The Prisoner Wore Panties Ch. 06


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Hans had been with transvestites that were nearly as attractive as Danielle; they could easily pass as women but to the ardent admirer there were always 'tells' that set them apart, beside the obvious differences between their legs. In Danielle's case her voice was sultry, feminine but with a smoky rasp. He noted that Danielle had a long elegant neck but her larynx or 'adam's apple' was quite prominent; but further exploration was required.

Her blouse was pulled tight against her chest as she slept; she either had very small breasts or none at all. Hans deftly slipped his hand inside her blouse and was not really surprised to find a padded bra. He hid not want to wake her so he withdrew his hand and looked at her pretty face and saw that she was in a very deep sleep.

Her skirt had ridden up and he could see the tops of her silk stockings, very decadent in this time of austerity. He couldn't help but gently caress her thighs. He felt himself becoming hard and was tempted to relieve himself just watching this goddess lie supine on the bench seat but he was hoping that he would satisfy his urges with far better forms of gratification than just masturbation.

Reusing the surgical tape for her gaff was Danielle's downfall; Hans slowly lifted her skirt and was not at all shocked to find that Danielle had a penis and that as she slept it had become tumescent and sprung free of the confines of her gaff. Hans was well aware of the efforts transvestites went to, to hide their genitals.

Her erection pressed against the translucent fabric of her white satin panties and Hans could barely control himself. He slowly arose from the seat and locked the sliding doors to their compartment. He quickly undressed and lay down beside the recumbent gorgeous creature who was now his to play with.

Danielle was lying flat on her back, her head resting on the pillows with her hair framing her pretty face. Her arms were by her sides and her legs slightly open, her skirt rode high on her thighs and Hans had lifted the hem to expose the welts of her stockings and her tight white panties.

He slowly and softly traced the outline of her penis with his fingertips and was rewarded when a globule of translucent pre-ejaculate oozed through the gauzy fabric. He used his fingertip to scoop up the delicate nectar and put if on his tongue; his cock throbbed. The same fingertip began to softly knead the viscous fluid; gently circling her fraenulum. Danielle's cock pulsed and a smile formed on her lips.

He nearly fainted when she spoke softly and sleepily around that beatific smile.

"When did you know?" Danielle whispered.

"I wasn't sure until we sat down together and I could study you closely; you are the most beautiful creature I have ever encountered and I've known many of your kind," Hans' finger continued to lightly stroke her erect penis.

"What are you goin to do about it?" Danielle got straight to the point.

"I have no love for the Nazi regime nor their repressive policies and laws. I do have a special love for the very unique and extraordinary women like yourself. You are obviously not who you purport to be; you are very adventurous presenting as you do in public, but very few would know what you are."

"I'm guessing you are trying to get somewhere safe and I will not prevent you from doing so; nor will I press my advantage on you, but as you can see by my nakedness, I am hoping that you will be receptive to my advances."

"I promise you that if you tell me to stop what I am doing I will immediately get dressed and cease attending to you," Hans was still circling his fingertip on Danielle's glans.

"Ok then; stop," Danielle whispered; her hand gripped his and held it still.

Hans was bitterly disappointed and it showed on his face.

Danielle smiled seductively.

"Do this instead," she took his fingers and slid them along the shaft of her penis.

Hans needed no further encouragement and gripped Danielle's tumescent penis through her silky panties and began to stroke it. Danielle opened her lips invitingly and Hans lowered his face to hers. As he kissed Danielle, she found his flesh and began to reciprocate his conduct; softly stroking his hard cock as he stroked hers.

She allowed him to take off her blouse, her skirt and her brassiere, lifting herself up off the seat to assist him. His mouth fell to her tiny breasts and he suckled her hard nipples until she moaned. His slowly kissed his way down her flat belly, loitering briefly to lick her belly button, then continued down to the top of her panties where he stopped. He teased her; lapping at her sensitive skin but keeping his mouth away from her throbbing penis straining at the fabric of her panties.

Danielle pushed his head down to her crotch but he resisted until she begged him, then he engulfed her turgid penis still encased in her satin panties and suckled it. Danielle's feet drummed on the seat as she ejaculated. Hans swallowed her creamy issue as it welled through the sheer material.

