The Breeding Chamber Ch. 05


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Virgil escorted her along the quiet streets on the short walk to the Breeding Facility and couldn't help but admire Madeline's ass in the tight leggings but there was business to attend to and he cleared his head of lecherous thoughts.

He showed his credentials to the Praetorian Guards at the walled entrance to the Breeding Facility and a guard checked a document on his device and allowed them through, radioing ahead to the guard who manned the doors to the Facility itself.

This guard double-checked their credentials and confirmed that they were on the list of approved visitors and let them inside. The entrance was opulent as befitted a place of such reverence: high ceilings, marble floors, marble columns, brocaded curtains and drapes and fine art decorated the walls and of course huge portraits of Michael, Stephen and Justin Durden looked down on whoever entered these hallowed halls.

To the left were the breeding rooms which housed the breeding chambers. Red guide ropes and carpeting guided men who entered the facility to breed to the breeding room. Praetorian Guards ensured that those men did not venture any further into the facility but during the day the chambers were vacant and the Guards absent. To the right were the bedrooms where the Commissioners took breeders of their choosing to lay with them. The Council was meeting today and these rooms were also vacant.

A marble staircase led up to the second floor where Victoria had her office and personal quarters. There were other offices on this level and Brood Mothers and breeders were busy attending to the day to day administration of the facility. The next five floors were where those women active in the breeding program lived and recreated. Above them were the floors where young breeders and immature Comfort Girls lived and learned their trade. Brood Mothers were also accommodated on these floors.

The floors above were where the most precious chattels were raised. A maternity ward, a crèche and nursery, classrooms for the children with dormitories and dining halls all situated together. The upper floors of the huge facility were open to the outdoors but a glass dome could be closed over the floors in the winter and during inclement weather. There was parkland, playgrounds and even a swimming pool for use by the inhabitants.

The breeding facility was enormous and viewed from the outside it appeared to the residents of Durden City that the breeding program was very successful. So successful in fact that a sister facility was under construction beside it.

The front desk was staffed by Brood Mothers and Virgil led Madeline to the counter.

"This Comfort Girl is to commence her Brood Mother training today. I believe she has an appointment to be interviewed by Victoria Eglin," Virgil said officiously.

A Brood Mother looked Madeline up and down appreciatively as if assessing her abilities by simply looking at her. She pecked at a keyboard and studied a computer screen.

"She must be important if the boss is interviewing her personally," the woman quipped.

"She is and I will take over from here," Victoria Eglin appeared as if my magic and the Brood Mothers and breeders going about their daily tasks suddenly looked very busy.

The Brood Mother at the counter lowered her head in deference to Victoria.

"Of course ma'am," she said reverentially.

"Come this way," Victoria said curtly.

Madeline began to follow Victoria with Virgil in the trail.

"Ma'am, the Praetorian doesn't have clearance to proceed any further," the Brood Mother said firmly but deferentially.

Victoria flashed her green eyes at the Brood Mother and pursed her lips.

"Check again please," there was no doubt that Victoria's request was a command.

"Sorry ma'am, yes he does," the Brood Mother lowered her gaze.

It was not unusual for the Praetorians to proceed above the ground floor usually when accompanying the tradesmen who came and went to maintain the building but a clearance was required. In this case Victoria herself had issued the clearance.

"Thank you Emily," Victoria flashed a rare smile and the Brood Mother was flattered that Victoria even knew her name.

The trio walked past the bank of elevators leading to the upper floors and took the impressive marble staircase to the second level. As they ascended the stairs Silvia Cornish came out from behind one of the marble columns where she had been watching the proceedings and pushed the Brood Mother out the way and looked at the screen and smiled evilly.

Victoria checked that the corridor was empty and ushered Virgil and Madeline into her private quarters. Both Virgil and Madeline had never seen such opulence and were impressed.

Victoria too was wearing spandex leggings; hers pristine white with a flowing silk blouse and white pumps. Her glossy black hair framed a face that was heavily made-up, making her look almost severe.

