Pressing Matters with Sister Pt. 04 - Spring Break


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But Lindsay had demanded I cum so that's what I was going to do. I stopped moving slowly. I grabbed my sister's shoulders for purchase and started plowing her. Our hips slapping with each pump.

"Oh! My! GoddESS!" Lindsay screamed. If our parents really were home, they'd be breaking down the door any second.

The room filled with the sounds of me full-on fucking Lindsay. The claps of our pubic bones clashing. The mewls and gasps from my sister, her legs hanging in the air like a bird readying to land on a branch. The wet, sloppy noises of Lucy and Jan on either side. Both of them sounded ready to peak, themselves.

"Oh! Oh you naughty boy. Making sissy CUM!" Jan cried out.

"Give it to her OH! So good..." Lucy groaned.

"Yes! Fuck me! Fill me... OH!" Lindsay gasped.

And finally, buried as deep as I could, I inseminated my little sister. The pleasure raced down my shaft. Up my back and through my body. Radiating out of me with the heat and energy of a collapsing star.

"Oh! I feel it!" Lindsay cried out. "Feel him. Filling me!"

I buried my head in the crook of Lindsay's shoulder. My eyes squeezed shut. Jaw locked tight. Like each joyful burst was taking tremendous effort. As if hosing the walls of my sister's womb took every last bit of my energy.

Lindsay's legs closed languid around me. She let out a long, deep, "ohhhhhhhh."

I felt hands on my body. Lucy on one flank, Jan on the other. Both of them petting, soothing.

"That's it, you got her," Lucy said.

"Yeah... yuh. Got me," Lindsay said. "Got me so good."

"Such a good big brother," Jan said.

I felt myself soften. Everything felt sticky and hot. I rolled off my sister, leaving my last trail of spend on her thin thigh. Lindsay rolled over and kissed me.

"Connected?" I asked.

"You tell me," she said, smiling playfully.

"Definitely," I said. I meant it. There was a closeness there, even with our other sisters in the room. I felt linked to Lindsay in a totally different way. Like puzzle pieces, our bodies aligned.

"I think we'll need to do that again," Lindsay said, "To please the goddess. You know."

"Whatever she needs," I said, already drifting away in the arms of my loving siblings.



I was lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Once the post-coital bliss had washed away, I was left with the cold rationality of what had happened. What we'd done. What I'd given my little sister. It was glorious, yes, but scary too. Again, I thought about Lindsay's lack of birth control. Would it be so bad if I impregnated her? I mean, yes. Of course. No doubt.

But would it really?

After the big event I'd gone back to making dinner. The pasta was way overdone and the sauce was lukewarm at best, but no one was willing to complain. Not even my parents who, having come home from work to a warm meal, were more than happy to eat and then shuffle off to bed in silence.

In some ways, it only made me resent them more. Our baby sister was stumbling around the house with the quivering legs and dopey expression of someone who had been obviously, completely fucked to the fullest and they didn't even blink. I almost wanted to shout in their faces. But whatever. That time was coming soon enough.

I cleared off dinner and went to bed. I was expecting a nice, easy sleep. Instead, the 'what-if' monsters started whispering in my ear. So, I stared at the ceiling, obsessing about all the things I couldn't control. And the many things I could affect but didn't care.

It was this odd sensation. There was something I was supposed to do. I was sure of it. But, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what that was.

My phone buzzed. And that fateful word once again appeared on my screen.

And I knew.


"This afternoon got you worked up, huh?" I said, sidling into my oldest sister's bedroom.

Jan was lying back on her bed. She had her black hair up in a bun and was wearing thick-framed glasses. She had on the sexy, silky kimono, as well. The words came to my mind, once again.

Smoke show.

There truly was no better way to describe my big sis.

"Like you wouldn't believe," Jan said, "Naughty little brother. Knocking up our little sister."

I paused by the side of the bed. I hoped that Jan was only doing dirty talk. Our plans were going to be hard to pull off already without adding that to the mix.

Jan must have seen my concern because her face softened. "Oh, Dylan," she said, "It'll all be fine, I promise. I'm just playing."

"OK," I said. I sat down on the bed. Jan scooched next to me resting her head on my shoulder.

"It is kind of hot though," Jan said, "Thinking about it."

"Is it now?" I asked.

"Mmhm," Jan said. "Think about how bad it is. You made our little sissy cum. You filled her fertile womb with your sticky, sibling seed. All those naughty brother spermies, bursting into her most precious, special place. Oh, big brother. You're not supposed to go in there."

"Fucking hell, Jan," I said. My older sister really was sick in the head. But only in the best of ways.

"What do you think, brother? You want to be bad again?"

