The Hypnotist


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The office was in a small strip mall, a couple miles from our apartment. I barged in the front door, and stopped short in the little lobby. There were two middle aged women sitting in plastic chairs, and a receptionist behind a counter. All three women looked up at me and then smiled at me. I hadn't expected that—hadn't expected it to look like an actual doctor's office.

I had just been mad, and planned to storm in there and confront this seedy guy operating out of a decrepit little office, to force him to tell me what he had done. For some reason I had pictured it being dark and dingy, so the bright lighting and soft music were already at odds with my expectations. Then the door over to the right opened, and this woman came out just ahead of the hypnotist. She was smiling happily, and he was smiling back warmly. He was dressed in a white lab coat and the guy looked like a doctor.

His eyes settled on me, and he gave me a tentative smile.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"You—you—what did you do to my sister?" I blurted. I felt stupid when I heard my own voice, and my seething anger seemed misplaced all of a sudden.

The doctor raised an eyebrow (okay, so he wasn't a doctor, but that was how I thought of him at that point), and he chewed his lip thoughtfully for a moment. Then he turned to one of the women seated to my right, a redhead in a floral-print summer dress.

"Carol, would you mind giving us a minute?" he asked, giving her a gentle smile. "There seems to be a misunderstanding. I'm sure this won't take long to clear up."

"No problem doctor," she replied, smiling up at him happily.

(See? It wasn't just me. The guy really looked like a legitimate doctor!)

I followed him into his office. He closed the door and held out his hand.

"I'm sorry," he said, "What's your name?"

"I'm Mitch," I replied, shaking his hand.

He had a firm handshake. He nodded, and then held out his left hand.

"Why don't you take a seat, Mitch?" I nodded and sat down, and then he sat behind his desk. "So, I assume I saw your sister for therapy, and there was some sort of problem? What is her name?"

"Gwynne," I replied.

He looked thoughtful for a second and then nodded. "Ah, yes, very attractive young woman, right? Trying to quit smoking? What was the problem? Is she smoking more than before?"

I nodded twice in answer to his first questions, then blushed and shook my head. "No, she hasn't smoked since she had that session with you," I managed. "She's just"

"It's okay, Mitch," he assured me in that calm, soothing voice. "You can tell me."

I felt my shoulders immediately relax, and I blurted, "She's been all over me since you saw her yesterday. It doesn't seem to bother her at all that I'm her brother."

"Oh, my," he said softly, but he didn't seem at all alarmed. Just embarrassed. "Well, that is awkward." He shook his head. "You see, Mitch, what I try to do is re-direct those impulses in my patients who smoke or have other bad habits they are trying to quit. Your sister was supposed to re-direct that into something...hold on."

I nodded and watched him reach into the bottom drawer of his desk, where he pulled out a generic-looking manila folder.

"Ah, here we go. She was supposed to turn her fixation into 'something more positive and constructive.' I'm afraid I was just too vague, and she fixated on you."

I blew out a long, relieved breath and felt all my anger drain away. It was a simple misunderstanding. He gave me another warm smile, and I felt myself relaxing as his calm, soothing voice continued. My eyes followed that folder in his hand as it slowly waved from side to side, and his voice just seemed to make me feel like I needed to relax further.

I needed to stop being so angry all the time, I realized. It was so pointless. When I walked out of his office, I felt immensely relieved. In fact, I felt really good! Carol immediately stood up and her bright smile was infectious. We smiled at each other happily as I stepped out of her way and she hurried into the office for her appointment. I wanted to apologize for making her wait, but when I turned to say something, she was already on her knees in front of the doctor.

"Mitch, would you please close the door?" he asked.

"Sure thing," I replied.

Carol moaned happily as she started sucking his dick. I grinned and pulled the door closed. Then I smiled and waved goodbye to the other woman in the waiting room and the receptionist as I headed out to my car.

I could not stop smiling as I drove back to the apartment. I couldn't wait to see my sister, to explain that it had all been a simple misunderstanding. And then I would fuck her, of course. I shook my head and smiled again. It was rather comical how much I had overreacted. I'd been so silly to let all that pointless guilt get in the way.

