Powerball Ch. 01


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"Believe it sis because I do. I will be turning it in to claim the prize day after tomorrow. I've been working with a financial advisor about the best way to handle the money and have just a couple minor details to finish up tomorrow. I've sold my company and my house so I have no real ties here anymore. I was wondering if you would mind if I came to visit for a little while?" I asked.

Once again I heard a shriek from the phone, only a happy one this time. "Yes little brother we would love to see you. Please come."

This time I heard my nieces voices asking their mom if everything was okay. "Yes, it's your Uncle Mike. He's coming for a visit." This was followed by yippees from my nieces.

"As you can hear we're all excited to have you come. How soon can you get here?"

"Well as a matter of fact I already have a plane ticket to Austin from here for day after tomorrow. I plan to make an appearance at the lotto headquarters when they open that morning and once I have settled with them I will catch my flight which is scheduled to land at 7:15 Friday evening," I told her.

I gave her the rest of the details of my flight and she promised they would be at the airport to pick me up when I arrived. I went to bed that night feeling better than I had at anytime during the last four months. I could hardly wait to see my sister and nieces. And George too, as we got along quite well. He was a good husband and father and he made my sister happy. If she was happy then I was happy for her too.

Finally Friday morning found me outside of the lottery headquarters waiting for them to open. Suffice it to say the it was more involved than just walking in, presenting the ticket and walking out with a check. After all the paper work formalities were taken care of there was then the mandatory press opportunity. This was a major jackpot totaling a little over 265 million dollars. The powerball commission was not about to miss out on the chance to promote the game.

Instead of taking a lump sum settlement, I instead had chosen the twenty year pay out option. That meant I would receive a little over thirteen and a quarter million every year for the next twenty years. A hefty sum for a man from a rather modest background. I just wish my parents had survived to be a part of my good fortune. Even after taxes I would have more than I needed.

Once the press meeting was over I begged off any more interviews stating that I had a plane to catch and made my way back for the last time to the motel I had been staying at since closing on my house. I loaded my bags in the back of my truck and put the dogs up front with me. My first stop was at the yard of my old landscape company where I picked up Antonio. He had been the first employee I hired and had stuck with me through the rough times when I was just starting out. I was going to sign my pickup over to him along with a bonus payment he knew nothing about to thank him for his years of loyalty.

Instead of heading for the commercial airport we went to a private one. I had the good fortune of finding a charter flight heading to Austin that with an extra payment would allow me to bring my dogs with me in the main cabin. I just hated the idea of having to check them in on a commercial plane to fly alone in a pressurized hold. All I had to do was promise to keep them in their carriers for the flight.

At the airport I handed the keys to my truck to Antonio along with the transfer of title. With tears in both our eyes we said our good-byes and just before he turned to leave I handed him another envelope and told him it was for his years of service. I then turned and made my way out onto the tarmac to board the plane. Less than half way there I heard a shout from behind me.

"Patron, patron." It was Antonio chasing behind me. As he neared me I could see the tears streaming from his eyes. He threw his arms around me nearly taking me to the ground. "Gracias, Patron, gracias." He had obviously opened the envelope and saw the check for one hundred thousand that I had given him. Finally standing tall and wiping his eyes he simply said, "Vaya con dios," and turned and walked away. With a smile on my face I boarded the plane and took my seat across the aisle from the carriers holding my dogs.

The pilot came back and told me that the other passengers should be arriving in about fifteen minutes and we should be airborne right on schedule. I thanked him and opened my carry on bag and pulled out a sudoku puzzle book. Crosswords and sudoku puzzles had always been a favorite way to kill time when there was little else for me to do.

Sure enough fifteen minutes later a limo pulled up alongside the Lear jet waiting to carry us to Austin and I watched as a distinguished looking gentleman and a young girl of maybe seven or eight years of age got out and boarded the plane. The pilot greeted his other passengers with a familiarity that made me believe this gentleman had made this trip several times. I then heard him introduce the little girl to the pilot as his granddaughter who had been visiting and was now on her way back home to Austin. As they went to take their seats the older man nodded at me and the little girl gave me a shy smile.

