Pool Boy Ch. 20


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I hadn't notice the shower turn off but with Emma's mouth still wrapped around my cock, Alexis walked into the bedroom with a towel around her hair. She said in a fake whiney voice, "Mom. I was saving that for later."

Emma giggled and after swallowing the last shot, said, "You know he is never at a loss for cum." We all burst out laughing. Alexis came over to her mother and kissed her as she dipped her tongue inside for a little taste of cum. She pulled back and smacked her tongue around her lips and muttered, "MMMMMM." Then she went to the source and pushed her lips around my softening cock and washed the shaft from top to bottom. She smacked her lips again and stood up. She said to me, "Now get. I've got to be beautiful for my big date tonight." I rolled out of bed and pulled my clothes on and Emma and I left Alexis to her task.

At the bottom of the stairs in the Foyer, Emma came in close to me and wrapped her arms around my back and pulled herself up against me. I always loved the sensation of her huge tits pressing against me like that. She held me for several moments before stretching up for a kiss. I bent low to complete the embrace. I could taste cum on her lips. We broke the embrace and she said, "I wish I could be there tonight. I'm so excited for you two." I kissed her again and we separated.

I headed for the rear Foyer door and turned to say, "I'm sure you will hear all the details soon enough." She grinned and threw me an air-kiss as I went out the door.

At home, I pulled the suit I had bought in Las Vegas out of my closet and removed it from the bag it came in. I checked it all over. Not a single wrinkle. I showered and shaved, etc and came down the hall from the bathroom to my bedroom with a towel around my waist. Mom came out of the kitchen in her apron and cut me off. She said, "This is the big night?" She had tears in her eyes as she looked up at me. I went to her and hugged her to me. She said, "These are happy tears. You two are going to be wonderful together." I smiled and hugged her tight. Then she got serious as she looked at her watch and said, "You'd better get going buster. You don't want to be late." She turned and headed back for the kitchen. She wiped away her tears as she went.

I said, "Mom?" She stopped and turned around to face me. "I love you very much." The dam burst as tears seemed to explode from her eyes. They streamed down her cheeks to collect on her chin before falling to her apron. I closed the distance between us and I held her tight as her tears flowed down my chest. I held her like that for a couple minutes until she pulled back. She lifted her apron and wiped her eyes and face.

Mom stretched up to kiss me. I bent to accept it. After the kiss, she smiled up at me and said, "I love you very much too." She turned and went to the kitchen. I went to my room and shut the door. Fifteen minutes later, I came out in my new suit. For someone who was anything but a clothes-horse I thought I looked pretty good. I went to the kitchen for Mom to check me out. She looked me over from head to foot and wolf-whistled. I smiled. I had my mom's approval. I checked my watch and I had to go. I scooped her up in my arms and lifted her up to my face level and kissed her on the cheek.

She struggled in my arms and said as she giggled, "Put me down you big lug. You'd better get going. The rest of your life starts right now." I laughed at her bumper-sticker but very prophetic statement. She smiled and I put her down. She reached up and put her hands on each side of my face and pursed her lips and gave me an air-kiss.

I was on time but, as usual, Alexis was not. I sat in the living room with Emma. She kept commenting on my suit and how fantastic I looked. She said, "I may have to make you a lot later," and laughed. She was kidding but she wasn't. Finally, Alexis came down the stairs. I was sitting back to the stairs. Emma's eyes went wide when Alexis came in the room. I turned to look and was floored. The word 'gorgeous' was totally inadequate. Her hair was set in long spiral curls. Her makeup was stunning. Her eyes popped from her beautiful face. She usually didn't put on eye makeup. She was braless and the V-top of her dress showed her cleavage. She wore the perfect necklace she had bought in Vegas. The dress flowed smoothly down her slender frame fitting to her tiny waist and out of the gradual curves of her hips and all the way to her lower calf in back and about a foot higher in front. Her stiletto heels brought her to six foot three or so. She carried a clutch purse that she had also bought on our trip. Emma stood up and gawked at Alexis. She said, "Oh my God Alexis. You are stunning." The look on my face told her that I agreed. She lifted her long dress until she was displaying the garter belt and stocking. She wore no panties. Emma looked at me and said, "I think additional plans have already been made." We all laughed as Alexis dropped the hem of her dress.

