Sexual Adventurers


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"That will be all thank you Ian," he said adding with a big smile at me. "I will look after Missus Moor and her every need." Ian left us and I was alone with Ash for the first time and in a hotel room, well actually a bloody great suite. That gave me goose bumps.

"Thank you for inviting us, well me," I blabbered feeling totally out of my depth and out of control.

"It is and will be all my pleasure, I assure you" Ash replied.

We chatted for a while exchanging such pleasantries as our health, my journey in from Hertfordshire and the results at Wimbledon so far. He asked if I would like some Champagne telling me that he had some Crystal on ice. As he was walking into the kitchen area of the massive apartment I remarked at how lovely it was and he told me that he always stays in it when in London. I cringed thinking how much it would cost.

"We pay a retainer so that it is always made available for me," he explained. I didn't bother asking how that worked, though I made a mental note to look up the rates when I got home. I had drifted a bit thinking about my knickers coming down and how much the suite must cost, but his rich, sexy voice brought me back to my senses. Well not actually to my senses for every time I heard him speak little shivers that got stronger each time, ran through my entire body. "It's more for the view," he said.

Then, placing his hand on the small of my back that my now sex addled mind recorded was right between my bra strap and the waist of my panties he said. "Come," and of course it is not hard to guess what that said to my sexually fertile mind.

As the feelings from his hand on my back, roared through my body, he led me over to the floor to ceiling, French windows that were open. He stood slightly behind me as we looked out over Green Park.

Purposefully tantalisingly, teasingly or simply forgetfully leaving his hand on my back I imagined, I think, that his fingertips were pressing and almost caressing me. I wanted to lean backwards and feel him against me or have him slide his hand downwards and cup the cheeks of bottom, but of course I did nothing other than say how lovely was the view.

Somewhat spoiling my reveries he asked.

"And how is Richard?"

"Oh he's fine."

"On his way to LA isn't he?"

"Yes, he is."

"He travels a great deal," he went on.

His hand was still on my back and the pressure from his fingers was feeling more obvious now. I reconciled in my mind that this must mean something for surely he could so easily have moved it away. 'Shit, he wants to touch me' I thought, my mind racing as what I had theoretically lusted for since meeting him seemed to move a stage nearer.

"Yes he does, too much," I replied sharply, half wanting to push myself back against his hand and half wanting to escape. This was crazy and getting worse. 'Was he just playing me?' I asked myself.

"Yes I tell him that too. Like there was no need to go to LA today."


"Yes I have someone out there who could have handled the business perfectly adequately."

"He has gone on your business?" I asked now feeling confused.

"Yes, but only a small deal."

"And you knew he was going?" I asked turning towards him noting that his hand slipped down and now rested on my hip.


"What, when you asked us to Wimbledon?" I babbled on feeling partly annoyed at being manipulated, partly excited at what that implied and partly scared of what might now be going to happen.

"Yes of course Cat," he said quietly looking me right in the eye and now quite obviously squeezing my hip as he added. "But I did not actually ask both of you to Wimbledon."

I was amazed at how this was coming out. Amazed, perplexed, slightly annoyed, but enormously aroused.

"What, did you mean just me to go there with you?"

"Yes, but not to Wimbledon. I asked if you would like to watch the final with me and I meant on this," he said pointing to a large plasma on the wall.

He laughed and edged his hand down a little.

"But why?"

"You must know why?" he responded moving slightly nearer to me.

Of course I did know why, but I did not dare acknowledge that to myself let alone him.

"You must feel it Cat, as I do. You must sense it as I do."

'Oh god stop, please, for fuck's sake stop,' I said to myself as his words washed over me and his hand slid round my waist a little further.

"You must see how we look at each other, how we can't drag our eyes away, how we cannot bear to look away."

'Stop it, shut up,' I said to myself or thought I did.

"You know you don't mean that Cat, you know you mean quite the opposite," he said as his hand slid right the way round my waist and he pulled me to him.

"No Ashiree, no, I do mean it."

"I can't Cat, I simply cannot stop," he said putting his other arm round me as well.

"You must, we must," I groaned, probably with little conviction.

