The Vacation


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I responded, "Yes, I do. We both fit here. I know it's easier to love someone you just met. It's harder to love someone for the long term, to make that bigger investment. What I've seen this weekend is that this kind of intimacy can only happen with mature people who combine all their strengths and energies to make it happen for each of them and they work at it each day. The Circle thinks this way; you do too."

"I agree," Kim said. "And the Circle fulfills the needs for nurturing, affection, love and support to each person more than any one individual could do alone for another. They've adapted well to the group sex but their relationship and flow is so much more than that. I know they work at it and there are awkward moments and disagreements, but overall this life is serene. There's a transcendence, an inner peace and harmony that they all share."

"Kim," I turned to her and paused, then said, "Will you marry me? Will you share in my happiness forever?"

I could hear her inhale a breath almost in shock then she squeaked as she tried to vocalize some words. Kim threw her arms around me and said, "Oh darling, Yes! With all my heart and soul, Yes! Yes! Yes!" She was practically screaming. We kissed and our blankets fell around us.

We held each other and kissed in the darkness of the yard. We were two joyous souls that had found each other and found a family at the same time. We agreed in those minutes to not talk about the "how" or "when" until we were back in Chapel Hill and could be a little more logical and rational about how we would perform the rite of marriage.

I suggested we not tell any others until I could get her a ring but that idea went out the window really fast. Kim gathered up her blanket and went running into the house; she came back five minutes later pulling a very sleepy June behind her. Kim still had a blanket wrapped around her; June was still nude from our lovemaking.

Kim cuddled June into the warmth between us. June said, "OK, what's so important that you dragged me out here at four-thirty in the morning."

"Well," I said, "I just proposed marriage to your sister ..."

Kim blurted out, "And I said YES!" The word bounced off the houses and echoed out through the night. The three of us were amazed by the effect.

June emitted a little squeak and grabbed Kim and kissed her, then grabbed me and kissed me. She said, "Shouldn't you two be screwing or something to celebrate? Oh, that's tremendous. So cool. I love you both so much and now you'll be together for forever. How great!" She went on and on, kissing us both.

"We got you up to come join us," Kim said in an excited voice. "You're our real family and we couldn't wait to share. I'll be bursting by the time the others wake up."

I could feel June's head oscillate as she tried to see the two of us in the dark. Finally she asked, "You two have had an interesting couple of days here. I mean you've both made love to everyone we have of the opposite sex and then some. We'd talked weeks ago about something like this not damaging your relationship, but now it's turning into marriage. Are you OK with this life style? Will you go back to being traditional? The rest of the Circle will eventually want to know."

Kim had calmed down slightly from her excitement at my proposal. She said to June, "Let me try to answer for the two of us, because I think we both feel the same way. Ron, tell me if you disagree with anything that I say. What happened here this weekend was a growing experience for Ron and me. Yes, we made love with lots of other people but we also shared our minds and souls with them too, and they with us."

"There is a spiritual resonance that I feel when I'm with you all. I feel it with Ron too; he's part of it, I'm part of it for him. You might call it chemistry; the entire group has good chemistry, better chemistry when we're together than when we're apart. I think Ron and I improved the Circle's chemistry."

"I hope the rest of the Circle feels the same way," Kim went on, "but Ron and I could move in here tomorrow and feel right at home with all of you and with the life style as well. I'd love to know if we'd be as welcome as you are to each other. Could you be a Circle of Seven?"

June hugged us both, "Oh yes. I'm sure I know what the answer to that is, and it's 'yes'. We'll make sure tomorrow, but you wouldn't feel the way you do or have interacted with us the way you did unless the feeling was a mutual all around. We all love you both."

"Then I want to propose to the Circle as well," I added. "I want to marry you and all of the Circle. I guess it's love at first sight."

June said, "That's probably easier to do than marrying Kim. There's no formal ceremony although we could create one that would really be fun." She giggled. "As for marrying Kim, there's a lot of questions about when and how and all we need to talk about."

Both Kim and I simultaneously said, "Not now!" We laughed. Kim finished the thought; "We agreed we wouldn't talk about those things until we got back to North Carolina, and we'll keep you informed."

