The House Boy Ch. 07


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Holding his hands for balance, he couldn't help chuckle as Damian was having the time of his life. He could feel an orgasm starting to build, Damian's cock also leaking plenty of pre-cum. When he could feel the orgasm approaching, he pulled him forward so he rested on his hands, running his own hands down to Damian's arse, starting to thrust into him, watching his eyes light up.

"Yes, fuck me," he groaned, "Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me."

He fucked him for all of five minutes before he groaned and felt a wonderful orgasm erupt. Damian pushed down on his cock when it arrived, almost begging for him to keep filling him up for as long as possible. Both moaned and groaned until he was empty, Tom with it enough to tell Damian to bounce away and stroke his cock so he could cum.

Damian came within a couple of minutes, all over his chest. He loved feeling it land on him, Damian sitting back when he was done, blushing brightly once again. Managing to shuffle back so he was sitting up, his cock eventually fell out, his new lover still straddling his lap as they continued making out.

"Going to need a shower," Tom suggested, "Though later. It's not that late. Are you hungry?"


"I'll go downstairs and get us a drink and snack. You just get comfortable, okay?"

"Okay," he replied softly.

Heading downstairs, he ran into Mark and Mike, both asking about his lover, as it was obvious he'd been fucking. "I won't say he's a clone of Steven, but he's so fucking adorable and sweet, he's going to make my teeth rot," he explained.

"I guess Steven picked him for that reason," Mark suggested, "Can't be with him, be with someone as close to him as possible."

"I think Damian is already falling for me. That could make things awkward." Shrugging, he added, "I'll deal with it if it happens."

"Worst things in life than to be loved by two people, Tom," Mike said.

He returned to find Damian snuggling under the covers. That word again. Adorable. He had to take a photo of him, then pulled back the blankets to take in his nude form, and took another photo. Handing him his glass of juice, he laughed as Damian knocked it back rather quickly, admitting that sex seemed to be thirsty work. "It is when fucked by someone like me," he half-joked, "How are you feeling?"

"A little tired, to be honest."

"Okay, let's wash, head back here, change the sheets, then we'll watch some TV or something?"

"I'd like that."

Escorting Damian to the bathroom, he had a quick look into Steven's room, noticing he was lying between Jim and William. It appeared Jim was fucking him and William was busy making out with him. None of them looked his way, and he wasn't going to be a voyeur. Returning to the bathroom, he enjoyed his shower with his new lover, running his hands all over his body again, Damian eager to kiss him as often as possible.

After drying off, they returned to his room, changed the sheets, turned on the lamp next to his bed, lying back under the cover as he flicked on the TV. Damian cuddled into his side. "What do you want to watch?"

"Whatever you want to watch. I'm fine."

Wrapping an arm around him, he figured a little porn wasn't a bad idea, feeling a cock harden after a few minutes as he chose a particular film he liked, a twink that reminded him of Steven and Damian, being fucked by a couple of men just like himself. "This is hot," Damian whispered. Tom kissed him, earning another soft moan. "If you want to fuck me again..."

"Get some rest, gorgeous. This will happen again, I can assure you of that."


Steven woke up refreshed, which was a miracle considering what he'd endured the previous afternoon and evening. He lost track of how long William had fucked him nor of how many times he'd cum in him. He'd spent what felt like hours sucking Jim off at the same time. Speaking of Jim, he looked up to see his large lover was still fast asleep on his back, Steven having draped himself across his body during the night.

Extricating himself carefully not to wake him up, he was desperate for a pee, checking his butt to feel plenty of dried cum. That wasn't unusual any longer, loving to feel their cum slowly leak out of him and dry during the night. After a pee, he wandered downstairs for some breakfast. There was no-one about, checking the time to see it was quite early, so he prepared some toast, boiled the kettle for a coffee, grabbing some juice and yoghurt from the fridge.

He turned from the fridge to see Damian. He smiled at him, taking in his nude form as his blue eyes looked at him in return. Walking towards him, he smiled as the other young man blushed. "You're Damian?" He nodded. "I'm Steven. Nice to meet you." Damian smiled shyly at him. Steven smiled again as he offered his hand. "You hungry and thirsty? Can do you a simple breakfast?"

"I'd like that. Thank you."

"Come join me at the counter." Looking him up and down, he met his eyes again. "Nice body. Tom take full advantage of it last night?"