"No Cat, we have to go on, we have to go further and have what we both want so badly," he said pointedly pulling me so that our stomachs pressed together. He was hard and he was big.

"Oh Ash," I groaned as his mouth hovered over mine.

"Say yes Cat, say you will."

"I can't I mustn't."

"You can Cat and you must," he said pressing his erection more firmly against me.

It felt so good and made me grunt with want.

"Ashiree this is madness."

"No Cat it is perfectly sane. I can tell that you want me. I saw it that first time at the Grosvenor. Tell me I am wrong."

I didn't reply, I couldn't; speech was probably beyond me.

"And I wanted you. When we danced I wanted to fuck you on the dance floor,"

"No, no, no."

"And when we finished I wanted to lay you on the table, push your dress up, take your panties down and suck you until I made you cum. Don't even try telling me that you have not thought of me doing that."

"No Ash, I haven't," I lied as his basic, but in my state almost poetic words filled my mind. No one had ever spoken to me like that before and I would have thought I would find it vulgar. I didn't. In fact I found it so attractive, persuasive and total appropriate to the situation that I wanted more and felt like joining in by saying. 'I have dreamt of holding your cock and having it fuck my cunt.'

He took hold of my head and turned it so I was looking directly into his eyes as he whispered.

"Tell me Cat, you have imagined us together, you have thought of me naked, you have imagined holding this."

He pushed his erection harder against my pubic bone, making me grunt and sending shock-waves of sexual need through me.

"You have thought of us both naked haven't you Cat?"

I didn't reply, I couldn't.

His mouth came close to mine and I knew that soon we would kiss.

"You have haven't you Cat you have thought of being naked in my arms, of me being inside you, admit it Cat you have visualised me fucking you haven't you?"

I could hardly think. My mind had gone blank other than to realise just how well he had read me. He had described most of the visualisations I had about him and me. His erotic words delivered by his velvety voice, as his gorgeous face was so close to mine and my stomach was pressed so firmly against his cock that seemed to grow by the moment, made for a heady mix of sensations. I felt as though I was in a trance. I lost the ability to think in a rational way or to behave how a, relatively, happily married forty something mother of two should conduct herself. Nothing seemed to matter other than Ash, his body, my need and sex. Sex and sexual gratification seemed to be at the heart of everything.

He kissed me. Right on the lips, with his mouth open and his tongue out. It was a rough kiss and rather half-heartedly I tried to stop him, but he knew that was not what I wanted.

"Tell me Cat, you want me don't you? You want us to fuck and all you are worried about are the stupid social conditionings. Forget them. You are like me, I saw it immediately we met, you are a sexual adventurer just as I am."

"Oh no, Ash, please stop," I moaned. Of course he didn't and truth be known I did not want him to.

"Forget Richard and forget Esthel, it is just us, just what we need to have. And that is each other," he said as both of his hands grasped the cheeks of my bum. It felt so good. "No one will ever know Cat, just you and me."

"Oh god Ash," I sighed involuntarily sucking on his bottom lip and writhing myself against his gorgeous hard on, before pushing him away, a little.

"Yes Cat, come with me, give into it. Give into what you want, what your body and mind needs. What you most desire Catherine," he said rubbing his erection against me sending even more rushes of desire through my body. He went on crashing his words into my mind "Forget the conventions, people like us are beyond them, they don't apply to us. All we require is pleasure and sexual satisfaction. I know it as well as you do, just admit it Cat, just let go and come with me."

He kissed me again and once more I fought him off, but rather more half-heartedly this time.

I could not get my mind round what he meant about us being alike, about conventions not applying to people like us and us being sexual adventurers. He was putting into words fantasies I had often thought of and, indeed, had started writing a story about.

One of his hands found my breast. Before I could object or do anything about, he was squeezing it and pinching my nipple. It was becoming too late to stop. The sensations he was sending through me were simply too intense, too extreme and too fucking lovely for me to resist.

I kissed him back and then groaned partly in frustration at how easily I was giving in and partly with excitement as his hand slid up the back of my skirt. My arms gripped him harder and as my hands and fingers found the tightness of his back and shoulders I moaned to myself at how wonderful his body felt. I had an almost irresistible urge to see it, run my hands over it and kiss and lick it. I knew that soon, when he was naked I would see that his body indeed was simply perfect.