June stood, the pre-dawn light making her body a little more visible than it was a fifteen minutes earlier when she'd come out. She was a sexpot, no doubt about it. She said, "Come, let's go back to sleep and whatever else comes to mind." She led us over to Bob and Trish's house. We went in the back door and up to the master bedroom and snuggled into the large bed. June went to sleep; Kim and I made love right beside her but she didn't budge. The image of her nude body next to me provided some valuable stimuli to my naturally horny brain and made it that much easier to make love to her sister, well, really her stepsister.

I woke up at ten o'clock feeling refreshed and ready for the new day. I lay in bed and reflected on the Circle, Kim, my proposal to her, June, and everyone else in the Circle. I was still very happy. I knew I was making the right decisions and taking the right actions. Kim woke up and kissed me and we went into a quiet lover's embrace. I was stroking her breasts.

"Wake June up the way you sometimes wake me up," Kim whispered in my ear.

I grinned and slid down the bed and gently pulled June's legs apart. Kim snuggled over next to her sister and gently tongued an exposed breast. I started tonguing June's pussy, quickly finding her clit. She was still moist from the night before but I didn't care, she still tasted great. I pulled on her lips with my lips and tongued as deep as I could. Her hips started to work with me and we heard a moan escape her lips.

"Oh, you guys are always so horny. I just love it. Don't stop all day long. Don't stop," she was muttering aloud as we brought her out of her sleep and into a state of orgasmic bliss. She gave into the stimulation quite quickly. Soon her back arched and she clutched Kim to her erect breasts with one hand and pushed my head into her cunt with the other so that I had to stop my oral stimulation.

She gave out a long, low "Ohhhhhhhhhhh," and gave her little squirt of girl juice into my face. I lapped at it willingly for it is the nectar of the gods.

I came up to join Kim as we finished our wake-up routine for June. June's eyes were open and she was looking endearingly at Kim and me. "Oh, I love you guys so much. You are so passionate. And then there's all your business smarts and philosophy too. And," she sat up suddenly, "and, you're going to marry my sister. That's cool. Come let's tell the others." She popped up out of bed.

I pulled the blankets we'd used as robes last night for Kim and I. I looked at June with this question hanging about what she'd wear. She went to Trish's closet and got a short bathrobe. Then she thought again and picked out several other articles of clothing. We went downstairs and over to June's house and upstairs to where Trish was sleeping next to Jim. June stripped off her robe and left it and Trish's clothes on a chair in sight of the bed. She gestured and we all headed to the shower. Ten minutes later we were all clean, with some extra polishing included, and dressed. The others in the house were just stirring; we went back to Bob and Trish's house and started breakfast.

Trish appeared; she was dressed in the clothes June had brought her and carrying her dinner clothes from the night before. Bob walked through wearing Trish's robe that June had had on only a few minutes earlier; he disappeared upstairs. Jan and Jim both arrived after than, dressed and alert. We'd whipped up some pancakes and we're building the pile up to feed all seven of us when Bob came back down all spiffed up for the day. It was the last day of the holiday weekend.

At the breakfast table, June invoked the Circle and called us to order. She said, "Two days ago, Jim had us go around the table and talk about what we were feeling, including our new guests. I want us to this again only I want to have Bob and Kim set the stage for us as we start." She turned to me.

I started, "I have fallen in deep love this weekend. I am in love with all of you, much more than I was when I arrived and trusting that you would all take care of us. Now you have, and I have learned so much about each of you and I have passionately loved you and come to better understand you and your life style. I want to be part of it."

The heads nodded expecting that I'd finished, but I went on; "Over the weekend I've also come to realize that there's a very special person in the world that I want to share the rest of my life with. Thus, at four this morning, sitting at this very picnic table, I proposed marriage to Miss Kim Winslow." I turned and gestured to Kim.

Kim smiled, "And, I said 'Yes' of course!" Everyone cheered. Kim actually blushed.

She went on, "I feel the way Ron does about all of you. I love you dearly and want you in my life the way you have been over the weekend and with all the arguments and what ever else that comes up in our lives, I want that too. So Ron and I both want to marry all of you too, if you'll have us."

