Snowbound in DFW

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A mature wife loses control and submits to a younger man.
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Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. It does not depict any actual persons or events. Any likeness to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. All parties engaging in sexual activity are of legal age of 18 and consenting adults. This is for entertainment purposes and is not an avocation for the activities contained herein. Always obey all state, federal, and local laws.


I was flying first class from DFW to Denver, a trip of only a little over 2 hours. I arrived at the airport about three hours early as my husband did not want to get stuck in rush hour traffic going home. Yes, I was flying solo as, Tom, my husband, was a typical middle aged work alcoholic and didn't want to take off work to go see his grandchildren while I couldn't wait to see them.

We were aware there was a monster storm approaching from West Texas, the mother of all storms but my flight was scheduled to take off well before the storm arrived and I figured we could either fly over it or around it.

My husband and I are what's known as "comfortable" well maybe "well off" would be better way to describe us. You see, I come from old money, my granddaddy's oil money in fact, and the money has stayed in the family ever since, only growing more and more as each year passed. Granddad passed the business over to my dad and then my dad passed the business over to me, but really my husband now runs the business. Like I said he is a work alcoholic and after work he hits the bottle. His drinking has caused several arguments but after 25 years together we remain a loving couple having raised two beautiful daughters, one of which I was on my way to see now, well actually it was her new daughter I wanted to see.

As for me? My name is Pam and I'm 45, a petite 5' tall, and weigh about 100 lbs. with strawberry blonde hair. I am not sure what category I fit in: soccer mom or MILF. I don't consider myself old enough to be a cougar, but one day that word will describe me. I have a nice body even after giving birth and breastfeeding two babies. The only change in my body since high school is that my breasts grew while breastfeeding and never got smaller when I quit. So now I have nice D cup breast with large puffy nipples which are very sensitive. I work out every other day and have nice toned legs and nice abs to show for it. When you are short as me you have to look after your body.

Two years ago my body started going through some changes, including dryness in my vagina. My husband and I on a good week have sex twice and at least once on a bad week and that had become both difficult and painful. Usually, I catch him in the morning before he goes to work or to play golf. I thought for our age we have a good sex life. I thought I was happy! I talked to my doctor about the dryness and asked her about estrogen and she wasn't happy prescribing that because of the increased risk of cancer, however, she did tell me about a procedure where pellets were inserted into the cheek of my butt which would provide a slow release of all the hormones that an aging woman needs. The pellets would only last three months so would need to be replaced four times a year.

My husband and I talked about the procedure and we agreed that I could try it once to see what the results would be and if there were any side effects. Well, the results were beyond our wildest dreams. I was not only lubricating all the time but I was now hornier than any time since we had been married. I had to supplement my husband's twice a week with a serious little toy I named Mona that saw daily use, even when my husband and I connected. These pellets were like a fountain of youth for a 45-year-old. I was not just horny but I felt good about myself and for the first time in years felt sexy. My wardrobe changed much to my husband's delight and even our sex, well the twice a week sex, improved drastically. I just had my pellets replaced about a month ago so I was in my "optimum time" when the pellets worked best which translates to being horny and wet all the time!

My husband dropped me off at the correct terminal, we kissed and expressed our love for each other. He told me he would miss me and I told him had work, golf and whisky, he wouldn't have time to miss me besides I was only going for a week. I told him to get his butt back on the road and get home before the traffic got bad and the storm hit. We waved and then he was gone.

I consider myself pretty easy maintenance and only had one small suitcase and my purse although my purse is pretty big. I checked my bag at the first class desk and then turned to go through security. There was two lines at security, one for economy and the other for first and business passengers. I was traveling first class and that line is usually shorter and moves faster and that is the line I got in. I wasn't in a hurry because I had a three hour wait for my flight and I had planned to wait the in the business lounge and read a book on my iPad.