"That short hair suits you. Do you still think we could still be mistaken for sisters?" Victoria commented to Madeline, walking over to the bar where coffee and a tray of appetisers had been laid out.

"I think so, yes," Virgil replied when Madeline said nothing.

He might be in love with Madeline but he'd taken a peek at Victoria's firm buttocks clad in the tight white lycra.

"Come here you two," Victoria suddenly broke into a smile and wrapped her arms around them both and kissed their cheeks.

"Good to see you both after so long," she said earnestly and Madeline and Virgil returned the hug.

Victoria seated her guests and brought over the coffee she had poured for them. They both politely declined the appetisers.

"Pope is busy at the Commission meeting but we still have no time to waste," Victoria began.

"I'll go first," Victoria began.

"I asked Susan to send you here because I need your help. Pope is becoming more and more suspicious of me. Maybe I gave the Revolutionaries too much information, especially about the movements of the females he is smuggling," Victoria explained.

"First and foremost I need you both here as security in case something happens to me. Secondly I know that Pope is about to summon the leaders of selected city states here for a secret meeting. He wants to amalgamate them under his control. He wants to be an emperor, as silly as that sounds," Victoria stopped to sip coffee and Madeline interjected.

"That corroborates what one of the Commissioners told me. His name is Roy Braithwaite and he told me that something huge is about to happen. That he didn't have the exact details but said that Pope had promised his Commissioners even more power; power that would extend beyond Durden City. He couldn't help bragging about it," Madeline said excitedly.

"When did he tell you this? How did he tell you this?" Victoria looked concerned.

Both Virgil and Madeline blushed and Virgil looked a little angry.

"They put to you work?" Victoria whispered.

"I'm sorry but I had to put you in a Comfort Palace under the pretext that we are assessing your abilities to become a Brood Mother when you retire but I never expected that they would make you entertain Trade," Victoria was genuinely sorry.

"What else would they do with me? It's ok Victoria, it's not like I haven't been doing that all my life," Madeline took Virgil's hand and squeezed it.

Victoria noticed the gesture and smiled.

"Ok. I don't how long I have before Pope discovers that I'm the traitor. I think he has someone or some people in here watching me. Between ourselves and Susan we need to come up with a plan to take advantage of the upcoming summit," Victoria said earnestly.

"You guys are the Troopers; I'm just the woman who is supplying you with intelligence so we need to work together and possibly topple Pope and his regime," Victoria continued.

The three of them began to formulate a strategy that they could put to Susan. Now that Virgil was assimilated into the city and free to move around he would undertake communications and reconnaissance while Madeline would move into the Breeding Facility as an apprentice Brood Mother and provide Victoria with security. She would essentially become Victoria's bodyguard.

They talked and strategized for nearly three hours before they had what they believed was a workable plan. Virgil relayed the plan to Susan Solister through the Telegraph Hill relay and the next day Susan sent a message saying she agreed with the plan and added some meat to the bones of what was basically a very bold, audacious, decisive, risky and dangerous strategy.


Billy Brody

Major William Brody watched the largest convoy of vehicles and profusion of City Guards that he had ever seen travelling west along the I-20. Work gangs from Durden City had recently cleared all the wreckage from the road. Over half of Durden City's guards and nearly all of their armour were heading to Odessa.

From his vantage point near the intersection of the I-20 and highway 250 Billy watched the procession. He had four Troops of Revolutionaries supporting him, not nearly enough to take on the army of City Guards. But he had no intention of doing so. His objective was to pin them down and prevent them returning to Durden City with their precious cargo.

Said cargo was the leaders of the city states of Lubbock, Abilene, Waco and Austin who were travelling with their own smaller armies converging on Odessa. Once they had congregated together Pope Durden's City Guard would escort the leaders to Durden City, guaranteeing their safety. Pope was adamant that the leaders leave their own armies in Odessa. He would not allow foreign troops into Durden City.

Pope thought this most emperiorial, something Julius Caesar himself might have done.