I imagine because of the dogs I had been placed in the rear of the small jet which could have seated twelve leaving the front part of the plane for the primary booker of this flight. As soon as we were all belted in the plane taxied out onto the runway. When the pilot had built up sufficient thrust and released the brakes the G force set in bringing a short yip from Suzy. Suzy is the name of the littlest dog. Having heard this the little girl up front leaned round her seat and looked back with eyes wide trying to locate the source of the sound. I smiled at her then leaned across the aisle gently shushing Suzy telling her it would be okay. The carrier had been set so she could see me through the front grill. Hearing my words she settled down, even though I could see in her eyes she was quite nervous.

Once we had reached cruising altitude the pilot came back and informed us we could now move about the cabin. As I resumed working on my sudoku I could hear the faint buzz of a conversation from the girl and her grandfather. After a couple minutes the girl stood from her seat and shyly made her way back towards me.

Stopping a couple steps from me she looked up and said, "My name's Mary. Can I see your puppy?"

"Hello Mary. My name is Mike. I have two dogs. The little one in front is Suzy and that's Toby behind her," I replied. "You are more than welcome to talk to them if you like."

Beaming with a big smile Mary dropped to her knees in front of Suzy and began cooing and talking to her. Both my dogs were great with children which I often wondered about since Jenny and I had never had kids of our own. Seeing the little girl Suzy stood in her cage and began furiously wagging her little tail giving more little yips.

Lisa turned to me and said with hopeful eyes, "I think she wants to come out and play."

I couldn't help but chuckle at this. "I'm sure she would love to come out and play with you but the airplane people made me promise to keep her in her carrier."

Mary considered my words for a few moments then jumped up and ran back to her grandfather. I could tell they were in a rather animated conversation when the older gentleman rose and walked back to me. Holding out his hand he introduced himself as Tom Laughlin. The name rang a bell, then I realized that was the name of the owner of Laughlin Enterprises, a conglomerate of various businesses dealing mainly in the aerospace industry.

Standing and taking the proffered hand I likewise introduced myself. "Mike. Mike Johnson. I appreciate you allowing me to share your plane with you Mr. Laughlin."

I could see him appraising me with his eyes. I guess I passed his scrutiny because he smiled before saying, "Well it's not exactly my plane. I use this company to charter flights when I have to travel. Just makes more sense to me than buying my own plane that would just sit until I needed it. Anyway it seems my granddaughter has become enamored with your dogs."

"Well it's probably a mutual admiration society then," I chuckled.

"I take it that they are child friendly then?" he asked.

"Oh yeah. They love the attention. I know your granddaughter would like to play with them but the airline made me promise to keep them in their carriers."

Tom just nodded at me and turned and walked forward where I saw him talk with the pilot. The pilot nodded his head a couple of times and then he took the trip to the back of the plane.

"Mr. Johnson, I appreciate you following the rules regarding pets on board. The reason for that rule is to keep the other passengers from being bothered. But Mr. Laughlin has made it clear that we could bend the rules this time if you can assure me that they are not biters."

Laughing I replied, "No, when they are really frisky they might try to lick you to death but they have never bit anyone."

Satisfied with my answer the pilot returned to the front of the plane and spoke to Mr. Laughlin before returning to the cockpit. In turn Mr. Laughlin bent down and whispered into his granddaughters ear. She stood and gave him a big hug and turned to run back to me clapping her hands excitedly.

"Grandpa says it's okay if you let them out. Please, I just know they are sad to be locked up like that."

"Alright, alright. You win. Lets open their doors and let them out."

The dogs seemed to know the little girl was instrumental in winning their release and proceeded to cover her in licks from their small tongues which sent Mary into a fit of giggles. Watching the three of them gambol across the floor of the plane made the time pass quickly and soon the pilot was instructing us to return to our seats to prepare for landing. Mary gave each dog a kiss before I returned them to their carriers.