Danielle bit down on her hand to stop herself crying out as Hans' soft sensuous lips and slippery tongue worked her cock, draining every scintilla of her issue.

Hans smiled, and when he knew that she was sated he rolled over on top of her and kissed her as his turgid member pressed against hers.

"God that was wonderful," Danielle smiled up at him, obligingly opening her legs and wrapping them around his waist.

She kissed him and raised herself up off the seat invitingly. She snaked a hand between their bodies and slipped his erect cock inside her panties and pressed his glans to her sphincter. Hans deliberately held back, making Danielle moan like a wanton slattern as she writhed beneath him trying to force him inside her. He slid just the tip of glans inside her and ever so slowly began to thrust the remainder of his cock into her anus. Despite her attempts to spear herself on his rod he made her wait as he slowly and agonisingly slipped himself inside her.

She kissed him passionately and squirmed beneath him, impatiently humping and gyrating, trying to force his full tumescence inside her. When she finally begged him, he thrust all of himself inside her. She was still erect herself and he felt her hard flesh poking him in the belly.

He fucked her as slowly as he had entered her, taking his time and bringing them both to the very peak of desire and then backing off. He drove her wild; their fervent kisses muffled the screams and moans of desire that would otherwise have reverberated through the carriage.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Make me come, fill me with your hot come!" Danielle had never felt such licentious desire before.

Hans relented and began to fuck her hard and fast as Danielle bucked and wriggled under him, her legs locked around his body holding him close. She wanted to feel his flesh on her flesh, his lips on her lips, his tongue on her tongue; her fingernails raked his back as suddenly her body contorted and she went into a paroxysm as her orgasm exploded. Hans rode the almost fathomless climax with her and orgasmed himself; his cock throbbing and pulsing as he ejaculated deep in her anus pressing his glans on her prostate knowing the wonderful sensations it would produce.

They remained in each other's arms kissing and stroking each other, slowly reigniting their passion and then they fucked again.

Hans ordered more champagne, taking the bottle from the attendant at the door so he couldn't see inside the compartment. Which was just as well because Danielle lay languidly on her back improving her erection so that Hans could suckle it when he returned with the wine. In between their bouts of lustful romps, Hans told her of his youth and his experiences with transvestites in the fleshpots of old Berlin.

Danielle and Hans slept very little; Hans was bewildered that he had found such a gorgeous creature after all these years and Danielle was happy to be in the company of this mature man who appreciated her and kept her safe. She was honest enough with herself to acknowledge that she was indulging in decadent sex with no emotional attachment. After her love-hate relationship with Steven and her clinging devotion to Katerina it was a release having guilt free sex with a man she knew she would never see again.

The next morning she used the bathroom and came back to the compartment and changed into her brown suit. She wanted to blend into the crowd at Cologne station while she waited for her train to Lieg.

Hans tried to talk her into allowing him to accompany her but she was determined to complete her escape alone.

Danielle made it safely to Calais and except for the incident with Major Klaus Keppel at Brussels railway station her rail journey through the towns of Ghent, Ostend, Dunkirk, and Calais was incident free.

She spent a week in hiding in a Resistance safehouse in Calais waiting on the weather and tides before she made the crossing to Dover in a small fishing boat. The Resistance cell in Calais was all business; they were too busy committing acts of espionage, gathering intelligence and raising anti-Nazi sympathy to worry about getting personally involved with Danielle. They were perplexed that she didn't want to discard her female persona now that she was once again free to present as a man; but when she told them that it was not her intent to do so they shrugged in their Gallic fashion and left her alone.

During her week in hiding she had considered her future; should she discard her identity and emerge as Daniel Collingwood or would she live her life as the woman that she had become? She had some idea what it would be like to live in the guise of a woman. Her parents would be devastated and probably disown her. Wherever she went if her secret was discovered she would likely be derided and ridiculed.

The moon rose late, illuminating the white cliffs of Dover, which bought tears to her eyes. A Royal Navy minesweeper on patrol duties found the small French fishing boat with the crew of two men and one female passenger. The men of the Resistance had the correct passwords to give to the naval officer who boarded the fishing boat in order to identify themselves and their mission and Danielle was transferred across to the navy vessel.

