Voyeur gets Voyeured Ch. 05


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Ashley and Jacob grabbed their clothes and waved back over their shoulders as they headed for the sliding glass door. They didn't even put their clothes on. I could envision them running across my yard to Jacob's to the cheers of boater cruising by looking to see if Ashley was here. In my mind, I imagined Ashley running in slow motion like Bo Derek running on the beach in the movie "10". Her tits swing wildly from side to side and up and down as she grins and waves to her admirers.

They could have stopped on my deck and got dressed for all I knew. I preferred my mind's eye scenario. I just laid their thinking about the wild orgy enjoyed by all this morning. I hoped that Divi got home in time before her mother got up. I didn't like deceiving Priya but she did say that if Divi and I were going to have sex, don't do it in front of her. Even though, I had to put a stop to Divi's nightly visits.

I was starving. I got up and took a shower. I got dressed in my 'going-to-town' clothes and drove to my favorite breakfast diner. I knew I'd run into Donna there and frankly, I wasn't sure what to expect from her after the men's room scene the other night. I wasn't sure how I felt about her either. She's very attractive and probably a few years younger than me. She's verbally expressed her interest. There was nothing to lose by asking her out. I decided that I'd wait to see how this morning went.

When I pushed open the door, Donna was waiting on an elderly couple. When the bell, hanging over the door rang, she looked to see who had come in. Her face lit up when she saw me. The elderly couple saw the expression on her face and looked where she was looking. The elderly couple, with a lifetime of experiences, smiled at each other.

Donna motioned toward my usual booth and I smiled and sat down. Donna finished taking the elderly couples order and quickly moved to the kitchen. When she came out to the counter, she stopped and looked at her reflection in the glass door of some appliance. She primped her hair and makeup and hoisted her tits higher and then headed for my table.

As usual, she commented that I was alone. She made no comments about Beverly and Eva, whom she had referred to as high-class hookers, nor did she comment about Divi's hand up my shorts the last time I was here. She was bubbly and livelier than I had seen her before. With Donna's back to the elderly couple, the wife was grinning at me and she mouthed the words, "She really likes you. Ask her out." Donna noticed that I was looking past her to the elderly couple trying to read the wife's lips. She turned to see what had captured my attention. The elderly couple went back to their own conversation as Donna turned.

I could tell that this was going to be very awkward if I didn't ask her out. Donna took my order and then delivered the elderly couple's breakfast, as she watched me the whole way. Then she delivered my order, which was the same as it always was. As I was eating, the elderly couple had paid and was heading for the door. The wife came over to my table and said, "She is so into you. You have to ask her out."

I smiled at her and said, "I intend to when she brings my check." The wife grinned at her husband and they were gone.

Donna walked over with my check and asked what the old women had said and I told her, word for word. Donna blushed a little but then stood there waiting for me to continue. I didn't want to tease her. She was obviously on pins and needles already. I said, "I'm not very good at this. I'm way out of practice, but ummm. Would you uuummm..."

Donna broke into a grin and relieved me of my dilemma by answering my question before I finished asking. "Yes. Jack. I would love to go out with you. My only night off is tomorrow. Is that okay?" I grinned and nodded and was so flustered that I forgot to give her my credit card to pay for breakfast. She wrote her address and phone number on an order sheet and I went to the door stuffing it in my pocket.

I opened the door and looked back at her and she said, "Uumm Jack. You still need to pay for breakfast." I was so far away from breakfast that I didn't immediately comprehend what she was talking about. Then I could feel the heat in my face. I was so embarrassed. I muttered quietly to myself, "Fuck. Jack, you're an idiot." Donna must have heard me mumbling to myself because she laughed. I handed her my credit card and buried my face in my hands. She laughed again as she took my card to the cash register. I signed the receipt and said, "Sorry. They don't let me out much."

Donna giggled and said, "Oh stop it. I'm looking forward to tomorrow night. See you at 7:30?" I smiled and nodded and headed back to the door. I waved to her through the front window and she waved back. When I was out of site, Donna yelled, "Yes. Finally." I doubt that she thought I could hear her, but I did. These old buildings had crap for insulation. I smiled to myself, got in my car and drove home.

