Strange Bedfellows Ch. 02


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"You're a plain talking woman," Dan grinned at her.

"You want to go eat tacos or you want to take me upstairs?" Katya said bluntly.

Dan took her hand and opened the door to the hotel and led her to the small counter where a decently dressed young man was in attendance.

"We want a room for two hours. Something clean, decent and quiet. Also give me two of those vanity packs," Katya pointed to a shelf displaying Ziploc baggies containing a disposable toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, shaver, liquid soap and sanitary wipes.

The man got the baggies and a room key and Katya handed over a credit card.

"I feel like a heel letting you pay," Dan whispered.

"I'm not paying. Jennifer is paying all my expenses," Katya smiled at him.

"Gimme two extra towels too please," Katy smiled at the concierge who racked up her purchases on her credit card and handed it back.

Katya pushed the extra towels and the baggies onto Dan, shouldered her handbag and led him to the stairs. There was no elevator.

"I'll lead the way. You can check out my ass," Katya said flippantly.

Dan blushed but fell in dutifully behind her.

Inside the room Katya was all business. She passed Dan two coat hangers from the dilapidated wardrobe which had only one door, the other resting beside it, propped against the wall. She took off her jacket and kicked off her heels and unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it and clipped it to a hanger and then took off her blouse and draped it over the same hanger. She hung it up and took another coat hanger and hung her jacket on it and put in the wardrobe.

Dan had quickly stripped, impatiently throwing his clothes over the back of a chair. He lay naked on the bed.

Katya put her heels back on and turned around to face Dan who had been watching her every move.

Katya Kuznetsova was a little over six feet tall in heels and she looked absolutely amazing: a stunning slim woman with jet black hair cut into a severe bob which accentuated her deep blue expressive eyes as did her heavy eye makeup. Her face was elegant and narrow, with accentuated cheekbones, a pointed chin and small nose, her full lips accentuated by her blood-red lipstick. Her skin was alabaster white which drew attention to her full-cut pink nylon panties and the matching brassiere.

Her breasts were small but firm, her panties clung to her pudenda which had to be completely shaven because her cleft was fully delineated through the gauzy fabric. Her long legs were clad in sheer flesh-toned hold-up stockings.

Katya approached the bed slowly, teasing Dan, making him wait. She didn't gyrate or roll her hips, she didn't need to. Her sheer elegance was both exotic and erotic. As she got closer Dan could see the scars on her body; the type that came from being misused by men who liked to hurt to women but Katya was not self-conscious about them. She wore her scars like badges of honour.

Katya climbed on the bed and straddled Dan, pressing her lips to his and pressing her panty-covered pubis on his cock. He reached for her breasts, freeing them from her brassiere. Katya gyrated her hips and felt his cock nestle in the cleft of her sex; her nylon panties becoming damp from his pre-ejaculate and her vaginal secretions.

She dove her tongue into Dan's mouth and adjusted her position so that Dan's glans was pressing on her clitoris and began to slowly undulate against him. Dan stroked and tweaked her erect nipples, his cock so hard that it almost hurt. He wanted to plunge it inside this gorgeous mature woman; drive it all the way into her cunt and ejaculate. But he resisted the temptation and let Katya take the lead.

She rubbed her stocking-sheathed thighs against his tender flesh and pressed her panty-shrouded cunt on his throbbing cock as her tongue wriggled in his mouth. Katya was whimpering and moaning and Dan realised that she was orgasming. He had never seen a woman cum so quickly before.

She gyrated her hips and wriggled her pudenda, forcing Dan's cock inside her labia, grinding it on her clitoris, her panties saturated with her vaginal secretions. She was shuddering and uttering foreign obscenities between passionate kisses. The feel of her warm sodden vagina encased in the gossamer nylon panties pressing on his cock triggered Dan's orgasm.

Katya smiled as she felt his hot seed saturate her panties and mingle with her love juices. She drove her tongue deep into his mouth and clung to him, shaking and whimpering.

When she stopped gyrating Dan thought their lovemaking was over and regretted that he hadn't put his cock inside Katya but she was far from finished. She rolled over and dragged him with her so that he was lying on top of her. She dexterously slid her hand down between their bodies and guided Dan's still erect penis inside her panties and raised her haunches so that he slid all the way inside her.

The feel of her tight, wet vagina clinging to his cock felt incredible and Dan felt his libido kick back into gear. Katya wrapped her arms and legs around his muscled torso, her heels raked his back as she encouraged him to fuck her. She kissed him passionately and rose to meet his thrusts as Dan fucked her with long slow strokes.

The feel of her nylons on his skin, her breasts on his chest, her heels locked behind his back and her lips on his was spectacularly arousing and Dan enjoyed every second of their lovemaking.

