Truth or Dare with My... Mom? Ch. 04


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"Gina said she did," I mused. "It turned her on when I was breathing heavily and all sweaty. One time, I swear she was ready to push my down me on my back, rip my shorts off, and just fuck me right there on the soccer field when we'd finished a practice. She was really wild-eyed."

"Too bad she turned out to be a slag," mom sighed. "I'll bet we could've got her to join us in a three-way."

"Maybe I'll get those two sisters," I said, grinning. "We already know they don't mind a li'l incest, right?"

"Yes," mom said, looking at me now and nodding seriously. "Aaron, with Gina gone, make that happen. Get them here and let's fuck them together. Or maybe I'll see if I can seduce them and bring them back for a big sex pile. I'll bet I could."

"Mom," I laughed, hugging her to me and rocking her around, making her squeak and giggle. "I don't doubt that one damn bit."

Mom reached over and took another swig of Irish cream. She sloshed it around in her mouth like it was rinse, and then swallowed loudly. She gave me a grin. "All clean, no cummies. You may kiss me again."

And kiss we did. Before long, though, we'd returned to smearing chocolate mousse and whipped cream all over each other before licking it off. We laughed and giggled, teasing one another. We drank more Irish cream and then followed that with a bottle of cognac, also drunk straight from the bottle. I'm not too sure we were capable of holding glasses at this point.

We were officially fucked-up drunk.

Lying next to one another, fingers entwined and looking at the ceiling, we said very little for some time. Thankfully, mom had proven that Aaron Jr. was still able to perform, since she somehow sucked him to hardness. I was impressed, but with his staying power and her determination to bring out the best in me.

"Whose turn is it?" she asked in a slurring voice.

"Whose... turn f'r wha?" I queried after a pause.


"Oh..." I said, almost frowning as I tried to push through the sea of alcohol my brain was floating on and try to remember who had gone last. No dice. "Iono."

"Well," she said, taking a breath. "G'head, I'll go. Go ask me. Jus... don' dare me t'let you pee in my mouth. 's'gross."

Once I'd figured out what she meant, I moved forward. "Truth'r'dare, mom?"


"Can you... even do a dare... at the moment?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Don' make it an energetic one," she instructed. "Perverted. Not energetic."

I closed my eyes and thought. What did I want her to do?

"Lemme... lemme drink Irish cream outta your cunt... pour it in... like the treacle shit... an' then slurp it out..."

She looked at me slowly. "Where? Not here... might leak through stuff..."

Maybe she'd forgotten about the tarp she'd laid down, but at this point I didn't care. I thought some more and arrived at what hopefully wasn't a terrible idea.

"Upstairs," I said finally. "Your bathroom... we'll do it there... easy to clean, right?"

"What about... everything down here?" she asked. "Clean... cleanup..."

"Tomorrow," I said, breathing heavily now that the super-drunk was really hitting me. "We're too fucked up to do it right now, mom. We'd just... have to do it all over again."

Mom eased herself up. "Gnnnnn, true. Okay... let's go drink Irish cream outta mommy's cunt, baby."

Yeah, that's a normal statement to hear from your own mom.

We helped one another stand up somehow. Mom was almost swaying, her eyes glazed over. I'm sure I wasn't much better. She grabbed the Irish cream, while I remembered our phones and the camera. I put my arm around her and we lurched out of the living room and toward the stairs, leaning on one another for support. The climb was a slow one, for sure, and we had to stop more than once, because we almost lost our balance and rolled back down.

We made it and slogged toward mom's (now our) bedroom,, turning and tottering toward the bathroom. Thank God mom's lights were turned down low, for ambience. I doubt my eyes could've handled full glare.

"Gotta pee," mom mumbled, stopping at the toilet and plunking down with no ceremony. She looked up at me and held her arms out. "Y'wanna come and pee in mommy again, baby?"

Against all odds, I managed to get onto the seat without falling over backward on my head. Unlike our previous operations in this endeavour, I was getting as close as I could into her, and with some rather drunken maneuvering and aiming, I found her pussy with my cock and pushed it home. Mom moaned drunkenly as I entered her, squirming around and pulling me closer still. She breathed heavily, sucking in air as if I'd forced it out of her lungs when I put my dick in her.

