Shipwrecked - A Need to Survive


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She studied his testicles; they were large enough and should be an indication of his virility. His gourd hid his penis, but it was quite large and indicated a reasonable level of status. On an impulse, Lucy walked up to him, took him by the wrist and led him into the forestry. She may be feeling brazen but she wasn't so much of a slut to fornicate in public.

***** ***** ***** *****

Afa was returning from a day gathering food. He had a good harvest of nuts and fruit and also a monkey. It was small but would feed his family that night. His family rarely went hungry; they always had food to eat or trade with the fishermen.

Dewi Shri was watching him and this made him nervous. He could climb a tree better than most people and his toes were bent from gripping the trunks but these things were of nothing to the Gods. He was helpless; how could any hunter out-run a deity?

He was envious of Dwi and Sukma. They had been chosen as guardians of the Goddess and had transformed their living area into a temple with the strange roofing material that she had brought with her.

On the evening of his friend's wedding ceremony he had followed her along the mountain path. Everyone spoke about her breasts that could nourish a nation. However he had studied her white ass as it swayed up the path. Her buttocks were a few inches before his face and it had been a mesmerising sight, sashaying easily from side to side in the most seductive manner. They glided against each other as she walked, then as she climbed onto a rock or a root during the ascent, they separated to reveal her female parts.

He could have without any difficulty at all kissed those buttocks, or reached out, sliding his hand between the cheeks to the soft joys underneath. Areas that he could glimpse again and again as she climbed over the boulders that were scattered long the route.

By the time they reached the top he was in a state of readiness and it did not take long for him to play his part in consecrating the union.

Now, she was walking towards him. Her pink nipples were starting to darken with the sun, but he couldn't look; he was fixated by the steady gaze from her blue eyes. That was another thing that had always fascinated him. The legends had spoken of a woman from the sky with huge breasts, but they had not mentioned bright blue eyes.

Her hand reached out and caught his wrist, then made him powerless as he was taken into the undergrowth. She touched his testicles, feeling them and making his penis twitch inside the gourd. She rolled each nut around inside their bag, in a fashion that only a wife should.

He was pushed back onto the plants and his gourd removed to show his erection. Then she was squatting over him, enveloping his penis with the holy vagina.

She was warm, like his wife. Strangely he had assumed that this apparition would have no bodily heat but he had been mistaken. Then she began the ancient movement, her labia stretching around his shaft. Above him her breasts blocked out the sun, wobbling with the motion. Her flat belly flexed, extracting all his life-force.

Before long she was grunting with effort and rocking back and fore. Then she suddenly stood and walked away without looking back.

His penis was shiny with her secretions and he wondered what his wife would say. Surely she would be ecstatic that her husband had been venerated in this way. He had come close to a climax; it would now be the task of his dutiful wife to grant him that relief. He had to find her quickly.

***** ***** ***** *****

Lucy found that she could bring relief to herself easily and quickly. She had never thought it possible - actually she had never known orgasms at all previously. She realised that on her solitary vigils on the mountain-top she could pass the time idly touching herself, repeatedly approaching her own peak before letting herself down again. Then when she decided to return to the village she would carry on, over the edge. She regularly arrived back in the hut with a flushed face and looking around for a fit man to satisfy her primitive urges.

It was that she was seeing all the naked people constantly. A soon as she thought of anything else, a woman walked past. Sometimes there were pendulous breasts, sometimes pert pointy ones. Then the men with their highly suggestive gourds and exposed testicles. Some were high and tight, hardly visible at all. Some were large and bulbous and suggesting ample supplies of semen. Others had dangling, swinging sets that cried out for a friendly female hand in support.

Strong thighs were everywhere. There was something about that; she really did like the look of a bulging muscular leg reaching up to taut buttocks and a flat belly. All the men were fit, many of the women were similar; it was all to do with the hills that always needed climbing and food only being available if you worked for it. What these people lacked in elegant European jaws and noses, they certainly made up with shapely limbs.

There were no sagging guts to be seen except perhaps on a few women who had recently given birth, and they soon disappeared. She probably had the softest body on the island herself, and she noticed that she was becoming fitter. She no longer struggled even to reach the mountain-top. There was less fat around her pussy and her clitoris was becoming easier to find. And by God it needed some attention.

The natives didn't seem to notice. They had grown up with nudity of course and would have been amazed to see clothes, she supposed. A man walked past as she sat in the shade and she idly opened her thighs widely to flash him some pink skin.