Katya and Dan took their time and slowly ground out their second orgasms, ensuring that they satisfied each other. They dozed after and Dan was awakened by Katya's mouth on his penis and he told her that he wouldn't be able to make it a third time but he did with her help.

Katya had spare panties and a new package of pantyhose in her handbag which made Dan think that she was either a girl scout or that she had intended to seduce him all along. What type of woman carries spare underwear in her handbag? He tried not to analyse it too much as he showered.

Katya had already showered and she was dressed in bra, panties and pantyhose fixing her makeup when he came out of the shower. He noticed her spray herself liberally with Dior Poison before she dressed, then she was all business.

"Let's go and see what we can find out at Supergirls," she said as she smoothed her lipstick with the pad of her little finger.

Katya left a twenty for the housemaid and they made their way downstairs.

The young concierge gave them a knowing grin which Katya studiously ignored and put on her sunglasses as she stepped out into the cool afternoon sunshine.

Katya took Dan's arm as they crossed the street and burst through the doors into Supergirls. They stood for a minute to let their eyes adjust to the gloom after being out in the bright sunshine.

A burly doorman behind a cash register gave them the onceover, figured, as Katya had predicted, that they were a couple of business people slumming it on the wrong side of town. He told them there was no cover charge but there was a two drink minimum and that they each had to change a minimum of twenty dollars into singles.

Katya used her debit card and got one hundred dollars' worth of George Washington's from the doorman and a scantily-clad hostess led them to a table near the stage. Katya ordered Vodka on the rocks for them both and told the hostess to keep the drinks coming.

The place was half-empty or half-full depending on your perspective. The crowd consisted of businessmen and salesmen who had snuck away from work early, feverish-faced slackers addicted to the girls because they had no chance of ever getting a real girlfriend, and hard-faced working class men clutching pints of watery beer. There were only two other women customers, both skanky looking, clinging to their beefy boyfriends as if protecting them from the lure of the exotic dancers.

Katya and Dan fitted right in and after checking out Katya's legs and ass as she walked to the table the men returned their gazes back to the stage where two scantily-clad women were dry-humping dance poles.

Dan and Katya drank their two drink minimum watching the girls perform and stuffing dollar bills in their panties and bras when the girls performed in front of them. Dan doubted he could raise a hardon even with a shit-ton of Viagra and the skinny blonde women in their Minnie-Mouse high heels didn't do anything for him anyway. Not when he had Katya Kuznetsova sitting beside him.

Dan and Katya played their roles well, encouraging the girls to gyrate in front of them, generous with their tips. The hostess saw how they were dressed and the cash they were flashing and asked them if they would like a VIP room. Katya handed over her debit card and they were led to a small private room, elaborately furnished with a plush bench, small cocktail table, subdued pink lighting, the walls draped with colourful sheer curtains.

Two ice buckets with bottles of cheap champagne and four glasses were provided. The music was more subdued and seductive than the unce-unce-unce beat out in the main club. Two skinny blonde girls with enhanced breasts wearing see-through bras and panties and vinyl micro-mini skirts were shown into the room. They wore too much makeup and their smiles were fixed and overly-salacious, almost desperate.

The hostess looked expectantly at Dan who nodded his approval and the hostess returned Katya's debit card with a receipt stub for two hundred dollars and closed the door to give them privacy.

One of the girls poured champagne and the other sat so close to Dan that she might as well have sat in his lap. The girls introduced themselves as Misha and Mirna, made-up names if there ever had been. They both had Slavic accents. They all clinked glasses and Mirna cuddled up to Katya and told her how beautiful she was as she stroked her thigh. Misha nuzzled Dan's ear and plopped herself down in his lap and gyrated her bony ass.

The two bargirls had been watching Dan and Katya from the minute they entered the club, splashing cash, drinking heavily, gawking at the pole-dancers. Dan and Katya were doing a good job acting their roles and as they both had a high tolerance for alcohol they were able to act convincingly whilst keeping their wits about them.

A foursome was offered and accepted and Misha and Mirna nodded to each other knowingly. The hostess suddenly reappeared and gave Dan and Katya the onceover to make sure they were kosher. Cops didn't run stings in the free zone but one could never be too careful. She explained that it would cost one thousand dollars to take Misha and Mirna upstairs for one hour and Dan and Katya nodded enthusiastically. They wouldn't have got an Oscar but they acted their parts pretty well.

Katya's card was hit for another thousand dollars and returned to her with a receipt. The hostess led them out of the VIP room and through an unmarked door behind which was a staircase. They followed her along a corridor with three bedrooms either side with a bathroom at the end. Misha and Mirna walked behind them carrying the champagne, nattering in a Slavic dialect.

Katya leaned into Dan pretending to be a little drunk and a little nervous.

"They think that we're a couple of rubes and they're trying to figure out how they can squeeze more money out of us to keep for themselves," Katya whispered in his ear.

