Under Cover Brother Pt. 01


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His mother smirked back at him, like he had said something ridiculous. Then she put her wine glass down and stretched her arms back, pushing her chest out as she did so. Seth just stared open mouthed, as her colossal breasts strained against her dress. Seth gasped out loud as her top button succumbed to the force and popped right off and went flying across the kitchen, hitting Seth in the forehead. They both laughed out loud.

"Momma needs to be more careful with the girls," she said cupping her boobies and hefting them in her hands for a second. A mile of cleavage was now exposed. She turned over the stove again.

"I—Mom, look at me," he said.

She turned around.

"We need to stop this...these games. We can't do this anymore. We're not lovers." he looked down at the floor afraid to see his mother's face.

She simply said, "My man's just tired and worn out. Let's talk tomorrow after we both get a good night's sleep and after this good meal I've cooked for you."

He looked up at her and she was smiling over at him like he was the cutest thing she had ever seen and like his words didn't mean a thing. He resigned himself to speaking again in the morning. She was right in one regard, he was very tired. He had broached the subject and in the morning he'd make his plans to get a new place to stay. He had this, or so he thought. Seth was definitely going to get something.

He dreamed that night. His dreams were so colorful and vivid and so real. He dreamed of being an ancient king and warlord and of having his own harem. He dreamed of calling for his royal concubines and lying back on the pillows of his pleasure chamber as they encircled him and ran their hands over his body, kissing him and smothering him with their bodies, kissing him.

"Mmmm," he moaned as he awoke. Someone was really kissing him and pressing large, heavy breasts against his right arm and side. He couldn't move. His mystery lover sucked his tongue into her mouth as she ran her hands down his chest and over his stomach and onto his hard throbbing cock. She squeezed him firmly and then slid her hand down further grabbing his balls. Seth moaned against her mouth and around their dancing tongues. He knew who it was as he felt the bed shift as she climbed on it with him.

She straddled him carefully, completely naked, leaning down against him. "Momma knew you didn't mean what you said earlier," she said as her body molded against his. Her soft, fat belly felt good against him. She kissed him fervently and then pulled back slightly so that she could grab his hard cock.

"Momma knew you only said those mean things cuase you was so tired. You were hard before Momma even came in to kiss you good night, baby. I'm gonna take such good care of you." Then she guided the tip of his shaft against her wet pussy. "You gonna take good care of Momma? Do you love Momma? Am I your girl? Tell Momma." She slid the tip along her slit as she pressed her massive chest against his, being careful not to hurt his injured shoulder.

Seth needed release. His hips pushed up slightly, seemingly on their own accord. His cock was calling the shots here now and overriding his brain. He knew he should tell her to get the fuck off of his bed and get the fuck out of his room, but she felt so good on top of him. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to take care of her and to show her how much he loved her and to make her his girl. He needed to mark her again, to fill her up with his sperm. He bucked his hips up slightly pushing the tip of his cock into her pussy.

"Momma reads you loud and clear," she said, pushing her hips down, engulfing his cock. "Make me...uh...make me...uh..." she grunted as she rode his cock, driving her hips up and down on him. Her soft belly and giant tits mashed between them. She was so careful not to touch his injured shoulder.

"Make you cum?" Seth gasped, bucking up slightly but letting his mother do most of the work. She felt so good.

"Close...baby...I'm so close...you're so big...Momma's big man...uh," she paused for a moment, eyes wide and lost in lust. She kissed him again, hard and wet, sucking his tongue into her mouth. "Make me your bitch...your old lady...your girlfriend...do me every night..." She sank back down onto his cock and then pulled all the way off of him.

Seth was close to cumming himself and she was teasing him mercilessly. He needed to be inside her...he desperately needed release. He thrust up but couldn't reach her. His cock throbbed painfully. "I need to cum..."

