Quarter to Midnight Pt. 02

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Jealousy and violence, and Renée gives Aaron a choice.
9.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/30/2021
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Aaron packed his travel bag and watched through the window as Renée flipped a page. She was belly-down on a towel spread on the patio. Maybe he should ask where her little red bikini came from. He zipped the bag, found his phone, and sent Renée a text. "I'm about ready to go."

Renée shielded her flip phone from the sun while she checked her message. She left "To Kill a Mockingbird" face down to save her place, and Aaron heard the kitchen door open and close again.

There were soft footsteps outside his bedroom door. "When are you comin'— coming home?"

"The way it's scheduled, We'll have their main witness in cross until Thursday, and I'll come home that night."

Renée stopped beside Aaron's bed. "My finals are Friday. This is my shot at maybe being normal. What if I don't have a lot of time to take care of you?"

"Take the day off. I'll get along." Aaron grasped Renée's elbow, and she lurched closer. "There's a couple things I want before I go, and I don't have much time." He wrapped an arm around Renée's bare waist, and he would have pulled her against his chest, but she got her arms between them.

Aaron inhaled the sweet scent of Renée's sweat from her throat and her back, and he untied the bows that held her bikini top. "I've never seen you completely naked. I want to see all of you."

"Use your imagination." Renée pushed her arms up and shoved on Aaron's jaw until he let her step back. She held her top in place, but Aaron pulled it out of her hands, and then she covered her breasts with her arms.

"I said, I don't have much time." Aaron shoved Renée onto the bed and knelt beside her. He pressed her into the mattress with one hand while he stripped her bikini bottom off her kicking legs.

Renée relaxed once Aaron had her naked. She watched him inhale the scent from her panties, and she laid back on the mattress while his eyes traveled over her body. She was firm and sleek from head to toe.

He touched the trimmed and shaved delta between her legs. "You look good enough to eat, but I don't have time for that now."

Renée pushed his hand away. "Now you have me naked. What's the other thing?" Aaron tucked his forefinger under Renée's jaw and watched her expression while he stroked her lips with his thumb. She bit him when he pushed his thumb into her mouth. The pain was just a tease.

Aaron sat down on the edge of the bed, and Renée squawked in surprise when he pulled her off the mattress and forced her to her knees in front of him.

"I want you to suck my cock." He knotted his fingers in her hair and bent forward to kiss her lips while he unzipped his pants and kissed her ear. She pushed away, but couldn't break his grip, and Aaron pinched her nose. "Open wide, sunshine."

Renée looked up at Aaron for a moment before he pushed her mouth down on his cock. He held her head in both hands and groaned at the ceiling, and Renée grunted through her nose while he shoved his cock to the back of her throat.

Aaron let go of Renée's head when she started gagging, and she pushed his hands away. "Look, I can make this better for you than you can." She wrapped both hands around his shaft. "Just keep your hands off my head."

Renée kissed the tip of Aaron's cock then slipped it between her lips and over her tongue. She pumped his shaft in her hands, worked her tongue around his sensitive curves, and bobbed her head over his lap, faster with each stroke.

"Oh my God!" was all Aaron could say. He fell back on the mattress, and the sudden tension in his muscles made him lift his knees apart. He arched his back and closed his eyes. Bright fireworks exploded in his head, and his contractions fired hot cum into Renée's mouth.

Renée pumped him and tickled her tongue around his cock until he was empty. His body relaxed, and Renée climbed to her feet. She spit him into the bathroom sink and rinsed her mouth, and when she was done she found Aaron standing by the bed, zipping his pants.

Aaron pulled her to him. "You're damned good at that." He kissed her mouth, but she pushed him away and slapped his face. He laughed at her. "That'll give me a lot to think about while I'm in McAllen."

Renée watched Aaron wheel his travel bag down the hallway. She waited until the door closed behind him and threw herself on his bed. She laid still for a moment before she realized that she could smell Aaron on his pillow and on his sheets.

She twisted her naked body around to pull Aaron's pillow out of the sheets, held it against her chest and inhaled his scent while she pinched her nipple and pulled. Her nipple stiffened, and she slid her hand down between her legs. She was as wet as she'd imagined; her fingers made sloppy sounds while she worked them in her vagina then touched them to her hot button.

