Sleepwalking Mom Ch. 17


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The girls were still fully dressed and they weren't interested in getting into the hot tub with us even though Mom pushed herself against me to make room for them. They grinned and lashed their tongue around their lips again and without a word, went back in the house.

Mom cuddled down in the hot water against my arm. My cock slowly bobbed lower and submerged. Without looking up at me, Mom said, "I'm really sorry about Sylvia."

I was quiet a moment contemplating whether I would tell her the story and then decided that I would. I told her about Sylvia and Fatima renewing their lesbian relationship from college. "It's no real big deal anyway. I always wondered if we were just physical and I never got the impression that she was interested in any solid commitment. It's too soon to be sure, but I suspect that I'll get a call for some two on one sex. They both like cock almost as much as they like pussy."

Mom giggled and said, "I guess I'm the other way around. I much prefer cock to pussy." I had already figured that out. "I'm certain that the girls are the same." I had figured that out too. The jet pumps suddenly came on and flooded our faces with water. We sat up sputtering and wiping water from our eyes and face. That broke the mood and I grabbed my bathing suit and stood up. Mom grabbed my hanging dick and pulled it to assist her effort to stand up. She giggled at what she had done. I grabbed her elbow to further assist her.

She grabbed her robe off a chair and pulled it on. She struggled with the material sticking to her wet body. I didn't even try to pull my wet bathing suit on and walked through the house with the towel wrapped around my waist. Mom followed me upstairs to her room. I took a quick shower to rinse off the chlorine and then dressed in shorts and tee shirt in my room.

As I was heading back downstairs, I heard a soft moaning coming from Mom's room. I stopped to listen. If Dad was there, I didn't want to interrupt them. There were only the moans from Mom. The door wasn't latched so I nudged it open and poked my head into the gap to see what was going on. Mom was lying naked in the middle of her bed with her knees up and spread wide as she was furiously fingering her pussy. I pushed the door open wider and stepped in. My cock was on the rise again and I pressed my hand down on the bulge in my shorts.

Mom's face was aimed at the ceiling and her eyes were closed with her lips parted panting for air as she continued moaning. I pulled up the left leg of my shorts to let my rising cock out. I stroked it twice and as gently as possible crawled up on the bed. At first it looked like I would surprise her when I pushed my lips to her fingers flailing in her pussy, but she must have felt the compression of the bed. Her eyes burst open and she looked at my face framed between her raised thighs. Her eyes were on fire. She had a pleading look on her face and her lips moved but no words came out, at least nothing that I could make out. Her hands came out of her sex and reached for my face. I pushed my face into her hands and she lovingly fingered my cheeks. I turned my face and kissed her right wrist. She smiled and gently pulled my face down to her sex. I followed where she led me. I flicked my tongue across her swollen, blood red clitoris. Her entire body lurched up off the bed and she shoved a hand to her mouth to stifle a scream. I got it. Too sensitive. I dragged my pointed tongue through her labia flicking my tongue on her pink inner folds. Her juices were bubbling out of her and I scooped up a tongue-full and pulled it into my mouth. I pushed my tongue into her pussy and Mom's head pushed down hard on her pillow as her hips snapped upward. I went with them and began driving my tongue in and out of her. She was watching me as she gasped for air. She grabbed her tits and mangled them in her hands.

My body was folded at the waist with my knees tucked into my stomach as I laid low so I could look over her pubic mound at her gorgeous face morphing through expressions of pure joy and what looked like intense pain. I knew they were only additional expressions of more joy. I dragged my tongue from her sex and dropped it to her anus and rimmed her rosebud. She rocked her hips forward to make sure I had full access. I replaced my tongue in her pussy with my index and middle fingers and randomly flicked my little finger across her clitoris and dragged my thumb randomly across her anus when I pulled my tongue back to gather my saliva to carry it to her red flower. She was going nuts as she began to thrash her legs out straight past my body and then pull her knees back up again.

She started chanting, "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck," as she thrashed her head from side to side. My mind flashed to the status of my cock and I realized that I hardly had an erection. I was concentrating so hard on pleasing Mom that I had no thoughts about my own satisfaction. My satisfaction was going to be her satisfaction.