June sat and watched her colleagues in the Circle, reading their faces as Kim made the proposal to them. There were puzzled looks at first then understanding.

Jim sprang up suddenly, "Of course! Yes. I accept. I love you guys and I want you in my life too. I promise to help you grow and develop, and I'll support you in whatever way I can."

Jan stood, tears streaming down her face and came to me, "No one's ever proposed to me before. And, 'Yes," I want you in my life forever." We hugged and then she hugged Kim.

Bob was next; he said, "Hell yes. I thought you were already in the Circle. You didn't need to ask. Welcome." He reached across the table and shook my hand and kissed Kim's.

Trish had come around the table from the other side. She was also crying tears of joy, "Oh God, you two are so special. Yes! Yes! I love you both. I pledge the sharing of my love and life with you too. We all do. We're an unusual bunch and we thank you for loving us. Now we can all love each other all the time." She grinned a little through her tears and threw herself into my arms, reaching to pull Kim in with us as well. The three of us hugged and kissed.

June had fashioned a napkin into a kind of crown that she'd put atop her head. She said, "Then by the power vested in me by the Circle of Love," she took the pancake spatula and put it on my shoulder, "I anoint you an official member of the Circle with all rights and privileges thereto appertaining." She moved and repeated the process with Kim who appropriately kneeled before her sister in the mock ceremony.

When June's knighting of us was over everyone hollered, cheered, hugged and kissed again. Then we sat down and ate our lukewarm pancakes.

* * * * * * *

Kim and I flew back to North Carolina late that afternoon and reentered the land of big business and deal making. Things didn't move quite as fast as we thought they would but we did get married eventually. I promised everyone I'd write the story of our wedding and honeymoon, so I'll work on that soon and post it here for you avid readers. We visit the Circle as often as we can, although the housing situation can be tight sometimes when we're up there.

By the way, the full story of how Kim and I met is documented in the story I wrote called The Pilots that is posted on this Literotica web site, and then there's the story Bob wrote about how the Circle got started called the Circle of Love. I posted both of them here for your enjoyment. Everyone is encouraging me to tell some other aspects of our life together, so as time permits I will post more stories here.

I should also tell you that I might be a father soon. June got pregnant about a month or so after the July 4th weekend. Bob, Jim or I could be the father. We're all very excited about the prospect of a new addition to the Circle. Kim is thinking about motherhood too so I suspect something will happen on that front sometime soon.

Many wonderful and lucrative things happened in Kim's business. We had the IPO at the start of the New Year; it was a sell out at near record prices. We all made lots of money, Kim especially; the reward for her entrepreneurial risk taking. We took some of the money and bought a tract of 300 acres on the north edge of Camp Forge and engaged an architect to design a home for the Circle that will have all the features that everyone wished for over the July 4 weekend. The house is nearing completion as I write this and other buildings will be finished a few months later. Kim and I super commute the way Trish does. We now consider Camp Forge our base.

I must add that polyamory, the marriage we all formed living together as we do, is something we work at everyday. Of course, sometimes we work harder at it than if we were living with only one spouse. Most days it is our living, loving, life laboratory of discovery about our lovers and ourselves.

The end of this part of our story.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Okay, I didn't think it was possible for a story to be too sweet for my taste, and yet here we are.

And to Harryin VA: I don't know about the author, but my condolences on your moral retardation. If that's what you really believe, I can't imagine what drove you to read this story through to the end. You must have a broad masochistic streak that runs right along that stick up your butt...

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 4 years ago

Does anybody know if this particular author is mentally retarded? Be called seems that this particular author is. Were introduced early in the story to all these amazingly smart sexy powerful women with multiple degrees and their essentially have the morals of whores

People who run technology companies and multi billion dollar International conglomerates don't have 5 different people they flock over the weekends

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Lack of love in this world

I wish the world as we know it could change and adopt a lifestyle as these stories. It would be a better world

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Wonderfull tale. I was beginning to wonder if I were the only person out here that practices Tantra. Congrats to Jan and best of luck in Kims motherhood journey. Please keep posting the continuing adventure. Thanks again to you all. Warmest regards.

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