Alexis looked me up and down and said, "Hubba Hubba there big guy. I love your suit." I didn't hear a word she said. The blood pounding in my ears rendered me deaf. I wanted to say something about how beautiful she was but I couldn't get a single word out as my throat seemed to seize up tight.

Emma broke the spell as she reminded us that we were late. Time started again and I moved in close to Alexis to kiss her. She pulled her lips back before I got there and said, "You can't mess up my lip-gloss. I kissed her on the cheek. I offered her my arm and she giggled and wrapped her arm around mine and we headed for the door.

Emma caught up to us and handed me the keys to her Mercedes. I looked at them and then smiled at Emma as I took them. I shoved the keys to my van back in my suit-coat pocket. I took the opportunity to verify for the hundredth time that the ring box was there.

Twenty minutes later, I pulled the big Mercedes up to the valet parking attendant who quickly moved to the passenger door. I got out and stood in the open door to watch the attendant's face when Alexis stepped out of the car. She towered over him and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. I came around the car and offered Alexis my arm again. She smiled at the attendant and said, "Thank you." His tongue stumbled before he collected himself and mumbled that it was definitely his pleasure. I led her inside. I heard the attendant say to the guy slipping in behind the wheel, "Holy Shit. What a fox." I smiled and followed her in.

We were promptly seated at a table right in the middle of the restaurant. Every man and most of the women gawked at Alexis as we were escorted in. I held out her chair and seated her and the Maitre D' did the same for me. We ordered a couple of cokes and then our meals. I planned to pop the question after dinner. We chatted as we waited. I was amused by the men in the restaurant all adjusting their seats so they could see Alexis without pissing off their spouses or dates. She knew what was going on. Every person she glanced at quickly looked away. She told me that she would rather have them just stare at her than that.

Our meals were delicious. Alexis was her usual bubbly self as she laughed freely and giggled a lot. I knew I was a little anxious but I couldn't help it. She didn't comment on it so I guess I was okay. After the plates were cleared, the waiter appeared and asked if we would like dessert. As if on cue, the dessert tray showed up at our table. My throat seemed to be seizing up as the moment of truth approached. I declined but Alexis saw something on the tray that she couldn't resist. I couldn't wait for her to finish her dessert so it was game time.

I excused myself and got out of my seat. I told Alexis I would be right back. I didn't really go anywhere. When I was out of sight, I pulled out my cell phone and clicked open the camera app and switched to video. I popped out the stand on the back and hid the camera in my palm as I walked back to the table. There was a table beside ours that was in the process of being setup again. I set the phone on that table aiming the lens toward our table. I went back to my seat. Alexis had not seen me come back in the room as she was watching another couple arguing because the guy was paying attention to Alexis and not his wife. I sat back down and Alexis turned her attention back to me.

I nonchalantly reached into my coat pocket and pulled out the box below the table level. She turned to look at the arguing couple again. Blood was pounding in my ears again as I accidently on purpose pushed a spoon off the table. I tried to catch it, sort of, and the clatter brought Alexis' attention back to our table. I slid out of my seat and bent down on one knee reaching for the spoon. I moved further around the table and Alexis looked down to see what I was doing. I put the spoon on the table and I brought up the other hand with the box in it. I had practiced so that I presented the box with the hinges toward me so I could flip up the cover to present the contents to her. It went just as I had practiced.

At first she was confused about what I was doing down on my knee on the floor beside her. An old women at the next table five feet away was the first to recognize what I was doing and she screamed and then pushed her hand to her mouth. She was embarrassed by her outburst. Alexis turned to see what her scream was all about and she saw the women talking to her husband as she pointed at our table. He turned to look at what she was pointing at. Alexis saw me on my knee with the ring box open. She saw the ring and her eyes went wide. Suddenly she seemed to realize what was happening and she covered her mouth with both hands and let out a scream that brought everyone's attention to us. She looked down at the ring again and while it was relatively quiet in the restaurant, I said, "Alexis. I love you more than I ever would have thought possible. Will you marry me?"