Renée didn't tease herself. She flicked her wet fingers over her hood in just the rhythm she knew would work. She breathed Aaron's scent, moaned his name, and imagined that it was his tongue that danced on her clit and that his thick cock was poised to fill her.

The room went black for Renée, and she writhed and screamed into Aaron's pillow while she came. She was limp once the contractions passed, and she laid still to catch her breath.

Renée probably fell asleep, but she wasn't sure. She sat up on the side of the bed and realized that she still had that mockingbird to kill. Renee pushed her hair back out of her face and found her red bikini bottom where Aaron tossed it. She put on a shirt from his unwashed laundry and carried his pillow to the little house out back.

It wasn't until Thursday that she made Aaron's bed and tucked the pillow back where it came from. She'd slept with it for four nights, and now it smelled more like her than like Aaron. She talked out loud, as if his bed might answer. "I wonder if it'll turn him on. I wonder if he'll even notice."

Her questions couldn't be answered until Friday morning, and they weren't on her mind when Friday morning came.

Aaron rolled over and buried his face in the pillow he'd been sleeping on, and Renée was on his mind when he sat up on the edge of the bed. He found his phone on the bedside table and texted her. "When are your tests? Have you had breakfast?"

He was washing his face when Renée answered. "One at ten. One at two. I'm too nervous to eat."

"You dweeb. You need to eat. I'll bring you something."

Aaron dried his face and called Bert. "It's already been a long week. Does it cause a lot of trouble if I work from home today? No? Great. You know where to reach me."

He made breakfast for Renée, he made lunch for Renée, and he made sure she ate them both. Cereal and sandwiches were about the limit of his kitchen skills, so dinner would be a problem. When the clock turned over two o'clock, he was on the phone with Bert, and then with Bert's assistant.

The clock turned over 2:50, and he heard a whoop from the back house. Renée was done, but Aaron had his phone in one hand, and he searched his emails with the other.

Renée slammed through the kitchen door, and Aaron shushed her to finish his call. She dropped into a chair at the kitchen table and waited. A half-hour later she was restless and annoyed, and in another fifteen minutes she was angry and out the door again.

Aaron did what he could to finish schedules and flight plans for the next week, and then he sent a text to Renée. "Sorry, Bert had issues. How did the test go? Do you want to talk?"

There was no answer. Maybe Renée was napping, or showering. Aaron waited until almost five before he sent again "Do you want to talk?"

Renée's answer came right away. "Nah. It's not important."

Aaron groaned. It felt like he'd made a mistake, so maybe he'd just move on and fix the problem later. "What do we have for dinner tonight?"

"You have stuff for a green salad, salmon and whatever you want to do with potatoes. I'm off today, remember?"

Maybe Aaron could make a green salad, but he needed to wash lettuce. He went looking for the colander, opened one cabinet, and then another, and texted again. "Where's the damned colander? I think I'll just go to Jack's."

There was a little lag before Renée answered. "It's in the lower cabinet beside the fridge. Isn't Jack's where your bunch goes? If you go alone, then you're going to look like the biggest loser in the room."

Renée was right. Aaron dropped into a kitchen chair with his phone between his knees. "Would you come with me?"

"Give me a half-hour to get ready."

It took more than a half hour, and Aaron was pacing in the dining room when Renée opened the door. She stopped Aaron when he reached for her arm. "Don't touch." There was a little bitterness in her voice. "You're the homeowner. I'm the housekeeper."

Renée didn't look like the housekeeper. She wore black, high-heeled pumps, and a sparkling black dress that hugged her hips and didn't go to mid-thigh. She held a matching little purse in one hand, and she let him look.

"I am so going to touch you." Renée pulled away once, but then let Aaron slip his hand around her arm and guide her to the door. "Where did this outfit come from?"

"Mrs Grainger was getting rid of it. Can you imagine that she fit into this once?"

Aaron didn't want to imagine Mrs. Grainger in the outfit. He wanted to see Renée in it, and picture her out of it. She was a smiling decoration on his arm while the hostess led them through the restaurant. He introduced her to people he knew without telling them she was his housekeeper, and then he settled her into a seat far from the bar and kitchen.

Renée needed attention, and Aaron thought he gave it to her. He hung on every word she said, and he watched her smile, his eyes searched her lips and the long lines of her throat, and he watched the way her bare breasts moved under her dress.

Their plates were nearly empty when a laugh from behind Renée caught Aaron's attention. "Jules is coming this way," he said. "She's more my in-house competition than she is my friend, but we usually play nice."

