The Naked Envoy

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Magdalena had the best dream and now wants to share the love.
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Author's Notes:

The Naked Envoy is my entry for the 2021 Literotica Nude Day Contest.

This is a fun little tale to celebrate the fact that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. It cannot be accurately measured by arbitrary social or cultural standards as it comes from deep within.

All characters engaging in sexual relationships or activities are 18 years old or older.


The Naked Envoy


"Is she ready?"

"Almost my lord... she's... perfect!"

"I agree. I can't take my eyes off her. She's the perfect envoy for our people."

"It's really going to happen?"

"Yes. We've waited long enough, almost too long, and we'll never find someone better suited to this mission than her."

"There. The final steps are done. She has everything she needs... let me... let me look at her for a moment longer."

"It's time. We need her. The People need her. She is our greatest hope and desire. She will prepare the way. It's time for her to wake."

Wistful sighs and gentle but longing touches caressed her skin, but that might have been the sheets moving.

"Wake, Magdalena."

Her eyes opened to see the warm morning sunlight peeking through her blinds. She stretched like a cat, feeling remarkably well-rested and tingling with energy.

What a dream she'd had! She felt wonderful! Also desired and loved! She'd never had a dream like that before!

She lived alone, and she'd never experienced romantic love or sex in her twenty-five years. She'd never even kissed a boy. She was crippled by her shyness. Yet, this feeling of being desired was... intoxicating! A giggle broke free, and she let the joy spread through her body. She wondered if this was what it really felt like.

Tossing back the sheet, she looked down to notice her pajamas were missing! She was certain she'd put them on the night before. She looked around her small bedroom and spotted them in a pile on the floor next to the bed. How odd!

She got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to take her shower. The water felt so good against her skin, and she took her time washing her body and hair. She realized it had grown long as the brown locks reached midway down her back.

As she dried herself off facing the bathroom mirror, she smiled. This morning, she wasn't disappointed by what she saw reflected back. Maybe it was the dream she'd had, or perhaps, just perhaps, she'd finally matured enough to accept what nature had given her.

Unlike some of her coworkers, she didn't fit the current definition of beauty. Maybe she could be called cute. She wasn't tall, as she was five-foot-two. Nor was she slim at one-hundred-and-fifty-five pounds. Once, a coworker pointed out that she resembled the Venus of Willendorf. She'd had to look that up and discovered it was an ancient limestone carving of a roly-poly female nude. She'd shed some tears that night.

Today, as she rubbed the towel around her heavy breasts, across her round tummy, and over her thick thighs, she felt only contentment. She was who she was, and that was perfect. The word echoed faintly in the back of her mind, and she smiled again as a warmth spread through her.

Walking into her bedroom, she stood before her closet. She had to get ready for work, but every outfit she considered felt... wrong. She turned to look at her standing mirror and tried to picture what she should wear but instead, she was captured by her reflection.

This. This is how she needed to be. She just... wasn't ashamed of her body any longer. This made her happy, so this is how she would stay.

Leaving her bedroom, she made a quick breakfast and checked the forecast. Another sunny, warm day in San Diego. Perfect.

She brushed her teeth, collected her keys, her cell, and her purse, and slipped some flip-flops on her feet. She grinned as she was ready for the day.

Leaving her second-floor apartment in the small twenty-unit, two-story complex, she locked up and made her way to the stairs. When she reached the courtyard on the ground floor, she came face to face with Mrs. Abernathy, the widow living in the unit below hers. She was a prim woman in her late sixties and originally from England. She still clung to its culture and had a delightful accent. The older woman froze as she faced the younger woman's naked state.

"Maggie, dear. You might have forgotten something rather critical," she whispered.

"Good morning, Abigail! I don't believe I have," she replied with a sweet smile that drew one to the lips of the widow.

"You don't think it might be advisable to don some clothing?" Abigail suggested.

Magdalena's smile widened. "Not at all. I'm very comfortable in my own skin, perhaps for the first time in my life. I feel wonderful, and I only wish everyone else could feel as fantastic as I do today!"

Abigail was grinning now at the young woman's infectious joy. "I certainly wish I felt a little of that too!"

Magdalena tilted her head to look at the older woman. "Why don't you? It's so easy!" She took the other woman's hands in hers and looked into her eyes. "Abigail, you can be happy. You deserve to be happy! Feel good about yourself. You're perfect!"