Alright; it was kind of a goofy proposal but Alexis and I are at our best when we are being goofy. I don't think I could have got anything else out anyway.

She jumped up out of her seat and screamed again. She spun around in a circle taking in all the grinning face around her. She didn't care about the ring. She launched herself into my arms as I knelt on one knee and I almost went over backward. The entire restaurant burst into applause. She kissed me on the lips and then on the cheeks and then on my eyes and then my forehead. She hugged me and kissed me on the neck. She screamed, "Yes. Yes. Yes. A million times, yes." The tightness in my throat was lessening. I stood up and lifted her with me. All eyes were on us. I sat her down in her chair and got back down on one knee and took the ring from the box and slipped it on her ring finger, left hand. The recessed lighting in the ceiling, reflecting off our table, exploded into all the colors of the rainbow. It suddenly occurred to me that the full vision in my dream that I had in Las Vegas had just come true. Alexis' happy face as beams of color radiated everywhere around her. It was happening right then just as I had dreamt it.

Alexis couldn't take her eyes off the ring as she held her hand out in front of her at arm's length with her other hand wrapped around her left wrist like the ring weighed fifty pounds. She screamed out, "Oh my God Baby. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I grinned and moved back to my seat and just watched the show. Every woman in the place paraded over to see her ring and congratulate her and me. The men were either interested in what I must have paid for such a beautiful diamond ring or they just wanted to get a close up look at Alexis. I was finally breathing normally again.

The Maitre' D brought over a bottle of Champagne that one of the other tables had bought for us. He knew we were not old enough to drink but apparently he didn't care. He poured two glasses and handed one to Alexis and one to me. The old couple sitting at the next table spoke up and said that they were there on their sixtieth Wedding Anniversary. The old guy shook my hand and said, "This scene brought us back to the pure love we felt for each other when I proposed to my bride more than sixty years ago." His wife was beaming with tears in her eyes. The old guy raised his glass and gave us a toast. We joined everyone else in the restaurant as we downed the glasses of Champagne. I shook his hand and thanked him. I had no clue what his toast was. My mind was going at warp speed. I looked over at my cell phone propped up on the next table and gave it a thumb- up sign.

Gradually, the restaurant's patrons went back to their tables and things settled down. Alexis had what may become a permanent grin on her face. She kept looking at her ring. I could see the beams of iridescent color flash across her face just like in the dream. Her dessert had been delivered but she had no interest in it now.

'God, she's beautiful,' I thought as I watched her excitement radiate through the building. I caught the eye of our waiter and motioned like I was signing the bill. He smiled and came over and asked if there would be anything else. I told him I'd take the check. He said that the old couple sitting beside us had already paid our bill. I gave him a surprised look and he said, "He said that you two gave them far more tonight than the value of your meal. They wished you a long and happy life together.

I stood up and retrieved my phone and clicked off the video recorder. Mom and Emma would get their wishes to be there when I popped the question. I changed the camera app to photos and clicked off several photos of her. A woman from a couple tables to our left walked over and asked if she could take some photos of both of us on this special night. I handed her my phone and moved over and knelt beside Alexis and reenacted pushing the ring on her finger. She snapped several photos. I thanked her and she returned my phone. I looked at the shots in memory and they were great. I showed Alexis and she grinned broadly. She said, "We'll be glad we have these later on." I didn't confess that I had video recorded the entire proposal and the pandemonium that followed.

I helped Alexis from her chair and everyone burst into applause again as we walked out. It was kind of embarrassing but nice. Everything had gone even better than I had hoped. I gave the ticket to the valet parking attendant. It was the same guy that made the comment about Alexis being a fox. I couldn't argue with his assessment. He hustled off and in minutes Emma's Mercedes pulled up. He left it running as he ran around the car to hold the door for Alexis. I watched as she slid into her seat. I hand him a five dollar bill and then I slid behind the wheel and drove off.

Alexis leaned across the center console and pushed her hand into my crotch. My cock responded instantly. She was looking up into my face as she stroked my cock through my pants. I glanced down and she had a constant grin on her face. I said, "What are you thinking my love?"

