Save Me!


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Sabrina managed to get through her school day without incident, but her mind was constantly returning to that moment when she had found her mouth filled with daddy-dick. She was torn. On the one hand, she had rather enjoyed it. On the other, she dreaded that her father would somehow figure out what had happened. Even though there was no rational reason, she imagined he would be mad if he knew. As a result, she was very uneasy when he called her that afternoon.

"Hello?" she answered the phone nervously.

"Hey, Pumpkin," her father said with a long sigh. "Look, I'm really sorry, but I have to pull another long day here at the office. Can you pick up groceries?"

"Sure, Daddy," she replied automatically. Her voice practically dripped with her relief.

"I may not be home for dinner," he went on, "so don't wait for me. I'll call as soon as I get done here, okay?"

"Okay," she replied.

Sabrina did not take long with the grocery shopping. She wasn't terribly hungry for dinner, so she had a sandwich and chips with a soda. All that evening, she wondered how tired her father would be when he got home. Her tongue worked around her lips and inside her mouth as she imagined taking her father's cock into her mouth again.

However, she was terribly tired after not getting much sleep the night before. She wound up falling asleep on the couch long before her father finally called that night. Phil was only slightly surprised when she did not answer the phone—it was almost midnight, after all. Still, he decided to head home and check on Sabrina before going to the gym.

When he pulled into the parking lot, he could see through the window that the lights were still on and it made him nervous. Like most parents, there was that part of his mind that invariably dredged up the worst-case scenario. He chewed his lip as he parked the car and hustled to the front door of the apartment. He breathed out a sigh of relief when he unlocked the door and saw his daughter asleep on the couch. Then he felt bad; she had obviously waited up for him and he hadn't been there for her.

"Only three more days," he muttered to himself as he approached the couch. "Three more days and this project will be finished. Then I can stop killing myself with these hours and spend more time with my daughter."

As was so often the case, Sabrina was wearing only a thin, long t-shirt and panties. Phil smiled down at his daughter. She was so beautiful. Once again, his mind refused to acknowledge what his eyes were drinking in: his gaze swept over her magnificent breasts and hard nipples, and on down to the generous curve of her hip. He gently lifted her in his arms and carried her into her room, depositing her on her bed and tenderly covering her with the sheet.

"Sweet dreams, Pumpkin," he whispered before retreating and closing her door.

It took a few minutes for him to realize that he was sporting an erection. Once again, he failed to connect his arousal with the curvaceous teenager in the next room. He was tired and not thinking clearly at all when he changed into his workout shorts and tank top. It wasn't until he stepped out into the freezing cold that he regained his senses.

"What the hell am I doing?" he asked aloud, stepping quickly back inside and closing the front door loudly. Phil muttered to himself as he made his way to the kitchen, quickly sucking down his workout supplements with a glass of water. His workout would have to wait.

Within a half hour, he was sound asleep in his bed.

Sabrina started awake when she heard the front door, and was surprised to find herself in her bed. She lay awake and listened to her father muttering to himself out in the kitchen. A smile played over her lips and she got to her feet and tiptoed to her bedroom door. She eased the door open and gasped softly when she saw her father. His thin workout shorts did nothing to hide the bulging erection that tented out the front outrageously. Somehow he seemed oblivious to it as he gulped down his pills, powder, and water.

She continued to watch silently. She didn't know if he was preparing to leave for the gym or if he had just gotten home following a workout. He didn't appear to be sweaty, so she expected him to leave. Instead, he ran his hand over his face and walked to his bedroom, closing the door behind him. Her eyes had been glued to the front of his shorts as he walked by, and she licked her lips hungrily once again.

If Phil had just glanced to his right as he walked by, he would have seen his daughter salivating and staring at his crotch. He hadn't, of course. Instead, he had blearily walked to his bed and rolled into it without a coherent thought in his head. By the time Sabrina peeked in his doorway to check on him, he was already snoring softly.

Sabrina stood there torn with indecision and lust for several minutes. In the end, it was exhaustion that made up her mind for her. Too tired to think clearly, she stumbled back to her own bed to dream about her father's thick, throbbing cock.