The widow smiled happily as the younger woman's joy seemed to rush up her arms and fill her being. She nodded decisively and pulled her hands back to undo the buttons on her blouse. Off it went and her slacks as well. The bra, panties, and socks quickly followed. She slipped her sandals back on and grinned excitedly. Magdalena threw her arms around Abigail, and the two women hugged, their joy amplifying.

"You were right! I do feel so much happier!" Abigail gushed. She looked across the courtyard as an older gentleman stepped backward from his apartment to lock the door. The widow winked at Magdalena. "If you'll excuse me, I believe Mr. Dalton deserves to feel happy too."

Maggie burst into giggles, causing the man to turn and stare at them in surprise. She waved to him as she left to walk toward the parking lot. Abigail was stalking closer to the man with a smile on her face.

She met no one else on her way to her car. She wished she lived closer to work so she could walk there and enjoy the sun on her skin.

As it was, she joined the flow of traffic and drove the ten miles to the eight-story concrete and glass box she worked in. She purposefully parked far from the building to enjoy the walk across the lot toward the entrance. Others were arriving, and there were a few close calls as drivers were distracted by the sight of her.

Hearing the sudden squeal of tires braking, more heads turned to look in her direction. She recognized that once, this much attention would have crippled her with shyness, but today it just wasn't a problem. Instead, she felt so good about herself that it felt like armor for her self-esteem.

One of the heads that turned to face her belonged to the sales team leader, Shelaine. The woman had been a thorn in her side from the day she'd joined the company.

Magdalena worked in the sales support team, performing mostly administrative tasks for the sales team.

Shelaine was everything she was not; tall, blonde, athletic, strikingly beautiful, and aggressive. She'd had a string of affairs with equally beautiful men, but each relationship ended with an explosion of drama. Maggie had begun to believe the woman thrived on it.

Now, Shelaine was watching her approach, and a cruel smile distorted her lovely features. Once, that would have sent Maggie running for a locked stall in the bathroom, but today she saw Shelaine's cruelty in a new light. The woman had never experienced the joy currently flowing through Maggie.

That was truly sad.

Shelaine must have spotted her expression of pity as the woman's smile disappeared in a flash of outrage.

"What the hell are you doing exposing your fat tits to the world?" Shelaine snapped.

Maggie smiled and lifted her heavy breasts on her palms. "Yes, they are pleasantly plump, aren't they!"

The sound of a car bumper thumping into another made them look to see the cars of two of Shelaine's sales team, the drivers staring back at Maggie in shock.

"You're causing accidents!" Shelaine shouted as she pointed.

Magdalena giggled. "It's kind of fun to turn heads, isn't it, Shelaine."

The blonde was stunned into silence. Maggie was behaving like they were partners in crime. Worse, like equals!

It was a known fact that the blonde liked to tease the men in the office and had been the cause of many minor collisions between her distracted coworkers. Maggie flashed a grin, flipped her brown hair back over her shoulders, and confidently continued toward the door without a glance back.

Shelaine was frozen. She hadn't expected their encounter to go this way at all. She was certain she'd make the girl run away in tears. But, instead, she was left confused and angry. Fat, little Maggie looked at her with pity? What the fuck?

Meanwhile, Magdalena felt a thrill shoot through her as she'd successfully handled the bully. Still, she felt sorry for the woman.

Climbing the steps, she nodded to a couple of ladies who worked in accounting. They waved back with wide eyes.

The lobby was busy, with people all rushing to get to their desks on time. Maggie knew she had time, and truthfully, it just didn't seem so intensely critical anymore. It was like she'd discovered they'd been playing a silly, childish game all along. The elevators were ahead, and she slipped into one before the door closed.

Several people squeaked in surprise when she jumped in, causing the door to open once more.

"Hold the door!" a voice cried out from the lobby.

She recognized it and her smile widened just as Ted rushed in the door she held open. He gasped as he collided gently with her soft body.

Ted was a member of Shelaine's sales team and was one of the few who treated her like a human being. He had sandy blond hair, stood six inches taller than she did, and had a sweet personality. He wasn't one of Shelaine's sharks, but his calm, friendly manner earned him a respectable position on the sales leader board as the clients liked him.