As soon as the convoy passed the intersection and were out of sight, Billy ordered his men into action. They brought up heavy machinery, some of which they had constructed themselves; heavy trucks fitted with plow blades and winches. His men quickly went to work pushing, dragging and stacking wrecked automobile chassis across the cleared section of the I-20. When they had completed that task and the highway was completely blocked with no way around the barricade they took up defensive positions and waited.

When the convoy returned from Odessa, travelling east with their precious cargo, the City Guards are at first surprised and then outraged when they found the highway blocked. At first they thought it just an opportunistic stratagem by the Revolutionaries but as they came under withering fire and were pinned down in their vehicles they realised that they were under a coordinated attack.

Billy Brody knew that he couldn't defeat the army of City Guards who would soon call for reinforcements from Odessa. The combined might of the allied forces would force his men to retreat and the Guards wound clear the road and continue on to Durden City.

But Billy didn't expect to win the battle. It is merely a delaying tactic to keep the ambassadors and most of the City Guard out of Durden City while the rest of their audacious plan was executed.

Virgil Benning

It was somewhat ironic that Pope Durden's highly successful construction program would play a defining role in his downfall. Being the sole occupant of the apartment complex Virgil was able to house men, rations and munitions smuggled into Durden City through the underground network of sewers. Susan Solister and most of the Troop Captains of the Revolutionary army had been smuggled into Durden City over the preceding nights. The Troop Captains, dressed as City Guards, had been able to move around Durden City and identify the strengths and weaknesses of their objectives.

Also smuggled in were four of the captured female breeders who, aware that Pope was going to trade them for gold, had become willing accomplices. Commander Susan Solister called her Troop Captains and Virgil Benning into her apartment for a final briefing. The rest of the Revolutionary army, except for those left behind to guard Freetown and the four Troops assigned to Major Brody, were in hiding just outside Durden City and ready to move at a moment's notice.

"Two Troops will lay siege to the barracks and armoury. Your mission is to keep the City Guard reserve pinned down not to actually take those objectives. We can do that later if the City Guards don't surrender," Susan explained.

"Four Troops will take control of the television studio which will be heavily guarded. Be ruthless. We will take down as many City Guards as necessary but try to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. We must take the broadcasting facility intact otherwise its mission-fail," Susan said grimly.

City Commissioner Michael Durden had announced the Leaders Summit only a few days earlier, proclaiming himself a messiah for bringing together the leaders of the nearby city states so that they may form an alliance, with Pope of course appointed as the leader of the allied Cities.

It was a great honour to host such an historic event that could possibly be the beginning of the resurrection of what had once been the United States of America starting with the great state of Texas. The opening ceremony was to be broadcast live from the Durden City television studio with all of the Commissioners and selected auspicious entrepreneurs and impresarios present in the audience.

"Sergeant Benning; your role is crucial. I want Michael Durden taken alive at all costs. Confirm that Trooper Smith is with Victoria Eglin at the Breeding Facility?" Susan looked earnestly at Virgil.

"Like white on rice ma'am. Madeline reports that the City Commissioner's retinue and personal Praetorians are corralled outside the Breeding Facility waiting for him. Pope wants to be filmed leaving the Breeding Facility and being escorted to the Leaders Summit like some sort of conquering hero. Troop Captain Ferguson with the rest of my Troop will take out Pope's bodyguards. I will join up with Madeline and make sure that Victoria is kept safe and brought to the studio. Captain Ferguson will bring Michael Durden," Virgil recapped the plan.

"Timing is crucial. Major Brody can only pin down the other delegates and their armies for so long. We must have accomplished our mission before they arrive at Durden City," Susan reiterated for the hundredth time.

There was a sudden bark of static followed by a transmission on the HF radio and the radio operator nodded at Susan.

It was Billy Brody reporting that he had blocked I-20.

"Ok, it's showtime!" Susan barked and the grim faced Troop Captains and Virgil Benning hit the bricks.

Their first objective was the main entrance gate to the city. The City Guard was depleted because the majority of their number were assigned to the security detail that had gone to Odessa to escort the summit leaders. Most of the remaining Guards were protecting the television station and broadcasting facility. The road and railway entrance gates were undermanned, but in any event no one was expecting an attack from inside the city walls.

