Supernatural Earth Pt. 07


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Kim gyrated her hips back and forth over Seff's body, moving his massive cock inside of her. Bringing her hands up to firm, proud tits that she hadn't had since she was Seff's age, she hefted them up and teased her own nipples while looking down at him.

Underneath of her, Seff couldn't contain himself. He growled as he came hard up inside of her pussy, blowing his load deep into her. "AH!" She gasped as the sheer volume and force of it took her off guard.

"Sorry..." he grumbled, looking ashamed.

Kim smiled at him, leaning over to kiss him on his furry forehead. "Don't worry, it's natural for your first time," she said as his cock continued to pulsate inside of her. "Besides, I assume that there's more of you guys outside, right?" she asked. He nodded. "Good. So, spread the word. Tell everyone in, what are you... a pack? Tell everyone in your pack that they don't need to hold back with me. I can't speak for the other girls but I'll at least fuck every single last one of them if it means I can piss Tillis off."


CHAPTER 6: Further Punishments

"They... WHAT?" Tillis blinked at Barents as he relayed the news.

"The three Breeders that we had out for the Hounds to take had them undo the restraints on the bed. The women then willingly fucked the entire pack and were calling out for seconds." Barents explained.

"Are they mentally deranged or are they doing this just to piss me off?" he wondered as he rubbed his temples.

"Probably the latter, if the recording I got from that politician's room is any indication. I recorded it all in case you want to hear... or watch..."

"Ugh! Get that away from me!" Tillis shooed the offered CD away with disgust. He had a sudden urge to purge even the thought of someone willingly wanting to fuck one of those beasts by fucking a real human. "Where's my wife? She's never around."

"Ahm..." Barents cleared his throat politely, "She went into labor two days ago, remember? She's at the hospital."

"Of course she is..." Tillis sighed and rolled his eyes. She was never around anymore when he needed her. Hm... but that Breeder is still upstairs...


Anna's eyes went wide with fright when the door to her room flew open all of a sudden. She wasn't expecting Devon back for another couple of days as this was his week to be home with his wife. Raymond Tillis was standing there, leering at her naked, pregnant body. Her heart sank as she knew what he was here for. She didn't even wait for him to give her an order, she just waddled over to the bed. She was now nearly seven months pregnant with Devon's child and she was looking forward to delivering just so that she could go back into the Prison Creature and escape this living hell.

"Bend over the bed," he told her, whipping his fat, stubby cock out of his pants. Anna complied and he was inside of her in no time.

As he fucked her, she cleared her mind so that the others downstairs could hear what was going on. Raymond was a talker when he thought he was punishing someone so she wanted to make sure that the others got the information first hand. It was a trick that they've been developing over the past couple of months; whoever came out of the Prison Creature would use their Caretaker psychic link to let the others still inside know what was happening. That way they were never truly alone and they could support one another. Anna had been thankful that they'd come up with that way of communication as she was starting to go out of her mind.


Down in the Creature, Fiona and Kirsten were on receiving and monitoring duty while the others were taking the time to either rest their minds or explore tiny corners of the Prison Creature's synapses for anything that they could exploit. Thus far, all they've managed was outside communications.

Ugh... to think I used to work for that man... Fiona noted, feeling sympathy for Anna as Tillis plowed her from behind.

Well, in other news, Kirsten noted as she was paying attention to those over in the so-called 'brothel'. Kim, Kait, and Mary should be back in soon. They're servicing the last three Werewolves now.

I wish there were a way we could 'boost the signal', Fiona mused. We could contact your people and try to get out of here.

They're not MY people... Kirsten replied defensively.

Pfft... you came from Newhaven, didn't you? That makes you one of theirs by proxy. So far, they've only managed to get here once and that's how we wound up down here in the pool. They don't even know where we're at!

That made Kirsten wonder. What was that thing that attacked us? It looked like it was trying to get us out of here.

Hm... hold on... Fiona recalled the image. It looked like a woman in a pink latex body suit... something straight out of a BDSM catalog or something... She compared the look to the biomass around her body. That looks like it's Lurker flesh... That woman moved with inhuman speed. I wonder if her Lurker augmented her whole body?

What do you mean? Kirsten asked, her curiosity piqued.

Well... think about it: Tillis and his gang are using the Prison Creature here to change our bodies. They make us pregnant, they make us slim, they change our hair colors, they make our boobs bigger or smaller. We're basically their fucktoy Barbie dolls. So if they could just do that with a dead Lurker, imagine what you could do with a live one? Fiona explained, following the train of thought to wherever it led. I wonder... I wonder if we can contact this woman? If she's using Lurker biomass, theoretically we'd be able to contact her mentally.