The line I was in seemed to not move at all while the economy line was moving quickly. The man in front of me turned around and commented on how slow the line was moving. He was a young man and quite handsome. His eyes zeroed in on my cleavage which was very much on show. With large breasts on a small lady it is difficult to keep them hidden. He said I'm changing over to the economy line which he did and then he was gone. I wasn't in a hurry and didn't want to move so I just waited until I got to security. By then the young man was long gone.

Arriving in the business lounge I found it largely empty and claimed a large leather chair facing the large plate glass windows that looked out over the airport. I thought a glass of wine would be appropriate, after all it was 5:00PM, happy hour. I left my belongings in the chair and found the bar. There were three or four people ahead of me and directly in front was the young man from the security line. He turned and saw me and smiled and said you should have changed lines with me. I agreed with him and said next time I will listen to your advice. He offered to buy me a drink which I accepted and told him where I was sitting. He returned with the drinks and asked if he could join me as there was several of these comfortable chairs grouped together and they were all empty. Naturally, since he just bought our drinks I said yes.

We introduced ourselves and his name was Ian, and he was from New Zealand. He had just arrived from London and was traveling on to Denver on business. Ian was a lawyer and specialized in investigating organized crime. I told him he must get lots or air miles and he said like you wouldn't believe. I told him I was also going to Denver so he said then let's have another drink.

I estimated Ian to be maybe 25, and no more than 5'10" and lanky like a long distance runner or tennis player. I guess he weighed about 160 but what really attracted him to me was his red hair and freckles. I just swooned!

Ian got up to get us another glass of wine and brought the bottle back. We had been talking for over two hours and our flight was scheduled to depart in an hour so I asked if we had time to drink the bottle. His reply was that he had just checked the board and our flight was delayed with a new departure time of 10:00PM, a two-hour delay so I told him to pour!

I texted both my husband and daughter and advised them of the delay. Ian and I spent the next hour finishing that bottle and it was so good. Ian was not just handsome but easy to talk to and he flirted relentlessly with me. I didn't mind but it did cause me to lubricate even more and my panties were soaked. I just hoped my skin tight jeans weren't wet in front too.

Our gate was right next to the business lounge so we were comfortable staying where we were until boarding time. We finished our wine and he suggested another bottle. I asked him if he were trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me. His reply was do you suppose we could find a quiet corner in here that is private. I said hardly. Ian was quite the flirt.

I have had opportunities but in my 25 years of marriage but I have never been unfaithful to my husband. I have been groped and kissed and actually made out with a close friend but I never let anyone to take advantage of me besides everyone just wanted to get my tits out and play with them which I would never let happen. These thoughts were going through my mind right now but that was all because this would never happen with Ian. There would be no "alone" time with him.

Ian checked on our flight about 9:15 and returned and said they had hoped to start boarding in 30 minutes. We looked out the window and the weather had changed and it was snowing and getting heavier and heavier. Ian went up to the customer service desk and checked again and I saw him doing something on his phone.

He returned and said an announcement would soon be made that all flights tonight were to be canceled. He said we were stuck. Again, I texted my husband and daughter that I would be staying the night at the airport. My husband replied to get a room at the Hyatt which was just outside our terminal. I relayed that to Ian who said let's go and see if we can get rooms.

We arrived to find a long line of people trying to get rooms. I waited in line while Ian went to check on something. Soon he returned and said he had managed to get a room, apparently he was reserving the room on his phone when he found out about the airport closure. The Hyatt manager then came by and told everyone in line that there were no more rooms available, they were full.

Ian offered his room to me but I said don't be silly, you need a room too. He suggested we share and although I shouldn't have, I agreed but made him promise to be a gentleman. He promised.

I told him I was a fairly well known face and I couldn't be seen going up the elevator with him. So he told me his room number and I told him go up and I will go to the ladies and be up in five minutes.

I was more than a little nervous. Never in my life had I been in such a precarious situation. Ian wanted me, that I was sure of, and truth be known, I found him more than attractive but I was 20 years older than him. Could I control myself?