The sound of gunfire and munitions exploding echoed through the streets near the city wall as Susan's small force wiped out the Guards at the city gate and opened them to allow the main force of the Revolutionary army to enter the city. Susan went with four troops to engage the Guards at the television station while two troops surrounded the barracks and armoury but there was little resistance, the men in the barracks were under siege. Virgil had gone to the Breeding Facility straight after the briefing and the remainder of his troop under the command of Captain Ferguson were on their way.

Pope Durden

The sense of exhilaration that Pope Durden felt as the summit approached was directed into sexual energy. The term concupiscent was insufficient an adjective to describe how he felt. His lust was primal and he was expending his sexual energy the best way he knew how.

But not with Victoria Eglin.

Pope had Silvia Cornish kneeling on the bed dressed in a pink chemise, black holdup stockings and red high heels. Her stockings were laddered, her makeup was smeared over her face, her hair was a bird's nest and she was sweating profusely. She was nearly exhausted and her vagina was numb. Pope had made her climax three times and he had ejaculated twice himself but his libido was still not expended and he pounded away at Silvia, gripping her hips, ramming himself in and out of her bruised quim.

Pope roared and finally orgasmed then he pushed Silvia away and lay on his back panting, staring up at the ceiling. Silvia lay beside him grateful that he was finally finished.

"I suspected all along that Victoria was betraying me but I just didn't want to believe it," Pope reached for his cigarettes.

"She hasn't been the same since she was held captive by the Revolutionaries. They did something to her," Pope blew smoke at the ceiling.

"I think her love for you was starting to wane even before then," Silvia lit her own cigarette and stared at the same spot on the ceiling.

Pope turned to Silvia, his eyes flashed with ire.

"She hated me even before she was kidnapped?" Pope hissed and Silvia knew that she had taken a step too far.

Pope's vanity and pride were colossal and the idea that the woman that was once his beloved didn't love him unconditionally in return was unthinkable.

Silvia realised her mistake, she didn't need to throw more fuel on the flames.

"I think that fucking Comfort Granny is in cahoots with her; in fact I'm sure of it," Silvia diverted the conversation away from dangerous ground.

"They have been passing tactical information onto the Revolutionaries and accessing and downloading sensitive information about the breeding program," Silvia twisted the knife.

"I know! You told me a hundred times but I needed to confirm it myself. But that traitorous bitch will get hers today. I'm giving the opening address at the summit and Victoria will be standing beside me when I do. She thinks that she is going to be my queen. I'm going to expose her as a traitor on stage and execute her myself right there," Pope's breathing became laboured.

"The act will express to the delegates and the audience that Pope Durden will not tolerate rebelliousness," Pope sneered.

"You will be my First Lady, my Queen, my Empress; I haven't decided on a title yet," Pope mused and Silvia face lit up at the thought of it.

"How certain are you that the other leaders will form an alliance with you?" Silvia asked, once again playing to Pope's vanity.

"The other city states need more females if their populations are to grow. I'm going to lift the restrictions on the breeders. They're going to work those fucking chambers as soon as they become fertile right up until menopause. There will be no time off to recover from childbirth; they'll be like battery hens spitting out children," Pope's eyes glazed over as he imagined the future.

"I'll build breeding facilities in every city. The other city states haven't figured out the utility of Comfort Palaces yet so I'll introduce them too. Men who are unable to fuck a female are more than happy to substitute a ladyboy," Pope sniggered.

"The brood stock and the Comfort Girls will come from Durden City initially but once the breeding programs are in full swing they will become self-sustainable. Any pretty boy can be turned into a pretty girl, whether he wants to or not," he chuckled.

"And I will be the grand master of it all. I'll leave the leaders of the other city states in place as City Commissioners but they will serve me. I will amalgamate their armies and we will wipe out the Revolutionary scum and the scavengers. We will conquer other cities and if they do not bend to my will we will destroy them, killing every man and taking their females," Pope was almost shrieking.