Fiona cleared her mind and then tried to stretch out the range of their mental awareness without triggering any alarms inside of the Creature's control center. Come on... Lurker DNA... find it... She thought as she sent out mental pings. OMYGAWD! Fiona mentally shrieked. I found her and she's nearby!


It was late at night and Samantha was draped over a branch in a tall tree. She was in the forest that surrounded Tillis' Compound that was some fifty miles west of Metro. Both the Vampires and Newhaven had her on lookout duty for the past couple of months since she was the only one who could get in and out without anyone noticing. And if anyone did notice, she was the only one who could outrun the Werewolves that Tillis had prowling all over the place. They're certainly more chipper now... she noted as they'd been filing into a side entrance to the main mansion and then coming out again some time later. It was a pattern that proceeded all throughout the day. I wonder if they're getting laid in there. She though as she stretched and yawned like a cheetah in a tree.

HI! A woman's sudden voice broke into her head as if it were a Lurker talking to her. It was so sudden that Samantha jerked upright and nearly tumbled off of the branch. Can you hear me?

Uh... hi? Who is this? And how'd you get into my head? Samantha replied cautiously.

Oh sorry... I'm Fiona... I used to work for Raymond Tillis until he threw me into this thing.

This... thing? What thing? Samantha wondered. Then it hit her. Hold on! Are you trying to tell me you're one of the women inside the Prison Creature?

YES! Fiona replied. We've been trying to find out ways to contact the outside for months now!

They conversed for a good hour while Samantha waited for night to fall. In that time they caught each other up on events. Once night fell, Samantha cautiously made her way to the side entrance that the Werewolves were using, keeping to the shadows, avoiding the searchlight beams, Magi protection runes, and making sure that her augmented skin was completely black to avoid the good old Mark 1 eyeball.

She silently made her way down the stairs and then paused as her enhanced vision spied a surveillance camera. Using all of her concentration in a trick that the Vampires had shown her, her body shimmered until she was completely camouflaged with whatever was around her. The Vampires called it a chameleon effect. Zander had quipped that she looked more like a Predator out of the movies when she showed him on one trip back to Newhaven.

Now that she was invisible, she walked down the hallway, peeking into open doorways and finding only the brothel rooms that Fiona had mentioned. Then she moved around the corner and found the shallow end of the Olympic-sized swimming pool. Her enhanced vision spied the Prison Creature easily in the dark and she was able to pick out the twenty-two niches that the girls were being held in. Kinky... she thought wryly and wondered if the Ancient One would do that for her the next time she was back in his presence.

[Irritable] FOCUS... [Commanding] Meld with it... The Ancient One commanded inside of her head. She mentally berated herself because of course he'd be using her vision to see what this thing was.

Samantha cautiously made her way around the edge of the pool that housed the control center for the thing, gingerly inching along the thin strip of pool deck that was left, until she got to the deep end and was looking straight down at the thing. Just from eyeballing it, the thing had to be at least seven to eight feet tall and it still had about five feet of water overtop of it. Pretty clever place to put it, really, she thought.

Slowly reaching out her hand, she touched the water, remembering what Fiona said about an automatic retrieval program that made the Prison Creature instinctively catch whatever came into contact with it. Sure enough, a single tentacle came up from the creature and she could see a new niche automatically being made down below. Samantha snagged the capturing tentacle and reeled it out of the water so that she could wrap it around her arm. RELAX! She mentally commanded it. It immediately went slack in her grip.

Woah! We all heard that down here! Fiona's voice filled her head.

Sorry, I had to make sure I was in control here. Hold on, I'm coming down. With that, she slid into the water.


CHAPTER 7: New Discoveries

Samantha didn't swim down. Instead she allowed herself to slowly sink deeper into the water until she was over the niche. She peered into it to make sure that it wasn't attempting to capture her before going into it head over heels.

What are you doing? Mary asked. All the girls inside the Prison Creature were keeping track of Samantha's movements via the psychic link.

Hacking... just doing it on a more interesting system than a computer... Samantha replied as she settled back into the niche. Then she used her contact with the capture tentacle to see further into the Prison Creature.

[Educating] We can see this now... The Ancient One rumbled inside of their minds. [Intrigued] This is one of us and yet not one of us... [Educating] This has been taken from our dead flesh and made to hold hominids...

Who is that? Kim's mind reeled along with a few others.

That is the Lurker that lives in the Newhaven lake. Samantha answered while her Master was busy mapping out neurons inside the Prison Creature.

[Pride] We are successful... [Informative] We have control and can release the inhabitants...

There were cheers coming from all around until Samantha quieted everyone at once. WAIT! We can't all go at once! For starters, I can only take two at a time and my energy will be expended on the run back to Newhaven!

So make multiple trips, Mary said as if it should be obvious. Or get one of those Fairies you were talking about to teleport us out.

