The Dark Horde Pt. 19

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The final battle!
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Part 19 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/09/2019
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Val gripped her sword tightly and leapt.

She sailed through the air towards the giant hand reaching for her, batting away at it with the sword, thinking CUT.

The sword shattered against the grey skin.

A sudden panic grew in her belly. She crashed into the giant squid-headed god, his arms wrapping around her to hold her fast against his chest. His tentacles immediately wrapped around her upper body and suddenly she was lost in a swirling mass of snake-like appendages. She fought back, calling forth all the power and rage of the minotaurs, pushing and yanking against the tentacles, punching the chest of the grey and alien god. Through pulsing gaps she saw the dark eyes and the gaping mouth at the center of the swirling tentacles; a toothless sphincter of pinkish-grey flesh that smelled of ancient seas.

The god held her up by the hips as the tentacles pulled her towards his mouth.

With a yell Val pushed back, planting her feet on his shoulders, bracing herself against him to resist the pull of the tentacles. She tried to land punch but was immediately swarmed by the writhing mass that the god called a face.

The tentacles wrapped themselves around her body, their tips twisting and searching for better holds, her limbs spread apart. A tentacle had already latched itself across her breasts, one tip firmly holding on to her nipple, pulling it painfully. Another was wrapping itself around her neck and head, the tip tapping at her lips, trying to force itself into her mouth. One tentacle had pulled her leg off to the side, another had taken hold of her knee. Exposed and opened, Val could do nothing when yet another tentacle started making its blind way towards her pussy.

Val tried to shout, to bite the tentacle forcing its way into her mouth, but to no avail. She reached for it with her free arm, but she was grabbed and her arm pulled away. Her other arm was pinned to her side. The tentacle pushed its way past her lips and pried open her mouth. Eyes wide with shock and terror, Val could not prevent the tentacle from sliding into her mouth, a cold and pointy cock pressing against her tongue.

But before she could even deal with the tentacle in her mouth, she felt her pussy being pushed open by another tentacle. The twitching tip brushed again the lips of her sex, opening her, brushing her inner lips to the side to find the deeper pink of the vestibule of her vagina. Val tried to clench the muscles of her vagina, but the tentacle was too strong. And her pussy had already released a copious amount of fluid already, a reflex the Hungry Woman had trained in her. So the tentacle pushed and slid its way inside, finding her warm and wet.

Val couldn't help but groan around the tentacle in her mouth. The writhing mass was overloading her senses, her pussy was sending conflicting signals of fear and pleasure, her nipple was getting pinched into a searing point of ecstatic pain. In other condition Val knew she would be digging this. But a bigger part of her brain was keenly aware that she was being shoved towards a hungry mouth, and that her friends were currently fighting for their lives. She had to do something.

She tried fighting again, but the squirming only helped shove the tentacles deeper into her pussy and mouth. She felt the cold rim of the god's mouth brush against her foot. She was being pulled into it.

At the same time, the thin tip of a tentacle was fluttering against the warm rim of her ass, teasing the muscle open until it could push itself inside. Her sphincter opened like a puckered mouth, pushed open by the thickening tentacle. Val moaned against her will as she felt the two tentacles in her gut, separated only by the thin membranes of her pussy and ass. The twitching and pulsating tentacles inched their way deeper into her, opening her further and further, until her pussy and ass were stretched fully open.

She hadn't been this full since she had been fucked by the centaurs...

Her leg was knee deep in the mouth of the god. It was cold and wet in there, getting colder the deeper it went. His belly was a frozen hell, the cold and dark of a bottomless ocean. Val was being pulled by the pleasure her treacherous body was flooding her brain with, and the terror of her imminent death if she allowed herself to be swallowed.

Her eyes rolled back in her head. She needed help, she needed the Hungry Woman, or Gilgamesh, or Rom, or Bear, or someone, anyone...

