Taking Down Tony


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Jill had called me as soon as the police had escorted Christy out of the building and I had driven right to the police station. I was waiting for her when she was finally allowed to leave. She came running into my arms and started to sob. We both knew what this meant. The prosecutors would have to divulge to the defense that Christy would be a witness against Tony. That meant that she could become a target again. Even from jail Tony had the resources to be a threat. That also meant that my sister and I were also at risk. I held Christy in my arms doing my best to comfort her while I cursed myself for not just going ahead and taking Tony out. Now he was in the hands of the police where I couldn't get to him. Despite the District Attorney advising Christy to stay in town I knew it was time to disappear again.

By the time I had driven Christy back home Jill was already there. She came running over and hugged her friend. Before they could get caught up in conversation, I led them both over to sit on the couch.

"Girls, I want you to pack your things again. The District Attorney will have to disclose to the defense that Christy is going to be called as a key witness. It's possible that Tony will take the news badly. It's time to lay low again," I said.

"But they said I shouldn't leave town," Christy said weakly.

"Fuck'em. They can't protect us all. It's up to us to do what we have to to survive. They will sit on this information for a few days at least and that gives us time to disappear. I will not allow either of you to be taken from me," I said with authority.

I started making phone calls right away. First I called Lyle and let him know what was happening. I told him that we were going to leave the state and go into hiding, but I didn't tell him what my exact plans were. He assured me that he would have mine and Jill's houses looked after. My next call was to Bear. When I told him that we were leaving he insisted on talking to my sister. Once they had hung up Jill told me that Bear was on his way and he was coming with us. I didn't protest as I knew if he felt half as strongly about my sister as I felt about Christy he would do everything he could to protect her. I did call Bear back and told him to bring along his passport.

My final call was to my parents. I talked to my dad and explained what had been happening. Up until now I had not told my parents anything about what had happened as I didn't want them to worry. He was very concerned and said he and mom would be anxiously waiting our arrival.

When my mother's parents had passed away they had left her a large inheritance. Greater than the two trust funds they had set for my sister and me. Jill and I had grown up in Clear Lake, a suburb of Houston. My father had a passion for sailing and kept his boat docked at one of the local marinas. He had taught my sister and I to sail from the time we were old enough to walk. After the passing of my grandparents, my father had taken an early retirement and my parents had moved to Palm Beach, Florida. Here he could keep his sailboat docked behind his house for easy access.

Bear arrived that evening and I waited until after dinner to discuss my plans with everyone. The girls were actually excited about my idea and saw it as a grand adventure. Bear didn't seem to be quite as sure. We turned in early and planned to leave out the next morning.

We took my pickup as the extended cab gave us enough room to all ride comfortably and to store our belongings in the back. We had three stops to make before leaving town. First I took Christy to her bank where she kept her passport in a security box. It was about all she had left after Tony's people had cleaned out her apartment. I then stopped by my bank and made a sizable cash withdrawal. I intended to pay cash and not leave a trail by using a credit card.

Our last stop was at Christy and Jill's place of work. I went in with them and we had a closed door meeting with their boss. As it was no longer a secret we told him exactly why we were leaving town. He thanked us for letting him know the reason that the girls were taking off. He said as we had no idea how long we would be gone that he couldn't promise to hold their jobs, but to give him a call when things were straightened out.

Every four hours I would switch out the driving with Bear. This allowed one of us to nap and be ready for the next leg. While I drove Christy and Lucky would sit up front with me while Bear and Jill sat in the back. We would change places when it was Bear's turn to drive. With a few stops for meals and bathroom breaks it took us a little over twenty five hours to reach my parents home.

As we piled out of my truck, my parents came running out to greet us. I had to grin when their eyes grew wide at the sight of Bear. After exchanging hugs with Jill and me, my parents led us into the house. I introduced Christy to them and I think they instantly fell in love with the beautiful blonde who had captured my heart. When Jill introduced Bear they seemed to be a little unsure of him. It was only after I had time to speak to my parents alone and assure them that Bear was a man of honor and would take care of their daughter did the begin to warm to him.