The sailors on the minesweeper did not believe that they had just embarked an escaped POW.

"Bollocks! She's too good looking to be a bloke; and why would he stay dressed as a skirt now that he's free?" Danielle overheard one rating say.

The captain of the vessel; a salty old Lieutenant had her bought to his small cabin.

"Corporal Daniel Collingwood, Royal Air Force. Well you don't look like an Airforce corporal," he poured a hefty slug of rum into a glass and handed it Danielle.

"I don't use that name any more. I am not that person," Danielle sipped the harsh liquor.

"I suppose offering you a haircut and a uniform would be a waste of time," he said stiffly.

Danielle said nothing.

"Look. I lived in London during the Pansy craze of the thirties. I come from the lower deck and I've seen plenty of your kind both in London and in my travels overseas," the Lieutenant went on.

"In Asia and the subcontinent your kind are tolerated; even admired and allowed to coexist in their society, but in Blighty you'll be a pariah," he sipped his rum.

"You're a fairy and you'll likely get called a lot worse. If I were you I'd go back to being a bloke, even if it's just long enough for you to get out of the Airforce, then you can do what you bloody well like," the old sea dog growled.

When Danielle refused he had her removed from his cabin and she spent the rest of the short voyage to Dover on the sweep deck. A kindly sailor bought her a mug of sweet tea.

Dockside she was met two MPs who directed Corporal Collingwood to change out the women's clothing he was wearing and put on a uniform.

When she refused they were miffed; they'd never had to handle a situation like this before.

"Well fuck it! No skin off my nose if you want to turn up to the RAF base dressed like a tart," the first MP seemed resigned.

"I'm not carting some bloke dressed as a woman across fucking England. If he won't put on a uniform I'll knock him unconscious and put it on him," the second burly MP looked menacingly at Danielle.

"So you would have one of the few British prisoners of war ever to escape Germany and make it home turn up with a black eye and broken nose inflicted by the British Army would you? Because I'm going to fight you tooth and claw if you try," Danielle replied.

"For fuck sake, she looks like a woman, she talks like a woman, she smells like a woman, she walks like a woman; you would think she was a woman if someone hadn't told you otherwise. Why bother; let's just get her err him to the debriefing and have done with it," the MP said resignedly.

And that was how it was to be. The RAF intelligence unit wanted to debrief Corporal Daniel Collingwood and find out as much could about his escape and to gain valuable intelligence but Danielle refused to acquiesce to the order to give up her feminine persona. They threatened her, they cajoled her, and they told her they would use force if necessary but she still refused.

The RAF hierarchy was in a bind; they needed to keep Corporal Collingwood's escape a secret so that the Germans wouldn't get wind of the brilliant deception that Danielle had pulled off. They were not advocating that all the POWs dress as women to escape but the backstory and the route that she took could be used for more escape attempts.

They would somehow get world back to the Escape Committee in Stalag Luft Oberursel that Danielle had made it safely to England and of Flight Lieutenant Steven Boyd's demise and his sacrifice. But they didn't know what to do with Collingwood. They could hardly parade a pansy in front of the crowds could they?

After holding Danielle in solitary confinement at a secret RAF base near Dover they decided to release her on condition that she never tell anyone about her escape and her service in the RAF.

"If you think you can live the rest of your life as a fairy or a pansy or whatever you are; well bloody well have at it but leave the Royal Air Force out of it! Not a bloody word or I'll lock you up myself. Do you understand Collingwood?" the Air Commodore said vehemently to her.

"Your parents have not been told of your escape and I fully expect that they will be delighted to know you're alive but disgusted by your appearance. Here sign this!" the Air Commodore held out a document for Danielle to sign swearing her to secrecy for the rest of her life under pain of imprisonment.

Danielle held out her Vichy French identity card.

"I want this traded for a British passport in the name of Danielle Bouvier," Danielle said through tight lips.

"I will not be bloody blackmailed!" the Air Commodore roared so loudly that the guard outside the hut cringed.

Danielle's mother was shocked when they met in a small teahouse in London; Danielle had forewarned her mother about her transition but her mother didn't see any of Danny Collingwood in the woman who sat across from her.