She found herself at the feet of the Hungry Woman. Val was still naked, but the Hungry Woman was draped in black robes, her face pale and framed by wet-looking black hair. Next to her was Gilgamesh, golden and strong, naked except for the lion pelt thrown over his shoulder.

The Hungry Woman knelt to help Val up to her feet. They were in a grey space, unformed, shapeless.

"This is where we part, my dear," said the Hungry Woman in a soft and sad tone.

"But I need you! You have to help me!" Val cried out.

"We have. We taught you everything you need to know," replied the Hungry Woman.

"We need to leave now," said Gilgamesh. "We would only be in the way."

"In the way of what!?" Val yelled, exasperated. "What am I supposed to do?"

"The Female is Mysterious..." said the Hungry Woman, fading from sight.

"No shit!" screamed Val, " and not fucking helpful!"

Gilgamesh brought his hand to his mouth, as if to prevent the Hungry Woman from hearing him.

"The know.." He half-whispered, "hint hint...that's where you have to focus."

He too was starting to fade. It was as if both of them were retreating into the fog, getting smaller as they grew more distant. Soon they were two blobs in the distance, black and white spots in the engulfing grayness.

"Motherfuckers! That was not helpful at all!" Val screamed at their vanishing backs.

Suddenly, with a snap, she was back in her body, held up, molested and violated by the tentacles.

A wave of panic washed over her. She screamed and squirmed, but that only made the tentacles close in on her more tightly, to push deeper into her pussy and ass, into her throat.

The choking panic forced her to focus. Don't lose your shit, she told herself. Focus, fight, you can't die now...she heard Gilgamesh say. Or at least the memory of him saying it. He was gone, and she had to find her own courage now.

She brought her attention to her pussy. That's what Gilgamesh had hinted at, right? It felt only open, stretched, as wide as it had ever been, filled with a pulsing tentacle that still probed and twitched in the depth of her cunt. There was no space that was not filled by pulsing flesh.

But there was another space. Higher, deeper. In her uterus. The Mysterious Female, that had to be it, right? Val focussed there, trying to ignore the chocking sensation as the tentacle slipped past her tongue and into her throat; the crushing pressure on her clit that made her pussy ring like a bell; the high note of her tortured nipple. She found the feminine energy of her uterus, the container somehow of the Mysterious Female.

And then it hit her. The uterus was a container, but what it held was nothingness. An emptiness. And this emptiness itself was the Mysterious Female, ever-abundant, growing everything from nothing.

As her consciousness latched on to this nugget of nothing, a switch occurred in her body. She relaxed, letting the tentacles further in. A wave of panic, of nausea, swept over her, but this new consciousness pushed back, driving the fear away. That nugget of nothing deep in her uterus was her focus now.

And the focus of the tentacles, too, apparently. The writing appendage in her vagina twitched, sent its pointy tip exploring, finding the spongy ring of the cervix. It pushed in, thickening in the vagina, pushing Val's pussy to an extreme. With a wet pop the tip of the tentacle made its way through the cervix and into the warm dark space of the uterus. The smallest of space was there, between the spongy walls, an absence of anything. Wriggling, blind, the tentacle found it, tried to fill it, invade it, make it its own.

But as soon as the tentacle touched that empty space, an atom-sized point in space, it found itself drawn in, pulled in, absorbed by that single point. It was barely noticed at fist, but soon more and more of the tentacle was pulled in and disappeared into that space.

Like a black hole in the center of her womb, that point of nothingness started to suck and draw the tentacle in. And as that point sucked the tentacle, it transformed it into energy, a radiating plume of ecstasy and power that suddenly surged through Val's body. In return, Val once again started to grow.

Just in time, too. As the tentacle in her pussy was drawn in, it became thicker the closer to the root it was. Val grew in size, and her pussy grew too, taking in more and more of the tentacle, accepting more and more of it, until Val bottomed out, her pussy flush with the base of the tentacle, against the face of the god. He looked mighty surprised, his black eyes suddenly wide.