"It was wonderful."

"It always is with Tom." He looked him up and down. "You're beautiful," he whispered.

"I can see why he loves you," Damian whispered in reply.

He made them both some toast, a tea for Damian, pouring them both a tall glass of juice. They chatted away about inconsequential stuff. There was no elephant in the room. Steven knew he'd been with Tom and he assured Damian he didn't mind at all. If Steven was going to be honest, there was a secondary reason why Damian was there. Tom knew but Damian wouldn't have been told yet.

"How's the bum?" he had to ask.

Damian quite clearly blushed. "Tom was very kind. He was gentle with me."

"He was with me the first time too." Wrapping an arm around his waist, he moved his hand down to the perfect bubble butt on display. "Your couple of photos on Grindr... You're even better looking in real life. No wonder Tom enjoyed you last night."

"You really don't mind?"

"Definitely not, particularly if I get to see you naked too."

Damian glanced at him and smiled, bumping their shoulders together, continuing to chat away quietly, and there was more than one shared giggle. Being surrounded by gentle giants every day, it was nice to have someone of similar stature around to talk to. He didn't have to look up constantly to see his eyes.

Jim appeared as they were eating their tubs of yoghurt. It was amusing to see him come to a halt and gasp in surprise. Then he rubbed his eyes and stared for a second. "There's two of you," he whispered before running back to the stairs. "Guys! Get down here! There's two of them!"

"The hell are you talking about Jim?" Mark called back.

"Stevie... Two of him... Fucking adorable... Get down here now!"

"Ah, he's met Damian," Tom shouted, "We'll be down in a second mate."

Steven turned to his new companion. "Well, not sure that's the greeting you were expecting."

"I saw you last night with him and the other guy..." Damian admitted.

"Ah, bit of a free show. What did you think?"

"I was amazed that the other guy was fucking you so hard."

"William? If you ever get the chance, he's lovely. He'll make your first time really special." Damian glanced down and smiled, meeting his eyes again. Steven looked down and giggled. "Yeah, just thinking about it is a turn on." Reaching across, he caressed Damian's erection. "I think you liked it too though, didn't you?"

As the other eight men gathered nearby, Steven wrapped his arm around Damian's waist again, ensuring they stood naked and proud before them. A definite wave of lust flowed around the room. "This is Damian. He was with Tom last night." Damian just waved rather shyly. "Behave with him, he's obviously shy."

"What Stevie says is law," Mike stated, laughing away, "I swear he runs this house nowadays."

They all shook Damian's hand before Tom gave each of them a soft kiss. "Have you told him yet, Stevie?"

"Not yet."

"We'll give you some privacy then. Guys, grab breakfast and we'll eat in the living room, give these two cuties a chance to speak."

Once they were in private, the pair gathered by the counter once again. Steven couldn't help run his eyes over his body, noticing Damian was doing the same thing. "To hell with it," he muttered, turning Damian and leaning in to kiss him. Caught by surprise for a second, he kissed him back within the next couple of seconds, their tongues slowly sliding towards each other, hands caressing each other. Lost in the moment, feeling their bodies press together, they moaned in unison, which caused them to break apart and giggle.

"Wow," Damian whispered.

"Can I confess something?"

"Of course."

"Tom and I chose you together for two reasons. The first is that Tom really liked your profile and photos, and when I'm busy doing other things, he can enjoy some time with you. But you can see the similarities, yeah?" Damian smiled and nodded. "The second is personal. I always had two fantasies. One was to be with someone like Tom and the others. A tall, muscular but sweet man who would love and care for me. I now have that not only with Tom but the others. My second fantasy was... It was with someone like you..."


"I'm not exactly the manliest of men. I know that. There are certain videos I used to like watching two twinks making love... I found myself yearning for something similar. Someone similar to me that I could have fun with. Maybe fall in love with."

Damian leapt on him, causing Steven to cry out in surprise for a moment before kissing him back in force. Hands groped as fingers found themselves wrapped around hardening cocks. Both moaned softly as tongues explored each other's mouth. Steven felt his heart beating rapidly. The moment he'd seen the boy, he'd been attracted. He now figured Damian had felt the same way. He had to ask. "You think the same thing?" he breathed.

