her arms around the man's neck as she rocked on her high heels and stumbled. The man continued to kiss her affectionately and she hated him for it but couldn't help responding accordingly and she begrudgingly returned his kisses. Laura felt ashamed but justified her actions as self-preservation. Better to be compliant and escape the intruder's wrath and retribution that to struggle and suffer pain and humiliation.

The man had a gun. He had her husband tied to a chair. He could do whatever he wanted to either of them. She was doing what she had to, to save herself and her husband from this vicious ruffian.

'Just keep telling yourself that,' she thought to herself.

His wife's sudden compliance was not lost on Emilio. As much as he wanted to tear his eyes away from the tableaux in front of him he couldn't. When his wife put her arms around the intruder, leaned into him and responded in kind to his kisses he sobbed. He had never felt so degraded but at the same time his cock was hard and throbbing inside his morning suit.

"Touch it," the intruder's voice was muffled by their kiss.

"No," Laura replied vehemently but she didn't stop kissing him.

The intruder took her hand and forced it between their bodies and guided it down to his groin. Laura refused to touch the man's penis but he didn't force her. He left her hand there and thrust himself against her so that his cock came in contact with her fingers.

When the man's cock brushed her fingers Laura instinctively pulled them away but the intruder would not let her remove her hand. He continually pressed his cock into her belly and occasionally it would poke against her fingers or her palm as they kissed. Laura could feel the heat generated by the man's phallus, it was powerful and commanding and deep down she wanted to touch the organ, to feel the power of it, the girth of it. Her panties were becoming damp with excitement.

The intruder was patient and seemed happy just to kiss Laura, to caress her, to grind his cock against her satin-sheathed torso. It was exasperating but tantalising at the same time. She finally relented and tickled the glans of the man's penis the next time it grazed her fingers. She could feel the man smile and she detested him for his arrogance but she couldn't help but take his cock into her hand the next time it presented itself.

The organ was fully engorged and throbbed menacingly in her grip. It felt like a dangerous weapon, sleek and spongy, hard and pulsing. She stroked it and suddenly it erupted. Scalding viscous fluid spattered over her wrist and drenched the front of her dress. She tried to remove her hand but the intruder kept it firmly wrapped around his cock as he ejaculated, holding her close to him with his other arm, kissing her fervidly, driving his tongue into her mouth. She struggled against him, finally emancipated from the spell she had allowed him to put on her. He was just a vicious thug, using her for his own pleasure.

The stench of his semen assaulted her nostrils and a warm dampness soaked through layers on satin, lace and nylon repulsing her but still she kept her fingers wrapped around the thrumming shaft as it continued to spew forth the warm musky discharge onto her wedding dress and drench her hand.

The intruder was overcome with the power of his orgasm and it sapped his strength. Laura was able to snatch her hand from between their bodies and put it against his shoulder. With her other hand on his opposite shoulder she pushed with all her strength and she managed to escape the intruder's embrace. She snatched at the pistol on the desk but she missed it by millimetres and the intruder recovered enough to slap her hand away and snatch the pistol himself.

"Well that was fun," the intruder was breathing heavy, pointing the pistol at Laura.

The intruder looked pathetic, standing naked with his cock slowly deflating, his flat belly smeared with his own ejaculate, gasping for breath. He quickly recovered and waved the gun at Laura, motioning her to stand in front of her husband who was livid, straining at his bonds. He had no sympathy for Laura; he was just humiliated that a stranger had defiled his wife. The intruder had sullied something that belonged to him.

Laura stood shaking with humiliation, her head bowed unable to look at either man.

"Look at your wife Mr Fuccesse. Look what I've done to her. Lift your head up doll and hold out your skirts," the intruder demanded.

Laura lifted her head but didn't meet the gaze of either man. The front of her wedding dress was spattered with the intruder's ejaculate, the stain spreading around her midriff. She could feel the warm squishiness soaking through the dress into her pantyhose.

Emilio's face was red with rage and he was mouthing muffled threats and obscenities into his gag.

"What's that bossman? You want to know if she liked it?" the intruder taunted him.

"How dare you!" Laura swiped at the intruder, catching him on the cheek with her open hand.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks," the intruder laughed, rubbing at his cheek

Laura made to slap the intruder again but he caught her wrist and pulled her close. He tried to kiss her but she kept moving her face away from his. The intruder lifted the gun and poked her in the ribs with it.

"Enough bullshit. I want to see what you're hiding under your skirts," he growled.

"What about you bossman? Would you like to see?" he heckled Emilio who looked like he was having a fit.

"I can't understand what you're saying with that stocking in your mouth but we shall take it as a yes shall we?" he said mockingly.

The intruder sat down in the overstuffed chair beside Emilio keeping the gun trained on Laura.

"Now stand right there in front of us and keep still until I tell you what to do. Lift your head and look at us. If you look away I'm going to smash the butt of my pistol into your husband's knee. He only has two so if you keep looking away I'll have to start on his elbows and that will leave him a cripple," the intruder threatened.

Laura lifted her head, mustered up some courage and stared at the two men defiantly.

"Ok doll; lift your skirts," the intruder smiled at her coarsely.

Laura stood steadfast until the intruder spun the pistol in his hand and raised it above Emilio's right knee. Emilio screamed into the gag and rocked back and forth in his chair in trepidation. He looked beseechingly at his new wife.

As much as Laura despised her husband she did not want him crippled.

Laura slowly began to lift her wedding dress, taking the flowy skirt in her fingers and raising it up her legs. She stopped when the hem was at her knees and gathered more of satin and lace gown in her fingers and raised it to the top of her thighs.

Laura's thighs were a little thick but proportional to her shapely legs, swaddled in the gossamer pantyhose. She kept her legs together and her thighs rubbed together except for the gap at the very top. Emilio stopped struggling and stared at his wife's long shapely legs sheathed in the shiny translucent nylon. His fear dissipated and was once again replaced by lust which was evident by the bulge in his pants. The intruder's cock had likewise come to attention.

"Keep going," the intruder whispered dry-mouthed.

Laura raised her lace skirts all the way up to her waist, her assertiveness had abandoned her and she sobbed quietly. Her white satin panties were in plain sight worn over her pantyhose, the waistband of which extended up to her hips. The upper part of the hose was wet with the intruder's semen.