Val had no control over any of this. All she knew was that suddenly the pressure was gone. The tentacles in her ass and mouth now felt smaller as she grew bigger. She bit down and cut off the tentacle invading her mouth. Salty, bitter blood ran down her throat, and she smiled. She smiled from the pulses of pleasure emanating from her cunt as it squeezed and throbbed over the remains of the tentacle. Her pussy lips opened and seemed to suck in the flesh of the god, drawing more of him in.

To someone looking from the tower balcony, all they would see is Val, naked, crouched on the god's head as he holds her up above him, tentacles writhing around her. But they would also see the god distort somehow, becoming smaller as Val grew larger. The tentacles were being pulled into the god, sucked in by the hungry wet lips of Val's pussy, drawn into her pussy. Soon all of them were now in her pussy despite the god pushing desperately against her thighs, trying to pull himself out of her hungry cunt.

And each movement inward of the tentacles was sending waves of pleasure through Val. It was like riding an endless dildo, all thrust and no pull, no going back and forth, just a rising note of in and in and in pushing Val to the edge of a mind-blowing orgasm,

There was a trembling pause as the god pushed and resisted the pull of the emptiness he had found deep in her womb. But his arms trembled and gave out. His head was suddenly pulled in and disappeared between the pink folds of her pussy. Val grew yet more, and more, and soon the shoulders were pulled into her sex. In a reverse birth, as soon as the shoulders cleared the ring of her vagina, the rest of the body quickly slurped in and vanished. Only Val was left, curled up on the floor of the tower, shaking in orgasmic pleasure.

Val began to grow, and to grow bigger still as the god's energy was absorbed by her body. She grew until her shoulders bumped again the walls of the tower, and she grew still. She came to her knees, her back braced again the tower. She looked up and saw the stars and knew that they were real, that the vastness of space was above her, and that she could reach any of them with the extension of her mind. But she kept her mind on the ground, on the tower, on her friends outside.

She heaved herself up to her feet and the tower shattered.

On the battle field, all eyes were on the tower and the opened gate. The portal to that sunny beach had flickered, sending a wave of panic through the ranks of the marching lizard soldiers. The ones still on the beach stopped, unwilling to walk on. The ones that had crossed were confused and looked back, instead of facing the advancing fighters of the Forest.

The tower itself pulsed and shook. Cracks appeared in the glassy stone. A great cheer went up in the ranks of the animals and fey. The portal flickered and wobbled and then, with a pop, disappeared. The lizard soldiers that had made it through now found themselves with their backs against the closed gates of the tower.

A lizard captain rode up and down the lines of his troops, rallying them to the fight. The lizard soldiers closed ranks and faced the Forest army. The orcs, those who had survived, ran away instead. They had had enough of fighting minotaurs and centaurs and Wild humans, so they ran, to be hunted down by the centaurs.

A hush fell on the battle ground as the reformed ranks of lizard soldiers faced the mass of forest people. With the new lizard troops, they were matched in numbers. The lizard soldiers had the advantage in arms, armor, and training. Rom, in the middle of the Forest people, looked at the carnage already on the field. His heart sank. They were no match for this army. And it was just a fraction of what the lizard priests were planning to bring! Rom now realized how foolish his hopes had been.

Suddenly the tower exploded, sending huge chunks of black stone raining down on the lizard soldiers below.

Val was rising from inside the tower, pushing the stones away from her as she straightened up. She was taller than the tower itself now, a giant looking down on the tiny forms laid at her feet. She raised a colossal foot and brought it down on the mass of lizard soldiers.

Everyone on the battle field fled, dodging raining chunks of rock. The forest people scattered for the safety fo the forest, but the lizard soldiers had nowhere to go. They scattered in every direction, but with a sweep of her hand Val tossed them into the air, sending them cracking against mountain and hill. Another sweep and more were tossed into the air, or crushed into the ground.

