Possessing Bella Ch. 19


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After what seemed like a lifetime to the now wilting Bella, Samuel led her back to the dressing room and closed the door. Bella immediately sagged, and Samuel helped her to a couch and began to release the head gear. Dorothea appeared shortly after with barley sugar, which she pushed into Bella's mouth.

"Suck on this sweet girl. It's no wonder you started to wilt. You have barely eaten anything in the last two days," She clicked her tongue disapprovingly. Her disapproval was not so much at Bella as at Samuel and herself, who had not thought to make sure she had something in the small break between events.

Once the headgear was removed, Bella felt an almost immediate easing of the ache she had felt in her head and behind her eyes. The barley sugar was settling her stomach, and she felt suddenly embarrassed that she had wilted so obviously in front of the crowd.

"I can see you are feeling better already," Dorothea smiled. "You will bring her back out to watch the rest of the show soon," she said meaningfully to Samuel, who nodded. The colour had come back into Bella's face, but he knew until they saw for themselves, Rob and Stephen would be worried. Jack particularly had been concerned that everything went smoothly during her stay here, and he berated himself for not taking the time during the break to ensure she had water and sugar rather than asking about her nerves.

"When you're ready," Samuel said softly as he knelt beside her and began massaging her legs, "We will need to go back out and watch the rest of the show. I should have made sure you ate more at the breakfast this morning," he said in an apologetic tone. The truth was he couldn't remember if she had eaten at all. He had always had Dusty to watch over her meals until this morning. Once again he berated himself for complacency, Bella was such a sweet and obedient girl that he had let his guard slip as he would with a far more experienced girl.

"Come," he said softly, "I will take you to Rob and Stephen and then find you some decent food." Jack would be busy with the organisation of the show, and he felt he needed a minute to himself. He needed to think about how he had come to the point of putting a girl in his care at risk like this for the sake of proving he was still the best trainer in this society.

"You truly are the most exquisite creature. I am so very proud of you," Samuel bent to kiss her and led her from the room.


Bella had endured the scrutiny and worried looks from Rob and Stephen before being taken back to the main house and the relative quiet of the kitchen.

"The caterers have set up a wonderful kitchen out near the banquet hall," Samuel explained as he walked around the kitchen with confidence. "Ah good," he smiled, lifting a tray of leftover lasagne from the refrigerator, "This will do nicely. You need something to sustain you. I imagine the rest of the day will be quite busy. You have outdone everyone's expectations. I get the feeling though that you are often underestimated, in my case though I overestimated you and trusted you to eat properly this morning without my scrutiny."

Bella dropped her head in shame that she hadn't eaten at breakfast, but she had been so anxious about the show that the last thing she had wanted was food. She could see how foolish it was not to have forced down a little bit. She hated that she had let Samuel down despite her performance in the arena.

"You are a wonderful girl and usually so attentive to my expectations that I forget you are still so new to this lifestyle. It is quite easy to get carried away with you, my pet," he said sadly. "Such a sweet young girl, I can see now that you require more care than I had thought. Ponies and pets to some level tend to have an independent streak and can tell their masters what it is they need if necessary. You, I think, struggle with that as yet," he smiled softly, speaking as if to himself as he reheated servings of the pasta for both of them.

"As much as Jack would wish it. I don't believe this is the lifestyle best suited to you," he said after long moments of silence while he placed the food on the bench and went to sit beside her. "I adore you, I have relished every moment of your submission, and it pains me to admit that I can't give you the type of care that you need. Eat, my pet, and then we will go and celebrate the triumph of our time together." Bella needed a more nurturing man than he and that fact saddened him. He adored her, lusted after her, and wished fervently at that moment she was as in tune with her own needs as she was with his.

Bella felt the rejection keenly, and she knew that not eating breakfast had been a bigger mistake than she had thought possible. While Billie and Hunter had never mentioned collaring her when she was ready, they had left the door open to explore further with them should she want that type of relationship. She was glad she could not speak because she didn't know what she could say to make it better, or even if she wanted to make it better now. The idea that she had let him down so badly by becoming faint at the end of her performance crushed her inside, and she felt as if she should beg for forgiveness. She could feel tears burning behind her eyes that she had failed on some core level, and it took the shine off the celebrations he suggested.