* * *

The next morning came far too early for either of them. Father and daughter both stumbled out of bed blearily in response to their alarms, almost running into each other on their way to the bathroom. Sabrina's eyes locked on the morning wood standing proudly at attention in front of her and Phil's eyes took in her throbbing nipples for a brief moment before he turned and headed out to the kitchen.

"I'll use the bathroom after you're done," he said. Then he busied himself making a pot of fresh coffee.

Sabrina quickly showered and retreated to her bedroom to get dressed. Phil took his turn next. Both were remarkably quick. They shared a brief breakfast before heading out the door.

After school, Sabrina hung out with three of her friends at Connie's house. She was obviously tired and her friends gently commented about it.

"Seriously, Sabrina," Connie said with a sad shake of her head, "You should just go home and take a nap. You look like you're about to fall over."

Sabrina nodded and gave her friends perfunctory hugs before heading out to her car. She looked at herself in the rear-view mirror. "Damn, they're right," she said softly. She drove home and stripped down to her thong panties. She was so tired that she didn't even bother to put on a shirt; she just slid into her bed and fell fast asleep.

* * *

Phil wasn't doing much better, despite his impressive intake of coffee. Fortunately, he had managed to get so much work done during the past few weeks that he was now waiting on his colleagues to catch up to him. Bob, the office manager, popped his head in the doorway to Phil's office just before five in the evening.

"Jesus, Phil, what are you still doing here?" Bob asked. At Phil's uncomprehending look, he went on, "Phil, you need to get some rest. Give the rest of your team some time to get caught up. I'm heading home, and so should you. Seriously, man, you look like you need a good night's sleep. Get out of here."

Phil nodded and yawned before getting up out of his seat. "That's probably a good idea, Bob," he mumbled in acknowledgement. Still, he did stop at the gym for his usual workout routine before making his way home. That workout and shower served to help get his mind focused, but his reflection in the mirror as he dried off let him know that Bob was right. He needed sleep.

Phil arrived at the apartment and shivered as he shook off the snow just outside the front door. He was grateful that it was so warm in their apartment as soon as he stepped inside. He hung up his coat and stripped off his work clothes en route to his bedroom. He was down to his underwear and socks after pulling his slacks off, and he draped his dress shirt, tie and pants over his right forearm. Abruptly, he realized that he had not seen Sabrina since that morning, but he had seen her car in the parking lot. He tapped lightly on her bedroom door and pushed it open.

What he saw caused him to suck in his breath in disbelief. It was just his daughter in her bed, but he had never seen her like this! She had pushed the covers aside in her sleep and now lay on her back with one leg slightly raised. Her voluptuous breasts were bared in all their glory and the thin strip of her thong panties was drawn up between the lips of her moist sex.

Phil stood frozen and staring as his eyes drank in the sensual beauty his daughter had become. He felt his hard cock spring free out of the front of his boxers, and it was that distraction that finally broke the spell he had been under. He carefully closed the door to his daughter's bedroom with a shaky hand and retreated on suddenly wobbly legs to his own bedroom.

He quickly hung up his dress slacks and tie, and tossed his dress shirt and socks into the laundry hamper. His mind was in turmoil as exhaustion warred with taboo arousal. Normally if he had been this turned on he would simply have masturbated and gone to sleep afterward. He was so hard it was impossible to ignore, but he could not bring himself to jack off while thinking about his own daughter. It disgusted him that he was so aroused and he could not stop picturing Sabrina's body.

Exhaustion won out and he fell asleep, but his dreams were pornographic and featured his daughter prominently. His hand found his hard cock beneath the covers and teased it while he slept. Phil moaned helplessly in his sleep as his sweet baby girl took his hard cock in her weakly protesting mouth. Then she was moaning, "Daddy, please don't," as he bent her over and took her from behind.

The dream went on and on as he forced his daughter to take his hard dick in her mouth and tight pussy all over the apartment. All the while, he was muttering, "No! I can't be doing this. This is so wrong." Even as his mouth uttered those words, his fingertips squeezed the head of his aroused cock.