As I drove home I thought about whether I had done the right thing, asking Donna out. I found myself thinking that Priya was my primary interest and I continued to hope that she would want to pursue a relationship. Before I drove into my garage, I had settled the issue. I didn't know Donna very well so I wanted to find out how compatible we might me. I resolved to ignore our sexual experience in the men's room and start from scratch.

The next day, Jacob's truck was still in his driveway but Ashley's car was gone. It was hot and put on my bathing suit and grabbed a float and my e-reader and floated in the lake and read for nearly an hour before setting the reader on my chest and let my head fall back against the headrest. I noticed that a family of Loons was fishing just behind my boat, only twenty feet away. They were totally unconcerned with my proximity. I put my hands behind my head and watched them. The two adults would leave the baby on the surface and dive underwater and return with small fish in their long pointy beaks. Another Loon, far down the lake sounded a familiar alarm and the affect on these Loons was instantaneous. The mother Loon and baby; at least I assumed it was the mother Loon, began swimming toward deeper water and the male swam off in the opposite direction. I had seen Loon's do this hundreds of times. The alarm sounded earlier was an announcement that a Bald Eagle was in the air. When my male Loon got to deep water, he started sounding off in a particular trilling call. He unfurled his wings and began flapping them. I couldn't see an Eagle but it was obvious that the Loon did. His ululating wail reverberated across the water and other Loons took up the call.

Then I saw the Eagle. It was twenty feet above the water and lazily flapping its wings in long fluid motion. The Loons were going nuts. As always, I was fascinated by this dance. The Eagle swooped in on the attack and at the last instant the Loon dove under the water. The Eagle flapped its wings to hover over the spot where the Loon went under. The Eagle could see the Loon move away from that spot but the Loon can remain underwater for a long time, so the Eagle climbed and circled and waited. I never understood why the Eagle was attacking the male, which was at least as big as the Eagle. What was he going to do with it if he caught it? The Eagle circled and then flew off to a high pine branch. The Loon came back to the surface a considerable distance from where he went under. They fly underwater just like they do in the air. They're not graceful birds in the air, but they're incredibly fast underwater.

I always wondered why the Eagle didn't go after the baby Loon. That was something it could handle. Whatever the reason, the Eagle almost never did. I say almost, because one day an Eagle did go after the baby. The Loons were screaming bloody murder and the Eagle shrieked and the male Loon launched himself into the air and attacked the Eagle. The baby went under and the mother Loon stayed to fight for a moment before going under too. The male Loon was closing fast and the Eagle knew it and abandoned his quarry and headed back the way it had come. I had never seen a Loon just launch out of the water into flight. They generally start flapping their long thin wings and run across the water as they pick up speed to get into the air.

The excitement was over as the Eagle flew away. The male Loon unfurled his wings and began flapping them like a gorilla pounding his chest announcing himself as the victor. I never once saw an Eagle victory except to steal a fish that the Loon had caught that was too big for it to swallow. The Loon abandoned his catch to dive underwater as the Eagle swooped in and grabbed the fish in its talons and flew back to his tree.

I checked my watch and decided that I had better get ready for my date. I smiled to myself when I thought, 'Date.' I had made a reservation for dinner at a fancy restaurant about half way to the city. It was still a long drive. I figured the time could be spent talking. The only fancy restaurant in the vicinity was the Inn and I certainly wasn't going to take her there. Back in the day, dinner and a movie would be on the agenda but I worried that that was too cliché for this day and age. Hell, I didn't even know if they called it a 'date' these days. Getting to know each other over dinner would be fine and if it worked okay, I'd ask her out again. If she thought this date worked out okay, she'd say 'yes' and then I'd have to get more creative. What a pain in the ass. I was already getting negative so I put my mind in order and finished getting dressed, which was a pain in the ass itself. The dress slacks and shirt that I had worn to the Inn were in the laundry and I didn't have a lot of choices buried deep in my closet. I had to go upstairs to a closet in the spare bedroom to find something. Fortunately, everything up there had been dry-cleaned and was still in the plastic bags.

