The Telltale Wife


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There was a talkative guy I normally saw on the seven-ten named Charlie Labady. He'd been in Brompton for several years and he and his family were happily settled. He was the kind of guy that would never quit talking. No matter the subject, Charlie could go on and on about it. Not unpleasant, but you had to set boundaries.

With luck I'd take the four-forty home and if I missed that the next train was at six-o-five. Occasionally I could sneak out on an earlier train, like when I'd surprised Olivia that Friday.

This particular evening a few weeks after Olivia and my dinner at the Staghorn I was on the six-o-five home. That would get me home a little after seven. I'd missed a call from Liv and then I got a text.

'good news'.

That was all it said. Even after a long day at work my spirits lifted. I was pleased with so many of the aspects of my life right now, my one concern was Olivia. There were moments when all seemed well but I still felt this strong undercurrent of dissatisfaction she had with her life out of the city.

Yes, I knew she was a city girl, but we'd discussed it. We both wanted to eventually have children and we knew the city was not the best place to raise a family. My adjustment to suburban life was much more natural than Olivia's.

She greeted me with a big smile and a kiss.

"Guess what!" She exclaimed, clearly excited, "I'm going to be in a play!"

I stared at her for a second.

"Really?" I asked, "what play?"

She then told me the story.

That morning she had walked The Bluff Trail, as she often did, accessing the trail from the side yard. No, she said, she didn't take the walking stick. Later she walked into town to look at the shops and pick up something for dinner.

"While I was walking to the grocery store I ran into Bruno." She told me.

I remembered Bruno, we met him and his sister at The Staghorn. I also had a recollection of his long look at Olivia's body.

"A couple of times a year Bruno puts on a play at The Brompton Civic Theatre. It's something called a not for profit 501C3 arts organization. I've worked in a local theater before." She told me. "It's very fun. I am really excited."

I was a little curious about what all this entailed. But I was glad for Olivia. She seemed very happy about this play. And I recalled telling her I would support her. 100 percent.

"Don't you have to try out for something like this?" I asked her.

"Yes, exactly. Bruno and I talked about this over coffee. I told him my experience as an actress and he said he had a perfect role in mind for me. The name of the play is The Telltale Wife." She smiled and told me. "Bruno wants me to play the lead!"

I had a forced smile plastered on my face, genuinely happy for Olivia, but still wondering about the many details that Olivia had not yet provided.

"I'm meeting with Bruno Friday at eleven AM to read, and I guess try out for the role. Oh Adam," she said and threw her arms around me. "This is just what I needed. I know I haven't gotten used to our move out of the city, but this. Doing things like this will really help me adjust." She told me.

Any slight misgiving I had about Bruno DeKonig and this play evaporated. If this is what Liv needed to be happy, I was happy too.

"Honey, I am very glad for you. You will be great in whatever role you decide to take in the play. I'm proud of you." I said and then I kissed her.

For the moment all was good in our household.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

On the train home Friday evening I wondered why I hadn't yet heard from Olivia. For most of Thursday night all she talked about was the play, trying out for the lead role, and her excitement about being involved with something artistic. I began to wonder if the reason I hadn't yet heard from her was because things hadn't gone well with her meeting with Bruno.

When I got home the house was quiet. Olivia's car was in the garage and the door was open. I wondered if she was up on The Bluffs. I called her name as I entered and after a moment I heard her call back to me from out on the patio.

"How did it go?" I asked, smiling at her. Hoping for good news.

She didn't answer immediately. I searched her face. She was neither overjoyed like she'd been when she told me about the play, or unhappy looking. It was an odd expression she greeted me with. Almost as if she was nervous about something.

"It went well." She told me, looking at me and then furtively looking away.

"Okay," I said, confused needing more of an explanation. "Tell me what happened."

She sat for a moment looking at me and then looking away. Finally she took a deep breath and began.

"I met Bruno at the civic theater right at eleven. I'd never been in the building before, it's very nice. Bruno's father donated the building to the city. It's used for weddings and other events. This helps finance the first play of the year. If that play is successful the ticket sales then finance a second play." She told me.

This all makes sense, but why the odd attitude I thought. I patiently waited for the rest of the story.