I had soaked her rosebud with saliva and I pushed my curled thumb into it and Mom nearly sat up straight. She got her elbows tucked in behind her but she immediately let herself drop to her back again and groaned, "Oh Baby. I'm gonna CCCUUU... ." She didn't even finish the sentence before her pussy began clamping firmly on my fingers. She was humping herself off the bed. She was out of control and I just rode her wherever she went. Her eyes were locked on mine. I could almost see the flames firing out from them to burn me to a pulp. The smile on her lips belied the look of her eyes.

I continued everything I had been doing until she settled down and a huge breath expelled from her lungs in a "WHEEEEWWWW. JESUS." Her hips settled back on the bed. She reached for my face but she couldn't reach it. I crawled up between her legs forcing her legs wide and up over my thighs. She had the broadest grin I had ever seen on her face as I leaned down and kissed her passionately. She was bent nearly in half. She kissed me back over and over again in short pecking kisses while she held my face in her hands. Then she pulled my face down to her chest and kissed me on the top of my head. I dragged my tongue around her most available nipple and Mom moaned again and brushed her hand along my cheek in a soothing fashion. I kept my weight off her and my dick hung limply resting on her tummy.

Mom quietly said, "Do you need anything. You sure earned it." I chuckled and shook my head in her hands. I wanted to stay there just like that forever, but I felt that these last few minutes were so private that I didn't want Dad or the twins walking in on it. To them it would be just sex and to me it was so much more than that. I stood up and the nylon material of my shorts fell down over my dick. We sent air-kisses and I left. Dad was in the kitchen digging through the refrigerator for a beer. He was a little pissed that he couldn't find one. He fumbled around in the pantry to find another six pack and he put it in the refrigerator. He was still pissed because he didn't have a cold one for now. The twins were sitting on bar stools leaning on the counter trying to avoid Dad's wrath.

I didn't bother asking what was going on. Dad turned from the refrigerator and shook off his foul mood as he closed the refrigerator door and said to the girls, "So, what is your take on your new boss. He's only temporary. We are also looking outside the company for Guy's replacement." I had seen Dad's reaction to the girl's earlier comments on the new boss' endowment and he wasn't pleased. I understood his concern. He didn't want to hire or promote another "Guy". However, it wasn't going to be fair to this guy to not be considered for the permanent job just because June and Julie thought he probably had a big dick and, what guy didn't get an erection when up close with the twins. I couldn't get into my concerns then so I resolved to have a private conversation with Dad later. I only hoped that the girls wouldn't go down that path again in their assessment of the new boss in response to Dad's current question. They must have realized the purpose of Dad's question and they didn't and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Mom came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder and leaned in saying, "What's going on?" I turned and she was dressed for public consumption. She looked amazing. Her hair and makeup were perfect. She wore a tight mini-skirt. I didn't even know she owned one. She had a cotton button-down shirt on. It didn't go with the rest of her outfit and Mom wasn't prone to fashion fauxpas. She wore a pair of high heels with high backs and straps around the ankle. She was definitely going out.

Dad said, "We were talking about work."

The girls looked Mom up and down and Julie said, "What's up with you? You look like you're going out. Sort of. What's with the shirt?"

Mom didn't respond to the shirt question and said, "I'm going shoe shopping. Anyone else want to come?" The girl's eyes lit up like slot-machines in Las Vegas and they jumped off the barstools and ran to their room to get ready. Dad raised his hand to indicate there was no way he was going. Then he politely begged off with some explanation about having to do some catching up on the work we did today. I was shaking my head vigorously and holding up both hands. I hated shopping and shoe shopping was almost as bad as grocery shopping. I didn't understand the average female's fascination with shoes. Mom had tons of shoes. I had three, counting my sandals, four if you counted my flip-flops.

Dad escaped into the family room and I started to follow him. Mom grabbed my arm to stop me and then waited until Dad was far enough away. "Do you remember the last time you went shopping with us? This is going to be something like that. We'll need you there in case something goes wrong." I didn't like the sound of that last part but the first part was intriguing.