After the good doctor had pointed it out, I realized just how lucky I was. Gwynne was perhaps the sexiest woman I had ever known, and she wanted me. I was completely hard as I thought about her naked body in the shower from the night before, and I shook my head and smiled again.

"So lucky," I murmured as I pulled up and parked my car.

* * *

I bound up the stairs to our apartment and couldn't wipe the silly grin off my face when I saw my sister standing there in the living room. She had evidently showered again, and she still had one bath towel wrapped around her sexy body and a second holding her hair up like a turban. I love that look, but never really paid attention to how she did it.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Never better," I replied, walking up to her and giving her a smooch. "I just realized what an idiot I've been. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course!" she replied, smiling happily. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said, feeling my heart swelling in my chest.

It wasn't all that was swelling.

"I want you so bad right now," I growled, and I started peeling off my clothes as quickly as I could.

"Oh, thank God," she moaned. Her breath caught when she saw how hard I was, and her eyes were huge when she looked from my massively swollen erection up to my face. "You really do want me, don't you?" she whispered.

I just nodded eagerly, and she gave me the most glorious smile as she opened up the towel covering her body. Her breasts heaved and her nipples stood out proudly, and I knew she wanted me every bit as much as I wanted her. Within minutes we were in her bed and my dick was where it belonged: balls-deep in my sister's sweet pussy.

Oh! It felt so good to fuck her like that! I loved the way she spread her legs wide and eagerly took every deep thrust. It was even hotter when she gasped and moaned and told me in filthy detail exactly what my hard cock was doing deep in her horny little pussy. She announced it just as loudly both times she came, and then she wrapped her legs around me and fixed me with an intense look.

"It's your turn now, Mitch," she panted. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard and fill me up with all that hot cum! You know where it belongs now, don't you? Oh, yeah. Deep inside your sister's hungry pussy. Oh, yes, just like that! Oh, you're doing it! You're coming inside me! Oh, fuck, that feels so perfect!"

I never got out a word. I was too busy sucking hard on her left breast and throbbing nipple to do anything other than moan deliriously as I came inside her and watched her face as she cried out and came again. That time, she didn't zonk out until after I had finished coming inside her. I savored the feel of her pussy as it fluttered around me, and then slid back and out of the bed.

She looked so beautiful that I had to stand there and admire her. I smiled and shook my head, and then headed into the bathroom to get a washcloth. Her pussy was overflowing with my sperm, and I needed to clean her out thoroughly before I could lick and suck that beautiful little snatch.

Eating my sister's pussy was an amazing treat for me. Once her tangy juices started flowing out and I got a taste of them, I simply could not get enough. She shuddered and came once before she even awoke, and she was moaning and bucking her hips again when her eyes finally shot open.

"Oh, Mitch!" she cried. "Oh, that's so fucking good! I'm coming! COMING!"

I grabbed her hips and held on as I slurped her through that intense orgasm. Then she pushed me onto my back and aggressively swallowed my dick again. It was completely hard already. I had been incredibly turned on from savoring her tasty pussy, but I knew I wouldn't last long in her mouth.

"Gwynne, I'm getting close already," I warned her.

"Mmm-HMM," she moaned loudly, looking up into my eyes.

I licked my lips and murmured, "It's just...if I come in your mouth it will take a while before I get hard again. I really wanted to try something else."

Her eyes widened and she slowed the pace of her insistent sucking. Then she blew out a hot breath from her nostrils and slowly let my throbbing cock head slip from her lips.

"You want my ass," she breathed.

I bit my lip and nodded.

"Oh, God, I thought you'd never ask!" she said, almost giddy as she slid up my body and kissed me.

I watched her breasts jiggle and her bottom sway as she shimmied out of the bed and bent to rummage through the top drawer of her dresser. She turned with a triumphant look on her face as she brandished that tube of lubricant.

Now, in retrospect it is obvious that something was deeply wrong with us after our encounters with that hypnotist. I should never, ever have even considered fucking my own sister in her ass like that. At the time, though, I didn't have a care in the world as my sister bent over in front of me and offered her tight little puckered hole. Her hands reached back to spread her soft ass cheeks invitingly, and I groaned as I slid up behind her and pressed the slick head of my cock into that snug little ring.