After an hour of deeply troubled sleep, Phil awoke with a start and released his erection as if it were a poisonous snake. He groggily got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. Once he had relieved his bladder, his erection had subsided enough that he could tuck it back into his boxers. His face looked haunted as he washed his hands and then his face. He felt absolutely disgusted with himself.

Phil dried his hands and face and returned to his bed, rolling onto his side and falling back into exhausted slumber. His hips pumped beneath the covers, but when he awoke he would not recall those dreams.

* * *

Sabrina awoke a couple of hours later. She felt refreshed after her five-hour "nap" but felt a little guilty when she saw it was dark outside. She absently rubbed one of her nipples as she sat up and looked around her room. When she caught sight of her reflection in the bedroom mirror, her big pale breasts were obvious even in the dim light. She hefted them in her hands and shook her head. How had her father failed to notice them?

She sighed after she released those mesmerizing orbs and slid out of bed. She pulled one of her favorite t-shirts out of her dresser, pulled it over her head and glanced briefly at her reflection again before leaving her room. She flipped on a light switch and the light fixture in the living room fan came on along with a lamp in the corner. A glance out the window showed her that her father's car was parked next to hers. She was glad he was home this early.

It was not quite eight o'clock; it would be a late dinner. Sabrina tapped on her father's bedroom door before pushing it open. He was sleeping fitfully and she didn't want to disturb him, so she let him sleep while she made dinner.

The sound and smells of chicken sizzling in the skillet drifted in through Phil's partially open door and roused him. He sat up and yawned, taking note of the time. A sense of relief flooded through him when he could not recall any "inappropriate" dreams. In fact, he could not recall any dreams at all. However, he was slightly sweaty from rolling around in his bed beneath the heavy down comforter. He stripped off his boxers and put on a fresh pair, followed by a pair of his lightweight workout shorts and a t-shirt.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Sabrina joked as she saw her father emerge from his bedroom.

He gave her a dazzling grin. "Thanks for making dinner," he replied. "It smells delicious."

Sabrina grinned back and returned her attention to the food cooking on the stove. She missed it when the grin abruptly disappeared from her father's face and he stared at her tits so prominently displayed beneath her thin t-shirt. Phil was shaken. It wasn't just that his daughter's breasts were clearly visible through the fabric—he easily recognized the t-shirt as one she wore all the time.

This salacious display had been going on for a long time and he had completely failed to notice it. He knew right away he was in trouble. How on earth was he going to keep from staring at those amazing tits? He managed to return his gaze to her face before she could catch him ogling her, but then he felt his cock hardening. He was recalling his dream from earlier, when he had been feeding his cock into her mouth.

Throughout dinner, he tried not to look at his daughter at all. When she addressed him, he kept his eyes carefully locked on hers and did his best to smile. After they had eaten, Phil washed the dishes while Sabrina went out to the living room. Phil could not help but stare when she bent over in front of the television to pick up the remote. She was still wearing that same tiny thong he had seen her in earlier. From this angle, he could easily see her asshole briefly before she turned and plopped down on the couch.

"Jesus," he muttered softly, shaking his head as he put the last of the silverware into the dish rack.

When he looked up again, she was smiling and looking right at him. He gave her another grin as he dried his hands. When he came out from behind the counter, she patted the couch cushion next to her.

"Come on, Daddy," she said brightly. "We have time to watch some more of those Baywatch episodes before we go back to bed."

"Sounds good," he replied. He just didn't know what else to say.

No sooner had he sat down than Sabrina slid over into his lap. Phil was about to protest, but it died in his throat. His daughter had been sitting in his lap just like this every time they watched television together. She leaned back against his chest just like she always did, resting her head on his right shoulder so that he could watch the screen over her left shoulder. However, this time he was aware that he could see the pale skin of her cleavage down her shirt, and her perky nipples were likewise on full display through the thin material.

Phil kept flexing the muscles in his thighs, willing his dick to stay down. He tried focusing on the screen, but that was no help. Each time his legs tensed, those thick cords of muscle pressed into Sabrina's soft bottom. She couldn't recall her father doing that before, and it was distracting her. Whenever he flexed those muscles, they pressed against her ass cheeks and forced them apart. His thighs were spreading her open right there on his lap, and it was turning her on.