His hand was on the back of my legs just under the hem of my skirt. He was pressing against where I had them tightly closed trying to get between them. I kept them closed, but now when he kissed me I did not resist. Our tongues clashed and duelled as I felt his hand creep further up the back of my legs. His other hand had somehow got inside my jacket and was squeezing my breast outside the black, lacy Perla bra.

I knew that I was going and that my resistance was waning. The combination of the enormous lust I had built up for him over the past few months, being alone with him, the words and phrases he was using to seduce me and his hands up my skirt and in my jacket were simply too much to resist.

"I have wanted you from the moment I saw you Cat, you know that don't you?" He asked oddly, I thought removing his hand from my jacket that, looking down I saw was open all the way down the front. I surprised myself as I had not noticed him doing that. "And I have seen in your eyes that you want me Cat. Isn't that the case?" He asked as I felt both his hands on the hem of my skirt. He was pulling the pencil skirt up my legs and I felt powerless to stop him. "Isn't it Cat, isn't it? You want me don't you Cat?" He went on and then stopped speaking for a few moments as so confidently he rolled the tight skirt up until it was mid-way between my knees and my bottom.

I groaned. "Oh God Ash."

I had never experienced a physical or verbal seduction like it. He continued with both.

"Tell me Cat, give in to what you want, tell me Cat, say it, say it."

"Say what Ash what do you want me so say?" I muttered as his hands holding my skirt reached my bottom.

"Tel me Cat, tell me you want me, please say it Cat, just say it."

"Oh Ash, yes, yes I do," I groaned slightly pissed off at how fully and seemingly easily he had got me to this state less than half hour after being alone with him in his suite.

He yanked on the skirt. It slid over my bottom and the five hundred pounds skirt was bunched round my waist.

"Do what Cat, what do you want me to do?" He asked gripping the bare cheeks of my bum.

"Sex Ash," I groaned as both my mind and body totally capitulated to this amazing man.

He ran his hands all over my bottom, flicked the slither of ridiculously flimsy and equally ridiculously expensive lace of the Perla thong then tried to slip his fingers between my legs. The fleshiness of my thighs stopped him, but he maintained the pressure. I did not move for a moment or two hoping in a way that my will power might return. I groaned with inward disappointment as without thought or consideration I opened them. With no further hesitation his fingers slid along the soaked, silky gusset sending tremors through the so sensitive lips of my pussy just beneath the surface.

"What sex Cat, tell me what you want us to do?"

Now I really was gone. I had no resistance, no desire to stop him and, I realised with a jolt, I had no inhibitions left.

"I want us to have sex Ash, I want you to fuck me."

Not only did me saying those words seem to send him into a frenzy, but they also drove any lingering inhibitions I held about what we were doing away from me.

He moaned.

"Oh Cat you sexy, fucking woman, yes I will fuck you and fuck you like you have never been fucked before. That's what you need and want isn't it?"

I believed him and grunted. "Yes Ash, yes I do."

He pushed my bra up and off my breasts so they were bare and available to him. He sucked one of my nipples into his mouth and pushed me backwards so that my bum was pressed against a round table in the middle of the room. Reaching down he got hold of my leg just above my knee and lifted me; I guessed what he wanted to do so I put my hand on the table and helped him lift me so that my bottom was on the edge of it.

With my nipple still in his mouth he fumbled in the folds of the skirt bunched round my waist. At the same time my need to see and feel him became greater. I pushed his face from my tits and frantically, it felt, started clumsily undoing the buttons on his shirt. Between us we got that off and I gasped with delight, admiration and sheer lust when I saw his toned chest. It was slightly hairy, just as I like a man's torso to be and each muscle was defined, though not bulky like a body builder. He was absolutely gorgeous. I ran my hands over sighing and whimpering as my fingertips seemed to be getting a series of electric shocks. I kissed his breasts and nibbled gently on each nipple before whispering something I had never before said to a man

"You are beautiful Ash."

"But nothing compared to your beauty," he grunted back as he pulled me against him squashing my tits against his wonderful chest

We kissed again. This time our urgency was even greater and it became more of a slurping of our lips together than a kiss, but it was just right for the circumstances.