"Not until you till me," she said, kissing him again. Her full lips felt so good against his. "Tell me," she said pulling away from him. "Tell Momma you didn't mean those nasty things you said earlier." She plunged back onto his cock again and then pulled all the way off.

"Fuck!" Seth yelled.

"We can, if you just tell Momma."

"I need it," he croaked.

"You need me," she said, kissing and biting his neck, leaving a mark for sure.

"Yes I need you," he croaked again, throat dry. With his injuries and his heavy mother on top of him he was trapped...unable to move at all.

"You love me," she whispered, kissing him again, reaching back to stoke his shaft.

"I love you," he whispered, raising his hips again trying to find her entrance. "Please," he pleaded.

She squeezed his cock hard and then released him. "Who am I?" she growled at him, mere inches away from his face. "I need you to say it."

"Your mine...please...you're my woman."

She sank her hips down until the tip of his cock was against her slit. "I'm your girl?"

"You're my girl,"

She kissed him again. "I'll take care of you. I'm your new girlfriend?"

"You're my girlfriend," he pushed his hips up as far as he could and an inch of his cock penetrated her.

"Oh baby...you'll make me cum, and I'm your bitch, yeah?"

"You're my bitch, " he said, meaning every word of it.

She plunged down onto him again and rode him hard. Seth came within minutes. "I'm cumming!"

"Fill me up! I want to feel you shooting inside me! Ugh!"

He came deep inside his mother as she continued to ride him. He kept squirting his love juice deep inside her until his balls were empty and still his mother rode him. She sat back then, lifting her weight off of him and leaning back on the bed, grinding against him.

"Oh god baby, I'm cumming...uh...god! All over your cock...uh..." Her eyes rolled back and she squealed as she came. Seth watched her whole body rock with her powerful orgasm. When she was done she collapsed onto him smothering his mouth with hers. "So good...my big man...so good."

Seth awoke the next morning from a dream that he was making love to his sister. He had been dreaming about her every night for the past week. He blinked awake and groaned out loud in pleasure, looking down at his groin. His mother looked up at him lovingly. She had his cock buried in her throat. She slowly pulled her mouth off of his shaft.

"Good morning, baby," she said, licking her lips. "Did you sleep well?"


"Oh, good," she replied. "Now lay back and let Momma take care of this big monster I found lurking under your covers." She giggled and then opened her mouth wide, sucking him back into her mouth. "mmmm...mmmm..." She moaned in pleasure as she took him deep into her mouth. She clamped her lips tightly around his love pipe, sucking him hard.

Seth bucked his hips up, driving his cock all the way into his mother's throat. He loved how his mother could take every last inch of his cock without the slightest sign of a gag. In return she fondled his balls as she sucked him, sliding her full lips up and down the length of him, licking around his girth as she did.

"Oh God, Mom...I'm gonna cum...uh..."

"mmmm hmmm," she moaned around him, urging him to fill her belly with his sperm.

"Oh, god!" he exclaimed as he erupted. He shot several streams of cum right down her throat, before she pulled away from him a little so that she could take the rest in her mouth, savoring his salty taste.

When he was finished ejaculating, his mother pulled her mouth away, opening it to show him that it was filled with his cum, and then she made a big show of swishing it around in her mouth before swallowing it all. "Delicious! Momma thinks she's gonna wake you up like this every morning. I sure love you baby," she said getting up and leaving.

Every day of the next month played out almost exactly the same. Seth's mother took really good care of him, with wonderful, home cooked meals. She saw to his every need. She usually gave him a morning blow job to wake him up and then fucked him hard every night. He's friends from the agency came to visit him almost daily as well. To Seth's relief, they never suspected a thing. His mother was, well, the perfect mother when other people were around, but when she had him alone, she was his woman.

One day, as Seth was eating breakfast, the doorbell rang. His mother hurried out to see who it was. He heard another female voice and rolled out into the living room to see who it was.

It was Marta, his lawyer friend, who had been working hard on Millie's case.