It was three days before Christmas and my parents were very happy to have us there with them. The day after we arrived my dad took us out on his sailboat. It was a forty two foot beauty. Jill showed Bear how to raise the sails as dad went over the navigation system with me. The boat was equipped with an autopilot that was integrated with a GPS navigation system. You could plot in your course and the boat would basically steer itself. A living person was only needed to keep a look out for obstacles, like other boats. Once we were out in the deeper water Bear began to look a little green around the gills. He was a little queasy, but I was pleased to see he didn't lose his breakfast. Christy on the other hand was having a blast.

Dad would spend a couple hours each day on the boat with Jill and I making sure we understood all the functions. Christmas day was nice. We opened presents and then Jill, Christy and mom prepared a feast for us. It was nice to see mom accept Christy like another daughter.

The day after Christmas we spent stocking up on food supplies and new clothes and loading them aboard the sailboat and then had a final dinner with my parents. Early on the morning of the twenty seventh Christy, Jill, Bear, Lucky and myself boarded the boat and set off as my parents stood on the dock waving until we sailed out of sight.

I stayed at the helm until we reached deep water and then I set the autopilot. Bear took first watch while Jill and I made sure everything was in ship shape. Jill and I split the shifts at night while Christy and Bear stood watch during the day. Jill and Bear took the forward berth as it had more headroom but Bears feet still hung off the bed when he slept. He was used to that so it wasn't a real problem. Christy and I shared the rear birth.

Christy stayed up with me for awhile during my first night watch. Once Bear and my sister had turned in to get some sleep Christy came over and swiveled the captains chair I sat in to the side and proceeded to fish my cock out of my pants. She graced me with the first blow job that I had ever received at sea. After Jill had come up to relieve me I took Christy down to our birth and returned the favor.

We each took turns preparing meals. Bear didn't eat too much the first day out, but by the end of the second day he had his sea legs and his appetite returned. Hurricane season was over and the weather was perfect for sailing. During the day the girls wore their bikinis and even though Jill was my sister I could still appreciate how lovely she was. My eyes however were mainly reserved for Christy. Lucky was born to be a sea dog. He especially loved to bark at the dolphins who would occasionally swim along side of us as they leaped out of the water.

For four days we sailed south east covering some six hundred and fifty miles to our destination in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Dad had called and made reservations for us at a place he had stayed before on one of his cruises with mom. It was called the Harbour Club Villas and Marina. It has it's own private marina where we could dock and six villas for rent. Dad had managed to rent us two villas for three months. Each villa was nicely furnished and even offered WiFi internet access.

Once we had settled in I notified the District Attorney's office that Christy was in fear for her life and would not return until the trial had started and her testimony was needed. I made it clear that any earlier return was not open for negotiation. If they had any further questions for her they could contact her through my e-mail.

We spent the next ten weeks living in a tropical paradise. During the day we would snorkel or scuba dive, go fishing, take the boat out and sail around the islands, or just hang out at the beach. Bear and I actually got quite adept at fly fishing for bone fish on the flats. We even got the girls to let us keeping some of the fish as fresh grouper or snapper made for a nice meal. Our nights were filled with making love. It was like we were on an extended double honeymoon. Christy and I continued to grow closer everyday and I could see the same thing happening between Bear and my sister.

It was getting close to the end of our stay in the villas and we were discussing moving on to other islands, perhaps back north to the Bahamas when I received the notification that the prosecutors had a date set in a weeks time to start Tony's trial. It had taken five months to reach this point.

We restocked the boat with fresh supplies and set sail to return to Palm Harbor. I knew that if Christy didn't appear voluntarily they would issue a subpoena and she would face contempt of court charges if she failed to show.

After another four days of sailing we returned to our starting point. My parents were expecting us and as soon as we were close enough to receive a cell phone signal I gave them a call. They were waiting for us on the dock when we pulled up. With six of us it didn't take long to remove our belongings from the boat. Christy and Jill helped my mother take the linens and towels into the house to wash while Bear, dad and I sat in the living room talking. As we were telling my father about the trip I turned on my lap top to check my e-mail.