I leaned over and took Jan's glasses off her head. I pulled the band off her bun, letting her dark hair spill free.

"You like doing that, don't you," Jan said, "Breaking me down."

"Only because you like having it done," I said.

Jan chortled. She untied her kimono, revealing her pale, perfect body to me. Her breasts sat high on her chest, nipples so tight and sharp I'd swear they could slice.

I took off my shirt and shucked my pajama pants. Both of us lay back in her bed, naked. Jan lifted her legs and spread them. I grabbed hold of my cock. I was sure she was about to reach into her drawer, but Jan grabbed my hand, instead. Holding me back from stroking.

"Nuh uh," Jan said. She bucked her hips with meaning.

"Wow, this afternoon really go you worked up, huh?"

Jan nodded enthusiastically. She tried to pull me over to her.

"But it's so wrong," I said, drawing out that last word the way Jan liked. "You're not supposed to fuck your little brother."

"Please," Jan said, "Just this once. I promise I'll be good."

"You like that? Corrupting me? Showing your baby bro your hot, little pussy. Begging him to shove it inside you like a slut?"

"Uh huh."

I crawled over Jan, pushing her legs even further apart. I grabbed my cock and steered it to her center. As I did, Jan switched roles.

"Please no, little brother," she said, "Don't. It's not supposed to go in me."

"I can't stop," I said, "Need it so bad."

"But brother it's so wrong. You're not supposed to feel my hungry little pussy." Jan grabbed my hips as she said it. Drawing me forward.

The head of my cock kissed her pussy lips, then slid, inexorably inside. Jan's cunt wasn't nearly as tight as Lindsay's and was warm, rather than hot. It hardly mattered. She squeezed down as I entered her, and it felt like entering heaven.

Jan groaned as I filled her.

"You like that?" I asked. "Feeling your baby brother inside you?"

"Oh! My brother has the best cock," Jan said.

"Best you've ever had?" I asked.

Jan paused. We'd done the teasing sibling thing, but making her confess she liked me better than her boyfriend was a different kink.

"You're the biggest," Jan said, "You're the best."

"You'll only take my cock from now on," I told her.

"Yes," Jan said, surprisingly supplicant. "I promise."

I drew back and thrust into my sister, hard. Her bed thunked against the wall. Unlike with Lindsay, I didn't take my time. I didn't worry about whether my sister was enjoying this or not. I railed into her with abandon. Thrusting and pumping with no rhythm or care. Just the driving need of rutting. Biological beyond words.

"Fuh-fuck." Jan tried to get the words out but my aggression wouldn't let her. "Fucking. My. Brother. So. BAD."

I pulled out and smacked Jan's butt. She got the hint and rolled over onto all fours. Presented her ass to me. She bent her head down, burying it in her arms. Ass pointing upwards. Waggling back and forth. I wondered if she was even aware she was doing it.

I grabbed hold of Jan's perfect ass cheeks and drove home once again.

"Oh YES!" Jan cried out as I plunged into her.

She reached back and pinched her nipple so hard, I swore I felt it too. Her whole body went rigid. Jan growled. Her flesh went pink from top to bottom, like a sudden fever. She stilled.

A second later, Jan sucked in a massive gasp of air. "Oh. Oh fuck. Oh fuck."

"You OK?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"Fuck yeah. Oh fuck that was good," Jan said, "Oh FUCK!"

She grabbed her nipple again and twisted, taking herself right over the top again. Jan machine-gunned through her orgasms, cumming so hard I worried we'd have to go to the hospital after. If she ever came down at all.

But all of that sister-pleasure was more than I could take. I thought, after everything, that I'd last way longer. I was already at the precipice. It's weird, I was kind of disappointed in myself.

Jan, however, had no problem at all with my timing. "Bad. Little brother. You can't -- uhn! -- cum in me."

It no longer mattered what she said. My peak was so close, I could fall forward and topple right over it. That's more or less what happened, actually. I thrusted, filling my sister with my fertility.

"Oh FUCK!" Jan cried out. "My brother's cummming in ME!"

The force of my orgasm overtook me. I thought I'd cum hard before. This was almost more. It was violent, each burst like a cannon shot. Shaking me. Aching. My fingers dug into Jan's ass so hard, I'd leave little bruises. I buried myself deep in my sister, delivering load after load of hot, wriggling brother-cum. Searching her body, deep.

"Oh yes," Jan said, "Oh fuck. Such a good little brother. Giving sissy all you've got."

Her mumbling trailed off. I collapsed forward, both of us falling to the bed in a slippery heap. Our juices pooling on Jan's sheets. My oldest sister took my head in her hands, hard. She kissed me, squeezing my skull like she was trying to crack it open. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth. I could barely breathe but it didn't matter.