They ate silently, lost in their thoughts, and Samuel quietly picked up their plates, putting them into the sink. They walked quietly back to her suite, and he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

"I adore you, my pet. You are the most delightful girl I have ever had the pleasure of training. Use the bathroom while you can. I doubt you will have much time to yourself once the celebrations begin," Samuel said softly, releasing her. He continued to talk from the doorway as she disappeared into the bathroom.

"You belong to me until I hand you back to Stephen in the morning, and I intend to make the most of our last evening together," he grinned at her. "I am proud beyond words of what you have accomplished in such a short time and that you wear my collar if only for one more day." He gathered her lead as she returned to him and tilted her chin up to look into her eyes. "You have no idea how much I wish it could be longer, so let's make this evening a night to remember for always."

Bella gave a half smile. The crushing guilt and sadness she felt at letting this man down had been eased somewhat by his words and she would do her best to make him proud for the remainder of her time with him. Leaving the suite, they were accosted by Jyace in the corridor.

"Still pandering to the spoilt filly?" he said with a fake sounding chuckle. "Binatang sent me to find you like some errand boy."

"Why does he want to see me?" Samuel asked, ignoring the initial comment. "Is one of his fillies injured?"

""There is nothing in his stable that I couldn't handle," he replied indignantly. "I believe he plans on buying that small one," his voice held distaste, and he peered at Bella critically. "I have watched all week, and there is nothing so special about that one to cause the interest she has generated here."

"That is because you do not see properly," Samuel replied easily.

"Oh, I see that a spoilt brat is being pandered to here. I can't however work out why. Binatang has at least half a dozen better trained, better looking and better at knowing their place," Jyace continued with his disparaging tone.

"That my friend is why you will never be a full member of this society," Samuel said with a smile. Bella could feel him tense beside her and became tense herself with her shock at the confrontational words. The blow took them both by surprise. He sucker-punched Samuel, without warning. Samuel went down in a heap, the blow rendering him temporarily unconscious. He hit him twice more while he was on the ground, then hoisted the stunned Bella to his shoulder and began walking towards the rear exit of the house.

"No!" she screamed. He held her legs tightly and expertly, and with her hands still chained to her waist there was she little she could do but scream. Although it was rare at events like this, it was not unusual for girls to be punished. The few people who were not attending the show looked in their direction, but on seeing her unharmed they continued on their way.

"You have no idea what you have done!" Bella yelled. "I may be a spoilt brat but do you have any idea who will come after you when they realise I am missing? Not even Binatang is that dumb," she yelled in fear. "You can't possibly be this stupid!"

"You're a girl who can be bought and sold as easily as a real pony at the marketplace. Binatang will pay a fair price, and you will get your share slut. Be thankful someone like him is willing to pay for a scrawny girl who isn't even strong enough to compete with the likes of the true champions here," he growled at her. "I am sure Binatang will have no problem if I deliver you slightly damaged, so shut up, or you will regret it."

She knew they were in the corridors surrounding the arena by the noise of the crowd that was becoming louder with every step. She began to yell and scream again but suddenly she was dumped unceremoniously to the floor, and he slapped her face hard, "I said shut up!" He raised his hand again but was stopped short.

"Hit that girl again and you will be charged with assault," Binatang said coldly from behind where Bella lay sprawled on the floor. "Where is Samuel?"

"Sleeping off the shots he took," Jyace said warily, unsure of himself now and allowing Bella to half sit and turn her tear stained face to Binatang.

"He beat him badly and brought me here," Bella said desperately, fear and dread clearly showing on her face.

"Go and get Rob Collins," Binatang said to the girl in the dressing room with him. "Remain calm and ask an official if you are unsure which is him, tell him Bella wishes to speak with him. Do not express why." He turned back to Bella, "Where is Samuel now?"