"Nnnffff..." she said against my shoulder, trying to compose herself. "Fuck, that's big... okay... okay... peeing... gimme a sec, it's been a while since I've done this with a guy in me..."

I nodded and simply held close, trying to work on relaxing my own muscles. As any guy with a hardon can tell you, pissing is often more difficult than it looks, taking some effort. I was so drunk, however, and my teeth were practically floating from all the booze in our system, and now that I was here, I realized that I did indeed have to go. I have no doubt mom sucked me to erection, but even without her, I might've had a piss hardon at this point.

Didn't matter. Mom wanted me to pee in her, like I'd done out in the backyard, and I wasn't about to disappoint her, drunk or not. One of my great truths in life, especially now, was to never disappoint mom.

Mom shuddered and let out a little gasp, followed by a splashing sensation on me. She'd managed to begin peeing, and it felt kinda weird, tingling and incredibly warm on my sensitive skin around my groin. Mom pressed her lips to mine and kissed me deeply, snaking her tongue into my mouth. I kissed her back, welcoming the distraction from concentrating and just letting things happen.

Seconds later, I shivered and whimpered as I started letting go, jetting inside her. She sucked in her breath, probably because of all the pressure she was feeling now, and the more I went, I didn't blame her, because I was pissing like a damn racehorse. It began squirting and splooshing out of her between us now, and I moaned loudly at the sense of relief I felt at draining the lizard.

The kiss ended about the same time I managed to stop peeing inside her, and mom was breathing heavily, almost panting. She looked up at me with glazed eyes, the expression somewhere between impressed and disbelieving.

I smiled, not knowing what else to do. "So," I said finally. "Did I get it right?"

"Much more of that and I'd've looked pregnant," she breathed, trying to compose herself. "Jesus, boy, you've got a bladder the size of a beach ball, or a hollow leg."

"Did you cum?" I asked, caressing her sticky face. "I kinda thought you did, but I wasn't sure."

Mom smiled now and nodded, blushing. "A li'l mini one, but yeah. You made me cum, baby. You're kinda becoming the expert at it, and we only began fucking this morning. You've got a promising career as a mommy-fucker, for sure."

"Well, one you is more than enough," I assured her, pressing my forehead to hers and rubbing my nose on hers. "You're all the mommy I need."

She smiled warmly and kissed me again, tangling her tongue with mine. She took a deep breath and seemed to assess how she felt. "Still very drunk, but better... I think expelling all that extra liquid freed up some space, y'know?"

"I feel a little better too, I think," I mused, still keeping her pinned to me. "Still drunk as fuck, yeah, but a little more capable, I guess?"

"Hopefully you're capable of sucking Irish cream outta my cunt, 'cuz that's what we're here to do," mom stated, waving in the general direction of the shower.

I nodded and mom lifted herself up, moaning as I popped out of her. Yet more of my pee cascaded out of her, but we both ignored that as I stood, walking unsteadily over to the shower. I turned to look at her while she waited for her pussy to finally drain. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna run the shower to warm up the floor, mom, an' then we'll lie you down in an area where you won't get water directly on you, 'kay?"

She nodded and waited patiently on the toilet seat, still squeezing. She smiled and watched me intently. Once I had the water at the right temperature, I came back out and pulled her up. She giggled as she swayed slightly while walking.

"Don' worry about me, baby," she said with a crooked smile. "I'll be fine with ano... another orgasm or six. But first..."

She leaned back against the wall of the shower and pulled one of the detachable heads out of its holder. "Gotta finish cleanin' up for you. This is gonna make me shriek, pretty sure..."

And with that, she tilted her hips forward and then used one of her hands to spread her pussylips open. She took a deep breath and then pushed the nozzle just inside herself, causing her to judder and gasp loudly before crying out. I lunged in and put my arms around her before her legs buckled and eased her down to the floor. Mom kept the jet inside herself, however.

"FffffffffuuuuuuUUUUCK!" she yelled before shaking again and then finally letting go of the nozzle, which dropped out of her, simply spraying around. I ignored it and held her close, stroking her face. She smiled up at me tiredly.

"Had to clean out my girl so that you could suck all the booze outta me, right?" she said in an unsteady voice. "Wow, I keep forgetting how fucking intense that is. I didn't quite cum, just sensory overload, y'know?"

"Can't say as I do, never tried anything like that," I said with a smirk. "Pass. But I'll help you with it any day you like."