He looked up when Jules stopped beside their table, as if he hadn't seen her. "Aaron! Pete told me you were here with a new date. You have to introduce us."

Aaron sat back and smiled. "This is my friend, Renée Sand." He motioned to Jules. "This is Julie Harrington from my office. We call her Jules."

Renée smiled at Jules and gave Aaron a sideways glance. "I'm not really his date. I'm his housekeeper. I came with him so he wouldn't look like a loser."

"Isn't that what friends are for?" Jules touched Aaron's shoulder. "But you ... Five seconds ago you looked like the biggest winner in the place. Now, not so much."

Jules laughed and left them at the table, and Aaron glared at Renée. "Why did you tell her that?"

"Does the truth hurt?" Renée sat back with her hands on the edge of the table. "Are we going to order dessert, or should I go to the girls room now?"

"I'll get dessert at home." Aaron watched heads turn as Renée found the restroom, and then he got the waiter's attention.

Aaron had the bill paid and was standing by the table when Renée came back. His grip on Renée's arm was tighter when he led her out of the restaurant than it was when he led her in. He stopped by the car. "You never told me why you did that."

"You're kinda hurting my arm." Aaron held on when Renée tried to pull away. "Look, it was nice of you to listen to me go on like that, but I was only there so it looked like you had a life. It didn't make up for the way you ignored me this afternoon. You made me feel like crap. Maybe now we're even."

"Dammit. I took care of you all day, and then I was busy." Aaron set his jaw and didn't have a word to say until he turned the car off at home. His hand on Renée's shoulder kept her from climbing out. "Stay there. I'll come get you."

Renée didn't want to wait for whatever Aaron had in mind, but he caught her climbing out of the car, twisted her arm behind her back and held her close. She rasped in his ear. "I'm going to scream," but she never did. He pulled her through the darkened foyer before she got away from him, but he caught her again before she got to the dining room.

Aaron held Renée against him, and bent down to talk with his lips nearly brushing hers. "The pillow I slept on last night smelled good. I couldn't tell what it was, but it made me think of you." Renée turned her head away, and he brushed her cheek and her throat with his hot breath. He inhaled from her hair and her shoulder. "It was your scent. Did you sleep in my bed while I was gone?"

Renée ground her spike heel into Aaron's foot, and pounded his chest with her fist. She struggled away, but he caught her again by the sofa and trapped her body against him with his arm around her waist.

"I didn't sleep in your bed." She gasped for breath while Aaron pulled the zipper down the back of her dress. "I took your pillow to my bed, and I slept with you between my legs every night. Too bad you missed it, loser."

Renée tried to push Aaron's hands away while he peeled the dress off her breasts. It was draped around her hips when he pinned her arms back and forced her down onto the sofa. He studied her face in the dark. "You're kind of a fucking bitch, but you're my fucking bitch."

Aaron kissed Renée's throat and her ear while she arched her back and tried to pull away. He covered her mouth with his and pushed his tongue between her lips. Renée tried to turn away, but a moment later he'd found her soft tongue with his, and both of them were panting for breath.

Renée groaned when Aaron broke their kiss. He held her off the cushion and kissed her throat and her shoulder, and she moaned when he took her tit in his mouth. At least for that moment, she wasn't fighting him anymore. He pressed her into the cushion with his weight and dragged her nipple between his teeth while he pulled her dress up and reached between her legs.

"What are you doing?" Renée caught her breath at the sound of her nylons tearing. "Oh, God! I'm so going to charge you for that." Her pussy was hot and wet. He pushed two fingers into her and squeezed her in his hand.

Aaron let go of Renée's tit while he freed his cock. It throbbed to be inside Renée, but it had to wait. He pushed her skirt up to her waist, lifted her knees, and buried his face between her legs with her pumps kicking on his back.

Renée gripped Aaron's head and held him between her thighs while he lapped up her savory nectar. He sucked the wet folds between her legs and then his tongue danced over her hardened clit. She bucked and groaned while he sucked her. She caught her breath, and spasms rippled through her body.

Aaron struggled to keep Renée in his mouth and under his tongue until her orgasm passed. Her chest heaved as she relaxed, and Aaron climbed over her with his cock in hand, poised to fill her. He pushed his nose under her ear and bit her throat.