You all don't get it! Samantha replied. I've been mapping this place out for months! The Magi have magical wards all over the place to prevent portals from being formed. We'd have to go five miles out before we could even attempt to open one.

What about you? Fiona asked. You said that you're using a specialized Lurker tentacle to make you basically SuperGirl. Could we do that?

Problem with that is that it's permanent. Samantha said. You'd be sacrificing the ability to have kids on your own... forever. But if you're okay with that... I guess we could do it... I think... Master? She asked the Ancient One.

[Thoughtful] Hrmmmm... [Informative] We would need the seed of the Angelic delivered to your current location. [Educating] We could then use what you call the Prison Creature to mutate the seeds to create more like our avatar here...

What? Jasmine and Natalia asked at once. What's an Angelic?

He's talking about James Parker, in Metro. Kait supplied. Didn't you two get the memo on him? He's Aden's brother that got turned to a Vampire on Holy Ground out of love so that made him into some pseudo-angel. Jasmine and Natalia then realized who that was.

Okay, so that's one problem solved. For every one that wants to be like me, we can run two out. Samantha pointed out. But here's the thing; once we get some of you out, the Hunters will know. I expect security to be beefed up. Hell, they might even have the Magi make more wards to prevent our new connection. It might end up being a one-shot deal. So the question is; who's going and who's staying?

ANNA! Everyone said at once. She's going for sure! Kait added.

I agree, Mary said, She's upstairs and is being forced to carry another man's child to term. Murmurs of agreement came. Any disagreements? No? Then motion passed.

Always the politician, eh? Kim joked.

Look, Natalia's mind chimed in. Jas and I no longer have a Lurker to care for as he was killed right in front of us. So we volunteer to be an avatar... or whatever... for the Ancient One. We've birthed more Lurkers than we can count, a lot of which have made it, and we never had plans for kids ourselves. So giving up our reproductive rights for the cause is okay for us.

That means we can take five more! Jasmine said.

Leaving fifteen of us behind, Mary noted.

I'll stay, Kim said. Look; whoever stays behind is going to get punished... repeatedly. I suspect that Tillis will even take it out on the Werewolves or have the Werewolves do it.

You mean do us, right? Mary's wry thought came through. I don't have a job anymore since Aden got elected into my position. I'll stay as well.

Aren't you two married, though? Dominique now came into the conversation. You have families!

And I hope that Don understands what's going on here too... Kim noted with a twinge of sadness. Mary and I are both former military before we went into politics. We'll be able to endure.

Tell you what, Samantha, you go to Metro and get this Angel Seed that you need and we'll have the straws drawn by the time you get back. Okay?


"You need WHAT?" James Parker asked incredulously as he looked at Samantha. Off to his side he couldn't tell if Ashely was as shocked as he was or if she was getting a kick out of it.

"I need you to fuck me and to do it fast," Samantha said. It only took her a couple of hours to run from Tillis' compound to Metro where it would take a normal person at least three days to cross that distance. "Look, I'm on a timetable here if I'm going to get any of the girls out of that thing then I'm going to need your seed to make a couple of them like me."

"So we're going to have three of you to deal with now instead of just one? Great." James rolled his eyes. "I can only imagine what three pheromone hyped up women will be like."

"They'll probably have to beat men off with a stick because they'll be flocking to them like the Sirens of old." Ashley smiled at her husband. "Oh come on, honey, what's the matter? You've given your seed over to the Ancient One before. Why is this any different?" She sidled up behind him, snaking her hands around his body and placing her chin on his left shoulder. "Besides, it's been awhile since we've had a playmate in our bed." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively while reaching down to grab his crotch through his pants.

James let out a low, guttural groan as he felt himself go hard. "Why do I let you manipulate me like this?" he asked as he felt his pants open from Ashley's hands. She had his cock out and was already stroking him while she started to suckle on his neck.

"You know you enjoy it," Ashley teased him. She glanced at Samantha and motioned for her to assume the position. Samantha immediately bent over the closest table while Ashley guided her husband over and helped ease him into Samantha's waiting pussy. Then Ashley bared her fangs and sank them right into James' neck.

"HOLY FUCK!" James hissed as his cock blew out a massive load that he hadn't expected to shoot so soon. Ashley held him in place, squeezing the base of his cock with her fingers in an O around it while snaking her other hand up to hold his chest.

"OOOOohhhhh gooooodddd..." Samantha moaned as she fed off of their sexual energy while James' seed collected inside of her. Her body shook from the instant orgasm that she got while James pumped streams of his cum into her tight pussy.

Once he was done, she straightened up and smile. "Thanks!" she said.

"Just going to fuck and run?" Ashley asked, looking hurt. "I thought you were going to stay for a bit?"

"How about I give you a rain check. You can even tie me up and punish me for it later. But I have to get this back now." Samantha replied.