Gwynne was REALLY loud when I fucked her in the ass! I'm surprised the neighbors didn't ever call the cops, the way she howled and described in lurid detail how much she LOVED it when her BROTHER fucked her IN THE ASS! Seriously, it was too much. I wound up reaching around her to cover her mouth with my right hand as I pounded her tight asshole, just to keep the noise down.

It was only because she was so loud that I didn't fuck her ass more often after that. It felt sensational, but left my ears ringing afterward every time.

* * *

The rest of that weekend was almost a blur of non-stop sex. When we did take breaks to eat, and shower, and once to go out shopping, we were almost shockingly normal. Nobody who saw us had any reason to suspect that we were anything other than a brother and sister who got along really well.

When Monday morning rolled around, we enjoyed a lovely quick fuck and then headed our separate ways. I went to work and she went to school, and we both operated at an extremely high level. My co-workers commented that I was in a great mood, and they were impressed at how much I got done. I was happy to be there, and happy to knock out one of our projects ahead of schedule. I never let on how eager I was to get out of there to be with my sister again.

That evening I was barely inside the door before she tackled me. We giggled and held hands as we headed into my bedroom. Gwynne got on her knees and sucked my dick as I struggled and laughed and tried to finish getting undressed. Then she giggled when I scooped her up and tossed her into the bed. She moaned and spread her legs so I could dive in to lick and suck her tasty pussy.

She was completely drenched in no time, and pulled me insistently up so that my dick could get back where it belonged inside her pussy. We moaned and kissed and fucked, and it just felt perfect for both of us. She had a pair of orgasms and I filled her up with another load of fresh cum. While she slumbered peacefully in my bed, I got up and fixed a nice dinner for the two of us.

We laughed and shared our day's experiences while we ate. Afterward we teased each other with light touches and tickles as we did the dishes and put them away. We shared a shower and lovingly cleaned each other, and then my sister announced to the world how much she loved it when I fucked her tight asshole standing up inside the bathtub.

We dried off and returned to my bed, where we made love for another two hours before falling asleep in each other's arms. It felt like the perfect ending to the perfect day, and it was to become our routine for the next several weeks. Well, not so much that part where my sister screamed out while I fucked her ass. I was reluctant to do that more than a couple times a week.

* * *

I have no idea how long we would have gone on like that if our parents hadn't intervened.

Gwynne and I refused to acknowledge that anything was wrong. We were both deliriously happy all the time, completely in love with each other, and the sex was beyond anything either of us had ever imagined. Outside of those incredible hours spent in our beds, on the sofa, at the kitchen counter, or in the bathroom, the rest of our lives were still enjoyable. My coworkers, and my sister's fellow grad students and teachers, loved being around us. They recognized how hard we worked, but we were always so upbeat it was infectious.

We just hadn't been around our parents in several months, and they missed us. Mom and Dad had talked with us on the phone before and just after Gwynne moved in with me, but after they hadn't heard from either of us in over a month they became concerned. They didn't live that far away, so instead of calling, my mother decided to drop by for a visit one Thursday evening.

Naturally, we hadn't bothered to lock the front door. It hadn't even closed completely when Gwynne tackled me and dragged me into her bedroom. Mom came up to the apartment and was alarmed when the door swung open as soon as she tapped on it. Then she heard my sister crying out, and she charged inside. Mom stopped in the bedroom doorway and let out a strangled scream.

We both looked over at her with concern, but we didn't stop. I was fucking Gwynne doggy-style—in her pussy, rather than her ass, or Mom would have heard it from the parking lot—and we just kept going as we looked at her face and tried to figure out what was bothering her.

While we were actually having sex like that, we were oblivious to the wrongness of the act. We acted normal whenever we were out in public, but it completely escaped us why our mother got so bent out of shape. She completely lost her shit when we tried to smile and assure her that nothing was wrong, while I kept pumping my dick in and out of Gwynne's horny little pussy.

