Spinal Meningitis is No Joke Ch. 05


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I needed to just ignore how sexy she was, how hot she got me, and act like I didn't notice if she was staring at my crotch. It's a chicken-shit move, but at least I wouldn't risk hurting her feelings.

I waited until Charlene had recovered her strength, then gently helped her back into her lacy underwear and scrubs. I rolled into my bed, still naked and rock-hard. Charlene shook her head when she saw it, and then she leaned in to give me a long, wet lick before returning to the nurses' station. Heather came back into my room almost immediately after, stripping off her clothes and turning to join me in my darkened room. She pressed her shapely ass against me, and gasped when she felt my erection pressing back into her. I reached around to hold her, and she grabbed my left hand and filled it with her massive left tit. I felt her pussy opening up around my swollen cock head, and was deeply disturbed when I realized that...dammit...I was thinking about fucking my mother with my cock inside Heather.

Heather—that perfect, sexy, redheaded nurse with the biggest breasts I had ever seen—was taking my hard cock into her eager, puffy, baby-smooth waxed little pussy. All I could think about was how this was exactly like the dream I had before I woke up this morning, except it was my mom in bed with me. I let my mind go, let the dark fantasy have its way. I was fucking my hard cock up into my mom's eager little pussy as she moaned appreciatively and I squeezed her breast. I kept from saying anything, fantasizing about not getting caught while our hips pumped against each other. Heather made a soft cooing sound when she felt my cock bucking and spewing my seed inside her. I leaned up onto my right elbow and gave her a hot kiss before lying back down and snuggling my chest against her back. She was snoring softly minutes after that with my dick still inside her.

I did manage to fall asleep for a couple hours before Charlene came in to wake Heather up. Charlene's approaching footsteps woke me before she reached my bedside, but Heather was groggy and took a while to waken fully. When she finally slid from me to sit up, my cock slid out of her and my load squirted from her pussy to make a huge puddle on the bed. Charlene and I helped Heather into the shower. I helped Charlene strip the drenched linens from my bed. We put on fresh sheets and then we cuddled together, kissing and fondling each other until she fell asleep. Once again, a shapely ass was pressed against my cock, and a large breast filled my hand. I was still awake when Heather emerged from my bathroom. She was clothed in her loose fitting aqua-colored scrubs again, and looked alert as her eyes met mine in the darkened room. I smiled at her. She looked down at Charlene, sleeping soundly in front of me. "Oh. How cute," she whispered.

My cock gave a lurch as I heard her heels clicking away.

I didn't sleep well that night. I woke up when Heather came to get Charlene an hour before sunrise. Somehow, my cock had gotten hard again and had found its way inside her while we both slept. When Charlene woke up, her sphincter clamped down on my shaft painfully. We both looked down in surprise as I pulled my hard-on slowly out of her tight little butt. Her clutching little sphincter ring seemed reluctant to release the head of my cock, finally letting it go with an accompanying groan from Charlene. Her head and shoulders shuddered at the sensation, and she called me a "dirty boy" before kissing me hard and getting out of the bed. While she dressed, I pulled on a clean hospital gown and lay back down. I couldn't get back to sleep. When the pre-dawn light started to come through my window, I hit my buzzer. Heather came in, and I walked over, opened the curtains, walked back to my bed and lay down. "Thank you," I said. She stood there, looking puzzled for a good minute before it registered. I was being a good boy. I wasn't getting out of bed without hitting the buzzer. She came over and gave me a sensuous tongue kiss for being such a good boy.

I lay in my bed and watched the sun rise through my window.

An hour later, I hit the buzzer again. When Charlene poked her head in the doorway I asked, "Could you please bring me some water?"

"Sure thing."

I turned to put my feet on the floor, reaching into the plastic bag and pulling out baggy black shorts and a white tank top. When Charlene returned with my water, I was pulling up the shorts over a pair of clean boxer briefs. I then walked to her, checked to make sure we weren't being observed, and leaned in to kiss her. "Thanks." I said, breaking the kiss and taking the pitcher of water.

Charlene stayed and watched me. I took my supplements, washing them down with the ice water, and then I rolled my exercise mat out and started my morning workout. Charlene saucily got down on the floor in front of me, making sure I got a good eyeful of her sexy breasts while I did my pushups.