The twins were ready in record time and they looked fantastic too. I relented to Mom's insistence and went upstairs to change. I looked back and saw Mom whispering to the girls and they headed back to their room with big grins on their faces. I wondered if Mom had revealed the purpose for this potentially ill-advised junket.

When I came downstairs, I noticed that the girls had changed into something considerably sexier but I didn't pay much attention. We took Mom's car and she drove with me riding shotgun. A few miles down the road, Mom pulled over to the side of the road and put the car in park. Mom smiled over at me and unbuttoned the cotton shirt and struggled it off over her shoulders and then her wrists. Now the outfit made sense. She was now wearing a very low cut, black, sheer, silk top with no bra. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. The girls pulled themselves up to the back of the front seats to see and June let out a whistle and said, "Mom. Your going to get us all arrested." Mom just giggled and pushed up her breasts with both hands and then pulled the car into gear and sped back into traffic. We were heading into the city again. I couldn't pull my eyes away. I had seen her incredible tits many times but this presentation was amazing. From one angle you could clearly see her breasts yet from another you couldn't. I just shook my head and mumbled to myself, "The mysteries of fashion."

As we rode, I kept getting a whiff of a sweet scent. It wasn't Mom's perfume. I was familiar with that. I turned around in my seat to look back at the girls watching the traffic go by. "Are you guys wearing a new perfume? They looked at each other and burst out laughing. I didn't get how that was so funny. They both spread their thighs and slapped them back together again. They repeated it and the scent permeated the air. Then they spread their thighs and pulled their skirts up to reveal they were dressed commando and Julie said, "Feminine spray. Do you like it?"

I pulled my gaze from their bare pussies and looked at Mom. She glanced at me and pulled her skirt up to reveal that she was dressed commando too. She said, "Come down here and tell me if you like it. It's a new scent. It is pretty sweet. I'm not sure I like it yet." She reached over and hooked my neck and pulled me over the console so my head was in her lap. I inhaled deeply even though I didn't need to. The scent filled the air. Mom said, "Taste it. It's supposed to taste like strawberries." The scent didn't smell like strawberries.

I flicked my tongue through her sex from end to end and Mom groaned, flinched and pulled the steering wheel violently toward the breakdown lane. "Sorry. I wasn't prepared for that. Is everyone okay?" The girls giggled in unison and then I heard Julie say, "Doesn't taste like strawberries at all." I had to agree but the taste wasn't in any way offensive. I dragged my tongue over Mom's clitoris again and she groaned hard but maintained control of the car this time.

I started to sit back up but Mom pressed my face back into her pussy again and said, "Stay right where you are, buster. It's my turn. I did as she commanded but I had to adjust my position to get better access. I knew we were coming up on the toll booths again. I hoped that Mom wasn't going to use the same one with the hysterical woman who called the cops.

The driver's window rolled down with a whirring noise and sure enough it was the same woman. I recognized her voice when she said, "Seventy-five cents please." Mom fumbled with her purse and pulled out a twenty and showed it to me before she put it into the woman's hand. I heard her say, "God damn it. Not again." Mom reached under my chin and lifted my head above the window. Mom was wearing the same sunglasses as that night and when I came into the toll taker's view with my face glistening wet from Mom's juices, the woman threw the twenty in the window and screamed, "Just get out of here."

Mom was laughing so hard and the twins joined her. Mom pushed my face back in her sex and peeled rubber as we accelerated away from the toll booth. Mom's laughter abruptly stopped as she groaned hard and muttered, "Oh fuck, Baby. Right there. I'm gonna cum. Go. Go. Go." I went and she went hard. Her juices were flowing and I wasn't sure if she was squirting or not. She was sopping wet. I hoped not. That would probably have put an end to this episode of 'Fun with Mom in Public'.

June said, "Mom. Pull over and let Dex drive. Come back here so we can clean you up. You don't want your juices flowing down your legs when you're trying on shoes." Both Mom and Julie burst out laughing as they imagined that scene. Mom pulled over to the breakdown lane and Mom got into the backseat between the girls. I got out and walked around to slide into the driver's seat. I had no clue as to where we were going but we still had time.