Maggie released the door and stepped back as she pulled Ted away from the opening. The door closed behind him as he stared down at her in shock.

"Maggie! Why are you... naked?" he asked with a strained voice.

"Why are you covering up your body?" she returned with a cheeky smile. She knew he was a little thick around the center, too, but that never bothered her. If she hadn't been so damn shy, she might have asked him out. She smiled as she realized she was no longer that wallflower.

"Are you seeing someone?" she asked him straight out. She heard three quiet snorts of amusement at her boldness from the passengers behind her.

Ted seemed frozen for a second, but she noted he wasn't shy about admiring her breasts. "Uh, seeing someone? No! Uh, no, I'm single- not dating anyone!"

She giggled at his earnest but nervous response. "I'd like to take you out for a drink and get to know you."

He finally seemed to be settling down. "I-I'd like that. Yeah."

"Tonight?" she suggested.

"Sure!" he blurted, then grinned. "I like your new look... and confidence."

"I think you'd suit this look as well," she said with a coy smile.

The elevator dinged as the door opened. Ted had to step off the elevator to allow Magdelina and several others to get off. As he stepped back on, he couldn't keep his eyes off her. His smile remained as it closed once more.

More happiness swept through her at the thought of her date with Ted. Finally, she had a date with a real man!

Her desk was at the end of the row of cubicles. The space was small and dark. There were four empty and unused pods next to the windows, but her group had been informed those were reserved for the team members who exceeded their quotas. As their department was a cost center and didn't generate revenue, it fell to the sales team to report their contribution towards the sales quotas. Unfortunately, aside from Ted, few from that team made this effort. So, the desks remained empty and demoralized her squad.

Magdalena reached her desk and unplugged her laptop, carrying it to a sun-filled desk across the aisle. She plugged it in and confirmed her network and Internet phone were still working. She smiled as she moved her chair into the pod and settled in to work.

As she caught up on the new orders she'd received and made some calls, her coworkers trickled in. Four other women were working in sales support, and they all felt as she did about their under-appreciated status. Lita was a lovely young lady of twenty-one from India. She was first to notice her change.

"Maggie! Oh my goodness! Did they make you take your clothes off to get the window seat?" she squealed.

Katherine, a sweet twenty-three-year-old woman from Ireland, rushed over and covered her mouth with her hands in shock.

Magdalena burst into happy laughter and stood to face her coworkers.

Linda arrived and rushed over to see who'd managed to get one of the coveted spots. She froze when she saw the naked woman standing in it. "Is that what it takes?" she sighed wearily. She was from Florida and had gone through some rough patches in her thirty years. This just seemed like one more insult.

Maggie shook her head. "No, no one gave me permission to sit here. It just seems stupid to follow that mean-spirited rule. I'm not claiming this spot. I'm just enjoying the sunlight today. We can take turns."

"But... why are you naked?" Lita gasped.

Maggie smiled at her. "Because it makes me happy. I deserve to be happy. I certainly have no reason to feel ashamed of my body."

Mary Sue, the latest member to join the team, was a twenty-four-year-old from rural Tennessee. She'd just arrived and was watching with wide eyes.

"I woke up the morning feeling amazing. I realized I deserve better, and that wouldn't start until I treated myself better. I love who and what I am. Clothes just seemed unnecessary and confining. I feel so happy! I wish everyone could feel as good as I do!"

Linda stepped into the pod and took Maggie's hands in hers. "I'd love to have half the self-confidence you have!"

Magdalena grinned at her. "Why settle for half when you deserve it all!"

Linda burst into happy tears and hugged Maggie. When she stood back with a blissfully happy smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye, Lita rushed forward to embrace Maggie too.

"Oh, Maggie! You are the best hugger!" the young woman sighed. "I feel happier than I can even remember!"

"Don't you deserve to be?" Magdalena asked her.

Lita nodded slowly. "My Papa said I would never succeed at anything," she said wistfully.

Maggie was shocked and shook her head. "He was wrong! Every day you prove him wrong. You are worthy and strong. You care deeply. That is a strength that cannot be denied. You bring us joy every day with your sunny disposition, and that gives us all strength. We're grateful for that! Thank you!"

Lita was beaming the most wondrous smile at her friend. "Thank you!" She looked over to Katherine and gestured her forward.