She laughed and said, "I'm thinking that it'll take about fifteen minutes to get home, so I have about that long to suck this fatty in your pants until you give me my dessert. My second choice is still on the table back at the restaurant." I laughed and glanced over at her grinning face again. Her hands were pulling my zipper down and then pulled my rock hard cock out through the front of my boxer shorts. The cool air from the air-conditioner felt great but not as great as the heat of her mouth as she pushed her lips past my glans. I groaned hard. She adjusted for a moment and then pushed my glans into her throat.

I groaned again and said, "Oh fuck baby. That's fantastic." As she fucked my cock with her lips and throat her free hand pushed back into my pants and pulled out my balls. She rolled them around in her hand and then pulled off my cock and sucked one testicle into her mouth and then released it and did the same to the other one. My cock was throbbing from her attention. She popped the testicle from her lips and sank them slowly down my shaft. I groaned out, "Oh my God. You're killing me babe." She increased her pace and I knew I wouldn't last much longer. When she was sure I was about to blow my wad, she pulled her lips back to lock around the glans and she started furiously jerking me off. I moaned out, "YYYUUNNGGGG" as my sperm rocketed up the shaft into her mouth. Alexis gagged a little but stayed where she was. She accepted three long shots before she thought it prudent to start swallowing. It was a good thing she did because I wasn't done until another four shots exploded with force from my shaft. When I was done she pulled off the glans and showed me the pearly white cum in her mouth illuminated by the dash lights. She pushed the glob out onto her lips and then blew a big cum-bubble and started laughing which caused problems as she struggled to swallow the rest with a loud 'gulp'. She burst out laughing. She said, "Wow. I almost blew that." When she realized the pun, she burst out laughing again. So did I.

When we got our breath again I said, "I love you Alexis. No puns. No joking. I'm totally serious." I glanced over at her leaning on the console. She looked at me and then burst out laughing again. My statement was totally out of place and I burst out laughing too. I drove through the guard station and in minutes pulled up the driveway. The garage door opened and I drove in and the door closed behind us. Alexis went to push my cock back in my pants and realized it was still hard as granite.

Alexis said, "Well. It seems that I came prepared for this." She climbed over the console and threw her right leg across me and with cock in hand guided herself straight down my shaft. She was so wet. I grabbed her ass-cheeks and started lifting her up and down driving her pussy on and off my cock. Her forehead fell onto my shoulder as she moaned, "OOHHH OHHHH. AAAHHHH. AHHH." Five minutes later, she groaned, "FUCK. I'MMM CCCUMMMINNNGGG." Did she ever. Her pussy seemed to literally suck my orgasm out of me and I launched rope after rope of jizz deep in her pussy. I only shot four times but I felt like my head had just blown off my shoulders. Her pussy was still going and she was still groaning and screaming.

She should have started coming down by now but she was building higher and higher. She screamed right in my ear and lifted herself off my cock. She lifted her head and with an odd look on her face said, "OH SHIT BABY. I'M GOING TO SQUIRT." She no sooner got the word 'squirt' out and I felt her let loose with a voluminous spray of squirt in my lap. She twitched and gyrated all around my lap for a minute or two before she settled down with her head on my chest. She looked up at me and said, "Sorry Babe. I made a mess of your pants and Mom's car seat. I laughed and leaned forward and kissed her passionately.

I said, "You can squirt on me any time you want." I opened the driver's door and Alexis slid off my lap to the garage floor. Her dress was soaked too. I got out and looked around for a towel or something and I found one on the bench. I dried the leather seat and we headed into the house.

It was only 9:30 PM and Emma heard us drive in. When we didn't come in right away she knew what we were doing. She came out of the kitchen when we walked into the Foyer. She had a huge grin on her face as she anticipated the whole story. She saw the huge wet spot on my pants and Alexis' dress. She pushed a hand to her mouth and started laughing at the sight before her. I looked at Alexis and she looked at me and we joined Emma in laughter.

Emma came over and bent down to look closer. She said, "Your suit and the dress is dry-clean only. You're going to have to go home like that tonight." She started laughing all over again. "Wow. Alexis. You're lucky you didn't drown him. That's a lot." Alexis was already heading up the stairs to strip out of her dress. She didn't even think to show her mother the ring.