Both girls were on their knees in the foot-wells dragging their tongues through Mom's soaking wet pussy and as I expected, they pulled another orgasm and started all over again. I chuckled to myself as I thought, "This could be like a self-propelled engine. Mom could be a satisfied pile of goo by the time we get there." I concentrated on the road. There was a lot of traffic. I heard Mom screech into a third orgasm before she commanded the girls to stop. From this angle I could clearly see her breasts and rock-hard nipples in the rearview mirror. I casually rubbed my erection through my pants.

The girls got up in their seats and began fingering themselves but Mom quickly took over for them and strummed them to orgasms before Mom sat up and began giving me directions on side-streets. When the car was parked, Mom leaned forward over the front seats and pulled back her purse. She retrieved a plastic wrapped package of tissues and handed several to June and Julie and then pulled out several for herself. I watched in the rearview mirror as she wiped their pussies from clitoris to anus. The scent of the feminine spray was greatly diminished. Either that or I had just become used to it or the scent of sex was mixed with it.

June and Julie lifted their butts and smoothed their short skirts down their thighs and got out. Mom slid across the seat to the curb side and got her high heels on the ground and pulled herself out. Her skirt was up around her waist exposing everything below it as June slammed the rear door. Then Mom casually pulled her skirt down over her hips covering herself. Passersby looked but kept right on going. Nothing affected city people.

The girls were always excited to be in the city, especially if it was for shopping. I didn't like shopping and I didn't like the city either. I followed along behind, gawking at their incredible figures as their hip-swaying was enhanced by the way they walked in their high heels. My dick rose in my pants as I imagined what would happen next. I reached my hands into my pockets to maneuver my junk around to a comfortable position. Mom and the twins paid no attention to me. They were on a mission.

Before going into the shoe store, Mom gave instructions that she, the twins and I would enter separately like we didn't know each other. I chuckled to myself because the twins and Mom looked so much alike that anyone could easily see the familial relationship. I didn't look like any of them. My problem was going to be looking like I was shopping for anything. I simply wasn't interested.

Mom moved next to me and pushed her tits up and said, "You're hear to watch out for your sisters and me. I have no idea what these shoes salesmen will think they have a right to when they look up our short skirts as they are putting shoes on our feet. There are things we are willing to do but I draw the line at intercourse. Okay?"

Apparently, her pussy was reserved for family members only. I had watched her jerk a guy off in his pants at the Rave. I had watched the twins give the two cops blow job and hand jobs at the front door in our Foyer. Mom had watched them do it and never commented. I was trying to gauge at what point was I to get involved. My assessment was that if one of these shoe salesmen got Mom or the girls in the back, which I was sure was Mom's plan because I doubted that she planned to give them hand jobs or blow jobs right there in the showroom, that I was to break up any attempt to force them into fucking.

This whole idea was nuts and could go way wrong. I worried about whether I could stop them without getting killed in the process, but Mom was in her risky sex mode and would not be put off.

Mom went in first and the twins went in together a few minutes later. I followed a minute behind them. There were a few other customers too and Mom and the twins browsed as they waiting to be assisted by either the young woman or the young guy. Neither were much older than me. An older middle-aged man was positioned near the cash register. He was clearly the manager. All of the employees were dressed the same in black pants and white shirts and black ties. The young woman wore fashionable black high heels and the men wore black oxfords.

Mom's tits got the attention of both the manager and the young salesman right away. Her nipples were on high-beams. The salesman was clearly trying to get rid of the customer he was assisting at the moment. The manage wrestled with whether he should leave the cash register to assist her. The young salesgirl finished up with her customer who went to the cash register with a closed shoe box. The manager's dilemma was settled for the moment. The salesgirl moved over to where the twins were browsing and I heard her ask if she could be of any assistance. I just browsed the racks of shoes. No one was paying any attention to me.

The twins had each plucked long, knee length, leather, high heeled boots off a rack and showed them to the salesgirl who looked at the tags noting the numbers and then she looked down at their feet and said, "Size seven?" Julie nodded and smiled. The salesgirl grinned in obvious satisfaction that she had determined their correct shoe size. June and Julie sat down on a long bench and prepared themselves for the show by hiking their short skirts up even higher. They both stole subtle grins at me as they spread their thighs and flashed me. I smiled back.