As she so often did, Sabrina slowly turned her head to take in her father's face. It was the first time he noticed her doing it, but he kept his gaze firmly fixed on the television screen. Then he stifled a gasp when she slowly started wiggling her bottom into his lap. He flexed his thighs again, but it was to no avail. Phil's mind raced as he tried to come up with an excuse to get his daughter out of his lap before she noticed how hard he was getting.

Then he froze and bit his lip. He could feel his rising erection touching his daughter through their clothes and there was nothing he could do about it. Sabrina's soft wiggling bottom pressed against him even more insistently then, and Phil's eyes widened in disbelief when he heard her coo softly. He could feel the moist heat emanating from her and realized that she was pressing the shaft of his cock right between her soft pussy lips.

He had an epiphany then. For years he had played it off when he got hard around his daughter, acting as though it wasn't happening. She had known all along. Not only that, but she had evidently been enjoying rubbing up against it for some time. Her breathing got heavier and her hips picked up speed as she slowly worked his inflamed shaft against her drenched thong.

Phil was captivated and could not believe what he was seeing. His daughter was panting softly, working her hips in his lap. Her impressive breasts heaved right in front of him, and her nipples were completely hard and pressing out the fabric of her shirt. His mouth watered at the sight.

He was as hard as he could ever remember being, and he was getting a lap dance from the sexiest young woman he had ever seen. Phil almost came in his pants when he watched his daughter writhe through an impressive orgasm on his cock. She started to turn her head slowly to look at him again, so he snapped his attention back to the screen. He tried not to laugh; he had never been so turned on by a GEICO commercial before...

Then he did let out a chuckle, but it seemed appropriate. The commercial had been amusing. He reached for the remote and pressed pause before gently pushing Sabrina up from his lap. She leaned forward slightly as she got her legs beneath her, and that moment showed Phil just how open and wet she was down there.

"Sorry, Pumpkin," he murmured. "I really need to go to the bathroom."

She just nodded as she struggled to catch her breath. Her eyes were glued to the obscene bulge tenting out the front of her father's shorts, and for once he noticed. He turned and walked to the bathroom and wondered how long this had been going on.

Phil stood in front of the toilet willing his erection to go down. He had not actually needed to pee; he just needed to think. For a fleeting moment he considered taking a cold shower. Instead, he settled for splashing cold water in his face at the sink. This time when he looked at his face in the mirror, his expression was not marred by self-loathing and disgust. It was concern and confusion that blinked back at him through the beads of water.

What am I going to do? he asked himself silently. The guy in the mirror didn't look like he had any answers or words of wisdom to offer.

Out in the living room, Sabrina had been listening for the flush of the toilet. She had pulled her thong to the side as soon as her father closed the bathroom door and buried two fingers inside her inflamed pussy. She barely managed to pull her fingers out and cover her lap with the t-shirt when she heard the bathroom door open. Her eyes frantically sought him out as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom, but then she had to fight back a giggle. The front of his shorts was drenched.

"What happened, Dad? Didn't quite make it?" she asked.

He looked down at his soaked crotch and groaned in embarrassment. They both knew what had happened. He had stood with his crotch pressed against the sink while he washed his face, and the water had gotten onto the counter before soaking into the absorbent cotton of his shorts. They shared a chuckle as he walked past the couch.

Phil suppressed a shudder as he walked by. He could smell his daughter's arousal.

"Give me a second and I'll get changed," he muttered.

Alone in his bedroom, Phil stripped off the wet shorts and boxers and contemplated his stubborn erection. Then he remembered that his daughter had bought him some pajamas for Christmas. He hadn't worn them before, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity for him to do so. It seemed safer than just wearing boxers or shorts. He grinned at the irony when he opened the plastic packaging. The pajamas were from a company named Joe Boxer. He quickly pulled on the warm pajama pants and then took off his t-shirt and pulled the pajama shirt over his head.