We touched down at another private airport. This one was very near to where my sister lived. I was very glad for that as she and her family wouldn't have to fight traffic all the way across Austin to the commercial airport and then have to deal with all the security measures in place now days. We taxied over to an off runway tie down area and as the plane came to a stop I saw two suvs pull up along side the plane. From one I saw a couple about my age get out. 'Must be Mary's parents' I mused. From the other I watched my sister and her family emerge. Needing to carry the dogs off I allowed Mr. Laughlin and his granddaughter to proceed ahead of me. Before deplaning Mary ran back to my seat and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for letting me play with your doggies, Mr. Johnson."

"You are very welcome, Mary. And thank you for keeping them entertained."

Mary giggled and ran to her grandfather taking his hand to walk down the stairs. As I was picking up the carriers and making my way to the exit I could hear little girls squealing outside. As I cleared the doorway I could see my nieces jumping up and down and Mary was doing the same. Obviously they knew each other. Mary was asking them what they were doing at the airport and I could hear them talking about their Uncle Mike.

Just as I reached the bottom of the steps they noticed me and came stampeding in my direction. I quickly set the pet carriers down and knelt to sweep them into my arms. Kisses on the cheeks were quickly exchanged then both girls began babbling so fast I couldn't understand a word they said so I just nodded and smiled.

"Girls, give your Uncle Mike a chance to breathe." I heard my sister exclaim.

Snickering but stepping back the girls made way for their mother who smothered me in a hug of her own.

"I'm so glad you're here, baby brother."

"Me too, sis. Me too."

After another quick squeeze she stepped back and George walked over and shook my hand. "I'm so sorry about Jenny. I can't believe she did that to you."

"Neither can I George. I never saw it coming," I replied.

Both my nieces were still bubbling over jumping up and down. Finally I made out something about the TV. "What has got you girls so riled up?" I asked.

"We saw you on the TV just before we left to come get you. You were on the news." This from Jeanie the older of my two nieces.

"Oh no," I groaned. "I knew it was to much to hope the story wouldn't go national."

Lisa who was standing with her folks asked why I was on TV and my nieces tried to explain how I had won the "powderball." This of course set the parents to laughing. Lisa's dad came over and shook my hand congratulating me on my win remarking they had seen the same story. After a round of introductions were made we finally loaded up and headed for my sisters home. The girls insisted I sit between them in the back seat and that each got to hold one of my dogs.

The ride to their house was light hearted with lots of banter. I did learn that my nieces and Lisa attended the same school and that she and Jeanie were in the same grade. Missy, as we affectionately called my other niece, was a year younger than Jeanie. I caught up on what had been happening with my sister and her family in the last year since I had seen them. Once again we had a laugh when Missy asked if I had brought the ball I had won with me. With a little explanation she finally realized that I had won the lottery and that there wasn't a real ball.

In short time we arrived at their house which was a nice large two story ranch style house. George worked for one of the IT companies in the area and had a nice income. My sister Mel ran a day care center. With her love for taking care of children this was a natural thing for her. Their house was located on five acres of prime Texas hill country. Even though the commute for George was bit far they wouldn't trade it for anything given the wonderful environment to raise two daughters.

George helped me with my bags as the girls led the way to the guest room I would be staying in. As guest rooms go this one suited me just fine. It had a western theme and an en-suite bathroom. Both dogs immediately jumped up on the bed and claimed a spot much to my nieces amusement. After settling in and a quick shower I headed back downstairs to where the family was gathered in the den. I took a seat in an open recliner and quickly had two bouncing little girls climbing into my lap.

"Girls, don't kill your uncle on his first night here," exclaimed Mel.

"Let them be sis. Honestly I hadn't realized how much I've missed you guys. After the last four months I think I have forgotten what it feels like to be with family." I grabbed both girls in a tight hug making them both squeal in delight. I looked at my sister and saw her eyes moisten. After another twenty minutes of tickling and giggling my sister stood up and said, "Bed time girls. Come on. Your uncle will be here in the morning too."