I saw there was one from the District Attorney and opened it up. I had to read it twice to make sure I understood what it said. I leaped from the couch hollering in joy. Christy, Jill and mom came running into the room to see what was happening.

"It's over. You don't have to testify," I shouted out.

"What do you mean," asked a confused Christy.

"Tony knew that he was facing the death penalty so he made a plea bargain. He pled guilty and received a sentence of life without parole," I said exuberantly.

Christy rushed into my arms crying tears of relief. We celebrated that night. Dad even went out and bought champagne. Although we were tired from our journey it was late by the time we made it to bed and we slept in the next morning. We stayed with my parents for another three days and would have stayed longer but Bear was anxious to get back. Once again we loaded my truck for the trip half way across the country. Not being in a hurry we stopped for the night half way back this time.

When we arrived home and opened the door Lucky jumped out and went nuts running around the yard. Even though he had done well on the trip there was no doubt he was glad to be home. Bear spent one final night with Jill before returning to his home.

It took us a couple of days to get settled back in. Jill called her boss and was told that they had filled their former positions. They did have one comparable position they could put Jill in but Christy would have to wait for another opening and then reapply. Christy was visibly upset at not having a job. I took her to the side to talk to her alone.

"Christy, I know you're not happy to have lost your job, but I have another position that I would like you to consider applying for," I said.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" she asked.

I dropped to one knee. "I would like you to be my wife. I love you Christy and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Tears filled her eyes and she dropped down next to me wrapping her arms around my neck. "Yes, Jake. I would love to be your wife," she cried as she kissed my face all over.

Jill came running in to see what all the commotion was about. Christy jumped up and hugged her. "We're going to be sister-in-laws. Jake asked me to marry him," Christy said excitedly.

Both girls started jumping up and down squealing in glee. I was forgotten for the moment but I didn't mind. I had received the only answer I had wanted and was contentedly happy. I was also not surprised that when Jill told Bear about our engagement that he also proposed to her. Nor was I surprised that she accepted. From the time we had spent in the islands it was clear they were in love.

We decided to have a double wedding and Bear and I are standing in front of all the invited guests. The most two beautiful brides I have ever seen are walking down the aisle towards us and I don't know who has the bigger smile, me or Bear. Lyle is my best man and he is holding Lucky's leash as he stands next to me. I couldn't find a tux for Lucky but he is wearing a bow tie.

Oh yeah, we are planning a double honey moon as well. Dad is lending us his boat again and we are going to cruise the islands. We are going to see many of the ones we passed on our way to the Turks and Caicos Islands.


Three weeks after his transfer to a state penitentiary Tony was found murdered. It was speculated that it was a hit ordered by the Colombian drug lord who thought it was his fault that the drugs had been seized and two of his men were convicted for transporting and selling drugs. The other two men taken in the raid on Tony's property also received stiff prison sentences. As for Vinnie, he just disappeared. I can only speculate that he is in a witness protection system somewhere far away.

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MythicArjunaMythicArjunaabout 2 months ago

Jake solved all of Christy's problems with 2 things - a gun, and his penis. Well, mostly his penis.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 2 months ago


Top Shelf Story!


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Web_Spinner; Thanks for another classy story worth a "5".

Often the problem is not the author but the readers on Literotica. These stories are free.

Tom Clancy was a great author with professional editors. I still found mistakes, some egregious, including a major geographical error. The books were not cheap. I still loved his stories and finding an error was like playing a 'sleuth' game, adding to my enjoyment.

A commentator asked: "from?.Who looked after Jakes house all the time he was away.?Who"

Note the commentator's careful editing. ;)

1) The commentator wanted an 8 pager instead of a 5? (Why wasn't MC's mother's dress given a one paragraph description? :) )

2) Previously his security friend did it, so one might assume he would again.

Well you get the point! Support the authors, and for most criticisms, send them in a private message to the author instead of 'big noting" one's self.

Cracker270Cracker2702 months ago

Nice story. Very well told. Thank you

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