"Anyway, Bruno said it's very important that the first play is successful. To make sure we can afford a second one. He told me there were a couple of female roles available in The Telltale Wife. There's the leading female character Belinda, the wife. There's Cora, the housekeeper, and there's Henrietta, the older neighbor lady."

Once again she stopped and just looked at me.

"Which role does he want you to do?" I asked.

Another deep breath, "He wants me as Belinda." She told me.

"The lead? Liv, that's great." I said, "do you want to do that role?" I asked.

"Yes, I really want the role," she began, "but,". She trailed off and just looked at me.

I stared at her, wordlessly perplexed, what's the problem, I thought.

"It's kind of," once again she paused, "risqué."

Risqué, I thought, how risqué can a small town community theater be?

"How risqué?" I asked.

"There will be some nudity, particularly with Belinda, and the leading man Marcel. But, Bruno said it will be mostly in shadow and done tastefully. And it's brief, and," she continued, "there is a scene in bed with a simulation of making love. Bruno said it will all be very professional. In fact they are bringing in a real actor from the city to play Marcel."

I sat there thinking. Was she asking for my permission? I wondered.

"How much nudity?" I asked.

"Like Bruno said, it will be tasteful and only in the two scenes, I think." She answered.

"But," I began, "how nude in these tasteful scenes?" I asked.

She knew what I was asking but was stalling to answer. Finally I got it out of her.

"Full frontal in one," she began not looking directly at me, "and above the waist in the bedroom scene."

We both sat there. My immediate reaction was to tell her I didn't want my wife running around completely nude on stage in front of the whole town. I didn't know this Bruno, but from what I did know, I wasn't sure I completely trusted him, recalling his blatant appraisal of Olivia that night at The Staghorn.

On the other hand I told her I would support her completely.

"Do you want to do this?" I finally asked.

She looked at me and silently nodded enthusiastically.

"Have you ever been on stage," I paused, "without your clothes on?" I asked. I knew she'd done some acting before.

"Not completely naked," she said, "but close. I mean I think my tits were out in one scene. It was fine, very professional. Just like Bruno said this would be."

"Olivia," I began, and I had some definite conflict going, but I had an idea that protesting this would not be healthy, "you can make your own decision about this. I support whatever you decide, but," I continued, "just be mindful, we live in a small town. And you have to think many of our neighbors and other townspeople will attend this play. And, it sounds like all those people, neighbors and others will see you, completely naked."

She looked at me smiling and nodding her head.

"Oh thank you Adam," she said and threw her arms around me and hugged me. I guess, just like that, the decision had been made.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

He sat in his office at the back of the Brompton Civic theater. So far I'm quite pleased with the new play, Bruno thought. I think it will be interesting and a little more daring than anything we've done before. Revenue should be good, once the word gets out. I cannot wait to finally see the lead actress, Olivia Green, nude, he thought gazing into the distance, his imagination churning.

As the rehearsals progress I may need to spend some special one on one time with her. Particularity in the more intimate scenes, Bruno thought.

"Ahhh," Bruno sighed. He thought back to Clementine, the play he'd produced two years ago. That cute young housewife, Terri Daniel's, and the extra role-playing they had rehearsed after hours. That was quite fun.

This Olivia Green could be even better than that, Bruno considered, staring off into space, smiling.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Things have been much better at home. Olivia was happy, excited about this play. In my train seat I watched the countryside go by. But my concentration wasn't really on the landscape. Yes, things were better, but I was still quite curious about the play. Don't get me wrong I'm glad that Olivia has found a channel for her creativity, but the nudity part, I wondered about. How much will they allow her to really show?. I guess I have to trace my unease back to my conservative upbringing.

I had another thought as the train continued on it's trek to the city. I barely knew Bruno DeKonig, but there was something about him that made me uneasy. Particularly as it had to do with Olivia. Whenever we were in his presence he poured on the charm in Olivia's direction. I wouldn't quite call it a red flag, maybe at this point just a light yellow one.

My thoughts were soon interrupted, someone sat in the vacant seat next to me. Charlie Labady.