Dan nodded and smiled as if she had made a lewd suggestion.

The hostess left them alone in one of the bedrooms and Misha made a point of locking the door.

"Now we have privacy we can really party," she smiled and began to pour more drinks.

Dan climbed onto a chair and used his coat to cover the concealed camera mounted high on the wall that was aimed at the huge bed.

"Now we can have privacy," he grinned at the two hookers who simply shrugged their shoulders.

These two rubes were not as dumb as they looked.

Katya surprised Misha and Mirna when she took an envelope out of her handbag and put it beside her on the bed. She opened the envelope and took out a wad of cash held together with a rubber band. She fanned the money and grinned at the girls.

"Ok. We can do any kind of kinky shit you want but you can't leave any marks on us," Misha stared at the wad of cash with abject greed.

"That won't be necessary. I just have some questions," Katya said in Russian and the girls looked at each other with surprise and then they looked back at the wad of cash that Katya was holding and they both nodded.

Misha and Mirna had both answered online advertisements promising domestic work in the US at a good salary. Misha was from Donetsk and Mirna was from Kharkiv. The MO was the same at both recruitment agencies. The girls were advised that waiting for a J-1 visa was only going to cost them money when they could be earning big bucks, living in nice houses, wearing nice clothes and earning a good wage.

People were smuggled into the US constantly and once they were stateside no one was going to care. ICE and the other law enforcement agencies were too busy chasing down suspected terrorists, drug smugglers and transnational criminals to worry about housemaids and nannies.

Both girls said that they were surprised at how quickly the recruitment agencies worked. Mirna was given a bus ticket to Kyiv and Misha was driven there in a van with four other girls. The girls were a little concerned when they were then driven to Serbia where more girls joined them. The smugglers continued to tell them that everything was fine and they were well treated. The van continued to the port of Dubrovnik where the girls were loaded into a shipping container.

Two of the girls refused to go in the can and were taken away by the smugglers. Eighteen young women endured nearly two weeks ocean passage in the container. They were transhipped somewhere in South America and crossed the border from Mexico and were finally freed in a warehouse facility somewhere in the US. The girls didn't know where.

It turned out that freedom from the container did not necessarily mean freedom per se. It was here that the rough handling commenced. The girls were sorted by looks more than anything else and the younger girls were given a vaginal exam.

Two pretty virgins were taken aside and driven away in a car never to be seen again. About half of the girls, the younger better-looking ones, were put in a van and taken to a large house with many rooms. Mirna said that she and Misha were part of this group. The others were taken elsewhere and Mirna said that she had seen one of the other girls wearing a housemaid's uniform at Walmart only a few weeks earlier so she guessed they had become domestics.

Mirna, Misha and the others were told that they would be working as prostitutes. They had no papers, no friends or family and no way to support themselves. Using a combination of coercion, intimidation and force the girls eventually submitted and were farmed out to brothels across the US.

Mirna and Misha had ended up here in Balwyn. They lived in a big house with ten other European girls. They said that conditions were not that bad, they were well clothed and well fed and even allowed out under supervision. They were encouraged to engage online with other girls from their home towns and tell them how good a life they had in the United States.

The deal was that they were indentured for two years and allowed to keep twenty-five percent of their earnings which was considered generous. They could send money home if they wanted. The Bratok didn't charge them for board or victuals and they had a stipend for clothing.

Mirna and Misha said it was a pretty good deal and that some of the girls working at Supergirls had completed their two year 'contracts' and stayed on anyway, keeping fifty percent of what they earned and had moved out into the community.

Dan and Katya took down as many details as possible including the names of the recruiting agencies. They stayed with the girls long enough for the hostess to think they had participated in the activities they had paid for.

"My friend is big guy in Texas State Police and I work for the Yakovich Bratva. Keep money and keep mouths shut or my friend will have you arrested and deported or worse for you, I will have you visited by some guys who are not very friendly. When they finish with you, no man will want to fuck you. Understand?" Katya adopted her 'moose and squirrel' Natasha Fatale accent.

She nodded to Dan who flashed his badge at the two girls who didn't look at anything except the wad of cash that Katya was holding.

The girls nodded vigorously, never taking their eyes off the money.

Katya threw the money on the bed and she and Dan left.

"Did you have to threaten them?" Dan asked as they made their way downstairs.

"Don't feel sorry for them Dan. They are no longer the sweet teenagers who applied for domestic jobs in the US. They knew about the camera in the room which they use to blackmail clients but more importantly they had knives hidden under the mattress and roofies in the bedside table."

"They would never cheat their regular customers but a couple of rubes from of out of town are fair game," Katya said as they reached the bottom of the staircase.

"Don't forget... I used to be just like them," Katya opened the door to the booming unce-unce-unce of the dance music.

To be continued...

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