"Hi, Seth!" She rushed over and gave Seth a careful hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "You look good! How are you?"

"Thanks, Marta. I am doing really well. I can finally move around on my own, without Mom pushing me everywhere. I'll be on crutches next week. I can finally put some weight on my foot and use my arm. You have no idea how free I feel!"

"I'm so happy for you. You had everyone so worried." She looked over at the couch. "Can I sit? Please, Nancy, have a seat."

"What is it?" Seth and his mom asked in unison.

Marta sat on one end of the couch and Nancy sat on the other. Seth wheeled himself closer.

Marta smiled brightly. "It's about Millie. I would have told you sooner, but it happened so fast and I wanted to tell you in person."

"What?" Seth and his mother both asked in unison again.

"I'm glad you're mobile, Seth because you're both coming with me as soon as you're both ready. Millie is being released this morning."

Seth's mother gasped in shock, putting her hand over her mouth. Then she literally flew to the other end of the couch, crushing Marta into a giant hug. "I knew you could do it! We owe you everything!"

"Marta. Thank you, so much. You are amazing," Seth added. Inwardly feeling like he was going to implode and wondering how that was going to play out. Had his mom already worked out the details with her?

"You're both welcome. It was my pleasure. You know I love you guys and would do anything for you."

"I really do owe you. How can I ever pay you back," Seth asked, and then lost himself in his thoughts again.

Marta shook her head, letting them both know that she didn't expect anything in return, then looking at Seth, she asked "You okay? You looked stunned."

"I'm just amazed that you were able to work magic like that. How can I ever pay you back?"

"You can make it up to me by taking me out to dinner when you're able."

"Deal," Seth, replied too quickly. His mother gave him a quick wide-eyed look of disapproval before getting up off the couch.

"Marta, I'll just be a minute. Seth's already to go I think. I'll be right back down."

"Perfect," Marta replied.

"You should be happy, Seth. Why do you look so down in the dumps?"

"Oh...I am happy. I'm just in a little bit of pain this morning," he lied.

"I'm sorry, Seth," she said getting off the couch and walking over to him leaning in and giving him a soft, lingering kiss on his lips. "I've never gone out on a date with a hero before."

Before Seth cold reply, his mother came down the stairs. "I'm ready!" she almost yelled and they hurried out.

They all got in Marta's Land Rover. It had plenty of room in the back for his wheelchair and enough room for him to stretch out his leg. As they rode to the county jail, Seth thought hard about Millie and the last time he had talked to her. She had been very tentative and reserved on the phone. He had thought that they were in love with each other before the shoot out with Big John, now he didn't know what to think. He had told Millie that he loved her and couldn't wait to have her in his arms again, and Millie had replied with silence. Now it was almost three months since he had seen her.

It took nearly thirty minutes to get to the jail and Seth was a nervous wreck by the time they arrived. While Marta went to check in, Seth wheeled in close to his mother. "Does this change anything...I mean...I'm so confused...Millie and I experienced something so intense..."

"Shhh," she whispered to him, putting her finger over her lips. "I don't want you to worry. I want Millie back just as much as you do. The first thing we're going to do is take her over to get the baby and then we're all going back to our house."

"But," Seth started. "What about..."

"I'm still your bitch and you're still gonna take care of Momma whenever she needs it, yeah?"

"I am?"

"You are," she said sternly. "I'm not giving you up."

"What about Millie?"

She just smiled at him and then lifted her head, "Here they come!"

Seth spun around in his wheelchair and there she was walking down the hall towards them. His mother stood up behind him. He felt just like he had the last time he had been with her. His heart pounded in his chest, he started to sweat and his cock twitched in his shorts. He really did love her. He lusted for her. He wheeled slowly down the hall towards her. Millie saw him then. Seth saw her pause a beat and her expression change. Then she ran down the hall towards him. She was crying. Her massive, jutting tits bounced wildly beneath her top as she came towards them.