"You came in me," Jan said.

"Yuh-huh," I said.

She gave me a scared little look that turned into a huge grin. "That was awesome," Jan said.

"Uh huh," I said.

Finally, I felt like I could sleep.


"Holy fuck that's hot."

Lucy and I were sitting at our table, finishing off the last of a luxurious meal. This restaurant was one of the hottest in town, but I'd managed to score a reservation from a buddy who worked as a dishwasher in the back. I guess I still had a few connections in town that were worth keeping.

The meal had been decadent, so rich it actually made me dizzy. The bottle of wine we split didn't hurt (they only checked Lucy's ID, thankfully). Of course, the conversation was what truly put me over the top. I didn't realize how hot it would be to tell Lucy about what had happened with Jan. Especially since she demanded such exacting detail.

"What'd you do after that?" Lucy asked.

I gave my blonde, buxom sister an evaluating look. What'd she expect?

"I went to sleep," I said, "What? You thought I'd be up all night pounding her into the bed? Please, I'm an actual human being. Not some porn story character."

"Well, that would have been hot," Lucy said.

"I'd probably be dead," I said.

"Well you'd better not just wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am with me," Lucy said, "I've got expectations, you know."

"Understood," I said, looking down at my crotch. Hope you can hold up, little man.

After dinner, we shared a chocolate truffle platter, then I paid the check. This meal was going to be dear, especially in the context of everything else we had going on. But Lucy was worth it.

Afterwards, we drove back home. It was late in the evening and the house was quiet. My parents had passed out long ago and our other sisters had already been warned. We went up to Lucy's bedroom and shut the door behind us.

My older sister leaned over and gave me a little kiss on the lips. A tease of what was to come. She was wearing a bright red dress that looked so good on her curvy body, I couldn't wait to rip it off her.

Lucy hugged me close. She let her lips trail across my cheek and linger at my ear.

"I want to try something different tonight," Lucy whispered.


"No, you dope," Lucy smacked me on the shoulder, playfully. "I mean, maybe. Eventually. It would, um, address some other problems. But no. Not that."

I eyed my sister. We'd done so much dirty stuff together, beginning with humping the floor together and eventually, well, everything. Honestly, what more could two people share?

"I want to make love," Lucy said.

I smiled. Carefully, piece by piece, I stripped my sister bare. I laid her down on the bed, kissing every inch of her. We moved slowly. Savoring. Appreciating every second we had together.

When we finally joined, it felt like a natural step in our journey with each other. Our bodies perfectly aligned. I'd connected with Lindsay, yes. And Jan and I had, well, I guess you'd call it an elemental understanding. But it was nothing compared to this. What Lucy and I had, it was almost an insult to call it love. We were bonded down to our atoms. Intercourse was only another expression of it.

Lucy and I made love on her bed for what felt like hours. Every time we felt the end approaching, we pulled back. Taking our time to build each other to the perfect ending.

But, finally, my stamina started to give. I could feel the end coming and there was no stopping it. Even if I pulled out, I knew I'd end up spurting on the floor.

Lucy must have felt it because she spurred me onwards. I knew she'd cum at least a couple times, but it wasn't something I'd been counting. What we were doing, it was more than that. Orgasms were only little punctuation marks in the story of our bodies that we told each other that night.

But when I finally went over the top -- as I buried myself deep in my beautiful blonde sister -- right before my inevitable explosion, Lucy whispered in my ear.

"I know that Lindsay has her whole 'chakra' thing," Lucy said, "And Jan's 'naughty sibling' stuff. Well, I've figured out, I've got a little kink of my own."

"What?" I asked, my body straining to hold back for just a moment more.

"Impregnation," Lucy said. She let the word slip out, like it was the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted.

My older sister grabbed my ass and thrust me forward. My orgasm raced over me. I thought I was tipping off the cliff. I leapt right off the mountainside. The edging of the entire evening. The love for my sister. The racing fear and wonder of that word. All of it combined to blow me out beyond anything I'd ever experienced.

I think I shouted. I know Lindsay did. I filled my sister with an ardor I didn't think was humanly possible. Whatever sounds we made. The feelings we had. I can't describe it in a way that would make sense in any human language.

It was the most glorious, flowering burst of ecstasy I've ever known. It warmed me to my soul. It ground me down to dust. I felt my entire body unravel to the proteins, then slowly zip itself back together. Lucy screaming her pleasure in my ear.

When I regained consciousness, the love of my life was cradling me in her arms.

"Better than a pillow?" I asked her, playfully.