After a little groaning and a roll of their eyes the girls hopped out of my lap and gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran for their bedrooms laughing as their mother chased after them. George and I sat back enjoying the peace and watched the news. Just as the story of my mega win began to play my sister walked back in. We sat in silence and watched the hype about my good fortune. Once that news story was over my sister reached for the remote and turned the TV off.

"So, little brother, now that your a millionaire what are your plans?"

I sat there for a couple minutes thinking. What do I plan to do now. "Honestly, sis, I don't know. I guess I have been lost and tied up with everything that has happened that I just need some time step back and decide where I go from here. This has been both a nightmare and a dream come true. If you guys can put up with me for a few days maybe I can get a better grip on things."

Now the tears were freely flowing from my sisters eyes. It was her turn to plop down in my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my head to her shoulder much like my mother had done when I was little. George stood and walked over to my chair placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Mike, this is your home now," he said. "You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay. Mel, honey, I have to be up early in the morning. I'm going to bed. Good night Mike. I'll see you tomorrow."

With glistening eyes I looked up at George. "Thanks George. Your words mean more to me than you know."

Mel rose from my lap to stand by her husband. "Bed sounds good. I will join you in a few minutes." With a quick kiss to his wife's lips George left.

"I'm sure you're ready for bed too baby brother. I know you have had a long day."

Stifling a yawn I rose from the chair. "Yeah, sis. You're right. It has been a long day. A bed does sound very inviting. But first, I want to thank you and George for being here for me."

"Don't be silly. Of course we are here for you. Your are family and we love you. We will be glad to have you stay here for as long as you wish. Always remember, dear brother, as long as I have a home, then so do you."

"Thanks again, Mel. Oh, one more thing. Now that I know the news of my win has made it to TV I'm afraid Jenny...."

At the name of my ex-wife my sister growled, I swear could see flames shoot from her eyes. "Don't worry Mike. If she calls here I will take care of her."

With that we both turned in for the night. I was at peace more now than anytime in the last four months. It was good to be surrounded by a loving family.

The next couple of weeks flew by. I spent my days relaxing enjoying their pool and making use of their home gym. This was necessary as my sister was a wonderful cook and I could easily see myself putting on unneeded pounds. On the weekends George and I managed to get in some fishing, a hobby I really enjoyed, but had little time to pursue due to the demands of my former company. The only thing of real note was one morning as I came down stairs I could hear my sister talking on the phone.

"Now you listen to me you whore bitch. I don't know where my brother is and if I did I sure as hell wouldn't tell you. All I know is he called and said he was going to take a long cruise around the world and would probably be gone for a year. Now fuck off and don't call here again."

I gasped at what I heard. My sweet sister never used foul language but like I said earlier, don't mess with those she loves or cares about. Hearing my gasp as she slammed the phone down she spun around to face me, her cheeks reddening.

"You were right Mike. She obviously heard the news and is trying to find you. Hopefully, she will believe my little lie about the world cruise your on and stop trying to find you here. I do apologize for my language."

Laughing out loud I pulled my sister into a hug. "I think you handled that just right. You said exactly what I would if I had the chance."

As the days passed I came to love the hill country and decided I would like to stay here close to my only real family. Not yet mentioning this to anyone I began looking for a place I would like to buy. One morning while George and Mel were at work and the girls in school, I was having a coffee in a local cafe when I overheard two men talking. One was saying how he had decided to put a parcel of land he owned on the market. The other replied that with the lakefront access he was sure it wouldn't take long to sell. Intrigued I approached the man and asked him about the land.

"Well, young man, its not far from here. Its fifty acres with frontage on the lake. Are you interested."

"As a matter of fact I might be. I am looking for somewhere to settle down around here. Would it be possible to take a look?" I asked.

"Sure," he said. "In fact if your not busy I could you take there now. Names Jim Henley by way."

"Mike Johnson," I replied shaking his outstretched hand. "Nice to meet you. And yes I have plenty of time so now would be as good any."