The red-haired beauty rushed forward and pulled Lita into a hug. "Maggie's right. You bring sunshine into our day even when we're faced with mean rules and unfriendly coworkers. I couldn't have survived my first year here without you."

Lita's eyes were filled with tears of joy. Mary Sue stepped forward to hand her some tissues as she nodded in agreement. Katherine released Lita, and the ladies all began to happily giggle as they dabbed their eyes.

Linda moved to her desk and disconnected her laptop, moving to the next open sun-lit cubicle.

Lita and Katherine left the pod as Mary Sue moved closer to Magdalena.

The young woman was a strawberry blonde with big blue eyes and big round breasts, and a curvy butt to complete the look. The farm girl had taken a major leap of faith leaving home for the west coast and was struggling to fit in. The team was her support group, but it'd felt like a survivor's group of victims... until today.

Magdalena saw her trembling lower lip and held out her hands. They were immediately gripped and held tight. "Everything will be all right. I now know we're stronger than we've realized, and together we can achieve anything we set our sights on. We don't have to accept scraps thrown our way. You are amazing! I've seen the depth of your compassion and the strength of your character. You will achieve wonders, and we will be there with you."

Magdalena suddenly found herself in Mary Sue's strong embrace. The taller woman's full breasts threatened to suffocate her, but she held on and hoped some of the joy filling her spilled over into Mary Sue.

As she began to worry about taking a breath, she was released from the tight grip. She inhaled, then lips landed on hers--soft full lips.

Eyes wide with surprise, she saw Mary Sue pull back from the impromptu kiss with her cheeks flaming red. The blonde tried to escape, but Magdalena caught her hand and stopped her. She pulled her closer to speak quietly.

"You surprised me! You also got my first kiss--ever. I didn't know you were attracted to women." Mary Sue was squirming with embarrassment. "I also didn't know that... I'd like being kissed by a woman." That made Mary Sue pause to look at her. A hopeful little smile appeared, so Maggie continued. "It's been an emotional day. First, I made a date with a man tonight, then I get this lovely kiss from you! My head is spinning!"

Mary Sue looked a little shocked at the date confession, but her smile returned when Maggie mentioned the kiss. "That was my first kiss, too. I'm sure I can do better!"

Magdalena smiled. "Practice makes perfect, but you're already pretty close." She noticed Linda was watching them closely.

"Is the nude thing a lesbian thing?" the ex-Floridian asked.

Magdalena chuckled. "No. It just makes me happy. Like hugs... and now kisses. It's all new to me, but I feel like a brand-new woman!"

Linda smiled in relief. "I'm not into ladies, but I feel pretty damn good too!" She reached behind herself and undid the zipper on her dress. A quick tug, and it dropped to her feet. Then, with a grin, she undid her bra and slipped her slip and panties down. The sun painted her freckled skin with its warm rays, and she grinned happily at the others. "Oh my God! This feels so... right!"

Magdalena nodded as she grinned in surprise as Katherine and Lita returned with their laptops but without their clothes.

"I feel so free! This is how we are meant to be!" the redhead exclaimed. Lita did a little dance, then sat at her new station and set up her laptop. Soon they were back at their daily tasks.

Mary Sue was still standing next to Maggie, but she looked unsure. Maggie touched her hand. "What's wrong?"

"I want to undress as well, but people are intimidated by my body. I don't want to make anyone unhappy," Mary Sue said timidly.

"That's what makes us love you. You think of the feelings of others first. We want you to be happy too!"

Mary Sue burst into a relieved smile and pulled her blouse up and over her head. Next off was her slacks, then her supportive bra and pretty panties. Her body was boldly sensual and erotic, but Magdalena saw the shy and desperate need for acceptance on the young woman's face.

"Doesn't that feel better?" she asked with a coy smile.

"So much!" Mary Sue gasped in relief, making the others giggle. The young woman pranced back to her desk and looked back to see that Maggie was dazzled by the sight of her large breasts swaying and ass jiggling. A satisfied smile lit up her face.

They managed to power through most of the requests the sales team had sent their way, and their energy levels were through the roof. Their calls to the supply chain were bright and bubbly, and the improved morale they demonstrated on the calls helped lift the spirits of those they spoke to. It was like a chain reaction, spreading positive energy.