"Naughty girl," I hissed at her, "where did your bra go?"

She looked down her top, and feigned a surprised expression. "I must have lost it, sir. Maybe it's with my panties, somewhere." We shared a grin as I started my second set of pushups. Charlene held my feet for my sit ups, and I got a lovely eyeful of her breasts every time. I could feel my abdominal muscles burning, but my attention was so focused on her hard nipples that I hadn't been counting. When I finally stopped, she said, "Wow. Eighty-seven sit ups. I don't think I could do that many."

I was as surprised as she was. The most I had ever done before I got sick was thirty.

Heather came to the door and announced breakfast. I got back into bed, finding I hadn't even broken a sweat. The nurses left me to eat my breakfast and went to attend to the other coma patients. My parents arrived before I had finished my breakfast, and I made a point to moan loudly as I ate a strip of bacon, grinning at them as I did so. They both laughed, but then my dad came over and snagged the last strip of bacon. He finished chewing it and said, "Sorry, you made it sound too good to resist!"

We all laughed. I spoke up then, "OH! I meant to thank you earlier, but you were out of town. Dad, you were absolutely spot-on. Those supplements you got me have made all the difference in the world. Dennis said he might make those a mandatory part of PT for his other patients."

My father lit up at that one. It's always nice to be appreciated.

I hit the buzzer after my food had a chance to settle, making sure it was alright to start my workout again with my dad spotting me. I was doing another set of sit ups, with my dad holding my feet, when I caught him looking up my mom's skirt. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw she was still not wearing panties. This was a shorter skirt, too, far more likely to show off her goodies. My dad looked turned on. I made sure to do fewer exercises with the weights so they could get out of there. It was amusing how grateful dad looked as he hugged me and hustled my mom out. Lucky bastard.

I once again buzzed, and Heather knelt at the foot of my mat while I did the rest of my weight lifting routine.

I probably pushed too hard at my physical therapy session that day. After it was over and I was reading to Robert and Steve, my muscles, especially in my ass, were just burning. When Heather rolled my wheelchair back to my room at lunchtime, I had a pained expression when I stood up.

"What's wrong?" Heather asked.

"I think I tried too much weight on the leg press. My butt is killing me." Heather stifled a giggle, but then tried to look serious when she said, "I think Jeannie should have a look at it after lunch."

I realized then that I had missed Jeannie's arrival, and that Charlene was now gone. I ate my lunch, and then Jeannie came in and inspected and massaged my aching butt cheeks thoroughly. She had pulled off my shorts and underwear, and had me lie on my stomach while she worked over my behind. It was a flimsy pretense, but in all seriousness it made a world of difference. I had really been in pain, and I had just a hint of soreness when she finished the deep-tissue massage. When I rolled over to thank her, Jeannie's eyes lit up and she dove onto my hard cock like a starving woman. I was a little alarmed when I heard my parents coming down the hall. Heather stopped them well short of my room, though, and while Jeannie hungrily deep-throated my cock, I heard her say, "Josh is getting a therapeutic massage session right now." Damned straight, I thought, nothing more therapeutic than this!

Jeannie heard them too. She looked up at me and growled softly. I mouthed at her, "I'm going to cum!" and she made a soft "m-hmm" as she coaxed out my load. I put my clenched right hand at my mouth to silence myself at the intensity. I flopped back onto the bed when she had drained me. Jeannie carefully pulled my shorts back onto me, and helped me to my feet. As she opened the privacy curtain and walked me to my parents, I said, "Thanks. That was awesome." She blushed a bit, and I went on, "No, seriously," I made sure she could see the seriousness of my expression, "I was really hurting. My muscles feel so much better now. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Jeannie said. She gave my mom a big hug, then. My dad came over and hugged me. I noticed that he smelled freshly showered, and that he and my mom were wearing different clothes than they had been that morning. I managed to stick to my plan of ignorance and said nothing about that. Instead, "You know, dad, I meant to say something earlier. You really look great. What kind of exercises have you been doing while I was out?" From that point forward, "while I was out" or, if it was my parents, "while Josh was out" became our euphemistic way of referring to my coma.