"Smartass," she cooed, reaching up and caressing my cheek. "So mommy'll just stay here on the floor while you do your thing?"

I nodded. "I do the work, you have the orgasm, got it?"

"Do nothing, cum like a complete slut. Got it..." she said, nodding back and winking at me. I gently laid her down and mom waited for me, squirming and caressing herself. I retrieved the bottle of Irish cream and brought it into the large space. The floor was plenty warm by now, and mom seemed fine with where she was.

"So how do I do this?" I asked as I knelt by her, the bottle in hand. "Like, do I put your ass in the air and then stick it inside you and pour some before I pull it out and then begin sucking?"

Mom giggled. "It's a messy operation no matter what, baby, so whatever works for you."

I shrugged and began hoisting mom into position, gently rolling her onto her upper back and keeping my knees beneath her to prop her up. Frankly, I was thinking she might be drunk enough that if I didn't support her, she'd go ass over teakettle, and I sure as Hell didn't want that.

"Am I allowed to hold myself open for you?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes at me. "It will make your life easier, and it doesn't really count as effort."

"Sure, thanks, mom," I said easily. She was on her upper back now, her knees bent beside my ears and spread around me. I kept one hand around her waist to steady her and she reached up now and used fingers to pull her thick netherlips apart, exposing her wet inner pink to me. Now I just had to figure out the next part of this weird little operation.

I pressed my thumb over the opening in the bottom, doing a decent job of sealing it closed. Mom watched as I brought the bottle up to her hips and she pulled a little harder, moving her fingers down slightly into the opening she'd created to keep it wide. My mouth watered at the sight of her inner pussy, now centered around a small black hole that disappeared inside her. She giggled and flexed her pussy muscles for me, closing and opening it for a moment.

I kept my thumb firmly on the opening of the bottle and turned it over. I pressed the back of my thumb to her pussy, pausing and thinking this through.

"Just move your thumb and push down, baby," she said softly, smiling. "Don't worry, I can take it. This'll be messy and fun."

I nodded and moved my thumb, which was followed by some splashing and a weird 'galook' sound. As mom instructed, I pushed down and she inhaled sharply as the bottleneck entered her, along with the rush of cream. She shivered and bit her lip. Before long, the Irish cream was backing up and running out of her.

I pulled the bottle out, eliciting another gasp, and turned it right side up, preserving what remained inside. Mom's pussy was still overflowing, and she giggled again as the Irish cream flowed out, running in rivulets down her ass or over her stomach to her tits and neck.

Without another word, I put the bottle down, leaned in, and latched my mouth on to her waiting cunt, making her gasp and shake loudly. I was tempted to try actually sucking, but thought I'd best start in a more normal way, licking it and getting my tongue inside. I pushed inside, and to my drunken delight, it seemed to work. I could taste pretty much nothing but Irish cream, even if I could feel her pussy all around my tongue.

Mom was squirming and whimpering as I lapped and wiggled my tongue. I don't know how successful I was actually being, and her inner muscles contracting was probably forcing more of the cream out than I was, but it the effect was still positive. Irish cream was trickling down my throat, and mom was about to cum, hard.

She spasmed and her fingers left her pussylips and gripped into my hair, almost yanking my down while she practically doubled over on herself, shaking and gasping. I locked her in place as best I could, unable to breathe, since she was trying to force my entire head inside her cunt. I kept sucking and lapping, hearing her shameless groans of utter pleasure, and my mind whirled knowing that it was me making her cum so hard.

Mom basically collapsed in on herself. It was if she went boneless. Her fingers and arms became noodles and flopped down at her side, while her legs went limp on my shoulders. She was breathing heavily, staring sightlessly at the ceiling of the shower, and I was glad she wasn't directly under the deluge or she would've drowned because her mouth was wide open.

I managed to push myself up into a straighter kneeling position, leaning over her and watching her now. She didn't seem to know I was there. I know she was still very drunk, and she'd just had a mind-blowing orgasm, so I had no clue when she'd finally come back to earth.

I, on the other hand, was sporting quite the erection, and I knew exactly what to do with it. I put her legs down on the shower floor and made sure they were spread enough to accommodate me. Mom still hadn't responded, staring off like a squishy, sexy wet mannequin.