His hands found the elastic of the waist band of my thong and started pulling on it. However, with my bottom flat against the table he could hardly move it so I lifted myself up. With no further ceremony or discussion he pulled the thong down so that it was almost round my knees. Pushing me back so I was nearly laying on the table, he roughly yanked my skirt up and pushed my legs open.

"Oh Cat you have a beautiful cunt," he said running his fingers along the lips.

Just as I had not told anyone that he was beautiful before so no man had ever told me that I had a beautiful cunt. Somehow the use of that mostly vulgar word seemed absolutely perfect in the circumstances. The compliment made me feel good as did the way he was staring at and running his fingers up and down its soaked length. Grabbing my ankles he lifted them up and slid the thong off and dropped it on the carpet. So much for me wearing underwear to be undressed in; my bra was round my neck and my panties had been removed and discarded without him hardly looking at me in them.

Now I had seen his upper body I wanted more, I wanted to see all of him, feel and touch him and have his nakedness up against me. And of course in my heightened state of sexual arousal I wanted to see and feel his cock. My hand reached out for him and I grasped it through the thin material of his trousers. It felt good.

"Yes Cat take it, it's yours," he said as between us we fumbled his belt undone and got his zip down. He shrugged the trousers off and I saw with a strange excitement that he was not wearing underpants. With an even greater, and certainly not strange excitement, at last I saw the cock in reality as opposed to the many times I had seen and held it in my fantasies. If anything it was bigger and better, it was quite the most delicious looking cock I had ever seen. Taking it my hand, I looked into his eyes and said smiling.

"Oh Ash you have a beautiful cock."

He was one of those rare men that could accept compliments graciously and without appearing arrogant. 'Probably' I thought because they were true and he was used to hearing them. He grinned.

"So we are both beautiful there," he replied adding. "And you are here too," as he once more sucked my nipple into his mouth.

I put my arm round his shoulders trying to pull him more firmly onto my breast. It felt so full and heavy, it was hot and tingling and my horrendously swollen nipples were aching to be sucked and chewed. Ash wriggled his way between my legs that rather crudely he pushed wide open.

"Now Cat I am going to fuck you," He grunted.

"Yes Ash," I grunted back as he put one arm round me with his hand on my bare bum and held his cock with the other.

"You have no fear of disease Cat as I am checked weekly and I know you are clean, so we do not need to bother ourselves with protection," he said slightly haughtily, but nevertheless sensibly. I was relieved.

There was little further delay or foreplay. Quickly the bulbous head of his cock was pushed against me and then with a shrug of his hips it was roaring up my insides. It was bigger and thicker than any other cock that had been in me. It stretched me and gave me the feeling of being filled to over flowing. That was so different and so exciting.

He now had both arms round me holding my buttocks with his hands that were pulling me more tightly onto him. Without thinking I wrapped my legs round his waist and my arms round his neck. We kissed and then he started to fuck me properly.

He was right, I had never been fucked like this before. Whether it was his girth, the way I was so stretched, the long agonising build up over several months or simply the almost ferocious way he slammed himself in and almost out of me, I have no idea, but quickly I was near to a climax. The sensations were so strong and so extreme that my orgasm started after hardly more than half a dozen or so thrusts. I was moaning, groaning, sighing and whimpering as Ash held me tight and slowed down. That made the rising fury of my orgasm abate a little and he held me there as he squeezed my breasts. He did that several more times so that my mind and body were held just under the peak of an orgasm for what seemed an age. It was the most gorgeous set of feelings I could recall having with sex.

As I languished in that delectable state so we kissed each other on the mouth and chests and caressed and fondled each other, sighing and groaning with the pleasure we were giving and receiving.

At one time, he as good as removed himself from me leaving just the bulbous head between my lips. We both looked down and he said.

"Stroke it Cat."

I did as he asked. Feeling my wetness on his hardness and hearing the sharp intake of breath as I ran my fingernails along the side of his cock emboldened me. Running my fingers along the bottom of it I found and cradled his balls in my hand; I love the feel of that. Extending my forefinger I reached between his legs and gently scratched that patch of skin between the back of his scrotum and his bum.