The next week and a half were a blur. I was so busy exercising, flirting with the nurses in the daytime, and having passionate sex with them at night that my days seem all melted together in my memory. That night, Heather and Jeannie were both naked in my room. Heather watched and played with herself while Jeannie mounted me "reverse cowgirl" style and took me in her ass. She did not bother to put a condom on me, but she had prepared and lubricated her ass. She was deliciously tight as I slowly filled her. Heather gasped that it looked really hot, but she could never fit me in her tiny asshole. Just hearing her say it, knowing she was thinking about it, made me erupt in no time. Jeannie's legs gave out with the force of her own orgasm when she felt me shooting inside her.

The next day, I graduated to 25-pound dumbbells. I used those through the weekend. Friday night, Sarah rode my cock while Jeannie rode my face. She was unbelievably wet, soaking my face and neck with intense, shuddering orgasms. Afterward, she told us that it was the first time she had cunnilingus since she got married seven years earlier. We made up for lost time. I licked and slurped her through several more orgasms, until she just collapsed and shook helplessly. Sarah and I spread a blanket over my exercise mat so that we could stroke her body and soothe her skin while she recovered. Sarah whispered to her, "Oh, sweetie. You look so beautiful right now. Heather was right."

I raised an eyebrow at that. Sarah looked sheepish, but admitted Heather had told about watching me and Jeannie the night before. "I'm sure you're not up for it tonight, Jeannie," Sarah concluded, "but I would love to see that big cock going into your ass." She shivered as she said it.

"There's no way you could stop me from getting him in my ass tonight." Jeannie growled back. Jeannie made a real show of it as she took me up her tight backside that night, spreading her legs wide as she slowly impaled herself. She pulled Sarah's head close, whispering to her and making sure she had a real close look. A groaning Sarah was soon licking Jeannie's pussy and giving an explicit play-by-play with each stroke and shivering climax. Jeannie kept both loads of my cum inside her ass until she left the next morning.

Early Saturday morning, Sarah was standing behind me in my bathroom as I shaved my face. I had simply walked into the bathroom, turned on the light and dropped my hospital gown. When I saw my reflection in the mirror I was stunned. This was me? Seriously? The six-foot-three young man looking back at me was ripped. Broad, muscular shoulders led into a thick pillar of neck muscle. My chest bulged, as did my arms. Not body-builder huge, but solid and muscular. Sarah was admiring my toned, naked backside. I shook my head in disbelief, and then shaved. When I was done, I took a quick shower and Sarah slowly toweled me dry. It was a slow, sensual process. I felt hypnotized as she looked into my eyes and stroked the soft fabric of the towel over my skin. The magic of the moment finally ended for us, and we kissed softly before walking out the bathroom door...and then we screeched to a halt.

My sister was sitting on the couch in my room.

I'm sure we weren't frozen and staring at each other as long as it felt. It felt like forever before Beth finally croaked out, 'Josh?"

I was relieved to realize that I had my bath towel wrapped tightly around my waist. I glanced at Sarah, standing next to me. She looked fine; her scrubs were clean and dry, her hair was brushed straight, there was nothing about her appearance that looked suspicious. I smiled at my sister and said, "Beth. How have you been?"

She stood up from the couch and rushed over to hug me, but we both stopped a foot apart when we both realized that I towered over my big sister now. I reached out and held her upper arms. She lifted a hand to my chest and stroked her fingertips over my skin, staring as she did. She jerked her hand away when she realized what she was doing. She looked like she was about to apologize when I pulled her to me and gave her a big hug. "God, Beth, it's so good to see you," I murmured into her hair.

I released Beth after a good two minutes, and then Sarah led her out and pulled the privacy curtain while I pulled on underwear and shorts. Before I could pull on my tank-top, Sarah reminded me that I would be getting my hair cut that morning. I pulled the curtain open and invited them back in.

Sarah brought an extra chair into my room, pulling it up next to my hospital bed and inviting Beth to sit as she served my breakfast. We talked and she brought me up to speed with her new life as a college student at State. Beth would talk for a few minutes and then trail off staring at me. Sometimes my face, sometimes my body, but I would catch her eye; she would shake her head and then continue.

Finally, I said, "It's weird, right? I look just like dad."

Her eyes widened and she said, "That's it! I couldn't place it, but...wow. You even sound like dad."

I nodded, chewing the bite of my breakfast. After swallowing, I said, "When I looked in the mirror earlier, I thought some dude was looking in a window at me. So creepy...and then I realize that's me, now."