"Hey pal!" He greeted me with a slap on the back. "You sure look deep in thought, what's going on?" He asked.

I shook my head and mumbled nothing.

"Something happening at the office?" He asked. Though Charlie worked for a completely different company, he was in the finance business too.

"No, no, nothing at the office." I told him, and then I don't know why, but I asked him about Bruno DeKonig.

"Bruno's okay," Charlie began, "he and his family own a lot of real estate in town. His sister runs The Staghorn."

"Do you know anything about these plays he puts on?" I asked.

"I don't," Charlie said, but then he swiveled around and saw someone a few rows away from us.

"Hey Jimmy," he yelled, "didn't your wife do something in a play with Bruno DeKonig a few years ago?"

I recognized the guy, Jim Winters. I knew he was a lawyer and lived in Brompton. Winters, I observed, was a decent looking guy, somewhat reserved, slim, with dark framed glasses.

Winters stood up and moved to the vacant seat in front of me. He and I shook hands perfunctorily.

"Yes, I know DeKonig." He began, "my wife Dana was in a play a few years ago. He's a decent enough guy, not sure I'd completely trust him."

"Why do you ask?" He replied.

"My wife has done some acting before," I said to Winters, "and she is involved with a new play that Bruno is directing." I kept things deliberately vague.

Winters looked at me, nodding his head, searching my face for more information.

"My advice, just keep your eye on him." Winters told me as he walked back to his seat.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

That Friday night Olivia was in a good mood. In fact she'd been really upbeat since all this involvement with the play business had begun. It reminded me how she was when we lived in the city. Positive, happy, and I have to admit our sex life had improved. If that were possible. It felt like it was when we were first dating. She initiated it more often than I did.

We were at The Staghorn for dinner. Olivia was going on and on about the play, and Bruno and how excited she was.

"Right now we are just reading," she told me, "but next week, the actor, Pierre Dumond, who'll play Marcel arrives, and we'll actually start rehearsing."

"Where will this actor be staying, is he being paid?" I asked her several questions..

"Bruno knows Pierre. Pierre is between engagements, that's why he's available for our play." She explained, "Bruno has a small apartment where Pierre will stay. It's in the building next to the theater. He's also helping out here, at The Staghorn."

"You mean he's working here?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes!" Olivia replied excitedly, "Bruno says we are so lucky to get him." She smiled and told me.

I sat for a few moments digesting this information. Olivia made it seem like this guy was a talented professional actor. And he's working at the local bar? Odd I thought.

"What about the scenes when you are undressed," I asked, "will you be naked during the rehearsals?"

"Oh Adam," she said, shaking her head as if I didn't understand, " we are all professionals. Nudity is a part of art. Think of the Renaissance. Nudity in painting and sculpture is normal. The human body isn't something dirty, it's to be celebrated." She told me emphatically.

I kept my thoughts to myself, but one thing I did understand was the male brain. Any opportunity to see a woman, especially a beautiful woman like Olivia, without clothes, is certainly not just for the artistic value.

Just then I saw Olivia look up over my shoulder and smile. I felt a large hand clap me on the shoulder.

"Olivia," he gushed, and then after a second, "and Adam. So nice to see you both."

It was Bruno DeKonig.

Olivia stood and Bruno reached out to her for a brief but snug hug. He held her hands with his as he stared into her eyes.

"How is my beautiful Belinda," he said with a brief chuckle, and glanced at me.

Of course Belinda was the name of the lead woman in the play that Olivia was playing.

Finally after a moment he dropped Olivia's hands, his eyes doing a brief but thorough inspection of my wife's body. We chatted for a few minutes and then they drifted off into the rehearsal schedule for next week. Left out of the conversation I took a minute to glance around the restaurant.

It was a normal busy weekend night, I noticed a few people that I knew. As I surveyed the bar I couldn't help but see Isabella, Bruno's sister, who ran the bar. She was staring in our direction, but not quite at me. She was looking at her brother and Liv. Once again she wore the negative angry expression that I had seen before. Odd, I thought.

Eventually Bruno wandered off, but if possible Olivia now was in an even better mood. I had no reason to doubt Olivia whatsoever, but I did think I would take Jim Winters advice and keep my eye on DeKonig.