I was hoping the room would have two queen beds but when Ian opened the door and I slipped in I discovered there was only a king. I wasn't sure how this was going to work out, thankfully, I was still more than a little tipsy as we had polished off two bottles of awesome wine. I knew I wasn't thinking clearly agreeing to all this but I did not want to spend the night in the business lounge.

Ian offered me a drink and I took it knowing I had already drank too much and found myself in uncharted territory, sharing a room and a bed with a younger man I had only met hours ago. I told Ian that I must text my husband and daughter and tell them that I'm ok and have a room for tonight. Then I thought the room isn't in my name and there won't be a credit card charge for the room either. How do I explain that? Ian suggested to just say I'm sharing the room with another passenger as the hotel was completely booked. I said female passenger or male passenger? He said that is up to you. Damn how did I end up in this situation?

In the end I did send the text and said I was sharing a room for the night, hoping to depart in the morning. I had an immediate text from my husband saying there was more snow predicted tomorrow and they were saying the airport would remain closed at least until the next day and were asking people to stay off the roads traveling only for emergency. He asked if I was ok and if I was safe. Yes, to both questions, tired, drank too much, need a shower and sleep. I told him I loved him and would text tomorrow.

The room had a small two seater couch and an arm chair and I was sitting on the couch. Ian sat down next to me and refilled my glass. He asked if I felt better. I said a little at least I didn't lie and I was covered with my story. I said I'm not used to lying to my husband, we might not have the best marriage in the world but we don't lie to each other. Ian asked if I was a happy wife and I said of course, he looked at me and said you're saying yes but your face is saying no. I said well, there are a couple of things I would like to change but overall I'm happy. Ian asked if sex was one thing I would like to change and I didn't answer him.

I said that is personal. Ian said well we are a little drunk and we have been talking about our personal lives. I said I have you haven't volunteered anything. Ian said what do you want to know? I said everything!

Ian started out with you know I'm 25, a lawyer, and from New Zealand but I call London my home. I left New Zealand after I passed my bar exams and moved to London. I worked for a small law firm but got interested in organized crime and was head hunted to work for the firm I'm with now. He said he had worked for the firm for two years and was doing exceptionally well. He didn't have a girlfriend as he just didn't have time and besides he was traveling most of the time. He added his parents are still in New Zealand but he does have a sister in London. He said he would like to settle down some day and have kids but with no prospective girlfriend there was little danger of that in the near future.

I said your sex life must be pretty nonexistent right now then. He said totally unless he used his hand then he turned the question around and asked how my sex life was? Really? I said ok but it could be better, much better. Sex with my husband had become boring as we just did the same thing every time. Variety would be welcome.

I said Ian, I find you terribly attractive and you must have an awesome body but we cannot have sex. I added that I'm old enough to be your mother and Ian said you are the hottest woman he had ever seen. I told him I'm flattered but we aren't having sex. I said I am going to take a shower and go to bed.

Ian said ok, you take the first shower. The shower really felt wonderful, five star hotels really have nice showers. There were several jets, overhead and all around which really felt good. After the shower, I realized that I had no pajamas and there was no bathrobe in the room as the room was just a basic. I put my underwear back on and wrapped one of the large towels around my body and then gathering my clothes I entered the bedroom. I said you're next and Ian went into the bathroom. So I removed the towel and slipped into bed and pulled the covers up.

Ian came out a few minutes later also wrapped in a towel. He turned the lights off but there was a crack in the curtains that allowed light into the room so it wasn't completely dark. Ian said no peaking as he removed his towel to get into bed. I was watching him from underneath my covers and gasped as his manhood was displayed. He wasn't erect but soft he was bigger that my husband, he was not only long but thick as well. Seeing him I was overcome with lust.

We said goodnight and Ian asked if I would kiss him goodnight. I said ok but you have to come to me and just a kiss nothing more. He moved over and I could feel the heat from his body. He thanked me for a wonderful afternoon and added that there is no other woman on earth he would rather be snowbound with than me leaned into my body and kissed me.