Damian needed to take a breath. "School was an isolating experience. Being a slightly effeminate gay boy, you can only imagine..."

"You were out?"

"Hard not to be considering. You?"

"No, not with my father in charge, but it seemed they all knew before I did."

Damian paused. "Do you ever feel or want to be more effeminate?"

"Sometimes. I've been called cute and adorable a lot. Sometimes, the word pretty or beautiful crosses my mind. And with those words come thinking of looking a little girly."

"I've always wanted someone to do it with me. Make-up. My nails. My hair. Even go clothes shopping. I'll always be a man but... I also want to be a little different. Even stand out in my own way."

Steven grabbed his hand. "Maybe we get to know each other and see what happens?"

"I'd like that," Damian whispered before kissing him softly, "So you wanted to be with me too?"

"I do."

"I always wanted a friend like you at school. Someone to be close to. Someone to fool around and experiment with. But..." He trailed off and sighed, Steven not ignoring the couple of tears that fell. He knew when someone needed a cuddle, taking Damian by the hand and leading him to the living room. Sitting next to Tom, they cuddled their new friend together.

"I think we both have a new friend, Tom. Guys, I think Damian should be considered part of the household, though I'm not sure how that works."

"I live at home," Damian whispered, "Though my father..."

Tom sighed. "Another one. Fantastic."

"He's not abusive, but his love is quite clearly conditional."

"That's a form of abuse," Steven stated, "Do you want to leave?"

"Like... Yesterday."

"I'll talk to some friends," Tom said, "Guys, get onto anyone who might have a spare room."

"On it," Jim stated.

Steven took Damian's hand. "Come on, we'll go upstairs to my room for a while. Any rush to leave?"

"None at all. I'd rather not go home at all."

"You can stay with me for a night or two if you want. Tom, that'll mean..."

"I can handle it if it means looking after our new friend, Stevie. Just proving your good heart once again."

Grabbing a couple of things from the kitchen, he took Damian by the hand and led him upstairs to his room, shutting the door before they snuggled together under the covers. Steven would admit the young man has the most expressive blue eyes he'd ever seen, except for his own. Almost like looking in a mirror at times.

Instead of talking about unpleasant topics, they focused on much nicer things, like some making out. The attraction between the pair was electric, their bodies almost moulding together. The only sounds being made were of the moans and whimpers of both young man, ever increasing desire. They finally broke apart enough to gently grasp the cock of the other, their eyes meeting as they slowly stroked each other.

"One problem," Steven whispered, "I think we're both bottoms."

"We can go down on each other?"

"I'd love to. Later?" Damian nodded eagerly. "Want to stay with me or Tom?"

"I'd love a night with you too. I haven't had two people make me feel like this ever."

"Then that's a crime because you're so fucking beautiful..."

"Kiss me," Damian pleaded.

While kissing him, Steven moved so he was lying between his legs. Lifting himself up to rest on his left arm, he resumed stroking off his new lover, feeling his body move underneath him, his whole body clearly starting to get warmer as he was increasingly turned on. Moving down his body, kissing down his neck to his collar bone, leaving a trail of kisses down his chest, he reached his cock and swallowed it in one move, all the way to the base.

"Oh my god," Damian whimpered.

"Cum in my mouth, Damian. I'll swallow whatever you give me."

Steven was fairly sure he heard a choked sob as he slowly sucked his new friend's cock. He guessed it was of similar size to his own, not that it mattered. He just wanted to help Damian feel better. It was one of those sloppy blowjobs he loved to give, savouring the new scent and the taste of his cock. Gently fondling his balls, he heard Damian groan, figuring the young man probably wasn't going to last too long.

"Oh fuck... Stevie..."

He tightened his lips, his tongue hard at work at the same time, bobbing faster and faster, wanting to taste the cum of his newest lover. Feeling his fingers in his hair, he glanced up to see Damian's head roll back on the pillows, his hips started to moving as he bucked into his mouth.

"I'm so close..." he whimpered.

Continuing to fondle his balls, that just about did it, Damian releasing a few soft whimpers before he shot his load into his mouth. Steven happily swallowed every drop, continuing to suck on his cock until he could feel it starting to soften, letting it fall from his mouth as he used his tongue to clean him up. Leaving soft kisses back up his body, he wasn't surprised when Damian hugged him tightly, hearing his sob quietly. "That was my first time," he whispered, "No-one's done that for me before..."