She did sigh lightly when I pushed my cock inside her.

I was braced on my hands and looking down at her while I began to gently move in and out of her. I built up a nice, slow rhythm, and she began to respond. I could see her eyes fluttering, and then her hands moved, finally coming to rest on my ass. She blinked and then glanced up at me, smiling lovingly.

"Hello, baby," she whispered. "Are you fucking your mommy good? You going to make her cum again?"

"That's the plan," I answered, nodding. "Make you cum good and hard."

"Yessss," she sighed, smiling dreamily. "And get all that yummy cum inside me, right?"

"You've still got the Irish cream in you too, no doubt, so that'll be an interesting taste mix for you," I pointed out with a grin.

Mom shivered and wrapped her legs around me now, clearly having recovered from her orgasm stupor. She was doing what she loved most and did best, fucking. She cooed and moaned and whispered to me, telling me how good I was making her feel and how much she loved me.

Soon enough, I shuddered and pushed down hard, and mom arched her back and shoved her hips up against me, squeezing my cock as she orgasmed, her pussy thirstily drinking my cum. I lay on top of her, both of us panting, before I pushed myself up into a kneeling position, my dick leaving her tight tunnel. She groaned as I pulled her into a sitting position, but then she readily repositioned herself onto all fours in front of me and took my cock in her mouth.

She hummed in pleasure, apparently loving the mingled flavours of our cum and the Irish cream. She made sure I was thoroughly cleaned before she began scooping what was left inside her pussy out and sucking it off her fingers. Mom was something of a cumpire, seemingly. Not that I minded, since I was the primary beneficiary of her addiction to semen.

"Mmmmm, help me up, baby," she murmured, holding out a hand. "We need to get clean so we can go to bed. Another big day tomorrow."

We showered rather tamely, since we were both still drunk. We assisted one another, and then stood under the shower heads, slowly turning down the temperature until it was cold enough to be shocking us out of our inebriated state, at least somewhat. I turned off the water and we toweled one another dry.

Now mom had her hair wrapped in a towel, and she asked me if I'd like to brush her hair. Of course, I said yes. This woman had spent the whole weekend giving me the best orgasms I'd ever had.

She was sitting in her soft chair while I stood behind her, gently brushing out her long brown hair. Mom hummed and sighed contentedly, her eyes closed. She was still naked, of course, and I could see down her body. Mostly just her tits, admittedly, but that was certainly more than enough from my point of view. Ample reward, so to speak, for my current task.

Her phone buzzed twice, indicating she had a message coming in.

"Odd at this hour," she mused, reaching over and taking up the device while I continued with brushing her hair. She opened her phone and read it. "It's my friend Becky. Remember her?"

I thought about that. "Tall blonde lady, big knockers? She's a high school teacher, right?"

"Yes, that's her, you perv," mom said, smirking. "You're right about the big tits, though, they're at least as big as mine, and she's a lot younger than me too. We got to know each other through teacher conferences here in the city. I've always been incredibly wet for her, but as far as I know, she's straight. Never had the nerve to ask her anything like that."

I raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't seem like you, mom. You're usually really confident."

"Becky's gorgeous, honey, and everybody lusts after her," mom said, still looking at the message. "I've gone out for drinks and meals with her, but it was just two teachers laughing and griping after school, there was never the least hint of her being interested in any more than that."

"Still doesn't seem like you," I pointed out.

"Maybe, but she's also intimidating as Hell," mom added. "She's taller than me, and she's an absolute wrecking machine with some martial art. Something from Israel, she said."

"She knows Krav Maga?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"That's it," mom confirmed, nodding. "We were out with some other teachers one night, just having a good time. We were all women. A bunch of drunk assholes started bothering us and they weren't taking no for an answer. Before any of us knew what had happened, Becky had lunged out of her seat and flattened three of them. The rest scattered like roaches. It was crazy to see."

"Well, I doubt she's messaging you to challenge you to a sparring match, so what did she have to say?" I queried. I might've just looked over her shoulder to see for myself when she read it, but I'm not the nosey type, really. She'd tell me what she wanted to.

Mom read the text message again. "She wants to talk to me tomorrow about a business proposal, whatever that means."

"She's not gonna get you involved with some Ponzi scheme or get you selling Mary Kay products, is she?" I laughed as I kept brushing.