When I finished my breakfast I buzzed in the nurse. It was Charlene, now. She had a gleam in her eye that told me she had a nice chat with Jeannie before she left. I joined my sister on the couch and we talked while Charlene cleared out my tray and changed the bed linens. I occasionally asked Charlene to comment as I discussed my PT, some of the doctors and staff, and other little details to bring my sister up to date on my own progress.

Sarah and Charlene then came in and I moved over to the chair they had brought in earlier. They helped each other while they cut my hair. They chatted about a guy Charlene had met, an orderly who seemed very interested. "He should be," I quipped, waggling my eyebrows as I looked her up and down. That was a mistake, of course. They had to cut my hair very short to correct the zigzag stripe the clippers had made on the back of my head. Beth had laughed out loud at that, "You earned that one, bro," she quipped.

My parents arrived an hour later. They brought in a fistful of brochures and catalogs, and we picked out my new bed. I basically approved the new curtains, bed linens, desk, office chair, lamp, and bookcase that my mom had already decided on. Dad commented that he approved of my new shorter haircut. With a straight face, I told him, "It feels nice. I was sweating so much after my workouts. This helps a ton."

Beth managed not to laugh.

Sarah watched as I took Charlene's asshole that night. I looked over my shoulder at Sarah's hand flying back and forth on her clit while I stood spread-legged and drove into Charlene from behind. Charlene was so visibly intense in her orgasmic throes, that Sarah was muttering, "Damn. I AM going to have to try that in my ass." Three nights later, with Jeannie's help, she did.

Another patient arrived in the coma ward in the middle of the following night, almost getting us all busted. It was only sheer, dumb luck that we weren't. I had been drinking a lot more water as my workouts got more intense. I had to break off having sex with Charlene to pee, and she had gone into the nurses' bathroom to relieve herself while I did. Sarah had been uncomfortable all day as her ass recovered from the previous night, so she was standing up and leaning against the nurses' desk when the orderlies burst in with the new patient on a gurney.

"It would be nice if you guys used the buzzer," Sarah hissed at the orderly leading the way. I heard them, of course, and pulled on a hospital gown before putting on the "groggy just woke up, what the hell's going on out here" routine. I was trying to figure out how to get Charlene's scrubs to her, when she emerged from the nurses' bathroom. I had forgotten, of course, that they had lockers in there and extra scrubs. She was dressed, and had fixed her hair so she didn't look freshly-fucked.

Beth came in daily to watch my workouts. Each day, I would finish an exercise, and find her staring at me with her mouth slightly open. If I hadn't been so sexually satisfied from my night time activities with the nurses, I would have had an instant boner from seeing her look at me like that. As it was, I thought I was getting better and better at my pretend ignorance. I would smile at her and make a joking comment like, "Feel the burn!" I would make a goofy face while flexing, and then my sister would be laughing. She was so beautiful when she laughed.

Sometime in the middle of that same week, Doctor Hinton came to observe my physical therapy session. I was jogging on the treadmill when he entered the room. I had seen the guy twice since my second day out of the coma. He looked around and almost left. I was that unrecognizable. He followed Dennis around throughout the PT routine, occasionally taking notes. When Dennis dropped me off at the nurses' station, Doctor Hinton remarked, "Well, Joshua, you are far ahead of schedule. We'll be able to discharge you on Monday." He turned and walked over to my parents, and I was aware of my stricken expression when I saw it reflected in Heather's eyes. A tear ran down her cheek, and she ran into the nurses' bathroom to avoid my parents and Steve's wife.

"When you've gotta go, you've gotta go," my dad piped up as my parents approached. Mom elbowed him, and I managed to smile weakly. I pretended to be happy when my mother gushed, "Doctor Hinton says you can come home Monday! I can't believe it!"

That night, I held Heather in my arms as she sobbed into my shoulder. I was seated on a towel on my exercise mat with my cock inside her and her heavy breasts pressed into my chest.

"I could break my leg," I said softly.

"What?" she pulled back to look at me, her pussy squeezing me as she did.

"I could break my leg," I repeated, "so I could stay longer."

Heather laughed through her tears. "Don't be silly," she said. Then she saw my serious expression and she kissed me hungrily again.