"I can't believe it's you Danny," her mother hugged Danielle and wept.

Danielle explained how she had made her escape and her transition from frail young man to elegant young woman. How she felt that she belonged in the world as a woman and could never again be a man. She told her mother nothing of her sexual exploits.

Her mother wept even more.

"I'll never understand Danny; I never will, but at least you're still alive," she held Danielle's hand across the table.

"I can't tell your father; he'd rather think you died in the war than this," she waved her hand at Daneille's presence.

Danielle squeezed her mother's hand and looked her knowingly in the eyes. She produced a letter from her purse. The content of the letter from the RAF informed Mr and Mrs Collingwood that their son had gone missing after escaping from a German POW camp. His whereabouts were unknown but he was presumed dead.

Danielle's mother read it and nodded slowly.

"Probably for the best," she said pragmatically putting the letter into her handbag.

"I don't know how you are going to support yourself living like that but this will help for now," her mother handed over an envelope stuffed full of cash.

"I still want to see you Danny; I still love my child," she started weeping again,

Danielle tried to settle in London. She rented a small flat in Soho but it was impossible to keep her secret; there was always someone who became suspicious and because of the war people were generally inquisitive and distrustful of strangers.

With the help of her mother Danielle was able to purchase a small cottage in the tiny fishing village of Beer in Devon. The town had a small population and was off the main roads with few visitors; she thought it perfect.

She knew that eventually she would be found out and one day a constable came calling and she invited him in. She showed him a letter discharging her from the Royal Air Force and her passport.

"Well I suppose there is no crime then is there?" the policeman sniffed and cycled away.

Danielle had developed casual acquaintances with the few people in town who tolerated her but she kept to herself in her little cottage, going out once a week to get her groceries and other essentials. Her mother set up a bank account in the name of Danielle Bouvier for Danielle to access, which meant a trip into Taunton every month or so. Her mother would join her there or visit her at the cottage.

Danielle craved company but she was too sacred to even think about how she might strike up a relationship. She decided that she would remain a celibate spinster at least until after the war.

Then one day two years after she had moved into the cottage she was working in the garden when she saw a man walking down the road towards her house. He was leaning heavily on a walking stick and making a hard go of it, he obviously had a disability or had been severely injured. She watched mesmerised as the man came to her front gate.

She fell to her knees and wept as Steven Boyd opened the gate and hobbled towards her.

He picked her up and held her in his arms and kissed her.

The End

Authors Note: Tell me what you thought of the story



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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent story. My goodness, I could not stop reading till the very end!

I know writing a good, strong story is hard. I've been trying to put one together for years, getting lost in building a good story line with other believable characters.

Thank you very much for the time, thought and talent you put into this wonderful story.

Huggs, ( a good hugg takes two arms, hence two gg's ). tanya brown

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I’m envious of Daniel/Danielle’s ability to be a man with a woman and a woman with a man. My journey’s been fine but so different. I had one en femme scene in summer stock, northern Wisconsin when I was 29 years old. I’m 5’5”, thin, no body hair and “blessed” with a 2 inch dick that needed no gaff. After the 2nd performance on Sunday afternoon the “bad guy” who’d kidnapped me in the play came into the changing trailer, manhandled me into the costume closet and gave me a full open-mouthed kiss as he held my hands above my head. He only needed on hand and with the other he rubbed my flat chest and my groin. I lost it, swooned into him as a woman would and wound up on my knees with his fat bad boy in my mouth. After satisfying him, as he put his junk away he apologized and invited me to dinner. Honestly I was so confused, but still swooning at what we’d done. We had dinner then back in his hotel room I made myself as feminine as possible and he took my anal virginity. Fast forward nine years - I’m married, still manage to see him fully dressed a few times each year. He wines and dines me then fucks me for hours. My wife knows this side of me because although we’re very much in love and she’s all woman, with me she’s the man in the relationship- I’ve not penetrated her in 5 years - with her fat 6” dildo strapped on she takes me regularly as a man would a woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

this reminds me of the tv show mash where a man dresses up as a woman trying to get kicked out of the army during the korean war . to bad you could not do a story similar to that show

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Please write an update about Steven and Danielle. This story is by far my favorite story I have ever read!

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