Renée tried to squirm away, and Aaron laughed in her ear. "We're staying right here." He grasped her arm and turned her over. He pushed her face into a throw pillow, and she grasped the cushion with both hands.

Aaron shoved his hand between Renée's legs to lift her butt, thrust his cock deep between her wet lips, and joined their bodies together. Aaron turned Renée's head to see her pretty face. She closed her eyes and her mouth fell open. He bent over her to taste her skin and inhale her scent.

The sounds Renée made came in time with the rhythm of Aaron's hips slapping against her ass. Her arms slipped their grip on the cushion, her shoes fell to the floor. Renée's fingers and toes curled as her muscles tightened again. His bitch screamed his name into the pillow. His bitch bit his arm when she came.

Aaron wrapped Renée in his heat. He gripped her hair to pull her head back. His thrusts flattened her into the cushions, and he snorted in her ear. Her bull bellowed in the dark. Her bull pounded his essence into her hot cunt.

Renée squirmed from under Aaron as his body relaxed, and his softening cock slipped out of her. She stood by the sofa with his cum trickling down her leg, tried to cover her breasts and her torn nylons with her sparkly black dress, and escaped to her little house.

* * *

The morning light woke Aaron. He rolled onto his back and pulled the Renée-scented pillow over his face for a moment then tossed it away and noticed her bite on his arm. It meant more summer days in high collars and long sleeves while he waited for her marks to fade.

Aaron heard noise in the kitchen when he got out of the shower. He pulled on some jeans and followed the sounds to Renée. She turned away from the sausage links sizzling on the stove. "I heard you start the shower. I'm getting ready to make pancakes. How many do you want?"

"I'm hungry. Make it four." He watched her mix the batter. "I know you aced your tests, but when is it official?"

"The grades'll be posted on Monday." She poured batter onto the griddle and turned around. "Mrs. Grainger is having a little graduation party for me on Tuesday. Are you going to be here?" Aaron shook his head, and Renée turned back to the stove. "Of course not."

Renée set a plate in front of him and sat down across the table with her own. She picked up her fork then saw the mark she left on Aaron's arm. "I was getting off really hard when I did that. Do you need to bandage it?" She reached across the table and almost touched him.

"You didn't break the skin, so I'll just keep it covered." He shoved a fork full of pancakes dripping with maple syrup into his mouth then swallowed hard. "I can't be at the party, but I can take you to the mall and get you a graduation present."

"So, spoil me if you want." Renée skewered a piece of sausage and looked at it for a moment. "What are you doing this week?"

"Flying out tomorrow. I might be the only guy in Hidalgo County in long sleeves. We have closing arguments this week, and I should be back late Thursday."

"Maybe I should get a dog to keep me company." Renée gestured with her fork. "This is the Simmons' morning, but I'm good this afternoon. What I'd really like—more than a trip to the mall—are the keys to your car. That way I wouldn't have to walk or take the bus on errands."

"My car?" Aaron squirmed in his seat.

"Oh God, Aaron!" Renée gestured around them. "You're sharing everything else. What's with the car?"

"My car seems more personal."

"More personal than your dick? You didn't complain any when I drove that."

That made Aaron laugh. "Look, you can drive us to the mall. We'll see how that goes."

Renée drove to the mall, and she drove home from the mall, too, and on Sunday she stopped by Aaron's bed with the laundry basket under her arm. "Are you about ready? I can take you to the airport any time."

Aaron looked up from packing his travel bag. "One last thing then I'll be ready." He pulled the basket out of Renée's hands, left it on the bed, and grasped the waistband of her shorts.

"Stop, Aaron!" He didn't stop. "What are you doing?" Renée didn't have to wait for his answer. He unsnapped her shorts and turned her over his lap. She tried to push herself up while he jerked her shorts off and tossed them on the floor.

Aaron held Renée down with one hand on her back, and stroked her pretty butt with the other. "I'm taking these undies with me. How long have you been wearing them?"

"Since this morning. Why didn't you just ask for them?"

"Where's the fun in that?" He slipped his hand under the soft cotton, and Renée slapped at his hand when his fingers slid down the crack of her ass.

Aaron pulled Renée's panties off and tossed them in his bag before he let her up again. He zipped his bag and stood while Renée hunted through the laundry basket for underwear and stepped into a clean pair. She pointed at his bag. "Those won't fit you, you know."