Honestly, I'm still surprised how strong our mother was when she lost her temper. She grabbed my shoulders and yanked me right out of the bed, and sent me to my room to get dressed. I could still hear her screaming at Gwynne as I shook my head and did as she asked. I can still remember how mystified I was at that moment.

What the hell is wrong with her? I wondered.

When it was clear to her that she wasn't getting through to us, Mom called our father. He looked clueless but terribly concerned when he walked in. It just didn't make sense, what our mother had babbled over the phone. His eyes just got bigger and bigger as Gwynne and I took turns explaining patiently how we had fallen in love and accepted our wonderful shared love of fucking and sucking each other every chance we got.

I don't recall when we first brought up the hypnotist, but I do recall the warm feelings I had for the man as I described how he had helped me. Gwynne looked radiant as she recounted her own experience. Dad looked grim when we finished and he nodded.

He didn't make the same mistake I did. Instead, he found another hypno-therapist to help us: Doctor Jenkins. The woman was a legitimate Doctor of Psychology who used hypnosis when other techniques proved ineffective. Fortunately, her knowledge was extensive enough that she immediately recognized the effects of the post-hypnotic suggestions that other guy had planted in our minds. It still took several sessions for her to plumb the depths of our minds enough for us to recall everything that had actually happened.

While we were going through that, our parents and the shrink both insisted that Gwynne needed to move back home with our folks until we were "completely recovered." After a few sessions, we understood what was happening enough that we could appreciate the necessity of it. If Gwynne and I were still living together, we would no doubt have continued to have sex every chance we got.

When we finally recalled every word from those sessions with the hypnotist, we were just numb. We weren't outraged, as our parents and the doctor were. When the police were called in, we dutifully filled out our statements and signed them. The guy was arrested, and then the full extent of his activities started to come to light. He'd been hypnotizing dozens of female patients over the years. Most of them were like my sister; attractive women who were trying to give up smoking.

They returned to his office for dozens of "follow-up sessions" which mostly consisted of them sucking his dick or letting him fuck them in his office. He was billing their insurance for those sessions, or their husbands were paying for them. Most of the husbands never questioned what was happening, because they were pleased that their wives were giving up smoking and seemed so much more happy and affectionate all the time.

Most of those women were left dazed in the aftermath, like Gwynne and I were. It was tough to accept that our blissful existence had all been a lie. On some level we were upset that it had happened. We acknowledged that it had been wrong to let those things happen...but it was tough to get over that feeling that we had lost something, now that we knew the truth.

* * *

The last six sessions we had with Doctor Jenkins were family sessions. We were there with our parents. Gwynne looked a little despondent, and our parents looked slightly embarrassed, when she admitted she had taken up smoking again.

"It was a struggle already," she said miserably. "Once I was completely aware of the actual post-hypnotic suggestion the doc—the other guy had planted, it just lost its effectiveness. So, I was struggling again, and both our parents smoke inside all the time. I was feeling really stressed out after all we've been through, and then I was just smoking again." She blew out an annoyed breath. "I'm back up to a pack a day."

I reached over and squeezed her hand softly, and she gave me a squeeze in return.

"Oh, Gwynne, I'm so sorry," I murmured. "It never crossed my mind, but it must be impossible for you to quit smoking there."

She gave me a sad smile. "It's okay, Mitch," she replied sadly. "It's not your fault. None of this would have happened if I'd just picked a better hypnotist."

All five of us let out a bitter chuckle at that, but Doctor Jenkins looked at all four of us and smiled afterward.

"I think you're okay now," she said. She looked back and forth from Gwynne to me as she spoke. "You know now what happened, why it happened, and you both understand how wrong it was." She let out a big breath and said, "I think it's safe for the two of you to live together again."

Dad raised an eyebrow, but he didn't object. Doctor Jenkins turned her attention to our parents then.

"I understand you will want to check up on your children—and you should. It will help both of them try to get back to their normal lives, and for your family to heal after this traumatic experience. I think we can safely consider this course of therapy a success. I'd like to meet with you again in a month, just to see how things are going."

Everyone else nodded, but Gwynne frowned.

"What about my smoking?" she asked. "Is there any way you could help me? I mean, I am still mad about the rest of it, but that other guy did help me give up that craving."