Lucy shook her head and laughed.


In the end, we let my parents catch us.

I know it sounds stupid, but we wanted one big blow out to tie everything together. Plus, the whole 'eff you' aspect of it. I won't lie that it really appealed.

We were all completely naked in the living room when Mom and Dad came home. I won't describe the exact details. Let's just say that my dick was slick from two different sister-pussies already and was in the process of plumbing a third when the door flew open, and my parents shouted like they'd been shot.

Mom was apoplectic. Dad turned so purple, he looked like he would burst. We made a big show of grabbing our things, hurriedly, as we ran out of the house. It was all fake; we'd been slowly taking stuff out of there for weeks already.

The four of us piled into the car and sped off, the shouts of our parents ringing in our ears. For a moment it felt serious. Scary.

Then the reality of what we'd done hit us and we all started laughing, hysterically.

We were finally free.


"Come here," I said, calling Lucy into my room.

It was hot as eff that summer, but the air conditioning in our little brownstone was working fine. Lucy was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, her buxom body bouncing perfectly as she passed in the hallway.

She glanced over at me, curiously.

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked.

"Do you think this picture is straight?" I asked. We'd been here for a while, but I wasn't done decorating. Getting everything right in our new place was taking longer than I'd imagined it would. I was pretty OK with that.

Lucy came into my room and pushed the frame slightly. "This is lovely," she said, looking at the picture.

"Jan got it for me," I said.

"It suits you," she said.

"The place is coming together nicely," I said.

"It's OK," Lucy said, "I'm still getting used to sharing bedrooms."

"Yeah, cause that's such a burden," I said.

Lucy, to her credit, blushed a little. "It can be awkward sometimes, hearing my brother share his 'inner fire' with our little sister."

"You heard that, last night, huh?"

"Or having to listen while he fills my older sis with his 'bad little brother spermies.'"

"You caught that too, I guess."

"Yyyyyyyyup," Lucy said. "Kinda hard to miss when you're in the same room."

"Well, if you'd like, I'm sure I can find you some extra pillows," I said, "You know, to drown it all out."

Lucy slapped my shoulder, but then she hugged me around the shoulders, resting her head near my neck.

"Speaking of pillows, have you heard anything from Kara recently?" I asked.

"We haven't spoken since the Christmas Miracle," Lucy said, "But I heard through the grapevine that she left school, and her older brother broke his engagement. So, I guess that tells you everything you need to know. Why, you think we need another roommate?"

"No," I said, "Just thinking. It'd be nice to have an ally. Someone to confide in, at least."

Lucy made a show of thinking about it. "I'll give her a call," she said, "Speaking of allies, you hear from Mom and Dad?"

"I've gotten some nasty voicemails," I said, "But that's to be expected. I still feel bad about how we did things."

"Not our best moment," Lucy said.

"Not by far," I said.

"Don't be too hard on yourself," Lucy said, "We did what we thought was best in the moment. Also, it was pretty fucking funny."

"Truth," I said. I nudged the frame on the wall again. Lucy pushed it back. We glared at each other. A little smile formed on my sister's lips. She nodded her head. Jutted her chin. I looked down at the floor.

My phone rang and I picked it up. It was my new job, asking if I could pick up some extra hours that afternoon. Lucy eyed me. I could see she was disappointed, but she knew it had to be done. Things were going to work out, but only if we worked at them. If that meant sacrificing sometimes, then so be it. At least we knew we were truly taking control of our own lives.

"Yes," I said, "Absolutely. Happy to come in. Just, if you don't mind, could it wait about an hour? I've got something pressing I need to deal with."

I put my phone down on my bed. Lucy clapped her hands and grinned, leaning in to kiss me. The job could wait for a little bit.

After all, what's more important than family?

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bseeker6969bseeker69693 days ago

With 3 sisters myself I got scared and ran and joined the service. I can live what could have been through these stories

albertaboyalbertaboy5 months ago

Love your stuff, five stars all the way

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Alright, I'll give it to you, it all came together (heh) nicely in the end. All 4 living together as a quadrouple then. Bro and Lucy, his true love, along with their other 2 sisters. A lovely little family. I wish there was another chapter to show the aftermath with the parents as well as the inevitable babies and stuff.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Amazingly done! I have read a few of your stories now and absolutely love them!

thebigadriverthebigadriver9 months ago

This series was good. I really enjoyed it. I don’t have any siblings biologically so I do wish I had a little sister older sister isn’t really my kink but I did really enjoy and appreciate this. I do think you could easily make another chapter or two in the siblings new home with maybe a pregnancy? Keep up the good work. my biggest. kink is little sister and little sister impregnation, etc..

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