The following Monday I received a text message from Olivia.

'Rehearsal tonight until 8, you're on your own for dinner'

Okay, I thought. Here we go. Up to this point her involvement with this play had not interrupted our normal life. But now, apparently, it begins.

That Monday I rustled up something to eat after I got home. It was a pleasant fall evening and I retreated to the back patio with a glass of wine. I was reflecting on how positive things were going in our lives. I rationalized my unease over this play was a temporary thing.

Just then I heard the front door close. Olivia must be home I thought as I continued sipping my wine and staring at the darkening sky.

"Hey!" She called from the patio doors, "what are you doing?"

I explained I was unwinding in the mild fall evening with a glass of wine.

"Give me a minute," she answered, "I'll join you."

I was relaxed, content, enjoying the moment, gazing across our backyard to the forest. I saw motion entering the patio, of course it was Olivia, what I was not prepared for was that she was nude.

With a small smile she walked across the grounds breasts swaying side to side as she walked. She, naked, straddled me, clothed. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I could feel the warmth of her pussy pressing in to me.

Soon I was naked too. I lay on my back on one of the lounge cushions and she lowered herself on my erection. She was moist and ready. It wasn't long before she started that humming, and then climaxed for the first time. More humming and then it happened again before I was done.

"Wow!" I said after a few moments as we lay there. "Maybe you should come home late more often." I said jokingly.

I expected a chuckle, or some other playful remark. She was quiet for the moment.

Finally she kissed me and just said, "I love you."

Huh, I thought.

Later as we were getting ready for bed I asked her about the rehearsal.

She told me that Pierre had arrived in Brompton and the rehearsals are going to increase. The play was scheduled to open two weeks from Thursday.

"What's this guy like?" I asked.

She paused for a minute, "Pierre, is a real professional. You can tell compared to the rest of us he knows what he is doing."

"What's he look like?" I said half joking, "is he handsome?"

Once again she hesitated, and merely said, "yes."

Later, drifting off to sleep I wondered about this handsome, professional actor. Did I have Pierre to thank for the sex tonight? I have no reason to doubt Olivia, but there are some interesting dynamics occurring.

The following day at work we had a partners meeting. So far the year had been good and we had outperformed the market. Normally this time of year we would go on a kind of work retreat, two days or so in a nice hotel.. We would do some planning for the coming year, but most importantly calculate the profit share. The exact dates of the retreat would be announced soon.

Our fiscal ended in a little over two months and the message from our senior leadership was, finish strong.

I knew what that meant. More late nights at the office.

Working late even when we were in the city was a source of challenge for Olivia and I. Now that we were away in Brompton I expected some pushback from Olivia. I was surprised when she did not appear terribly upset when I told her about the partners meeting. Quickly she changed subjects and began talking about the play, The Telltale Wife.

For the first week of rehearsals one of the main topics I heard about was Pierre Dumond. How great he was to work with, how talented he is, and what a professional.

That Saturday we decided to have dinner at The Staghorn.

"I wonder if we'll run into Bruno?" I commented offhandedly as we walked into town.

"He's out of town this weekend, back on Monday," she told me.

Good I thought. Something about the guy bugged me. Maybe I was a little jealous.

We had a nice dinner seated by the stone fireplace away from the bar. The weather had gotten a little cooler and there was a large crackling fire going. The atmosphere was very warm, relaxed, and pleasant..

Just as we were finishing I noticed someone I did not recognize. A slim attractive man, younger than I was. Fashionably long dark hair half-hanging in his face, a trimmed dark 5 o'clock shadow and long eyelashed sensual eyes. I was completely heterosexual, but I could see, this dude was good looking.

I noticed him weaving through the dining tables headed our way, eyes locked on Olivia. By now I'd realized who this was. I saw his smile widening as he approached.

"O-liv-I-a." He called out, spacing out the enunciation of the syllables of her name with his French-Canadian accent.

Olivia's face lit up as she first heard and then saw him approach.

He greeted her with a tight hug and then a kiss on each cheek. The hug lasted longer than it should, in my opinion. It was likely just a few seconds, but during that brief time it was like I wasn't even present.