I was anxious and drove into Donna's driveway five minutes early. Her house was much more than that. It was more of a mansion. It had to be at least eight thousand square feet. Two cars were parked in the driveway in front of two of the four garages. One was a BMW 650i Convertible and the other was a Jaguar XKR Convertible. It turned out that Donna had a house mate who was standing in the picture window above the four-car garage looking down at me. I waved and she returned it with a smile. She turned toward the direction of the main house and obviously yelled something. It was probably to inform Donna that I was here.

I had always thought that waiting in the car for the date to come out was rude. Even worse was to toot the horn. I went to the front door and rang the doorbell. I expected the house mate to answer but it was Donna and she was slightly out of breath. She was stunning and dressed elegantly in a spaghetti strap dress with V-cuts front and back. It was made of a clingy material that accentuated her curves and dropped to mid calf. She stood taller in four-inch stilettos that wrapped a few times around her ankles. Her light brown hair, which had always been pulled back in a ponytail whenever I'd seen her, was hanging in long curls below her shoulders. She motioned me to come in and she introduced me to Sylvia, her house mate and older sister. Sylvia was equally stunning. She was taller than Donna with sun-streaked blonde hair and deep blue eyes that seemed to sparkle as she examined me from head to toe. She was dressed in a sweatshirt and shorts but it was obvious that her body was every bit the equal of Donna's. She had an odd expression on her face as she leaned toward Donna and without taking her eyes off mine, whispered, "Fuck Donna. He's delicious. Nice going." Sylvia knew she was whispering loud enough for me to hear. Her facial expression changed to a sultry look like she was sizing me up for a meal.

Donna saw Sylvia's expression and said, "Well. I guess I'd better get you out of here before Sylvi attacks." Donna pushed past me and opened the front door and we were gone. Sylvia watched from the picture window as she lazily caressed one of her erect nipples though her sweatshirt.

Donna saw what Sylvia was doing in the window and she said, "Sylvia is actually my older half-sister. Same mother, different fathers." I backed out of the driveway and waved to Sylvia as I drove off. Donna continued, "She's very beautiful and very aggressive and she especially loves tall, fit men. I hope to keep you out of her clutches. I probably shouldn't have introduced you two."

I glanced over at her and said, "You're every bit as beautiful as she is." She blushed and waved my compliment away with her hand. We dropped the discussion of Sylvia and I told her where we were going. It was an hour drive but she seemed pleased with my choice.

She said, "I've never eaten there but I hear rave reviews." We talked about innocuous stuff like how great the summer had been. She was interested in the fact that I lived on a lake. She expressed an interest in going out on my boat sometime. I filed that information away for later. She made several attempts to get information about my life but I was purposely evasive. I gave her some info but I didn't really want to get into talking about Anna. That could wait until some other time if things went well.

I hadn't worn my wedding ring for many years, so I had no tan lines or compression lines on that finger or any other indications that I'd ever been married. Donna asked why I wasn't married and I told her that I was many years ago and left it at that. She was quiet, hoping for more but I didn't offer any and changed the subject by asking why she wasn't married.

Donna caught the subject change and freely discussed her previous marriage and their divorce last year. She had no children but she wanted some. They both had. She didn't bad mouth her ex and said that they just grew apart. They continued to be congenial but not friends. He was dating someone serious. She wished him well, although she made a point of the fact that the new woman was considerably younger; "She has a lot more time on her clock than me."

My mind flashed back to her comment about wanting kids. She was in her mid thirties so I knew her biological clock was ticking and she was fully aware of that fact. A thought, 'I wonder if I'm supposed to be the sperm donor,' flashed quickly through my mind. I pushed it away.

The restaurant was beautifully decorated inside and out. The ambiance was perfect. We were seated at a small round table for two in a corner away from other diners. The table was covered by a bright red floor length linen table cloth. A candle flickered in the center. The table was set with expensive china and Waterford Crystal. I only noticed because somewhere in my house was stored the exact same china pattern and glassware. Maybe the restaurant would be interested in buying it. I'd never use it again.

Over dinner, Donna explained that the house that she and Sylvia lived in belonged to their maternal grandparents. They had died fairly close to each other and the house was willed to them instead of their mother because the grandparents were afraid that if they willed it to their daughter and she died before her fourth and current husband, that the house would then go to his kids from an earlier marriage. She and Sylvia were equal owners.