Seth stood up from his chair. Millie stopped a foot away from him. She was so beautiful. They had let her change out of her orange prison uniform. She was wearing jeans and a blouse. The jeans looked like they were spray painted on and her blouse was several sizes too small. If possible, her breasts appeared larger than they were before.

"I thought you weren't going to make it and I was heartbroken," she whispered.

"It would take more than that to kill me, baby," he said, sounding like he stole a line from a cheap western. "The phone..." he started, but his sister cut him off.

"Yeah, I tried to...I thought we had made a mistake...but seeing you now..." She inched closer. Her straining chest was touching his now.

"Mom and I...she..."

"I know...we'll figure it out...what about me?"

"I can't live without you...I knew that as soon as I saw you walking down the hall."

Marta chimed in. "Uh...what?...we need to check out now..."

Seth's mom pulled her away to the side of the hallway. "In a minute."

Millie collapsed into Seth and he squeezed her against him, loving the feel of her large, soft breasts against his chest and the smell of her hair. "I love you," she said and kissed him hard. They kissed passionately, ignoring Marta's disapproving gasps from beside them.

When they broke for air, Millie pulled back. "I've got something to tell you,"

"You can tell me anything."

"I'm pregnant," she said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Both Marta and Seth's mom gasped out loud. Without thinking, Seth asked, "Is it mine?"

Millie nodded.

Seth's mom took charge then. "Marta, let's go get us checked out, we'll talk about this later." She took Marta's arm and the two women went down to check out.

"Are you all ready to go?" Seth asked.

"Yeah," she said, holding his hand, helping him back down into the wheel chair and the pushing him down the hall towards the exit. "Has Mom...has..."

Seth looked up at Millie guiltily, "Mom's been taking care of me..."

Millie smiled down at him.

After checking out, all four of them got into Marta's SUV and they drove back to the Gann house. Seth wondering all the while what would happen. He had so many questions. Would Millie's baby be okay? Would his mom still expect him to service her? What would Marta do? He sat back against the seat and closed his eyes. His sister was sitting next to him in the back seat. She took his hand in hers and leaned into him.

"I'm going to make love to you all night, baby." Then she kissed him on the cheek.

"And Mom?" he asked.

"She gets you tomorrow morning. I'll be running around with Marta and Heather all day."

"She's okay with us...you know..."

"Yes, we have an agreement and you know what?"


"My tits are going to get so big and full of milk in a few months that you're going to lose your mind," she giggled and squeezed his hand tightly as they neared the house.

Maybe everything was going to be all right.


The End of Part 1

Copyright 2014 by the Amazing Sethp

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wildtazstudwildtazstud11 months ago

Great story . it was great but needs a few more parts to it. needs more of both mom n sis n marta all servicing him n taking care of him n having his babies. looking forward to much more on this one

RodimusMikeRodimusMikeabout 1 year ago
In a nutshell.

This story was well written,exciting and suspenseful, For Seth to actually fuck his Mom was dramatic but also warrented since their lives were on the line.Same goes for Millie and Seth.Tho Marta being non-related shouldn't be considered a major character.

Now at the end where Millie tells Seth she's pregnant and its his baby was a surprise but to be honest it made it touching that Millie's Daughter will soon have a Sibling.But for all involved I think Seth,Mom,and Millie and Daughter should move away and start a Family of incest love.

newtype2525newtype2525over 1 year ago

Holy Crap!

I really love this story and the possibilities it presented. Oh man, do I wish that we got more of this story. It was so hot and then when the real heat of the story was just about to ratchet up, it ended. This really was an amazing tale. Maybe one day the writer will return!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cool story! I am not generally interested in incest stories but the mental images I got from the descriptions of Seth fucking his mom were fantastic! Perverted and hot! The underdeveloped distractions in the story are meaningless and don't diminish its overall effect. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

continual "off ofs"...the most disgusting expression in english. yecch!

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