Within seconds, the entire lizard army was crushed, the soldiers either dead or scattered.

Val stood up to her full height and looked around. The valley, the woods and the mountains that cradled them all seemed small and distant, like some diorama in an amusement park. The air felt thin. Dizzy, she knelt down, and then, carefully, laid herself down in the valley, making sure her shoulders and head did not brush against the forest.

She went from dizzy to sleepy. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep darkness.

The denizens of the forest watched as she closed her eyes, watched her breath become softer. They edged closer, emerging from the forest to gaze at their gigantic savior, the pink-fleshed giant that laid now on the edge of their domain. Rom stepped forward, moving towards Val's head.

She seemed asleep, but soon her breath became shallower. Her skin turned grey, lost its pinkish health. She stopped breathing, and soon there was no movement at all in her giant body. It slowly turned grey and chalky and within moments all that was left was a large hill of stone in the shape of a sleeping woman.


Val pushed her way through the slippery clay cavern. She slid past the wet walls and into the light of an afternoon sun. She slipped and slid down a small ridge of stone before finally landing on the mossy ground. She immediately looked around.

Did they win? She remembered falling asleep, and the forest people coming out as her eyes closed. The rest was a blur. She was not sure how she had ended up in a cave. Looking back, Val saw that she had emerged from a horizontal cave, a slit of clay in the grey stone. If you squinted and looked around the bushes that had grown around it, you could say that, yes, that cave looked a lot like a pussy.

Val looked around. She was in a thin forest, the silence broken only by the distant chatter of birds. There were no lizard men, or forest people anywhere. Actually, there were no giant trees either. This was not the magical forest she had fought for. This forest, Val realized with a sudden anguish, was a very normal, very real, Earthly forest.

She stood there, naked, in the forest. The memory of the past several days suddenly felt like a dream when shoved agains the reality of the land before her. And yet.. the tinkling of thin chains drew her attention. There, at her ankle, a gold chain. She reached up and, yes, there at the ear, a gold loop. And around her hips, the thin gold chain that ended in a pearl that rested on the mat of her pubes.

It HAD been real! Her friends, the forest people, Rom, they were real, and maybe still in danger somewhere? Was the war really over? Val scrambled back up the small ledge of stone to reach the slit of clay she had crawled out of. She frantically pushed at the soft earth, trying to widen the crack trying to fit her body in it, to retrace her path back to the enchanted forest.

But there was nothing but clay. No path, no cavern, no way back.

A wave of sadness engulfed her. It had been real, and she had been pulled from them all, her friends, her loves, her power. She hadn't been given a chance to say goodbye.

Val cried. Great sobs were pulled from her lungs. She cried for her friends, she cried for herself, she cried to release the fear and the shock of what she had just been through. It was a while before she could get up.

But eventually she did.

Allright, she said to herself, time to get your shit together. Wiping tears from her eyes, she looked around. The forest was silent around her. Somewhere, she knew, was regular life.

She placed her bare foot on the soft ground of the forest. She looked down at herself. She was naked and muddy, but she felt no shame or embarrassment. She felt surprisingly good, actually. Strong and alive, and ready to hike through the forest.

With a bit of luck she'll run into someone who can loan her some pants.

The End.


This is the end, though the story has the potential for more. But it is already over 150 pages long right now, so it's time to bring it to a close! It was started on a whim, and the whole thing was written on a more or less flow of consciousness, with no real plan or structure. I often ended a chapter not knowing how the next one would start. Because of this, I am aware that there are some missed opportunity for more adventure, etc.. I might come back and add chapters here and there to fill out the story, though I don't know how much appetite there is for more. There are other stories to tell!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This really could use a “return to” homecoming and celebration of said homecoming—at a later date. (Probably with a bit of help from her jewels.) However, you are clearly a little worn out from writing all of this, so a break definitely seems in order. Additionally, thank you so much for all the work and time you put in to this series, as well as sharing it with us. I—and others—truly appreciate it.

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