Talking with Donna was easy and I was having a great time. The meal was amazing. I was careful not to drink much because I was driving but Donna had enough so she was slurring her words a little and she struggled to appear perfectly fine. At one point, Donna bent over the edge of the table reaching to the floor. I figured that she'd dropped her linen napkin. As it turned out, she was unfastening the ankle straps on one of her stilettos. When she sat back up she had a sultry look on her face and then I felt her foot run up my leg and into my crotch. My cock reacted immediately. She worked her toes along the contour of my shaft and grinned at me as she nonchalantly raised her drink to her lips as she searched my face for a reaction. She didn't say a word as she continued to drag the ball of her foot along my cock, which inexorably pushed back.

I was trying hard to maintain some decorum in this elegant setting but I was forced to emit a soft groan. She smiled at that reaction and pressed down harder. I glanced quickly around the dining room to see if anyone was on to us. No one appeared to notice anything.

I had no idea what Donna's end-game was. 'Was she trying to make me cum in my pants?' I would pull it out and cum on her foot first. All that became a moot point when we heard music start up in an adjacent room. I signaled for the check as Donna continued molesting my cock. The waiter appeared at the table with a leather-bound book. I briefly examined the check and placed cash for the bill and a generous tip in the book and closed it. I casually said, "Would you like to dance?"

Her sultry smile changed to an excited grin as she pulled her foot out of my lap and said, "I'd love to. I haven't gone dancing in ages." She bent down again and struggled to get her shoe back on. I was grateful for the extra time to get the tent in my slacks to go away.

As I took Donna in my arms in a slow dance, my heart was hammering in my chest. The last woman I had danced with was Anna. She loved to go dancing. We had taken lessons. She especially liked to Tango and she was very good at it. Her beauty and grace always brought the house down with applause which embarrassed her. Fortunately, in the Tango, the guy is mostly a prop to display the sensual moves of his partner. I had my part to play too but I can guarantee that no one was looking at me.

Donna and I danced to fast songs and slow ones and when a Tango started, I ushered Donna off the dance floor and back to our table. We were both breathing a little hard and her shoulders glistened with perspiration. Donna took a sip off her drink and said, "Do you Tango?"

I hesitated a moment and then nodded and said, "I used to; a long time ago."

Donna obviously sensed the change in my mood and she said, "I love to watch couples who really know how to Tango. It's so sensuous. It turns me on. I wish I knew how. Maybe you could teach me." She looked into my eyes which were starting to moisten. She said, "I'm sorry if I brought back bad memories."

I smiled and said, "Only good ones." Her smile faltered and she took another sip mostly because she didn't know what else to do or say.

We danced a few more dances and we held each other close as we moved to the slow beat of the music. I felt bad that I'd bummed her out. I kissed her on the neck below her left ear and her moan was barely audible above the music. She turned to kiss me back and we held the kiss for a long moment.

We went back to our table and finished out drinks, paid the tab and left. On the way home I was quiet and so was Donna until from out of the blue she said, "Your wife died, didn't she?"

I was struck dumb by the question but I gathered myself and after several moments of hesitation, I said, "Thirteen years ago. We were both twenty-five. I'm sorry that I keep getting pulled down by things that make me think of her."

Donna was quiet a moment and then said, "The Tango? You danced the Tango with her. That made you think of her."

I nodded and said, "She loved the Tango and she owned the dance floor. Other dancers cleared the floor just to watch her."

Donna said, "You must have been pretty good yourself."

"I suppose, but she was amazing; so incredibly sensual. Every guy wished he wa..." I stopped in mid-sentence and glanced over at her. She was looking at me. "I'm sorry Donna. This isn't how I wanted this to go. Let's talk about something else."

Donna's approach to changing the subject worked wonders as she leaned toward me and put her hand on my thigh and began working it toward my lap. Her touch was like electricity surging through me. By the time her fingers moved to my crotch, my cock was rock hard. My lungs seemed to push up into my throat. I couldn't breathe. She found my zipper in the dark and pulled it down. I glanced at her face that had come closer as she put her torso on the center console. She had a wicked grin on her face as my cock pushed out of my slacks directly into her hand.