What a trollop she had become. She blushed inwardly at the thought. Where was Triago? She needed to feel a cock inside her.

Lucy looked inside the hut; the object of her lust was binding a broken bone onto a wooden handle to make a knife. He saw her approach and laid down his materials. With an air of resignation he allowed her to remove his gourd and rub her toes against his scrotum. Soon she had bullied him into arousal and stooped down over him. She quickly inserted his member into her body and set to work. Efficiently and without even looking him in the eyes, she brought herself to orgasm before stepping away.

The act relieved her immediate needs but was not truly satisfying. In fact she thought, she could easily do that again. She picked up the discarded wooden handle and retreated to her sleep area. That might come in handy, she thought.


Lucy woke. The wooden handle was next to her, with its smooth worn shape. She rubbed it against her groin, but it did little so she inserted it into her vagina. It was the correct size and shape, but apart from the feeling of being occupied wasn't exciting. It just did nothing for her and she discarded it. Soon she was sleeping once more.

***** ***** ***** *****

Triago found his knife-handle on the floor. He returned to his task of fastening the blade, using a length of string made from vine fibres. He noticed that there was a scent on the wood, he recognised it and laid the finished tool aside. It would now be a cherished item, not to be wasted on the routine jobs of daily life.


Afa was climbing trees again. Near the top of the mountain was a grove of trees that bore some ripening fruit to gather, and he rested briefly on a branch. He cast his eyes to the horizon and the far peak of the island where their enemies lived.

The distance was great and their boats were not good enough for reliable journeys between the islands, particularly if the weather changed. There were currents and winds that could easily take a canoe off course, never to be seen again. This worked both ways of course; the warriors who resided on the other land could not come and invade his people, so everyone lived peacefully.

The Dewi Shri had lived with them for many months. She had learned some words of their language and her white hair had grown longer, so that it now reached down her back. Her sexual appetite was voracious, which was to be expected for the Goddess of fertility and reproduction.

Nightly she would choose a hut and spend time with any of the men there without regard for their women-folk. Generally the wives were glad that their family had been selected for the visitation, but sometimes they became jealous and there would be disputes late into the night after they had been left alone.

As the men were often not brought to climax by the encounter, the wife frequently had the benefit in any case and many were now expecting babies as a result.

His eyes wandered over the tiny fishing fleet in the bay, then to the horizon on the other side of the island. There was a white dot, where there should not have been a white dot.

Afa gathered the rest of his fruit and climbed down the tree. Soon he was running, hobbling on his distorted feet back to the village to tell the others what he had seen. By the afternoon everyone had heard and many were at the top of the mountain looking at the distant object.

The next morning the thing could not be seen, but at mid-day it suddenly appeared from behind the other island. It was unlike anything anyone had ever seen, a huge apparition on the sea. It looked like a floating village with sheets of the material that was on the roof of the temple hanging in the breeze.

A short time later it had drawn close, to the terror of the islanders. Only Dewi Shri was excited, jumping about and screaming at the thing, welcoming it.

***** ***** ***** *****

Lucy could not believe her eyes. She had lived on the island for several months without any sign of the civilised world, as a guest of the very hospitable people. More storms had come and gone, now a ship was sailing there, to her salvation.

She waved her arms and jumped up and down, yelling out to the sailors although she knew that they could not possibly hear her and most likely not even see her.

The ship made its way around the island and found a passage through the reef. It came into the bay, by which time she and everyone else had run down the hill and gathered there. The fishing boats cautiously paddled about, not willing to get too close to this unknown danger.

Eventually the anchor was dropped and the sails all furled, then a boat was launched from the ship. Slowly, very slowly it was rowed by three men on each side with an officer in charge. She could hardly breath with excitement.

Lucy stood waist-deep in the sea as the boat neared. The other natives did not dare come so close but she had no such fears. As it beached on the sand she dashed alongside to greet the officer, who stared at her astonished.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She repeated the phrase stupidly in her deliriously happy state.

"My dear, who are you?" The officer spoke quietly.

"I am Lucy O'Hara, I was shipwrecked here months ago. Have you news of my husband?"

The officer was bemused. " I have no news for you I'm afraid, but should you not cover yourself before the Lord?"

Lucy was puzzled for a moment, then looked down and realised that she was undressed and the sailors were all staring open-mouthed. "I'm sorry, I have no clothes. Everything was lost in the wreck."

The officer removed his tunic and handed it to her. "Here, cover yourself woman."