"He was in the corridor in the... east wing of the house," Bella said less fearful after hearing Binatang send for Rob.

"See to him," Binatang spoke to a large man who had been standing with the young pony. He helped Bella to the couch and touched her cheek, brushing the tears away. "Trust me, I mean you no harm. I wished only to congratulate you and give you a gift of sorts." He saw her visibly relax and offered her a handkerchief from his suit pocket as he pulled out his vibrating phone. After a brief conversation, he looked up at Jyace and back at Bella.

"An ambulance has been called for Samuel," Binatang shook his head sadly, and Bella gasped.

"He deserved it with his holier than thou attitude. He provoked me," Jyace said without remorse.

"How can you not know what you have done and tried to make me a part of?" Binatang said harshly. "There is no place within my organisation for such ineptitude."

"What?" Jyace was confused as to what had gone wrong for him. "Samuel deserved being taken down a peg or two. You had said so yourself and that..." he pointed at Bella as his voice rose in anger tinged with fear, "She is just a girl that Jack bet Samuel he couldn't train to be a champion in two weeks. There are twenty more out there who are more desirable than this spoilt brat."

"I assure you she's far more than just a girl," Rob took in the room at a glance and descended on Jyace. "What have you done to her?" his tone was as threatening as his sheer size in the small room.

"What's it to you, old man," Jyace bit back, though his bravado was all show at this point as his head tried to wrap around everyone's reactions. He had kissed the ass of the right people to get this far, and he felt like he was on the verge of losing it all without understanding why. It had taken time within Binatang's organisation to prove himself of being mentored as a pony trainer, using his veterinarian degree to move through the ranks quickly. The internship here was part of that mentorship. Unlike Binatang though Samuel was weak in Jyace's eyes, and he had little respect for the man and his talents.

"That girl is my ward, and should one hair on her head be harmed I am not the only person who will hunt you down like a stray dog," Rob said through gritted teeth. "Do not move from this spot or you will regret it, I promise you." He went to Bella then and scooped her up into his arms, holding her close as she dissolved into tears.

"They've called an ambulance for Samuel, I need to go and see him, please Master Rob," Bella cried.

"Yes, I think we should all go and check on him, little brat," he looked meaningfully over Bella's shoulder to Binatang, who nodded in acknowledgment.

They left as discreetly as possible so as not to interrupt the show that was about to break for lunch in the large marquis beside the arena stadium. Carrying Bella, Rob led the way up to the house and into Jack's den.

Bella immediately went to Samuel, who was now awake and sitting up. Each looked relieved to see that the other was safe. One of the guests, a doctor, was in attendance and was giving instructions, so Bella sat beside his chair silently listening as she looked at the large bruises forming on his face and head. She was oblivious to the other men around her as she waited to be able to apologise.

"Jack, it's good you're here," Rob said still seething. "It's best you do the investigation with Binatang. I imagine Jyace will be withdrawing his application to the society." Despite his anger, he turned to Binatang, "You and I don't often see eye to eye, but I thank you for alerting me so quickly. Next time, you are at the club we will talk properly." Rob stepped to the side and pulled out his phone while keeping an eye on Bella, leaving Binatang to fill Jack in on what he knew, and called Stephen.

The use of old school brass knuckles by Jyace, who it seemed had been waiting for an opportunity to attack Samuel, ensured that there was sufficient damage done for the injured man to be airlifted to the hospital. Jyace was restrained and placed in a cage where he would be kept until he could be taken to the authorities the following day and charged with assault before being flown back to Singapore.

Bella was beside herself with grief and guilt over her part in the conflict and even though she had been told several times that the attack would have occurred regardless of her presence, she remained morose. As the group began to head back to the arena where the show had been delayed after lunch with the absence of both Jack and Binatang, Stephen decided to take matters into his own hands with Bella. He told Rob that he would take her to clean up and calm down and meet him back at the arena.

Without giving Rob time to reply, he took Bella's lead and led her from the room. Walking with long strides, he approached her suite. He closed the door loudly behind them. Pulling her with him, he sat and bent her over his lap. Spanking her hard, he began to talk.