"I'll do it again when you're hard," he whispered back.

"Do you want..."

"If you want to."

"I need to. You've made me feel special..."

Steven would admit he was rarely blown, simply because he would rather suck cock instead. Tom would go down on his sometimes, and the others would occasionally give him a blowjob, though most of the time, it would occur during a sixty-nine. Swapping positions so he was now on his back, Damian kissed him before rather eagerly down his body to grab the base of is cock.

"I know it's not as big..."

"It's perfect, Stevie," he whispered, "I can't wait to swallow your cum in return."

He teased me for a while, gazing up into his eyes as he licked his cock like a lollipop. Steven propped his head up so he could watch the entire show, amused that Damian had to occasionally sweep his long hair out of his eyes, or flick it back by jerking his head. Just another little thing that made him even more attractive. When he finally swallowed his cock, Steven released such a moan, he was sure the others would have heard.

"That's it, baby. No matter what, you're going to make me cum."

Damian never averted his eyes as his head started to move up and down his shaft. His lips felt wonderful wrapped around his cock, could feel his tongue massaging, one of his hands gently fondling his balls at the same time. Steven controlled his breathing, using all the tricks he'd learned to hold back his orgasm, but there was something about his new young lover that got his body boiling.

"Fuck," he hissed, "Fuck, you're good."

"I'll suck your cock any time you want, Stevie."

"Oh, I hope so. We'll blow each other all the time." He chuckled. "To think you were here for Tom first of all, but we both wanted you here with us."

"I'm glad you wanted me too, Stevie."

Damian was soon sucking his cock like his life depended on it, desperate to make his new lover cum. Steven could only watch with rapt attention, continuing to gaze into those utterly beautiful blue eyes. He already knew he was going to fall in love again. He'd love Tom until the day he died. He knew he loved at least two others in the household almost as much. But this young man currently between his legs, swallowing his cock? How could you not love something so beautiful? It would be criminal not to.

"I'm close," he warned, Damian's eyes lighting up as he simply kept going, desperate to make him cum. "Oh fuck... Here it comes, beautiful..."

Damian swallowed every drop, not releasing his cock until Steven felt it going soft in his mouth, his tongue licking him up and down, cleaning him up completely. Moving up so he straddled his lap, the pair resumed making out, Steven enjoying the smooth skin on the back of his lover. Like himself, he was almost completely hairless. A little on his legs and arms, but apart from that, he either waxed or it was natural.

"Sure you don't want to make love with me?" Damian whispered.

"I'm certainly thinking about it right now with you like this on me. But I've never done it before. Know the theory but... Plus, I don't feel I need to be inside you like that, unless..."

Damian kissed him and he could feel the intensity coming from his new lover. "It doesn't have to be now but something we can consider together, if I'm going to remain here for a while..."

"I would love to eat that tight little arse of yours. Did Tom do it last night?" He blushed and nodded, unable to stop smiling. "Did you enjoy it?"

"I loved it."

"I'd love to do it for you too, maybe finger you to orgasm, at least."

Rolling off his body, they turned onto their sides to face each other, resuming making over, no surprise they were both hard again within minutes. The joys of being eighteen and perpetually horny. They eventually calmed down and simply cuddled, falling asleep together. He had no idea how long they slept, waking up to find Damian snuggled up against him, his arms tight around his torso. That's when he turned to see all his housemates looking at them, a sea of smiling faces.

"He likes you," Tom whispered, leaning over to kiss him before kissing Damian on the cheek.

"Sorry for stealing him for now."

"Hush. He quite clearly needs to be loved. For the moment, he's more important. He'll stay with you here until we figure out what do to, okay?"


"We're all sure. If he needs to make love, all he needs to do is come to my room, but I know he also needs a lot of love and attention. If you need something, I'm sure he won't mind hanging around everyone else."

Steven gazed down at the sleeping young man, feeling his heart swell. "I want to look after him too," he whispered. Seeing him fast asleep, he'd never seen anything so precious in his life. "Tom, I'm glad we chose him."

"Me too, sweetie. We do have some lunch prepared. Come down when you're ready."

Damian likely sensed he was awake a few minutes later, his eyes fluttering open and smiling immediately. "Hi," he said softly, "Did we sleep long?"