She took the jacket and draped it around her shoulders. It was too big for her around her slimmed waist but when she placed her arms in the sleeves it fitted over her breasts perfectly.

Once decent in the presence of the men, Lucy showed the officer around the village before they all re-boarded the launch, with her joining them. She had just a moment to bid farewell to her hosts on the island before the tiny craft set off through the breaking waves back to the ship.

The movement brought back memories of the storm that had brought her. Soon however she was at the bottom of a rope ladder and she scrambled up, rushing eagerly before anyone else. The deck was deceptively high and when she was half-way up she stopped briefly to look down at the giddy height.

All the sailors were gazing up at her with the same gormless expressions as when they had first seen her in the sea. She saw that the borrowed jacket did nothing to provide any modesty once she was on the ladder above the men.

She shook her head at the thought of being ogled and continued her climb.

Before long she was at the rail, climbing over onto the deck and being greeted by the captain. Unfortunately he had no further news of her husband, but Captain Wolstenhume-Smythe of Her Majesties Navy offered her a berth next to his cabin and some items of clothing from the stores with which to maintain some decorum whilst on board.

The ship, he informed her was near the conclusion of a voyage to map the islands of that area of ocean and was shortly to continue to port.

***** ***** ***** *****

Ahdi was in his hut with his wife. She was even louder and more aggressive than ever since the Goddess had deserted them and disappeared in the space-ship. The appearance of the Goddess had been a bad omen for him. She had blessed everyone on the island by the time that she had left, except for him and his wife. Since the first night and the ceremony of reception she had not given him any sign of approval.

There was a new leader now, so Ahdi was disregarded by everyone. His wife Lastri blamed him for their misfortunes and sneered at his pathetic efforts to find food now that he was not being provided with gifts from the islanders. She had even resorted to trading herself to the other villagers in order to gain food. What a come-down for the wife of the leader; what a humiliation for him. She bickered endlessly about everything he did. When she returned from her expeditions she always carried the scent of other men.

The hut with the new roof was now the centre of attention. The idiot Dwi even took command at the council meetings and officiated at the ceremonies such as weddings and funerals. But even Ahdi had to admit that the temple roof was a fine thing and had not let a single drip through during any of the recent storms of the wet season.

Lastri no longer allowed him to mate with her, telling him that he needed to supply food first. His life may as well be over.

***** ***** ***** *****

Lucy was working in the vegetable garden of her new house.

Bertie was finishing building a fence for a sheep pen and would shortly be joining her for supper. The house was small but would eventually be extended into a ranch with many rooms, a barn and store.

They had been re-united, in the port of the new colony. Bertie had survived the storm in a lifeboat with one other member of the crew and had been rescued by a passing ship after a week adrift. He had believed her lost at sea and was incredulous at her tale of survival.

Bertie had told his tale to the port authorities and messages had been passed to the ships passing in the area. However most vessels had little time for idly searching the many small islands; they kept a lookout but otherwise hurried on their way.

He spent long days at the dockside, waiting for news and watching for fair-haired women with prominent breasts. Then one day he had seen her, bewildered and walking down a gangway clothed in a naval uniform. Her hair was lighter and longer, her waist thinner but her ass was just as rounded as he remembered.

Their reunion had been a time of joyful ecstasy, she still barefoot and wearing the knee length tight white britches and a deep blue tunic with gold ribbons that pointed at her tanned cleavage.

Afterwards they had travelled to their allocated farmland and were now busily developing it into an enterprise that would provide for them and their children and their children's children in due course. She now had two children, one gorgeous dark haired daughter with brown skin and a beautiful small round nose and a happy wide smile. The other was a blond boy, who would be tall and blue-eyed like his father.

The children were playing inside out of the bright sunlight and it was time to prepare their food. She stood and wiped the earth from her hands. She walked to the fence where her clothes were hanging and dressed. Lucy found it much more comfortable and convenient to remove all her clothes when working outside. The feel of the soft but stony soil on her toughened feet, the breeze around her legs and the sun on her tanned shoulders were things that she saw no reason to stop enjoying.

She thought about what she would prepare for their evening meal. Not fish, for sure. Anything but fish.

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KelvinBlackKelvinBlackover 5 years ago

Nice tale... thanks for posting! :-)

BangbangLaDeshBangbangLaDeshover 5 years ago
A nice read.

What a great story. Thanks.

HectorBidonHectorBidonover 7 years ago
Nice story

Imaginative and well written. I really liked hearing the native's point of view--that Lucy was a goddess of fertility who brought blessings to every man she coupled with. Thanks.

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