"How dare you not look after yourself here!" he raged at her. "You have lost weight, you almost fainted after your second event, which from what I could see last evening and again this morning means that you have not been eating properly." He had been upset at not being able to be near her and touch her during his time here, and now this drama had almost undone him.

"I love you! I try to trust you to look after yourself. Obviously you can't do that alone, no matter how much you protest that you can," his voice was hard as if she had hurt him deeply with her actions. He pushed her from his lap, and she scrambled to kneel up before him. She watched as he reached inside his shirt and drew out the crossed sword pendant that was his crest and remove it from the chain around his neck.

"Samuel has asked me to stand in his stead in his absence, so you will wear this. You will stay by my side for the rest of your time here," his rolling bass voice was abrupt, putting off any arguments she may offer. "Do not think this is the end of this conversation by any means Bella, you will learn that no matter how much you want your freedom sometimes there have to be limitations for your own good." He waited for her to answer him, and when she said nothing he realised his error. "I am not a Horse Master. When I speak, you will answer me," he ordered.

"Yes, Master," her voice was small and trembling but his heart sang, she had used Master once more to address him. He pushed together the ends of the small ring that held his pendant to her tack collar and sat back satisfied. She was back where she belonged, at his feet and following his command.

"We will return to the arena but tonight we will revisit your lack of regard for your health and well-being," Stephen stood and pulled her to her feet. He leaned down to kiss her tentatively, unsure of the reception his kiss would get at this moment. When she kissed him back however, he pulled her tightly against his body and groaned in pleasure.

Trapped in the nightmare of knowing Samuel was lying in a hospital as Mel once had because of her relationship with him, Bella responded to Stephen on automatic pilot. He was right, everything that had gone wrong today had stemmed from her lack of judgement.


The afternoon had been long for Bella as she once again sat between Stephen and Rob in the arena crowd. Her thoughts were dark and, as she watched the performers and the cheering crowd, she did her best to push those thoughts into a dark corner her mind and smile cheerily with the rest of the crowd. Dusty performed beautifully for Jack and won her class. It was as the final Show Champions trophies were being announced that Rob placed his phone in her hand. Looking at the screen, she saw Samuel's face on Skype.

"I am here with you to see you get the trophy," his voice was clear and confident. "You did nothing wrong today. Nothing. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master," Bella replied, the relief of seeing him in a room without the tubes and machines in the room her mind had conjured for her.

"I have a concussion, that is all, no need to worry about me. I will return tomorrow and see you before you leave for the city." He gave a sad smile. "I wish I could be with you tonight, but the doctor insists on rest before making the journey back home."

"I am glad," Bella replied softly with a genuine smile of relief. She handed the phone back to Rob at Samuel's request, and they spoke quietly, waiting for the announcement of the Champions trophies.

She felt reassured after seeing Samuel that he would be well cared for and recover from his injuries without any long-term effects. Her thoughts stayed with him though as she sat with Rob and Stephen. He had been right when he had spoken to her before all the drama occurred. This was not the lifestyle for her nor was he the right Master. She had enjoyed her time with him, though. She wished that she could find that balance between the freedom she desired and the protectiveness others felt for her.

Bella was lost in thought when Dusty's name was announced for show champion and, although she cheered, she felt badly for Samuel as she had known that this was the prize he had wanted. She once again berated herself for not taking care to eat enough. Lost in the dark thoughts again, she missed the following announcement of an additional best in show award. It was the first time a new performer had attained a perfect score in any event.

Jack walked to the edge of the arena and took the lead from Stephen, walking Bella out to stand beside Dusty as the announcer explained that Samuel had left to attend to an emergency. Bella blushed and smiled as she was paraded around the arena and returned to Stephen, who had stood unmoving from where he had handed her over. With the ceremonies done, the Grand Ball would begin shortly in the banquet room for all participants and their trainers. Bella hoped she would have time to rest a little before having to attend the ball.