I allowed the kiss to last a little longer than necessary but boy could Ian kiss! If I hadn't found the resolve to stop him, I would have lost it. After all we had drunk I don't know where the will to stop came from but I pushed him back to his side of the bed. Ian did kiss me long enough to cap a feel of my bra encased breasts.

Have you found yourself in situation that was so good you were powerless to resist and stop it? Sunlight was drifting through the curtains as I woke and realized my body was on fire and something was rubbing my clitoris and it did feel good! I found myself laying in Ian's arms and he was slowly manipulating my clitoris. I was on cloud 9! Ian pushed one side of my bra down and took a nipple in his mouth. He was now furiously working my clit and then he stuck a finger into my vagina, followed soon after by a second finger.

I was delirious and beyond caring about anything other than Ian giving my pussy a workout. The combination of Ian sucking my nipples, fingering my cunt, and rubbing my clit soon sent me over the edge and I had a monster of an orgasm. I had body spasms for at least 30 seconds. I cannot remember ever having a more intense orgasm.

I told Ian he should not have done that and he replied that he knew I was used to having morning sex. I asked him how he knew that and he said you told me last night. I couldn't remember last night as we had drunk at least two bottles of wine each. Ian asked how my head was and I said I have been better.

Ian's dick was sticking in my side. I said something needs a release and he agreed with me. How far was I prepared to go? I finally said you gave me a wonderful hand job I will repay you with the same.

I turned Ian on his back and lowered the sheets. His dick would be every woman's dream. About seven or eight inches long and the girth was the size of a can of Red Bull and he wasn't totally hard! By now I was totally on top of the sheets and I was still in my underwear so there wasn't much left unexposed. Ian reached back and slipped my bra off freeing my breasts.

I found myself playing with a toy that I discovered I liked, a lot! I've never laid my hands on such a nice specimen and was totally in love with it. I wondered what it would feel like inside me but wasn't sure I could cope with that. I had already crossed many barriers that I had held sacred for so long, but would I ever have an opportunity like this again?

As I pumped Ian kept pressure on my head. I knew he wanted me to go down on him and I held out as long as I could then lowered my head and took his knob into my mouth while I continued to pump. After a couple of minutes of this I felt him tighten up and I knew it would just be seconds before he shot in the back of my throat and he didn't disappoint me. He must have been saving up his jism because I think it would have filled a cup. I took the first three ropes before I gagged but then it was like a flood and I gagged again. I looked up at him and I must have had his cum all over my face. The joys of youth!

I jumped up and disappeared into the bathroom and freshened up. I wanted a shower but that could wait till we had a cup of coffee. I made two cups of black coffee and Ian and I sat in bed drinking the coffee. The clock said 7:00 AM. I asked Ian if he got up that early every morning and he replied only when he slept with someone as beautiful as myself. I told him he must be looking to do some other adult activity with all the flirt and sexy talk. He said one can only wish. I said let's order room service breakfast, have a shower and talk. Ian called our breakfast order down and also asked for two bathrobes, shaving gear, and toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Ian also called the airline who confirmed our fears, the airport was closed and they hoped we would get out the next day but couldn't guarantee anything. So, we had the entire day to ourselves but I could not be seen anywhere in the hotel with this young man. Too many people knew me and I didn't want any suspicious stories getting back to my husband.

I showered while Ian waited for breakfast. I always carry makeup in my purse so I applied makeup then just wrapped a towel around my body, without my underwear. I was sitting in the chair when breakfast arrived and I am sure the busboy got more than an eyeful from me!

We had an awesome breakfast with lots of black coffee. We were sitting in our new bathrobes, relaxed and wondering who was going to make the next move. Part of me didn't want to break my marriage vows but then the other side of me thought I will never again be in this situation with a hot young man with a big dick. It was now or never.